"Igor Severyanin. Selected Poems " - читать интересную книгу автора

Poem to Luminous Brother

To birds and to poets the Lord all their sustenance gives:
I dont reap or sow, but for a second year I exist.
And for kind song-poems the people whore also kind
Will forgive your errors and sins, too, if any they find.
Who needs the art now? Who needs it - I do not know,
But to me its air, and I keep singing so.
And radiant someone - not Russian, Estonian - stranger -
An angel of God? Follows me and protects me from danger.
In art he believes, and to me he is brimming with love:
"Be yourself, poet: Sing all your songs, stay alive!"
And like a poor bird, poet is glad of alms in his plight...
O luminous brother, I sing you with song of delight!

Poem of Despair

I know nothing, I trust in nothing,
I no longer in life see its brighter side.
I approach my friend as if he were a lion
I need nothing else. I am bored and tired.

Someone knifes someone, smothers another..
Everywhere, cheating, lying and greed.
Would eyes not see and would ears not hear!
Lermontov! Werent you right - "what in world is good?"

Even thought is corrupt, even love is deceiving.
Theres no fulfilled dream. All is smoke and mirrors.
I see no joy in living, see in life no meaning.
Im feeling horror. I master fear.

Poem of Old Rhythms

O you the ancient rhymes and rhythms,
Seized on by many poets,
The banal, cheap, and puny ones,
Cliches overcooked and boiled!
You sound with the guitar strings,
With rhythms and rhyme impoverished,
Than all new things more beautiful
To my simplistic soul!