"Arcady And Boris Strugatsky. Prisoners of Power" - читать интересную книгу автора

"We must fight," said Vepr in an even voice. "We are fighting and shall
continue to fight. Zef outlined one of the staff's strategies to you. There
are other plans just as vulnerable to criticism and never tested. You must
understand that we are a very young movement."
"Tell me," said Maxim slowly, "this radiation, does it have the same
effect on all nations in your world?"
Vepr and Zef exchanged glances.
"I don't understand," said Vepr.
"Here's what I have in mind. Is there any country that might have even
several thousand like me?"
"I doubt it," replied Zef. "Unless, among those... those mutants.
Massaraksh, don't be offended, Mac, but obviously you are a mutant. A lucky
mutation. One chance in a million."
"I'm not offended. So, there are mutants. Deeper in the forest?"
"Yes," said Vepr. He looked intently at Maxim.
"What, exactly, is there farther on?"
"Forest, then desert."
"And mutants?"
"Yes. Semianimal. Crazy savages. Listen, Mac, forget it."
"Have you ever seen them?"
"Only dead ones," said Vepr. "Sometimes they're captured in the forest.
Then they're hung in front of the barracks as morale boosters."
"But why?"
"Fool!" barked Zef. "They're animals! They're incurable and more
dangerous than any animal. I've seen them with my own eyes. In your worst
dreams you've never seen anything like them."
"Then why are the towers being extended in that direction? Do you want
to tame them?"
"Drop it, Mac," said Vepr again. "It's hopeless. They hate us. But do
what you think best. We don't hold anyone back."
They sat in silence. Suddenly a familiar roar tore through the forest.
Zef rose slightly.
"Rocket tank," he said. "Should we knock it out? It's not so far. The
eighteenth quadrant. No, we'll wait until tomorrow."
Maxim suddenly made a decision. "I'll take care of it. Go back, I'll
catch up to you."
Zef looked at him dubiously. "Can you handle it? You can still get
blown up."
"Mac," said Vepr. "Think!"
Zef looked at Maxim and grinned.
"Oh ho, so that's why you need a tank! The kid is not dumb! No, you
can't fool me. OK, go on, I'll save your supper for you, in case you change
your mind. And remember, many self-propelled tanks are mined. So be careful.
Let's go, Vepr. He'll catch up to us, if he wants."
Vepr was about to add something, but Maxim had already risen and
started for the path through the underbrush. He didn't care to engage in
further conversation. He walked rapidly, without turning around, and held
the grenade thrower under his arm. Having made a decision, he felt relieved.
The mission before him depended on him alone.