"Яков Иосифович Рецкер. Учебное пособие по переводу с английского языка на русский " - читать интересную книгу автора

Задание " 3


Football, in its roughest and most primitive form, had been played in
Great Britain from time immemorial. Like other things, it is sometimes said
to have been introduced by the Romans, but since Irish antiquaries claim
that a form of football was played more than 2,000 years ago, it may have
had pre-Roman existence in England. At all events a game with a ball of some
kind was played in very old times in England, the great festival day being
Shrove Tuesday, for reasons which are unknown. It was a game without rules,
of which the sole aim seems to have been to drive the ball by fair means or
foul through the opponent"s goal. So rough was the game and so many were its
accidents, sometimes fatal, that it fell gradually into disrepute and Shrove
Tuesday football seems to have died out about 1830, from which date onwards
for about thirty or forty years football was only played by the great public
schools, some of which had their own set of rules.
Today football is played in Great Britain under two sets of rules,
Rugby and Association. Among the schools with their separate rules were
Eton, Harrow, Winchester and Rugby, and it happened that the rules of Rugby
were chosen by schools, exactly when and why it is difficult to be certain,
but probably at some time in the forties and fifties. And by 1860, many
other schools besides Rugby were playing football under Rugby rules, and
London and other clubs followed suit. When the Rugby game first became
adopted by other clubs its rules must have been fairly simple. (Eric Parker,
English Sport)

23. Перевод герундия и герундиальных конструкций.
Двойственная природа английского герундия, совмещение в нем свойств
глагола и существительного, отражается и на переводе герундия и
герундиальных конструкций. Почти всегда у переводчика есть возможность
выбора, который зависит не только от самого герундиального оборота, но и от

Is following England on the path of world imperialism "the
American way"? (Th. Dreiser)

Здесь перевести герундий отглагольным существительным (следование за
Англией по пути империализма) мешает тяжеловесность русской фразы, и
правильно поступили переводчики памфлета Драйзера, прибегнув к
деепричастному обороту:

А подражать Англии, следуя за ней по пути империализма, - разве
это "по-американски"?

Конечно, можно было бы обойтись и без добавления слова "подражать",
передав герундий русским инфинитивом:

А следовать за Англией по пути империализма, разве это