"Arcady And Boris Strugatsky. Prisoners of Power" - читать интересную книгу автора

"Anything yet?" asked Zef.
"Nothing new. It might be leading us somewhere or luring us into a
"Can we handle it?"
"It's not going to attack us," replied Maxim. "It's as curious as we
Nothing more was said because the creature had vanished again, and
Maxim sensed that the corridor had ended. He was in the midst of a spacious
chamber. It was too dark for Maxim to distinguish anything, although he
sensed the presence of metal, rust, and high voltage. For several seconds
Maxim stood motionless before figuring out the location of the switch. He
reached out for it, but at that instant the creature reappeared. This time
with another creature, similar but not identical. They stood beside the wall
where Maxim now stood. He could hear their rapid breathing. Hoping they
would come closer, he remained motionless, But they wouldn't. Then, with a
tremendous effort, he contracted his pupils and pressed the switch.
Apparently, something was wrong with the circuit: lights flashed on for
a fraction of a second; fuses crackled somewhere, and the lights went out
again. But Maxim had managed to get a glimpse of the mysterious creatures.
They were small, about the size of a large dog, stood on all fours, were
covered with dark wool, and had large heavy heads. Maxim hadn't had time to
look at their eyes.
The creatures vanished so quickly that it seemed as if they hadn't been
there at all.
"What's going on?" demanded Zef, alarmed. "What was that flash?"
"I switched on a light," replied Maxim. "Come over here."
"Where is it? Did you see it?"
"Almost didn't. They do look like animals, like dogs with large heads."
The reflection from his flashlight skipped along the wall. Zef spoke as
he walked. "Ah, dogs. I know that there are animals like that living in the
forest. I've never seen live ones, but I've seen their bodies."
"No." Maxim hesitated. "They're not animals."
"They're animals, all right." Zefs voice echoed beneath the high
vaulting. "We were scared for nothing. At first I thought they might be
vampires. Massaraksh! Yes, this is the Fortress!"
He halted in the center of the chamber, sweeping the beam along the
walls, along a row of dials and a switchboard, where glass, nickel, and
faded plastic glittered.
"Congratulations, Mac. We found it all right. How stupid of me not to
believe in it. Stupid. Hey, what's that? An electronic brain. Oh, damn, if
only Blacksmith were here! Listen, do you understand anything about this
"What exactly?" Maxim crossed over to him.
"The mechanics of the whole works. This is a control panel. If we can
figure it out, the entire region will be ours! All the aboveground weapons
can be operated from here. Massaraksh, if we can only figure it out!"
Maxim took Zef's flashlight and set it down so that light diffused
throughout the chamber. The dust of many years lay everywhere, and on a
table in the corner a fork and a soiled, blackened plate rested on a sheet
of decayed paper. Maxim walked alongside the control panels, tried to turn