"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

"Great shooting, Ten. You've got a hot hand."
"Thank you, Nine."
"Three flight, want to tighten it up here?"
"As ordered, Lead." Corran started his thrust pushing his fighter forward. "Come
on, Ooryl. We've got a big target now."
Captain Drysso watched the holopad's display of the battle. "Helm, Freedom is
trying to slash over the top of us. Roll us so we can track her."
"Captain, if you do that, we'll expose our ventral surface to the snubfighters."
"I know that, Helm." Drysso looked over at the beefy man heading up his gunnery
command. "Guns, use our ion cannons on Freedom. I want that ship."
"Captain, Guns copies your order, but requests you re-consider."
Drysso's eyes narrowed. "We have more ion cannons than that ship has guns,
Lieutenant Gorev. I want it, and you'll give it to me. I don't want to destroy
it unless neces-sary. Antilles got one of our Impstars, now we'll have one of
"What about the snubfighters and the War Cruiser?"
"Use our concussion missiles. Use all our turbolasers and heavy turbolaser
"The snubs are too small for turbolasers to track them. The War Cruiser is in
our aft, so my missiles are having diffi-culty finding firing solutions."
"By all that's Imperial, you'll find solutions, Lieutenant Gorev, or someone
else will be in your position, do you un-derstand?" Drysso's hand rose with his
voice. "Understand me, people. This is a Super Star Destroyer. A handful of
snubfighters and a ship a tenth of our size cannot hurt us. Do what you are told
and victory will be ours!"
Fliry Vorru had seen the TIE Interceptors flash past the viewports of his office
and knew the time to make his escape from Thyferra had come. My shuttle is
hyperspace capable. I run suborbital to the far side of the planet, wend my way
clear of obstructions, and vanish. He collected a fistful of datacards and
tucked them inside his tunic.
He reached the door to his office and found it wouldn't open. He quickly punched
a security override code into the locking mechanism, and it opened. In his outer
office he found two stormtroopers and his secretary trying to open the door to
the hallway.
"Stand back. Elicia, please do yourself a favor and duck behind your desk. When
they come for you, tell them horrible stories about me, and they will protect
you." As the blonde did as she was told, the stormtroopers came to attention.
"You two will conduct me to my shuttle hangar in the east tower."
Vorru punched a security override code into the lock, and it opened as well.
Stepping into the hallway, he pointed out the security holocams at either end of
the hallway. "Destroy them."
With a volley of shots his guards complied with his order and Vorru realized
they were just Home Defense Corps per-sonnel. Of course, the amount of
clattering their armor makes could have told me that. He waved them on after him
and quickly worked his way toward the east end of the build-ing, shooting
holocams as they went. "Since the locks only respond to security override codes,
we have to assume the Ashern are in the building. They will control the
turbolifts, so we'll be using stairs."
Vorru ignored the grumbles from his escort and got them to the east tower
without meeting any resistance. So far, very good. He forced one of them to