"Guilty Pleasure" - читать интересную книгу автора (Leigh Lora)


It was almost enough.

Khalid stared at the image in the mirror, watching as he fucked the sweet heat of Marty’s pussy with two fingers. With his free fingers he held the silken folds apart, giving a better view of the penetration of her body.

Sweet silky juices spilled along his fingers, the darker flesh glistening against the pale peach tone of her intimate folds.

The pad of his palm brushed against her clit, perfectly timed to each thrust inside the milking depths of her sex.

It was exquisite. The little moans spilling from her throat had his cock throbbing, his balls drawing tight enough that the erotic pain was almost too much to bear.

He wanted nothing more than to sink the heavy width of his dick inside her, but this, this was a pleasure he didn’t want to end.

Her body was drawn almost rigid as it trembled with the sensations tearing through her. Her gaze was locked on the mirror, on his fingers as he played with the intimate recesses of her body.

“I love the feel of your sweet pussy,” he groaned, as he stroked the internal muscles and felt them clench tighter around his fingers. “There, precious. Suck my fingers inside you. Show how much you love my cock when I get inside you.”

The explicit words caused a heavy flush to stain her cheeks, and her juices flowing around his fingers.

“I love watching you,” he whispered at her ear. “Seeing your pleasure, hearing you beg for more. I’d love to watch you going crazy with my cock up your ass. Stretched tight around me and screaming at the pleasure of it.”

He swore she tightened to a breaking point as more of her lush cream flooded his fingers.

“You like that, don’t you, Marty?” He kissed her neck gently, all the while his gaze moving between her face and her swollen pussy. “Every time I watch you walk, I imagine you bent over, that sweet, pretty ass lifted for me, my dick pushing inside as you cry out my name.”

He imagined much more than that as well.

His fingers stroked inside her again, and he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. He’d end up coming in his jeans if he didn’t get his dick inside her soon.

Keeping his fingers locked inside her, Khalid used his free hand to release his jeans and pull the tortured length of his cock free.

Stroking his hand along the agonized shaft he watched her, feeling the response of her body as he pulled back enough to tuck the heavy length against the cleft of her rear.

Her eyes dilated with anticipation and pleasure. Little tremors of response shook her body as her pussy sucked at his fingers and made him crazy to fuck her properly.

“What would it be like, do you think? To be taken, back and front. To know your body is the center of complete pleasure?”

She was gasping for air, and Khalid realized he was nearly panting himself. God, the thought of it. His hips rolled, pressing his cock deeper into the narrow cleft of her ass.

“I want it soon,” he whispered. “To watch you, to hold you as Shayne fucks you. As his cock slides inside you while I touch you, caress you. While I see the response of your body and the pleasure tearing through you. He’s dying for it as well, Marty. Merely watching is making him insane for you. When we take you together, he’ll fuck you like a man driven crazy for the feel of your sweet pussy, or the tight grip of your tender ass.”

A whimper left her lips, then a cry, as he slowly slid his fingers free of her and turned her to face him.

He intended to lift her, to impale her. Instead, his beautiful, adventurous Marty went to her knees as her fingers curled around his cock.

Her lips parted and, as he watched, the dark, swollen head of his dick disappeared into the heated, damp depths of her mouth.

“Ah God.” His head fell back as he slid his fingers into her hair and clenched the strands desperately.

He swore the tip of his cock touched her throat as she sucked him inside. The vibrations of her moans against the sensitive flesh were destructive. He was too close to the edge, the trigger on his release was too damned touchy.

He was going to fill her mouth.

“Marty.” The groan that tore from him was thick, rasping with the agonizing need tearing through him. “Sweet love. Keep it up and I’ll fill your mouth. Is that what you want, sweetheart?”

She didn’t stop. The fingers of her free hand curled around his balls, stroked, massaged him as her sweet, hot mouth sucked him with hungry intent.

Her tongue curled beneath the head, licked against the ultrasensitive area that had him clenching his teeth to hold back his release.

“Suck it.” He couldn’t hold back the explicit words now, the need to show her, the only way he knew how, the exquisite pleasure tearing through him. “Fuck yes, baby. Suck it deep. Hell, suck it until I come, Marty. Give me that sweet, hot mouth.” His voice was more strained, rougher, darker.

He could feel the impending release building in his balls. Like a tight knot of energy it began there, exploded, raced up his spine, then shot back to detonate in his dick.

His hips jerked, thrust forward, and the brilliant, white-hot sensation of tortured pleasure consumed him as he began to fill her mouth with his release.

She took it. She took him. Each hard spurt of liquid lust that shot into her mouth, she consumed, moaned, and took more.

It felt as though it would last forever. An agony, a pleasure he didn’t want to end but swore he couldn’t endure.

As the last tremor of pulsing pleasure raced through his cock, he pulled back from the sweet, sucking depths of her mouth.

He was still hard. Still hungry.

God help him, would he ever get enough of her?

Lifting her from her feet, there was no time for the gentle consideration he normally gave so easily. He was dying for her. A man driven insane for the pulsing pleasure that existed within this woman.

Pushing her against the couch, he gripped her hips, bent his knees and positioned himself before driving inside the liquid fire of her pussy.

He buried halfway on the first thrust, paused to feel the lightning-swift response that traveled through her body, then, with a heavy groan, buried himself in to the hilt.

It was rapture. It was the most pleasure he had ever known in his life. Fist tight, velvet soft, rippling around the torturously sensitive shaft of his dick, her heated pussy began to suck, to milk at the thick flesh stretching it.

Sweat poured down his face and dampened his chest as he fought against the heat consuming his body, the pleasure tearing through him.

Never had he known anything this erotic, this sensually perfect. Though he knew he must have, he couldn’t remember a single time that another woman had created such a violent hunger inside him.

“Beautiful.” He groaned as his hands lifted and stroked her from her trembling shoulders to her hips. “Sweet baby.”

He began to move slowly, her desperate moans and heated cries spurring him on until he was shafting inside her with desperate lunges, rapture consuming them both as they fought for release.

Khalid swore he would die inside her grip, that when he came again, it would take his soul.

Gripping her hips, he watched as his cock thrust into the tight depths of her hot cunt. Heat swirled around him, through him. God help him, what was she doing to him? She was stealing parts of himself that he hadn’t known existed. That he had been certain he lacked.

Emotions poured through him. Agonizing rapture raced through his dick and tore through his body. Electricity sizzled across his flesh, and when he felt her pussy lock around him, clenching, stroking his cock as she began to shake with the orgasm he could feel exploding through her, he gave in to the explosions detonating in his balls.

Light and sound clashed inside his head. He swore his heart was thundering from his chest, pouring from his ears as some part inside him that he hadn’t known, that he had locked down, surged open.

Like Pandora’s box, it rushed through him, destroyed him, remade him. Right there, buried in the sweetest grip he had ever known, Khalid felt the loss of himself as his release pumped inside her.

He gave her more than his seed. He gave her more than his pleasure.

He gave her his soul.


Marty stared up at Khalid long minutes later, after he carried her to his bed. With a warm, damp cloth he washed the perspiration and the slick excess of sex from her body.

He cleaned her gently between her thighs, the soft cloth rasping against tender flesh as he wiped her juices and his release from her sex and thighs.

He was careful, his dark face heavy with latent sensuality as his long, midnight black hair fell around his face in straight, damp strands.

He was the most handsome man she knew. Not so much handsome in the traditional sense, but utterly gorgeous in a rugged male way that he stole her breath.

As he finished drying her, she stretched languidly, her gaze remaining on his face as he laid the cloth and towel aside before turning back to allow his eyes to rove over her body.

“Where did you go today?” he asked again.

Marty almost smiled. She didn’t dare tell him where she had been, but she wouldn’t lie to him, either.

“I had things to do, Khalid.” She shrugged before forcing herself from the bed. She tried to change the subject. “I guess I have to venture downstairs again to find my clothes?”

Also getting up, he buttoned his jeans before going to a tall wardrobe and pulling a robe from inside it.

Holding the thin silk robe in both hands, he moved to her and indicated that she should allow him to help her into it.

As she pushed her arms through the long sleeves, she turned and allowed him to tie it gently.

“I’ll get your clothing later, or Abdul will bring them up.” He eyed her skeptically. “You’re avoiding my questions, Marty. Which means you were doing something you feel you can’t tell me. As you’re on vacation, I can only assume it isn’t job-related.”

“So therefore you have a right to know what it is?” she said, grudgingly. “It doesn’t work that way, Khalid. Just because we’re sleeping together doesn’t mean you own me.”

Following Shayne Connor wasn’t dangerous, unless Khalid found out. She knew Shayne was searching for information on Ayid and Aman, and it was information she was fairly certain they weren’t going to share with her.

She had no intention of telling Khalid about what she was doing, simply because she knew he would warn Shayne, tipping him off to the fact that she was indeed shadowing him whenever possible.

“It means I have a right to know when you’re endangering yourself.” No one had said he wasn’t amazingly intelligent. “The very fact that you refuse to discuss your whereabouts with me tells me I would likely not approve.”

“And your approval should affect what I’m doing? Since when?” She bristled at his sheer arrogance, not to mention the dominance he thought he had a right to.

“Since you decided seducing me was a good idea.” He watched her, his expression stony now.

“One has nothing to do with the other,” she stated, keeping her voice calm as she spoke against his stubbornness. “I’m sleeping with you; I’m not married to you.”

“Sleeping with me comes with a certain commitment. That commitment has an underlying responsibility, Marty. Don’t pretend you’re unaware of the rules of a relationship.”

“We’re in a relationship?” She crossed her arms over her breasts and cocked her hip as irritation surged through her. “We’ve barely been together a week, Khalid. That doesn’t exactly make it a relationship in my book. And that’s besides the fact that you wait until I’m asleep then leave our bed until nearly daylight. You don’t tell me what you’re doing. Why should I tell you what I’m doing?”

Khalid would only get away with what she allowed him to get away with, she reminded herself. As far as she was concerned, there was no relationship until he acted more like a lover and less like a man scratching an itch and hiding secrets from her as he did so.

“I have work to do.” He spoke through gritted teeth.

It amazed her how riled he was. Khalid never got worked up over anything. Even his lovers swore he was the most patient, lovable man they had ever met. He was considered the ultimate third. Intimacy during sex was his middle name, and petting and cuddling were his trademark.

She had the intimacy now. She had the petting and cuddling as she slipped into sleep. But still, she didn’t have the secrets he was hiding from her.

“You had work to do.” She nodded. “Well today, I had some work to do as well. Just because I’m on vacation doesn’t mean there aren’t still responsibilities to take care of. And until you fulfill your half of the relationship role, we don’t have one.”

Suspicion narrowed his eyes.

“You’re pushing,” he warned her, his voice deeper. “Don’t pretend there isn’t more between us than whatever pleasure you find in my arms.”

Her head tilted to the side in curiosity. “What would that be? Perhaps you need to explain this to me, Khalid. You are, after all, my first lover, and maybe the rules aren’t really clear to me.”

His lips tightened.

“What responsibilities am I overlooking?” she continued. “Sleeping in your bed?” She waved her hand to the mussed bed. “You don’t sleep there the full night, so why should I bother? Intimacy, perhaps? I haven’t had much experience with it; maybe you should show me what it is, so I get it right.”

As a hint, that was like a baseball bat against the back of his head. He didn’t even flinch, though. Strike. She wondered how many of those she had so far.

She watched as his gaze flickered, his thoughts running through possibilities. He was dying to question her, but she could see the hesitancy as well. If he questioned her, and he was wrong, then the suspicions it aroused in her could work against him.

“After the attack you only barely survived, I would think you would be more careful.” He peered down his nose at her regally.

Damn. He could do the arrogant royal thing really well.

“I’m being very careful,” she assured him. “I was careful then, which is the reason I’m still alive today. And I’ve been careful enough in the past three days to identify not only the men you have following me, but also the men my fathers have sicced on me. I consider myself very well looked after at the moment.”

The assassins had nearly had a jump on her. If she hadn’t been paying attention, she would have taken the bullet from that gun to her face.

“So I shouldn’t worry because you survive, what could have merely been the first attempt?” he asked her with cutting sarcasm. “Excuse me if I worry that your luck may run out, especially when I am very well aware that you managed to lose the men watching you for several hours today. Where the hell were you?”

“It wasn’t luck, it was training.” She strode to the bedroom door and pulled it open before leaving the room, thereby managing to avoid the interrogation concerning her whereabouts that morning.

She needed her clothes. It was time for her to leave. The honesty, the full truth of Khalid’s past, that intimacy that came from trust, that wasn’t happening so far so she may as well go home and clean her apartment. It wasn’t as though he had been giving a whole lot of himself to her up till now. She didn’t live here, she hadn’t been invited to do so, and this was something she wasn’t about to beg for. She may spend the better parts of her nights in his bed, but her days were a far different matter.

Perhaps he would get a clue tomorrow, she thought morosely, as she made her way down the stairs. It would have been nice if he had taken his clothes off, lain down beside her, and given her more than the most incredible sex she could have imagined.

She wasn’t going to plead. She wasn’t going to bitch over it. She’d never seen her mother have to beg for anything. Virginia Mathews had advised friends over the years that if a lover didn’t give his affection willingly, then it was meaningless.

Khalid had given his affection to women who belonged to other men, but thus far, he hadn’t given it to her in the same measure, and she knew it.

Once again she wished her mother wasn’t on vacation. She could use some of that female wisdom about now.

“Where the hell are you going?” His tone was sharp behind her as she bent and picked up her clothing.

“Home.” She kept the answer brief and the angry hurt hidden.

If she had to fight him for his affection, then it was meaningless, she reminded herself. It should be given freely. She shouldn’t have to rage at him over it.

She had to repeat the refrain to herself as she dropped the robe over the back of the chair and dressed.

“You could move in here.”

The suggestion stopped her cold. Dressed in her panties, bra, and top, she stood with her jeans in her hand as she turned her head to stare back at him.

“Where would I sleep?” Stepping into her jeans, she pulled them over her legs as she waited for his reply.

“In my bed.” The answer was more a snarl than a suggestion.

Marty glanced at the tense set of his body, the way he kept his arms at his sides, his eyes narrowed.

“Where would you sleep?” she snapped, and zipped her jeans before pushing her feet into her sandals. “I’d hate to run you out of your bed.”

“What kind of fucking game are you playing?” His voice was a hard, tight growl as he folded his arms across his chest in a gesture of building anger. “Other than the time I have spent working, I am in that damn bed with you.”

“I’m not playing.” She was in this for keeps, not for amusement. She didn’t relish the thought of walking away from him anytime soon with a broken heart any more than she relished the thought of living without the affection she needed from him if this went further.

“Oh, you’re playing,” he told her, his expression tightening as the arrogance thickened. “Do you think you can fool me, precious? You’re an amateur here. If you want games, just say it. I can play and show you how to do it right.”

“I have no doubt.” Pulling her purse from the small table she had laid it on earlier, she slung the leather strap over her shoulder and faced him with a sweet smile.

She felt anything but sweet.

“I have to leave. I need to clean my apartment and later I thought I might see if Courtney wants to meet me for dinner. Girls night out would be nice right about now.”

“Lunch and now dinner?” he snapped. “Tell me, Marty, did you want more from this than sex? Or was that all you had in mind all these years that you’ve chased me so diligently?”

That stopped her at the door. Turning back to him, she watched him for long, painful moments before speaking.

“Do you want more from this than sex, Khalid? Because if you do, then you have a hell of a way of showing it.”

Turning away from him, she stalked through the doorway and along the hall to the main foyer. He didn’t follow her.

She had hoped he would. He could have pulled her into his arms, held her, given her more than that very experienced sexuality of his. If he truly cared for her, he’d give her the explanations she needed as well. He’d tell her about himself, as well as his past, without making her feel as though she would be stepping into forbidden territory when she considered actually asking him.

He seemed to have a sixth sense for when she was about to give him the third degree, because he always found something that had to be done that minute.

Shaking her head at the thought, and at the tears that wanted to fall, she strode through the doors Abdul had opened and all but ran to her car.

This was hell. She needed more than the few moments it took for him to wipe the sex from her body. She needed more than the eroticism he gave so freely. She needed something to hold on to.

While driving from the estate she battled back her tears and reminded herself that it wasn’t over. She had three weeks left to capture his heart. Three weeks before she made the final decision on where her life would go from here.

Glancing in her rearview mirror she glared at the vehicles following her. He could send others to watch after her, but he couldn’t take the time, or make the effort, to ensure that she stayed by his side.

Damn him. There were days she was beginning to wonder if he wouldn’t really break her heart.


Khalid glared at the black BMW as it sped down the driveway to the security gates that protected the estate. His teeth were clenched, his body vibrated with frustration-and not sexual frustration, either.

She was making him crazy.

He knew what she wanted, and it was something he couldn’t give her, not yet. Explanations. Details of a past he didn’t want to remember, let alone talk about. But in her eyes had been the clear message that she would no longer accept anything less.

Khalid knew women, and he knew his avoidance of the questions in Marty’s eyes was hurting her. And God above knew he hated hurting her.

As he ran his hand along the back of his neck, he bit off a curse before jerking his cell phone from the holster at the belt of his jeans. Hitting a speed dial number, he brought it to his ear and waited.

Shayne answered the call on the first ring with a brief “yeah.”

“Have you learned anything?” The assailant who had attacked Marty was more elusive than they had anticipated.

“Not enough.” Anger filled Shayne’s voice. “I know what the bastard looks like now, Khalid. I know the general area where he’s supposed to be hiding. But I’ll be damned if I can find him.”

“No information at all has come in?” Khalid asked, thinking of the contacts he had sent Shayne to for help.

“Plenty of information.” Shayne sighed. “Whoever he is, he was definitely sent by your brothers to do more than just kill Marty. He’s researching a target and preparing to hit it. No word on what that target is yet, other than the fact that they consider it a strategic hit.”

“That could be anything.” Khalid sighed. “Any word if Ayid and Aman are in the States?”

“Nothing,” Shayne stated firmly. “And I’ve been asking. All I have for certain is that they sent someone to finish a mission. I’m assuming it’s the mission you and the FBI broke up in D.C. Other than that, I really have jack shit. At the moment, we’re concentrating on the target and letting you and Zach Jennings concentrate on protecting Marty.”

Khalid frowned at that. “I thought you were alone.”

“I was until the bastard decided to play the invisible man. Jennings loaned me some agents,” Shayne grunted. “I’m on call if he’s spotted, and I just finished checking the lead I managed to uncover last night. Until he makes a move, or he’s seen, my hands are tied.”

“Did you see Marty while you were following your leads?” Khalid asked.

Shayne chuckled. “I’m watching for her, but I haven’t seen her. I figure, if she’s not suspicious yet, then she will be soon. I know her too well. The very fact I’ve spent so much time away from the two of you will have her radar up. And trust me, it’s up. She’s suspicious as hell.”

At least she had stayed out of Shayne’s mission so far. Khalid had nightmares at the thought that she would begin poking her nose into his brothers’ criminal activities.

“What are you hearing from the Bureau? Have they managed to learn anything?”

“I’m telling you what I know, man.” Shayne sighed. “The Bureau managed to ID him based on the description a contact gave me. I have a picture now, and it’s definitely him. But he’s as slick as butter so far.”

“Will you have some free time until the terrorist makes a move?”

“I have nothing but time until that son of a bitch shows his ugly face,” Shayne said.

“Perhaps you would like to join Marty and myself for tomorrow night,” he suggested.

There was silence on the line. So far he hadn’t given Shayne an invitation that had been extended the past few nights to merely come to the estate. What he was offering right now was much more important. Khalid could feel Marty’s readiness now, the tension filling her, the need, the desire to have their third finally, fully, join them. And perhaps it would distract her from the questions that he knew raged within her.

“Do you think she’s ready to take it that far?” Shayne asked. “It’s pretty soon, Khalid.”

“I believe she is more than ready, as am I. I believe it is time we see where her adventurous nature takes her.” He turned and paced to the windows, frowning as he looked into the gardens spread out before him, opposite the front of the house.

Was that what she wanted? He knew that sexually she was ready. She had been ready for years. For Marty, the knowledge of the lifestyle he lived was as familiar to her as the knowledge of sexual intimacy was to other women.

He couldn’t see her stressed out over the act of a ménage itself, but perhaps she was concerned that he hadn’t mentioned it, that his commitment to her required it.

“I’ll be available,” Shayne promised. “Whatever our black-hearted terrorist is up to, he’s not moving quickly. But if he does poke his snout out of his hole, then I’ll be on the run.”

“Agreed.” Khalid nodded. “I’ll arrange everything. Meet us at Defacto’s at seven for drinks before dinner.”

“I’ll be there,” Shayne assured him. “Tell me, though, does Marty know about this little dinner date?”

Khalid grimaced. “The woman is making me insane, Shayne. She comes to my home and catches her fathers here. She should have been angry. Rather than anger, though, she was a seductress stealing my soul, only to blow cold an hour later.”

“In other words, she fled your bed as fast as you fled it the first time?” Shayne’s amusement grated on Khalid’s nerves.

“No, I mean exactly what I said,” he snarled, uncertain what to do with the frustration tearing through him.

“Marty’s pretty straightforward,” Shayne stated. “If she has a problem, she’ll tell you eventually. Once she figures out you’re too stupid to figure it out yourself. And I’d say a smart man would have already guessed that she’d appreciate the truth. I’m guessing you still haven’t gotten around to tell her about Lessa.”

He hadn’t. He intended to. Each day he planned to, but damn if he wanted to see the adoration, even beneath the anger, change to disappointment.

The guilt that he hadn’t protected Lessa, that he hadn’t considered what could happen if his brothers escaped the trap laid for them. It weighed on him. The fault was with him. He had failed her, he had failed Abram, and the thought of seeing that knowledge in Marty’s eyes was nearly more than he could bear.

Khalid glared down at the gardens, though the look was directed more toward Shayne’s comment as well as his past. A past he couldn’t change, no matter how he wished it were possible.

“She’s well protected. She knows she’s in danger. There is nothing where the past is concerned that could help her in protecting herself.”

“You’re not as smart as I thought you were,” Shayne stated coolly. “Hiding this from her isn’t going to gain you any brownie points when she finds out the full truth, my friend.”

“She’s sleeping in my bed, isn’t she?” he snapped out tersely.

“No, she’s not. She’s having sex in your bed. She’s napping in it until you get up and leave the room. She’s been sleeping in her own bed.” Shayne laughed as he repeated Marty’s arguments. “Think about that. See you tomorrow.”

The call was disconnected as Khalid brought it from his ear and stared down at it with a killing look.

To compare him to the incompetent fools who had sniffed after Marty over the years was uncalled for. She may not be sleeping in his bed, but she was definitely his. She had given him the gift that no other man had ever known from her. She had given him her innocence.

His eyes narrowed at the thought of that. She had given it to him, but she sure wasn’t giving him the commitment that went with it.

And that would end now.

She belonged to him, and, he decided, it was time she figured out that gem of information.

It was time to seduce the seductress.