"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

Your father looks ready to rip something apart with his bare hands-like me."
"Being ambushed by Imps has him in a bad mood. We'll be heading out soon for a
meeting with Talon Karrde con-cerning security."
"The leak came from his people?"
Mirax nodded. "My father thinks so. I want you to look over some stuff on it for
me-give me your professional opin-ion about this spy thing."
"Ah, sure, Mirax, glad to, but you should remember from the Erisi thing, I'm not
that sharp on spotting spies."
"This one isn't that good." Mirax gave him a wink. "Let me know what you think.
We'll see if Karrde concurs."
Wedge and Winter entered the room, followed closely by Tal'dira, Aril Nunb, and
Tycho. Winter sat down at the datapad built in at the far end of the table and
hit some keys. A holographic image of the Yag'Dhul station hovered over the
holopad in the center of the oval table. Wedge took a position at the head of
the table, Tycho sat between him and Booster, and Tal'dira took the seat at
Booster's left hand. The Sullustan seated herself to Mirax's right, facing
Wedge covered a yawn, then leaned forward on the end of the table. "I apologize
for asking you here to this de-briefing so quickly after your return, but I want
to talk about what happened in the Graveyard while details are still fresh in
our minds. We have two issues to discuss: the arrival of the Imps and what to do
with the Valiant.
"Before that, however, I want to thank each of you for your action and the
action of your people at Alderaan. There is no question about it-we got very
lucky at Alderaan. The Valiant's appearance and action hurt both the Corrupter
and the Aggregator. Even so, it was the discipline of our people that provided
us the opportunity for such luck to come into play. If it weren't for your
Chir'daki pilots covering Tycho and me on our runs, we wouldn't have been able
to do what we did to either Imp ship."
The Twi'lek's braintails twitched strongly. "Your praise is most appreciated,
Wedgan'tilles. The loss of two of my pilots is grave, but nothing in comparison
to what all of us would have lost were our leadership not so clear thinking in a
time of trouble."
Tycho nodded in agreement. "It was your torps that vaped the Corrupter, Wedge.
Zraii's going to waste a lot of paint adding it to your display of kills."
Wedge shook his head. "Look, your shots hurt it, I was just in a position to
pinpoint a target. Imps have forever dis-missed the threat our torps are to
their ships. You'd think, after losing two Death Stars to X-wings they'd learn,
but their ignorance is our margin of safety."
Corran smiled. "So you'll order Zraii to pull the kill from your X-wing?"
Wedge hesitated, then smiled sheepishly. "Let's not go too far-it was a good
pair of shots." His eyes narrowed. "Convarion got what he deserved, especially
in getting the tables turned on him. The fact that he was able to show up, and
had an Interdictor Cruiser with him is most disturbing. Winter, any idea where
the Aggregator came from?"
Winter tucked a lock of white hair back behind her left ear, then hit several
keys on the datapad. The image floating above the table shifted from that of the
station to the triangu-lar form of an Interdictor Cruiser. "The Aggregator was
last noted as part of an anti-Rebel taskforce led by High Admiral Teradoc.
Intelligence on him-at least the intel I'm able to access from here-is sketchy.