"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

Isard's face became a frozen mask. "Oh, you think so, do you? You think I am
repeating the mistakes the Emperor made?"
Vorru met her stare openly. "You undoubtedly don't see it that way, but it is my
place to remind you of the errors others have made so you don't repeat them. You
are correct, Horn, Antilles, and the others have nothing right now, and it does
seem apparent that the New Republic does not support their effort, but that
could change. And, yes, we control the bacta output for the galaxy, but we must
be careful. If we make it too dear, forces will join to oppose us, and the
former Rogues are in an excellent position to make the most of that opposition."
Isard stared at him for a moment or two more, then abruptly broke her stare off.
"Your caution is noted."
"I will also point out that we still have the Ashern to deal with here. They may
be a minority among the Vratix, but they have struck in the past at key
production facilities. Their strikes over the past year or so have become more
precise and effective. I think they will become even more so because of the
rumors that some Zaltin personnel have joined them."
"Yes, the Black-claw Rebels are a bother, but that's why I have deployed
stormtroopers to defend our facilities."
Vorru smiled. "That was a good move, as was restricting them to play a defensive
role. Establishing a Thyferran Home Defense Corps that will allow Xucphra
volunteers to fight the Ashern themselves was also brilliant."
"Thank you. Xucphra's people will come to see them-selves in an alliance with my
stormtroopers in no time. Once a THDC force gets in over its head and my people
rescue them, the humans here will see my stormtroopers as the stal-wart white
line that separates them from death. Those who are dubious about us will be won
over." Isard spread her hands apart. "Erisi Dlarit is heading up the fighter
wing I have given to the THDC. She is a hero among her people, and
having her so elevated proves to the Thyferrans that I under-stand how superior
they are."
Vorru nodded slowly. There is no denying it, she is excel-lent at analyzing and
utilizing the psychology of a subject people against themselves. Still, when
there is someone she can't break down, like Horn or Antilles, she has no way to
defend against what they might do. He looked up at her. "And what are your
thoughts on this rylca Mon Mothma pronounced a cure for your Krytos virus?"
"Propaganda, clearly, meant to calm the masses. The fact is that its existence
and efficacy against the virus are immate-rial. If Derricote had been successful
in creating the virus I asked him to create or if Loor had delayed the conquest
of Imperial Center, the New Republic would have been broken beyond repair. As it
is now, they are hard put to deal with the demands their populace is making on
them. As we restrict bacta flow to the New Republic and its worlds, we will
alien-ate member states."
"You mean we will be playing the same game we did on Imperial Center but on a
larger scale here?"
"Exactly." Isard glanced up, looking well above his head. "My goal has always
been to destroy the Rebellion, then move to rebuild the Empire. In effect, by
letting them take Imperial Center, we have destroyed the Rebellion. They are no
longer an elusive force that can strike at will. They now have to take
responsibility and deliver on the promises they have made. When they fail to do
that, the people will look for the sort of stability they had before. If we play
things care-fully, we will not have to reconquer Imperial Center, we will be