"Guilty Pleasure" - читать интересную книгу автора (Leigh Lora)8Something was changing inside her. Marty sat on the side of her bed after a rigorous and grueling checkup by Khalid’s doctor, as Khalid, Shayne, and her fathers waited just outside the room. In Shayne’s eyes she had seen not just his concern, but his affection. She didn’t know what had happened, she had no idea why she had been targeted. Now, if she just knew the rest of the story, the bits and pieces that both and Khalid and Shayne were hiding from her in regards to Khalid’s past with his half brothers. Until she had those answers, she had other things to deal with. Not just her own protection, but also Khalid’s. She needed to get with a few of her contacts and see what she could find out about Ayid and Aman Mustafa. She hadn’t investigated them any further than what was in the file the bureau had given her. That had been a mistake on her part. Perhaps she would have known more about the vendetta they had against Khalid. She kept her questions, as well as her suspicions, to herself as she assured her fathers that she was well. She listened to them rant and rave, then pretended a weariness she didn’t truly feel to convince them to leave. She loved them dearly, but their overprotective anger was about to smother her. She had known for most of her life that where a relationship was concerned she would most likely end up involved as her mother was: with two men, rather than the socially acceptable one. Most of the men she knew were members of the club that her fathers were a part of. It was a legacy, a centuries-long tradition for the males of some families. For Marty it helped knowing that her mother was one of the happiest women she had ever met in her life. Her fathers were just as satisfied and played roles in her and her mother’s lives that had kept Marty as well as her mother secure and loved. She had never considered who would play that role of a third in her relationship. She had certainly never expected it to be Shayne. But she wanted them both. Admittedly, she wanted Khalid more; he was her center, the cause of a hunger she realized she wasn’t going to escape. She had realized that the moment she knew Khalid had chosen Shayne as a third. And now, only hours after escaping death, she found herself needing it, aching for it. She could have died. She could have lost so many precious moments in his arms. As she rose to her feet she drew the pale gray silk of her robe tighter around her body and paced to the wide window that had been heavily shuttered. A dark privacy screen had been drawn over the window, blocking sight from the outside. It also blocked infrared and heat imaging. An amazing little invention created by one of the small companies that Khalid had acquired over the years. The man didn’t work a day in his life that she could see, but he had fingers in so many pies it was really amazing. “You’re restless.” His voice had her swinging around to the open doorway. She hadn’t heard him open the door, hadn’t heard him and Shayne enter, but there they were. “Restless?” She almost snorted at the description. “That’s an understatement.” Her gaze flickered between the two men and the hunger on their faces. Khalid nodded gently, his expression, especially the dark depths of his eyes, filled also with sympathy and concern. But was there love? Was it even possible that they could fill with love? She was focusing on that emotion when she had promised herself that she wouldn’t take that path. She had promised herself that she wouldn’t ask for anything more than to be his lover. If it was meant to be, then the love would come. If it wasn’t, she would deal with that, too. Her heart wasn’t following that directive, though. It was aching, demanding that she do more, and, at this point, she had no idea what that more could be. “Have you managed to find out why I was targeted?” She spoke to Shayne, knowing he would have been on the phone with his contacts by now. “Nothing conclusive.” He shook his head. “You know how it works, Marty. It takes more than a few hours.” “Knowing that doesn’t help,” she muttered irritably. “I can understand your anger.” Khalid moved closer, the sensuality, the sexuality that was so much a part of him seeming to surround her. “Though I feel I must point out, had you not run from me this morning, then this would not have happened, Marty. You would be in my bed now, filled with pleasure rather than facing the knowledge that you’re in danger.” “Thank you for pointing that out to me,” she said with false sweetness. “How ever have I made it through my life without you there to spread your little gems of wisdom?” “Never fear, little flower. I’m here now.” His smile was tight, his gaze narrowed on her. “I’ll make certain you don’t forget it.” Shayne’s chuckle drew a glower from her. She didn’t need his particular brand of amusement at the moment. Glaring back at Khalid, she wondered exactly what it would take to shake loose that smooth persona he insisted on wearing. “The last I heard, you don’t do straight relationships, Khalid,” she stated. “How was I to know you prefer me to stay rather than sending me on my way, as you do your other women?” Mockery filled his expression now. “I have never sent a lover on her way, precious, as I’m certain you know. As a third, I’ve usually been sent on my way.” “Poor guy, he’s been so unloved.” Shayne smirked as he leaned against the dresser and crossed his arms over his chest, watching them curiously. He was definitely going to begin irritating her soon. “That’s your own fault,” she informed Khalid as she ignored Shayne, her voice brittle now. “And rather beside the point.” Turning from him she pushed her fingers through her hair and fought to hold back the emotions trying to tear through her. “I needed to think,” she finally told him before turning back, his silent patience raking across her nerves. “And I need to work. I want to find out who the hell thought they could take shots at me and get the hell away with it.” “It’s too late to regret your decision to come to my bed,” he told her with a flash of dominance. “If this is part of why you need to think alone, then you can forget it.” Unfortunately that dominance did nothing to still the arousal burning inside her. She arched a brow. “Did I say I regretted it? I believe I’ve made my position fairly clear, Khalid. It’s been my intent for years to get into your bed. You’re the one who was determined to keep me out of it.” “And now you will stay in my bed.” The growl in his voice surprised her. “I’m no notch in a bedpost, love. You don’t want to attempt to play such a game with me.” They had an audience, an amused one at that. Not that she was beginning to care. Shayne may as well learn the lesson Khalid was going to get into his thick skull sooner or later. No man dictated to her. “Then perhaps you should put yourself out to stay in that bed as well,” she snapped back. “I’m no notch, either, Khalid, and I won’t be made to feel like one.” She felt too delicate, too female next to him. She didn’t feel like a fully trained agent; she felt like a woman begging to be touched. A woman willing to give the man she desired everything he wanted, and she couldn’t decide if she was pissed off or resigned to that. “Be patient, Marty.” Khalid shook his head at her accusation. “There is much I must deal with now that you’re here. Things I must take care of soon. That will require many hours away from you. And perhaps from our bed.” “Patience isn’t one of my virtues.” She cast a glare at him before moving away, only to turn back to face him. “What’s going on, Khalid? All the warnings, the dire predictions. I’m sick of waiting for the truth from you. What kind of trouble are you in?” She was getting closer. The truth was there; at least at this point he was willing to admit that there was much more to what was going on here than whatever work he was doing for her father. “A woman’s patience is an inspiration, just as is her tenacity.” A small smile tipped his lips as he watched the suspicion flicker in her eyes. He was evading her question, and they both knew it. Glancing at Shayne, she saw his knowledge of it as well. What the hell was he keeping from her? “Don’t play word games with me, Khalid. You want too much from me to insult me in that manner.” She watched his eyes. They flickered with the truth of her statement as well as with an edge of regret. “I would give my own life to save yours,” he said, his voice harsh. “And soon, I will give you the answers you need. Until I can, I ask only that you stay here, within the house, and allow me to bring to you not just the answers, but also, hopefully, the knowledge of who targeted you and why.” She wanted to rage at him. The answers were there in his eyes and she knew it; he wasn’t even trying to hide it. “You can’t trust me with your secrets, yet you can ask me to trust you with my body and my heart,” she said, with an edge of anger. “Where’s the fairness in that, Khalid?” “I did not say there was fairness in it, Marty.” Frustration was beginning to line his voice. “Very soon, the answers will be given to you. That I promise you.” “You can’t give me those answers now, but you want my body now. You and Shayne. Together.” She glanced at Shayne, watched his gaze darken, the lust in his expression deepening. Khalid’s lips tightened. “No, it is not simply your body that I want, but if this is all I can have at this moment, then I’ll gladly take what you will give.” This answer surprised her. There was an edge of something in his voice that she couldn’t pinpoint. A hunger, a need she didn’t know how to interpret. Something deeper than she had expected from him. “What if I just want you?” She pushed him. They both knew better, but the combination of arousal and anger had her pushing him, daring him. He stared back at her for what seemed like long minutes. “If I believed you wanted only me, then I would gladly take what you offered,” he said finally. “But we both know that that is not true.” She couldn’t evade him; she didn’t even try. His arm curled around her waist, pulling her to him, his head lowering, his lips taking hers without hesitation. The instant his lips touched hers, Marty felt herself melt, unable to fight the need or herself any further. She wanted this kiss; she wanted this man. There was something about his touch that made her weak, that tore aside the shields she had built around herself for so long. She had made Khalid unattainable to herself, and in doing so had only driven the hunger for him higher. She could sate herself with him. She could do that. Her arms encircled his neck, her lips parted farther, her tongue met his in a sensual, sensuous dance that became heated, desperate. Thick black hair met her fingers and she entwined them in the silkiness in order to pull him closer. His hard, lean, muscled body sheltered hers, surrounded her as his arms held her close to his chest, his head bent to hers. She felt sucked into another world. A world where nothing mattered, nothing existed but the hunger suddenly tearing through her. Pleasure rushed through her system with each devouring kiss Khalid shared with her. It built, became hotter, each nerve ending in her body more sensitive as she felt his hands moving over her back, feeling the heat of his flesh through the thin material of her robe. She wanted his hands on her naked body, touching her, skin to skin. She wanted his body covering her, his hands stroking her. A hard breath caught in her throat as she felt his fingers move to the tie of her robe. Experienced fingers loosened it and drew the edges of the robe apart. His hands smoothed over her bare hips. Shayne simply watched. This moment wasn’t for him to share in, not yet. The emotions between Khalid and Marty were running too close to the surface. Too much desperation filled them, too many haunting secrets threatened to tear them apart. For now, he left them alone and merely watched as the hunger surrounding the two began to fill the room. “You make a man desperate for you,” Khalid groaned, his voice thick with hunger. “So desperate he would risk all that he is to have you.” Her lashes lifted, and her stomach clenched as she read the need to touch her, to have her, in his expression. Had she ever been wanted with such ferocity by anyone? “Marty, my sweet little flower.” The sound of his voice, husky, deep, the words gentle, caused her heart to tighten as his hands lifted to push the robe from her shoulders. Silk pooled at her feet and she watched his expression tighten, his black eyes blaze with lust. Heat pooled between her thighs, preparing her further. It had been too long since he had taken her, something whispered inside her mind. Too long since she had known his possession. Her breath caught as his hands moved to her breasts, cupping them, his thumbs raking over her nipples, creating an exciting friction that sent flames racing across her nerve endings. She felt on fire from the need rushing through her body. Desperate fingers moved to the buttons of his shirt, only to grip the material instead and jerk it apart as his lips again lowered to hers. As though that action had released a flood of lust inside Khalid, his kiss became rougher, more territorial. A wildfire of sensation rushed through her veins as she fought to hold on to just enough control. But there was no holding on. Her hands gripped his shoulders, her tongue dueled with his, as they both fought for dominance of the kiss. Khalid’s clothes were disposed of quickly. His shirt was tossed to the floor, the rest landing wherever they dropped. Marty didn’t know; she didn’t care. All that mattered was the feel of his body against hers-the light rasp of the hairs on his chest against her sensitized nipples, the feel of his lips on hers, his hands stroking over her body, cupping her breasts, plucking at her nipples. The silken comforter of the bed met her back before she realized he’d moved her. It stroked against her flesh, another caress to burn through her senses as she fought to touch him. His lips moved to her neck, nipping kisses drawing her muscles tight as her neck arched and whimpering moans left her lips. Nothing mattered now but touch-sensual, seductive, heated. Taste. The taste of his flesh as she lifted her head, her lips moving to his shoulders, her tongue stroking, sampling the salty male taste of him. There was more of him that she wanted to taste, more of him that she needed to taste. His lips moved down her neck, over her shoulder, and to her breasts. His hands cupped the swollen mounds, his thumbs stroking over the nipples a second before his lips covered one tight peak. Marty froze. The pleasure was a rush of adrenaline and weakening sensuality. It was a cacophony of such incredible sensations that she became lost in the waves of them. His teeth raked against the tip; his tongue stroked it. His lips closed on the areola, sucking it with deep, measured pulls of his mouth. “Khalid.” She was surprised at the sound of her own voice. There was a plea in it, a desperation she couldn’t hide. Her pussy was on fire from the need. Her clit was so swollen, aching with such intensity, that she swore she could feel the swirl of air around it. Anticipation tore through her. His hand stroked her, from her breast to her hip to her thigh. A whimpering moan left her lips at the building need for his touch where she had grown so wet. His lips, teeth, and tongue worked at her breast as his fingers moved to her inner thigh. A cry tore from her lips, her eyes opening wide as she struggled to find a sense of balance in a world suddenly tilting on its axis. He didn’t tease. He parted the curl-shrouded folds of her pussy, and a second later two fingers began pressing inside her, stretching her, burning her. “Khalid!” She cried his name as her hips arched, her thighs spreading farther apart as the initial penetration sent a shock through hidden nerve endings, exposing them, sensitizing them further. Her hips writhed against the impalement. Thrusting, she fought for more, a deeper, harder caress that he gave instantly. His fingers worked inside her, thrusting slow, then hard; easy, then fiercely. It was never the sensation she expected, never the caress she thought would come. His fingers scissored inside her, stretching her further as a ragged cry tore from her lips. “God yes, Marty.” His groan wrapped around her, the desperation in it tearing through her. He wanted her. He was hungry for her. In her life she had never known such desire from a man until Khalid. The knowledge of that hunger, the pleasure tearing through her, the feel of his sweat-dampened body, her own perspiration sliding between them, combined in such a powerful force that her orgasm tore through her without warning. There was no initial tightening of her body. There was no rush of impending force. It was just there. A sudden, explosive wonder filled with light and sound as his fingers continued to work inside her, to stroke her higher, throwing her into a blazing conflagration that seemed never ending. “Sweet Marty, burn for me.” His voice was an echo of the pleasure in her head. A sensual, mental caress that sent aftershocks of release rippling through her. In that moment, as the pleasure eased and another hunger built, a wisp of a thought, a desire shocked her senses. It could have been hotter. There was a component missing, something she knew she could have, something she was terrified to reach out for. Fighting back that thought, she reached for the man destroying her senses and her sense of herself. As he rose to his knees in front of her, spreading her thighs farther, Marty sat up, one hand gripping his hip, the other curling around the thick, dark protrusion of his cock. Khalid froze in front of her. He had never known such pleasure. He had never known a woman who could give pleasure as she did with the simple act of coming around his fingers. Now her slender, fragile fingers gripped his dick with silken strength. “What now, precious?” He fought the urge to dominate now, to let loose the sexual animal that existed inside him. It was hard, though, incredibly hard. Her hand stroked the length of his cock, her thumb whispering over the swollen crest to gather the droplet of precum that moistened it. “You always manage to destroy my control.” He heard the emotion in her voice. That edge of fear there clenched his heart. “What do you do to mine?” His fingers flexed with the need to dominate her now. “You do not know the edge you push me to, love.” Her tongue glanced over her lips, so close to the tip of his cock, his flesh so close to such extreme pleasure. “What would you do if I asked you to lose that control?” Khalid stilled at her question. There was something in her expression now, in the heat of her eyes that sent anticipation tightening his gut. “Is that what you want, precious?” He touched her face, his fingertips relishing the feel of her satiny flesh. “No control? No limits?” “What would you do?” “I believe you know what I would do. I would give you pleasures that even your imagination could not perceive. I would ensure it.” He would give her not just himself, but Shayne as well. Whenever she wanted it, in ways she most likely couldn’t imagine. Khalid knew, even if she didn’t suspect, that his sexuality, his sensual hungers went far deeper than she had most likely considered, even knowing how sexual he could become. “Right now,” she whispered, that edge of anticipation and desperation still ever present in her voice. “Right now, Khalid, what would you do with no control?” A part of him sensed what she wanted. She was a strong woman, a woman who had made her own rules long ago and had lived with them, no matter the cost to her heart. But now, in this one moment, only seconds after her release, she was wondering what that control had cost her. His hand slid into her hair. “You want this?” he asked, hardening his voice, forcing himself to hold back. “All that I am at this moment, sweet flower? Is that what you want?” She licked her lips again. He expected to see indecision in her eyes, a flash of regret or denial. Instead he saw an excitement, a flash of hunger and lust that he was certain she was unaware lurked inside her. “Yes.” His fingers clenched in her hair, tightening, pulling at the strands with just enough force to send what he knew would be a rush of fiery pleasure pain through her already overloaded senses. She moaned. Her lashes fluttered closed. Gripping the base of his cock he pressed it to her parted lips. “Suck my cock, precious. Slow and easy. I want to feel that sweet little tongue working over the head. It’s my favorite fantasy. Your pretty lips wrapped around my dick.” His teeth snapped the last word off as she did just as he ordered. Her lips parted as she sucked him in, her tongue lashing over the sensitive crown as a low growl tore from his chest. “Fuck yes.” The words were torn from him. Lightning flares of exquisite pleasure began to race through his body as he continued to flex his fingers in her hair, pulling delicately. Her expression became a picture of perfect sensual pleasure. Her lashes drifted closed over her soft gray eyes, her face flushed, a delicate pink staining the creamy flesh. Watching her, his body tight with the need for release and the demand to hold back, Khalid controlled her movements. One hand in her hair, the other wrapped around the base of his cock, he fucked her mouth with slow, easy strokes, letting the pleasure wash through his senses. The deep, measured suckling of her mouth over the sensitized crest was nearly more than he could bear, though. In all his sexual years he had never known the pleasure that Marty managed to send rushing through his body. She was like a narcotic, instantly addictive, always desired. Clenching his teeth, he fought the tightening of his balls as she sucked him deeper, her tongue stroking over his cock as he took her mouth with gentle greed. Moving his hand from his cock he watched as she wrapped the fingers of both hands around the heavy flesh. He wanted to touch her, to follow the curve of her breast, to feel the hardness of her nipples. Like responsive live pebbles, her nipples were tight and hard, silken and heated. At his first touch he felt the little moan from her throat vibrate against his dick and nearly lost his control then. His hips jerked, his ability to pull back nearly disintegrating beneath the heated strokes of her tongue and the snug suckling of her mouth. “Your sweet mouth is destroying me,” he groaned, his hands tightening further in her hair. “Are you sure you want this?” There was so much he wanted to do to her. So much he would do if she gave him the chance. Her answer was a moan and the swirl of her tongue over his cock, and the leash snapped. Marty didn’t know what she expected, but when he pulled back, his expression, his eyes wild, she was certain it wasn’t quite this, though “this” sent screaming waves of pleasure and anticipation tearing through her. “Over.” She sure wasn’t expecting him to turn her, to push her upper body to the bed as he lifted her hips. “Khalid.” “You asked for all of me.” His voice sounded torn, dark and dangerous. “Give it to me now, because I need all of you.” She felt his cock tuck against the folds of her pussy, spreading her flesh as it began to push inside, opening her, searing nerve endings that seemed to have forgotten the last time he had taken her. “Sweet. Fuck me, you’re so tight and sweet.” His voice was rougher, deeper, darker. “Fucking you is like drowning in pleasure.” He surged inside her. Half the length of his cock buried inside her in one firm thrust that had her fighting to lift her upper body from the bed in reaction. A broad, calloused hand pressed her back down, held her there as he pulled back, then surged inside again. With each broad stroke his flesh buried deeper inside her, stretched her farther, and sent explosions of sensation erupting. It was like being burned alive from the inside out with such incredible pleasure that there was no way to acclimate herself to it. She could only take it, love it, press back for more of it. “Stay there.” His hand lifted from her back. “Keep that pretty ass raised for me, sweet. Let me show you a mere shadow of the pleasure I can give you.” Marty’s breath caught as his fingers moved along the crevice of her rear. Caressing, firm, demanding, his fingers stroked the juices of her pussy from the heavy layer coating his cock and the folds of her sex. Slick, heated, his fingers always returned to her rear as she felt him like a thick, living wedge, buried inside her. The thunder of blood rushing through his cock pounded through her pussy as the heated rasp of his fingers began to press against the delicate opening of her anus. She had never been touched there before Khalid. Marty shuddered with the pleasure. She had never been taken quite this way. A desperate moan pushed past her lips. His hips moved, his cock easing back as a single finger slipped just inside the sensitive opening of her ass. “Khalid.” She could only gasp his name. He thrust inside her again as his finger eased back. Seconds later he pulled back once more, his finger slipped deeper into her rear, and Marty lost that last fragile thread of control. “Damn you,” she cried out, feeling her juices gush between them a second before his finger slipped free entirely to gather more. His finger slipped in, coated the opening, then slid back once more. “Khalid.” She was demanding. She needed it. She knew there was more than the gentle caresses he was giving her. She knew there was more he wanted to give her. Much more that she was willing to take. “Then take it, sweet,” he urged her, as he filled her pussy again, every thick, hard inch of his cock burying inside her. “Take what I have to give you.” He pulled back, and this time two fingers slipped into her rear and sent her senses reeling. Pleasure pain. The most incredible burning, agonizing pleasure tore through her as his fingers slid inside her ass. Delicate, ultrasensitive tissue screamed out in ecstasy and in agony. Fiery pleasure enveloped her, brutal ecstasy threatened on the edges of her senses. She couldn’t help but clench on the invasions as she cried out at the sensations, the alternate strokes fucking inside her with wicked intensity, tearing away her control and her will to resist. Pressing back, she took what he gave and demanded what he held back. Her nails clawed at the blankets as perspiration coated her flesh, and waves of lust and hunger surged through her with tidal waves of sensation. “Harder.” Her cry was a mix of desperate begging and demanding passion. “Oh God, Khalid. Fuck me harder. Harder.” She needed more. She needed to ride this incredible wave into the pure bliss she could sense just out of reach. The pinnacle of pleasure awaited her, and she wanted to fly into it. Tiny shocks of sensation began to ignite inside her with every alternate thrust inside her pussy, her rear. She could feel the explosion coming, building. It was there. It was a golden ball of pure white-hot heat, and it sucked her in with such a burst of sensation that she feared she may not survive it. Tension gripped her, tightened her. Her muscles gripped his cock, sucked at his fingers, and the white-hot conflagration of sensation building inside her erupted. She felt Khalid, thrusting powerfully, his release powering inside her, heating her, filling her. His groan was a distant sound, his heavy body coming over her another pleasure mixing with the torrent of sensation already tearing her apart. Was she screaming or just trying to scream? She was shuddering beneath him, crying, locked inside the heavy pulses of agonizing sensation still tearing through her. She was his. In that moment, in that second, she sensed it like an animal senses its mate. She belonged to him totally. |