"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

of his belt, so it dangled down like a stubby tail, out of the way but
accessible if he needed it.
Of course, on this mission, if I need it, we're in deep Huttdrool. In theory, it
was a quick hit and run. Though Yonka didn't know it, Kina Margath had long been
a Rebel agent on Elshandruu Pica. Poe, the droid serving as Yonka's valet, had
once been part of Rogue Squadron's staff. Once Wedge put out feelers to learn
more about the soldiers in Isard's employ, a complete rundown on Yonka's affairs
came back, providing the basic information for the mission.
If any more than one or two shots get triggered, we've
done something very wrong. So far it had gone completely as expected, and Corran
didn't like that. On such missions-the same sort he'd performed dozens of times
when with the Corellian Security Force-nothing ever seemed to go as planned. In
going after Yonka, the most likely glitch would arrive in the form of the Moffs
own squad of stormtroopers, and that was a serious complication. Exfiltration
under fire is not going to be fun.
Even though he knew that outcome was a distinct possi-bility, Corran didn't have
a bad feeling about the mission. Prior to his learning he was the grandson of a
Jedi Master, he would have put the lack of dread down to his rather foolish and
rash belief in good luck. He'd always trusted his feelings about things, but
he'd never questioned the mechanism that generated those feelings. To him they
just existed, and he had learned to abide by them or deal with the consequences.
Now he knew that his feelings were really based on sen-sations he was getting of
and through the Force. Before they were intangible and even though he gave them
weight, others did not. Now, because of Luke Skywalker, the Force had gained
credence. Others would accept what he felt as if it were a true measure of what
was happening.
That frightened Corran-especially after the disaster on Thyferra. / don't know
enough about the Force and what it means to rely on it. I certainly can't let
others use what I feel as a crutch. If I'm wrong, they'll pay for my mistake. I
won't have that happen.
He reached the rendezvous point in a little ravine slightly northeast of the
cottage. Corran crouched between Ooryl and Rhysati, across the way from Gavin,
Wedge, and the tall Gand named Vviir Wiamdi. The other two members of the team
waited in Picavil's spaceport with two X-wings, ready to cover their escape if
things got messy. Bror Jace and Inyri Forge will be able to down anything the
Moff can put in the air, but if we need them I'm sure .the Avarice will scramble
fighters, and then we're stuck.
Wedge looked up at Corran and nodded. He tapped Cor-ran and Rhysati on the knee
and pointed off toward the right. Ooryl and Vviir were directed left, leaving
Wedge and Gavin
to go straight in at the open garden doors and into the back of the cottage.
Wedge tapped his chronometer, then held up two fingers.
Two minutes to get into position, then we go. Corran nodded and followed
Rhysati. He still felt good about the mission. Let's hope that holds true. Let's
hope the only sur-prise is that which appears on Yonka's face.
Sair Yonka let himself into the cottage and nearly dropped the magnum of
Mandalorean Narcolethe he'd brought to share with Aellyn. The door clicked shut
behind him, muffling the sound of the repulsor limo's departure-not that he
could have heard it past the thunder of his heartbeat in his ears. He had enough
presence of mind to prevent his jaw from drop-ping open and instead crafted a