"Igor Severyanin. Selected Poems " - читать интересную книгу автора

Champagne Polonez

Champagne in a lily! Champagne in a lily!
With health and with wisdom it sparkles and shines!
A shot of Mignon with one of Escamillio
Champagne in a lily - a sacred wine.

Champagne in a lily bursting and sparkling -
The wine contained in a flowers cup.
I glory in rapture the Christ and the Antichrist
With soul deified in delight of a gulp!

A hawk and a mourning dove! Reichstag and Bastille -
The sleep and the wakefulness! Demon and Lord!
Lily in champagne and champagne in a lily -
The lighthouse of oneness in sea of discord!

In Luminous Darkness

Tuxedoed, attired immaculately, the high-society gentlemen
Stupefying their faces, brought themselves into a room,
I gave a forced smile, sarcastically ash and darkness remembering:
A new poetic motif unexpectedly breaking the gloom.

Every line - a slap on the cheek. My voice - torture, atrocity.
Rhymes come together happily. Tongue shows the assonance.
I despise you fiercely, O all you dim luminosities,
And, while despising, I count on global resonance!

With light youre fogged over evilly, O the luminous audience!
Hidden from you, undeserving ones, is futures horizon youve sought.
In Severyanins time, O all you dim luminosities,
It should be known that since Pushkin came both Blok and Balmont!


Pineapples in champagne! Pineapples in champagne!
Deliriously tasty, sparkling and bright!
Im in something from Norway! Im in something from Spain!
Im inspired in bursts and I sit down to write.

Planes are screeching above me! Automobiles are running!
Express trains whistling by and the yachts taking flight!