"Arcady And Boris Strugatsky. Prisoners of Power" - читать интересную книгу автора

to swallow. Maybe he's even immortal? Yes, Strannik must be interested in
all this. Let's see what else we have here. Ah, here's an important one.
Conclusion of a Special Commission of the Department of Public Health.
Subject: Mac Sim. No reaction to white radiation. No contraindications to
service in the special forces.Conclusion of a Special Commission of the
Department of Public Health. Subject: Mac Sim. No reaction to white
radiation. No contraindications to service in the special forces. That was
when he was recruited into the Legion. White radiation, massaraksh.
Butchers, damn them! Here's their special testimony for the inquiry:
Although subject was tested with white radiation of varying intensities, up
to the maximum, there was no reaction. Zero reaction in both senses to
A-radiation. Zero reaction to B-radiation. Remarks: We consider it our duty
to add that the subject (Mac Sim, approximately twenty years old) presents a
danger-to society in view of potential genetic consequences. Complete
sterilization or destruction is recommended.Although subject was tested with
white radiation of varying intensities, up to the maximum, there was no
reaction. Zero reaction in both senses to A-radiation. Zero reaction to
B-radiation. Remarks: We consider it our duty to add that the subject (Mac
Sim, approximately twenty years old) presents a danger-to society in view of
potential genetic consequences. Complete sterilization or destruction is
recommended. Oh, ho! These guys don't fool around. Who's in that department
now? Ah, yes, Lover. I remember Stallion telling me a good one about him.
Massaraksh, can't remember it. Ah, I'm glad I'm alone now. I'll have another
berry and a sip of water. Ugh, what terrible stuff. But they say it helps.
Let's see what's next.
"So he's been there,there, too! Well, well. Probably zero reaction
again. When subjected to forced measures, said subject Sim did not give
testimony. In keeping with Paragraph 12, relative to avoiding visible
physical injury to subjects under investigation who are scheduled to appear
at an open trial, only the following methods were used: (A) Deep-needle
surgery, penetrating ganglions. Reaction: paradoxical: subject fell asleep.
(B) Chemical treatment of ganglions with alkaloids and alkalis. Same
reaction. (C) Light chamber. No reaction. Subject expressed surprise. (D)
Steam chamber. Weight loss without unpleasant sensations. Forced measures
were then terminated.When subjected to forced measures, said subject Sim did
not give testimony. In keeping with Paragraph 12, relative to avoiding
visible physical injury to subjects under investigation who are scheduled to
appear at an open trial, only the following methods were used: (A)
Deep-needle surgery, penetrating ganglions. Reaction: paradoxical: subject
fell asleep. (B) Chemical treatment of ganglions with alkaloids and alkalis.
Same reaction. (C) Light chamber. No reaction. Subject expressed surprise.
(D) Steam chamber. Weight loss without unpleasant sensations. Forced
measures were then terminated. Br-r-r, what a document! Yes, Strannik is
right: the man must be a mutant. A normal man wouldn't react that way. Yes,
I've heard that successful mutations do occur, although rarely. That
explains everything - except those pants. As far as I know, pants don't
He looked at the next page, which proved to be interesting: it was the
testimony of the Special Studio's director. "An idiotic institution. They
record the ravings of various psychos for the entertainment of our most