"Robert Stevenson, Lloyd Osbourne. The Wrecker (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора


"Mr. Dodd, I believe," said he, addressing a smallish, bearded gentleman,
who sat writing at the table. "Why," he cried, "it isn't Loudon Dodd?"

"Myself, my dear fellow," replied Mr. Dodd, springing to his feet with
companionable alacrity. "I had a half-hope it might be you, when I found
your name on the papers. Well, there's no change in you; still the same
placid, fresh-looking Britisher."

"I can't return the compliment; for you seem to have become a Britisher
yourself," said Havens.

"I promise you, I am quite unchanged," returned Dodd. "The red tablecloth
at the top of the stick is not my flag; it's my partner's. He is not dead,
but sleepeth. There he is," he added, pointing to a bust which formed one
of the numerous unexpected ornaments of that unusual cabin.

Havens politely studied it. "A fine bust," said he; "and a very
nice-looking fellow."

"Yes; he's a good fellow," said Dodd. "He runs me now. It's all his money."

"He doesn't seem to be particularly short of it," added the other, peering
with growing wonder round the cabin.

"His money, my taste," said Dodd. "The black-walnut bookshelves are Old
English; the books all mine,-mostly Renaissance French. You should see how
the beach-combers wilt away when they go round them looking for a change of
Seaside Library novels. The mirrors are genuine Venice; that's a good piece
in the corner. The daubs are mine-and his; the mudding mine."

"Mudding? What is that?" asked Havens.

"These bronzes," replied Dodd. "I began life as a sculptor."

"Yes; I remember something about that," said the other. "I think, too, you
said you were interested in Californian real estate."

"Surely, I never went so far as that," said Dodd. "Interested? I guess not.
Involved, perhaps. I was born an artist; I never took an interest in
anything but art. If I were to pile up this old schooner to-morrow," he
added, "I declare I believe I would try the thing again!"

"Insured?" inquired Havens.

"Yes," responded Dodd. "There's some fool in 'Frisco who insures us, and
comes down like a wolf on the fold on the profits; but we'll get even with
him some day."