"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

together, but were strung out so the Rogues would engage them piecemeal. That's
Erisi punched up a tactical frequency on her comm unit. "Elite Lead to Virile
Lead. Slack your speed and let Might Squadron join up with you."
"No can do, Elite Lead. We have our orders."
"Consider them countermanded. Make sense, this is Rogue Squadron you're facing."
"And it's Rogue Squadron we'll be killing. For the glory of Thyferra."
Erisi popped her comm unit over the tactical frequency the Elites used. "Stay
tight, Elites. We're going for the Rogues. Let's hope our comrades tire them
Wedge watched the tactical feed coming from the Valiant and felt a cold chill
creep up his spine. "What are they doing? Why are they coming in at us like
His R5 unit whistled curtly.
Wedge glanced at his monitor and smiled. "That was a rhetorical question, Gate.
You wouldn't have sufficient data to be able to calculate an answer." After his
last outing, Wedge had let the techs wipe Mynock's memory and upgrade his
software. Because of the modifications Zraii made on the droid, he also learned
the droid's designation had been changed to R5-G8, which he just truncated into
Gate. "Give me a check on the transponder."
Another quick whistle announced it was in full working order.
Wedge keyed his comm unit. "Thirty seconds to the first wave of TIEs. Remember,
our goal is to get at the Lusankya, not to spend our time dogfighting up here.
Kill what you must, but keep with the mission. Two, stay with me."
"As ordered, Lead," came Asyr's reply.
Wedge flicked his lasers over to dual-fire mode, picked a target among the
incoming TIEs, then waited for his aiming reticle to go red. As it did he
tightened up on the trigger, letting two bursts of fire go, then dove away from
the hissing green laser fire splashing against his forward screen.
His maneuver prevented him from seeing what happened to his target, but Gate
dispassionately flashed the message "Target eliminated" in bloodred letters at
the bottom of the monitor. Maybe Mynock wasn't really that bad. Wedge glanced at
his sensor readouts and saw only a pair of TIEs in his wake. Everyone got one,
nice shooting. He decided to leave the other two for the Twi'lek Chir'daki
pilots following them in.
Gate hooted at him.
"Thanks, Gate, I've got thirty seconds to the next TIE wave." He opened the
tactical comm channel. "Tighten it up, Rogues. Two more squadrons, then we
should be clear to go in."
Corran suppressed a laugh. "Only two more flights, Lead? I count five, including
one of squints."
"Agreed, Nine, but there is a two-minute gap between three and four, and another
two minutes between five and the squints. I thought we could use that time to
down the Lusankya. With your permission."
"Granted, Lead."
Corran hauled back on his stick as the second TIE flight came in, then
barrel-rolled to starboard and came over the top. The X-wing pointed itself
straight at a pair of TIEs that broke to follow his climb, but his inversion
brought him in below their flight arc. One of them tried to pull a quick loop to