"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

"I think, Madam Director, you cannot discount the fact that the Rogues clearly
had planned ahead against the eventu-ality of betrayal. Granted an Alderaanian
War Cruiser is an antiquated ship, but coupled with the X-wing squadron's
strength, it was enough to make Captain Convarion pay for his recklessness."
Isard rotated her head around to glance at him over her shoulder. "You presume
Convarion made a mistake to blind me to the fact that if our operation was
betrayed to Antilles, it was doubtless through a spy you have failed to locate."
Vorru caught Erisi's eye, and in a moment he felt he had earned her gratitude.
Part of him began to list the various ways she could make it more manifest.
Because of her beauty and strength, the idea of a physical union to consummate
their alliance in opposition to Isard came to mind, but he dismissed it. He had
no doubt it could happen-and might well happen yet-but their need for each other
had higher purposes than sating lust. If we are to be allies, our first
con-junction must be full of purpose and confirmed by reason, not dictated and
muddled by emotional involvement.
Vorru knew he could fall victim to Erisi's charms, be-cause she realized that it
was possible to play to his vanity and desperation. He had always been vain, but
he had kept it in check. His age attacked both his vanity and ambition,
re-minding himself that he had little time to accomplish all the goals he had
set out for his life. His time on Kessel had gotten him no closer to the heights
he had once seen as his due, and now he knew that unless he acted quickly, his
chances of even approaching them would wither and die.
"That possibility cannot be discounted, of course, Madam Director-nor can it be
proven, as you are well aware. The fact is that Antilles has been very cautious
throughout his career. That he has lived this long is ample proof of that. The
precaution taken against our interference could have been nothing more than a
concern over whether or not he could trust his trading partner."
Isard turned so she could watch both him and Erisi. "Yes, his trading partner. I
want Karrde dealt with."
Vorru shook his head. "Under no circumstances. If we treat Talon Karrde any
differently than we do now, he will realize we have an agent among his people,
and we lose a very valuable resource. Moreover, Karrde's loyalty can be bought.
We will have him when, if, and however we want him."
He opened his hands. "As for your assertion that Com-mander Dlarit is to blame
for the failures of her pilots, this, too, is disingenuous. Her pilots were
inappropriately matched against Rogue Squadron. Captain Convarion always
believed the appearance of his vessel would strike terror into the hearts of his
enemies. He expected them to panic and run precisely because they ran the first
time he ambushed them. Antilles has not lived this long by repeating mistakes.
Conva-rion should have insisted on having the best pilots possible flying with
him. He did not, because he assumed their contri-bution to his victory would be
Isard brought her head up. "Ah, well, then it seems I am wrong about
everything!" The rising ironic tone in her voice did nothing to hide her anger.
"Perhaps you would like to tell me how things are going to go from now on and
what we should do about them."
Vorru smiled and took a half step toward Isard as he turned to face her. "I
would guess, despite the possession of the War Cruiser, Antilles and his people
will continue their"-he glanced at Erisi-"as the pilots so colorfully put it,
'hit-and-hype' raids. In actuality you've seen those raids are minimally