"Arcady And Boris Strugatsky. Prisoners of Power" - читать интересную книгу автора

he would," he added. "But I didn't understand then."
"Did you take part in Legion operations?"
"I've already told you about that."
"Tell us again!"
"I took part in only one operation, when Ketshef, Ordi, you, and two
others who wouldn't identify themselves were seized. One had an artificial
"Your captain certainly was in a hurry. How do you account for it?
Before a candidate is tested by blood, he must participate in at least three
"I don't know. I only know he didn't trust me. I myself can't
understand why he sent me to shoot - "
"Why did he shoot you?"
"I think he was frightened. I wanted to take away his gun."
"I don't understand," said the long-haired man. "Let's see if I've got
it straight: he didn't trust you, so, to check you out, he sent you to
execute - "
"Hold on, Forester," said Memo, "this is a lot of hot air. Words don't
mean a damn thing. If I were you, doctor, I'd examine him. There's something
fishy about his story."
"I can't examine him in the dark," said the doctor.
"Light the candle," suggested Maxim. "I see you anyway."
For a moment there was dead silence. Then Broadshoulders asked: "What
do you mean - you see us?"
Maxim shrugged his shoulders. "I can see in the dark."
"Bullshit!" said Memo. "If you can see, describe what I'm doing now."
Maxim turned around.
"You've aimed your carbine at me. Rather, you think it's at me, but
actually it's aimed at the doctor. You are Memo Gramenu - nicknamed Hoof of
Death, or just Hoofer. I recognize you. You have a scratch on your right
cheek that wasn't there before."
"Noctalopia," muttered the doctor. "Let's have some light. This is
stupid. He sees us and we don't see him." He groped for the matches.
"Yes," said Memo, "of course it's stupid. Either he leaves here as one
of us or he doesn't leave at all."
"May I?" Maxim reached out, took the matches from the doctor, and lit
the candle.
Unaccustomed to the light, everyone squinted. The doctor lit his pipe
"Undress," he ordered.
Maxim pulled his canvas shirt over his head. Everyone stared at his
chest. The doctor rose and crossed over to Maxim. Hi turned him in various
directions and felt him with strong, cold fingers. It was quiet. Then
Longhair said sympathetically: "A handsome boy. My son was... too."
No one answered. He rose heavily, fumbled around in a corner of the
room, and hoisted a large wickered jug onto the table. He set out three
"We can take turns. If anyone's hungry, there's cheese. And bread."
"Wait, Forester," said Broadshoulders. "Push your jug away. I can't see
a thing. Well, what do you think, doctor?"