"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

More ships just provide his gunners with more practice." Wedge shrugged. "I know
there are dozens of unanswered questions you have right now because I've been
fairly vague about our overall plan and have just concen-trated on your roles in
what is going to happen. Your squad-ron leaders have more specific orders on
which they will brief you at the appropriate time. Right now I just wanted to
let you know that action is imminent, so you should take care to put your
affairs in order and prepare any holograms you want sent in case of death."
Gavin smiled. "But you're not going to leave those things on the station here,
are you?"
Wedge laughed. "No, we'll have them sent to Coruscant. Make no mistake about it,
people, this won't be easy. A lot of us won't be coming back. There will be a
terrible price to pay to liberate Thyferra, but an even greater one if we don't
liber-ate it. We'll be taking a lot of risks, but we have no choice
because this will be our best chance to destroy Isard. If we fail now, it could
very well be that no one else will ever dare to oppose her."
Asyr let a little growl rumble from her throat. "So failure is not an option,
eh, Wedge?"
"Not for us, Asyr, not by a long shot."
Fliry Vorru looked at the data scrolling up through the air above his holopad.
Beyond the glowing green numbers he watched Erisi Dlarit study the information.
"Rather inge-nious of them, wasn't it, my dear, to choose the Yag'Dhul station
as their base. You might have guessed."
Erisi nodded once, curtly. "I did guess and did some checking of my own. The
station was ordered and reported destroyed. Pash Cracken signed the report
indicating the sta-tion had been destroyed, so perhaps.I should have been
Vorru waved her remark away. "Don't berate yourself, Erisi."
"No, Madam Director will do that for me, won't she?"
Vorru smiled. "Ah, you know her so well. She does seem to visit injustice upon
you with fair frequency. I think that is a situation that should change."
Erisi arched an eyebrow over an ice blue eye. "What did you have in mind?"
"See if your reasoning parallels my own. It strikes me that after the Lusankya
is sent off to destroy the Yag'Dhul station, someone in the New Republic is
going to have to take notice of how much firepower she possesses. While Zsinj
has been more of a direct threat-and is why the New Republic fleet is out there
hunting him down and, with any luck at all, destroying him-Ysanne Isard has
succeeded in raising her profile rather considerably. The New Republic will be
forced to deal with her sooner or later, and I'm inclined to think they will opt
for sooner."
The Thyferran pilot nodded slowly. "I follow you so far."
"It strikes me that my position here is no longer going to
be profitable. I have managed, in my position, to set aside a certain amount of
credits that would be sufficient, say, to purchase a planet. I would require a
loyal staff and even a wing of pilots to keep my rivals at bay."
"I see. And would you be requiring my services as a pilot or my company?"
Vorru bowed his head in a salute. "Your services as a pilot would be most
valuable to me. Your company, on the other hand, would be invaluable to me. I
leave the choice of role to you, to be modified as you wish."
"Very well, I shall start as the commander of your pi-lots." Erisi clasped her
hands at the small of her back. "How do you see this defection being