"Arcady And Boris Strugatsky. Prisoners of Power" - читать интересную книгу автора

blue, he declared that Rada should not accept the job as a waitress but
should return to school. Relieved at the change of subject. Guy shouted that
he had told her the same thing a thousand times and had suggested she apply
for the Women's Legion Corps, where she would be turned into a useful
citizen. But the conversation fell flat. Mac merely shook his head, and
Rada, as she had on previous occasions, spoke about the WLC in the most
disrespectful terms.
Guy didn't bother to argue with her. He threw aside the textbook, went
over to the closet for his guitar, and tuned it. Mac and Rada pushed the
table aside and faced each other, preparing dance to the accompaniment of
"Yes - Yes, No - No." Guy played for them. As he watched them dance, he
thought what splendid couple they made. But apartments were impossible find.
If they got married, he would have to move to the barracks.
Oh well, that wouldn't be so bad. Many of the corporals lived in the
barracks. On the other hand, Mac didn't act as though he planning to get
married. He treated Rada more like a friend, although with unusual
tenderness and respect. Yet it was clear that Rada had fallen in love with
him. How her eyes sparkled! How could a girl not fall in love with such a
man! Even that old hag, Madame Go, stuck her skull out the door and grinned
as soon as she heard Mac walking down the corridor. Every tenant in the
building was fond of him. The legionnaires, too. Only captain treated him
strangely... although he didn't deny that Mac was a firebrand.
The couple danced on and on, until they were about to drop from
exhaustion. Mac took the guitar from Guy, retuned it in his own special way,
and began to sing his mountain songs. Dozens of them, but not one familiar
tune. Yet they had a strange effect on Guy. Although he didn't understand a
single word, sometimes he would feel like crying, sometimes like laughing.
Rada had already memorized some of them and tried to hum them now. One of
her favorites was a funny song about a girl who sat on a mountain, waiting
for her boyfriend. But no matter how hard he tried, he could not reach her
- one obstacle after another blocked his path.
The doorbell rang, but they did not hear it through the music. Then a
loud knocking, and Captain Chachu's orderly burst into the room.
"Corporal, sir, may I speak with you?" he bellowed, casting a furtive
glance at Rada.
Mac stopped playing.
"What is it?" said Guy.
"The captain has ordered you and Candidate Sim to report to company
headquarters at once. A car is waiting below."
Guy jumped up.
"Go wait for us in the car. We'll be down in a few minutes. Hurry and
dress," he said to Maxim.
Rada took the guitar and cradled it in her arms like a baby. Then she
turned and walked to the window.
"What's it all about?" asked Mac.
"How should I know? Maybe it's a practice alert."
"I don't like it."
Guy looked at him and turned on the radio. Nothing alarming. They
dressed hurriedly.
"Well, Rada, we're going," said Guy.