"Michael Stackpole "I, Jedi"" - читать интересную книгу автора

The Survivors didn't have the sort of state-of-the-art training facility I was used to working in. Kech and I piled into a land-speeder that took us out to an annex at the spaceport. He drove straight into the hangar and brought the dusty red vehicle to a stop beside two beat-up Tri-fighters. All battered and scraped, close up they looked like giant versions of a child's toy-one that had seen a lot of rough play.
Kech plucked a helmet from a wall rack and tossed it to me. УYou take number one and I'll take deuce. Comlink is built into the helmet. Listen to what I tell you to do and then do it. You've flown a TIE before, right?Ф
I nodded. It was in simulation, but I figured that was close enough for this kind of stuff. УWeapons?Ф
УPowered down targeting stuff. You figure you want to go at it a bit, I'll light you up just fine.Ф
I hauled myself up on the craft's ball cockpit and slid into it. The third fin barely allowed the hatch to open and made it kind of tough to get into the ship, but I managed anyway. Standing on the pilot's seat, I secured the top hatch, then dropped down and pulled on my helmet. I strapped myself into the chair and began to familiarize myself with the cockpit and controls.
First thing I noticed was how roomy the cockpit seemed com-pared to that of a Headhunter or X-wing. The pod's spherical shape meant, naturally, there would be spare room. The spheri-cal shape also meant it had no nose, per se, which took a lot of getting used to. I felt as if I were strapped to an engine for my flights.
The TIE's steering yoke had been replaced with a stick that had a trigger, a targeting control knob, and a multi-position switch for shifting between weapons systems. The grip felt molded for my hand, and the stick itself had good but restricted play. I didn't think the craft would fly like an X-wing, but the controls would feel similar and that was a plus.
The huge cockpit windscreen and peripheral panels provided a very good field of vision. The primary sensory monitor and two secondary monitors sat on a bar bisecting the windscreen disk, but really didn't interfere with what I could see. Throttle was on the left, though it operated by twisting a handle instead of pushing a stick forward. A smaller handle similarly con-structed controlled the repulsorlift coils. The comm panel was also on the left, allowing me to access it without pulling my right hand off the stick. Shield controls were still on the right, however, which could make for some difficult decisions in the heat of combat. Etheric rudder pedals were down below the monitors.
I clipped the lead from my helmet into the comm panel socket. УIdanian here.Ф
УKech here. Lower right is your ignition sequence panel. Once all the lights are green, you are good to go. Head out on ten percent power, bearing zero two six, and wait for me.Ф
УI copy.Ф I reached down and flicked all the switches, then waited for the system lights to cycle through red and yellow before going green. Once that happened, all the monitors sprang to life. I fed power into the repulsorlift coils and kept a steady hand on the stick. I twisted the throttle up to ten percent power and guided the clutch forward until it broke out onto the ferrocrete expanse in front of the hangar. Once there, I tried out the rudder pedals and found the ship moved pretty well to the right and left. It might not have been as maneuverable as the Interceptor, but had the X-wing beat to stardust in that category.
Kech brought his clutch out and raced it past mine, pulled the front up and jetted upward on a column of ion exhaust. УIt's not a landspeeder, Idanian. We're pilots, not drivers. Get some atmosphere below you.Ф
I smiled and hit the throttle. УAs ordered, Rock Lead.Ф
I made my ascent more gradual, working upward in a spiral that let me assess power and maneuvering as I went. The Tri-fighter, when compared to an X-wing, really didn't come off that badly. Sensor range seemed a bit light, but without proton torpedoes or concussion missiles, the need to hit at extreme range vanished. The ship's rolls were a bit sluggish, but the climb rate was good and dive rate was impressive.
Above all, though, the craft's agility impressed me. The rud-der response allowed for quick shifts in which way the bow pointed. More importantly, the throttle and repulsorlift levers functioned in multiple ways. With the throttle, pulling back on it would, in essence, shift the craft into neutral, killing thrust. The button on top of the lever would reverse thrust, so when it was lowered back down again, the engines would be blowing backward. With this quick cut-out method of working, a ma-neuver like a reverse throttle hop wouldn't require chopping thrust back and pushing it up again, but just taking it offline. Likewise the repulsorlift coils could be left with a power setting in place, but pulled offline until needed. Crank back the throt-tle, cut in the coils, and the clutch could dance.
Clearly the Invids I'd faced before were not the best avail-able.
Kech wasn't bad, and I showed him that I was no neffherder, either. After he guided me through the basics, we played some tag. He got the better of me by a narrow margin, but what seemed to impress him was that the score was so low. УYou're not easy to hit, you know, Idanian.Ф
УI copy, Lead.Ф I laughed aloud as we came in on our return approach to the training facility. УPromotes longevity.Ф УIt's good you think that way-we've got a mission.Ф
УA mission?Ф I coughed lightly and, raising my hand reflex-ively, bounced it off the helmet's faceplate. УI've logged, what, all of an hour on this beast?Ф
УBetter than some of the pilots with the Red Nova crew. They ran into Rogue Squadron a couple of months back and got hammered pretty damned hard.Ф I heard a low chuckle. УDon't worry, we won't be doing anything like that this time out. Just a simple loot-n-scoot.Ф
I cut my throttle out and brought the repulsorlift coils online as we neared the hangar. УThe Invidious going to be with us?Ф
УNope, this is personal business.Ф Kech laughed harshly.
УWon't be that lucrative, but will feel very good.Ф
The mission, it turned out, had its roots in the Imperial assault on the Eyttyrmin Batiiv pirates-the attack that reduced them to the sorry company known as the Khuiumin Survivors. The Imperial Victory-class Destroyers Bombard and Crusader had killed over ninety-seven percent of the pirates, leaving them with the Backstab and a handful of fighters. The Survivors had sworn they would avenge themselves on the captains of those two Destroyers, and one, Captain Zlece Oonaar, had obtained passage on the Galaxy Chance. Someone on Chance had de-cided that selling Oonaar out was a better bet than anything being offered in the onboard casino, and word got to Nive.
The Chance was a Corellian corvette that a rival of Booster's had outfitted as a miniature version of the Errant Venture. I think Booster would have ignored Chance except for one thing: the owner had painted it bright red. Booster had wanted to do that with the Errant I/enture, but nowhere in the galaxy could he find enough red paint to do the job. In fact, the only color available in sufficient quantity at reasonable prices was Star Destroyer White-a fact that Booster considered proof that the Emperor had been out to annoy him personally all along.
To describe the briefing we got before heading out as mar-ginal is to code up a new definition for the word. I got slapped into third flight, with Caet and two other females, both human. I got the designation УRock NineФ purely by chance, but that was good since I would answer to it almost reflexively. Our flight was given the task of flying cover while the other two Rock flights neutralized Chance's weaponry and eliminated the four Uglies-TIE-wings, it was speculated. Backstab would carry us to the site, and a Skipray blastboat would go over and pluck Oonaar from the Chance. The other flights got the shot at Chance because they were all true Survivors, not just folks who had joined later like me.
It struck me that a mission of such importance would have been a natural for Bolt Squadron, but I was informed that Nive had drawn a squadron for the honor at random. I had no doubt Remart was regretting his shift to Bolt Squadron. I got the impression that none of the other pilots in Rock Squadron were sorry to see him gone, and more than a few thought his discom-fort at being left out was rather delicious.
We got shuttled up to the Backstab and went EV to get into our fighters. Like TIE-fighters, the Tri-fighters had no atmo-sphere or life support equipment, requiring us to carry our own. This made going EV and crawling up over the hull to get into our ships less difficult than if X-wing pilots were to try it. I made it in, secured my hatch, powered up and checked in. Oth-ers did likewise, but in no way was there very much comm discipline called for or observed.
The Backstab went to lightspeed, made one interim jump, and then headed off toward where the Chance was supposed to be. Our trip took a full three hours and, for the first time, I really appreciated the extra room in the cockpit. I would have appreciated even more having atmosphere in there, so I could remove my helmet, have something to eat and maybe catch a nap. While the cockpit did afford me excellent visibility, there isn't that much to see in hyperspace.
On that flight I realized how much I actually missed Whis-tler. I know people aren't supposed to get sentimental about astromech droids, but I'd had him for years. He used to get the usual memory wipes and programming upgrades back then, but I think he found a way to download chunks of his personality into the CorSec mainframe and recover it later. Whistler was sneaky and independently-minded that way, which was good for me. If not for him I'd have been dead a dozen times over.
On long flights Whistler and I would discuss various things- like fatherhood-and I could count on him as being a good sounding board. Actually, he was very much a mirror in the sense of my father's old saying. When I started getting out of line, Whistler would call me on it and, more times than not, he was right. Of those few times he was not, well, I'm sure there were times when he was not right.
The Backstab reverted to realspace right on top of Chance. Flights one and two deployed, taking slashing runs at the cor-vette. Rock Four exploded when she caught a direct hit from one of the ship's double turbolaser cannons. The green energy bolts just peeled the cockpit back like the petals of a flower bud, shredding it and casting long jagged tendrils of armor into space. The clutch's ion engine exploded, letting the craft's three fins spin away through space. The rest of the Chance's cannons filled space with a lot of energy, but Rock Four was the only thing Chance's gunners hit before we slagged their guns.
The six TIE-wing fighters flying sentry duty around Chance should have run as soon as we arrived. The TIE-wing consists of a TIE fighter ball cockpit married to the engine nacelles from a Y-wing fighter. It truly lives up to the name Ugly, and in Rogue Squadron we used to refer to them as УDie-wings.Ф Sluggish and ungainly, they looked like wildernerfs being hit by a pride of taopari. All six lasted no more than five minutes. I found watching the dogfight frustrating because my squadron-mates missed shots that should have ended it all much sooner, and two of them paid for their lousy marksmanship with their lives.
The Skipray that had come with us, Vibroblade, started over toward Chance when another ship-a private yacht-entered the system on our entry vector. That wasn't a surprise-I didn't know where we were, but there were enough planetary bodies in the area that routes in and out had to be severely limited. What was a surprise was the half-dozen, hyperdrive-fitted Headhunters flying cover for the yacht. They clearly didn't like seeing us there so while the yacht came about and headed away again, the Headhunters came in on us hard with enough triple-blasters blazing.
I didn't wait for an order releasing me. УTen, on me,Ф I snapped through the comm and engaged my throttle. The clutch lurched forward. I rolled and dove toward the Head-hunters and two came up at me. With my thumb I flicked the weapon selector over to ion cannon, hit a little rudder to flash the incoming pilots my flank, then straightened the clutch out and pulled the trigger.
The blue ion bolt nailed the lead Headhunter's left S-foil. Azure lightning played across the forward shield, boiling it away. The shield didn't collapse, but the lightning storm on the shield made it tough for the pilot to see me. His return shots went wide on either side, then we were past each other before he could get another shot.
Caet shot at the second Headhunter. Her twin laser blasts caught the Headhunter on the nose, piercing the shield and causing a brief flash of light. Even without Whistler present to let me know what happened, I knew from the location that the Headhunter had lost its combat sensor package. The pilot would be blind in space and, in a dogfight situation, that meant he was as good as dead.
I snapped a quick shot off at another Headhunter, then popped my throttle off and pulled back on the stick. I cut the throttle to half, re-engaged it to complete the half-loop, then ran it up again and rolled out to port. That dropped me on the tail of one of the Headhunters that was running in on Eleven. I pumped two ion bolts into the Headhunter's aft shield. The first shot took the aft shield down and the second played over the length of the ship. Sparks shot from the engine cowlings- unless the pilot could get a restart going, he was done.
Red-gold blaster bolts lit my shields from starboard. I hit right rudder and swung the clutch's tail out of the Headhunter's line of attack. The next bolts streaked past on the port side, so I rolled to starboard, dove and curled up in a long loop. Rolling out to port I saw another Headhunter making a run on Caet. The pilot was intent on her, so I came in on an oblique angle and hit with my first shot. That took his aft shield down, so he rolled starboard to get away from me. I applied a lot of left rudder, swung my nose around and laced his port S-foil with another bolt.
His blaster on that side exploded and the ship started to roll, which told me vector jets on that side were also having trouble. I rolled to starboard and would have swooped in to finish him, but a glance at my tactical sensor screen showed me a Head-hunter vectoring in on me, and I had a feeling that was the guy who'd tried to get me earlier. I held my roll slow and showed him my belly, then yanked back on my stick and started a dive. He rolled to set himself up to come after me and I knew I had him.
I cranked my throttle down to thirty percent, then reversed it, killing my momentum. I let it hang there for three seconds, then dialed thrust back up. As I did so, my Headhunter friend went streaking by me, and I dropped into his exhaust. My first shot nailed his rear shield. He broke right, so I climbed, in-verted and ruddered my way back onto his tail.
Caet raced past and pumped two laser blasts into him. One collapsed the aft shield and the other holed his starboard S-foil. His roll slowed appreciably and became unstable as the vector jets in the damaged S-foil weren't matching the output from the other side. The pilot just goosed his throttle forward to get away, since he couldn't fly fancy any more. The Headhunter even had enough speed to outrun my clutch.
Outrunning an ion bolt, on the other hand, is a lot harder. My shot caught his ship dead on in the back. Little blue tendrils of electricity ran over the fighter like nightmare fingers, scratching out sparks and little puffs of vapor. The ship shut down immediately, continuing off on its course.
I saw Caet coming back around for another run on it, but I called her off. УAbort, Ten. He's done.Ф УNot dead.Ф
УOut of the battle. Leave him.Ф I triggered an ion blast that passed between her fighter and the stricken ship. УYou can have the kill, but there's no reason to kill a pilot just doing his job.Ф
УRight to kill is mine.Ф She snapped her words off as if in pain. УDo not deny me.Ф
УYou owe me. I shucked the one on your butt.Ф I started my clutch forward, angling in on her. УHe's mine and I want him alive.Ф
I heard Nive's voice come through on the tactical frequency.
УAll targets are neutralized. Stand down Flight Rock Three.Ф
УI copy,Ф I reported.