"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

He punched a button on his com-munication console that started green, then
quickly shifted to red.
"Nine has double-lock. I'm firing."
"Launch, Nine, then get clear."
"As ordered, Lead." Corran pulled the trigger on his stick and watched two
proton torpedoes streak away at their target. "Pull the Lusankya's fangs and
hope we don't get gummed to death on the way out."
Drysso stared down at his aide. "How many incoming tor-pedo tracks, Lieutenant
"Twenty, sir."
Two per X-wing. Survivable. "You see, only twenty."
"Wait, sir. I have twenty-four."
"No matter."
"Now I have forty, no, eighty. Eight zero."
Drysso's jaw dropped as he saw a nova flare blossom up over the horizon of his
starboard bow. The shields held for a second or two, then collapsed. Warning
sirens started shriek-ing on the bridge as multiple torpedo and missile hits
ex-ploded six kilometers away on the ship's bow. The brilliant fire gnawed at
the clean lines of his ship, shattering armor plates and triggering dozens of
secondary and tertiary explo-sions.
Even before the tremors reached the bridge, Drysso started shouting orders.
"Waroen, kill those sirens. Give me damage control reports. Guns, what have you
lost and why haven't you gotten me the Freedom yet?"
Waroen's voice rose above the din. "Captain, we have full bow shield collapse."
"How did they get that many missiles off, Lieutenant?"
"Sir, I don't know, sir."
"Sithspawn! Find out how!" Drysso watched as the Free-dom fired down at the
Super Star Destroyer. Salvos of red turbolaser bolts pulsed out from the smaller
ship, savaging the Lusankya's unprotected bow. Vaporized armor immedi-ately
condensed into metal clouds that hid the full extent of the damage done, but
Drysso had no hopes that his bow would look like anything but a blackened,
battered lump. Still, that damage is nothing compared to what we can do.
Over a hundred starboard ion cannons fired back at the Freedom in a display so
massive it appeared as if sheets of blue energy had erupted from the Lusankya's
side. The Impe-rial Star Destroyer's shields imploded, leaving azure lightning
to skip and arc all over the ship's surface. Drysso saw second-ary explosions
ripple through the smaller ship's port gun decks, letting him know the Freedom
had been badly hurt.
"Captain, I've lost fifteen percent of my starboard fire-power."
"Thank you, Guns. Lieutenant Waroen, where did those missiles come from?"
"The freighters, sir, they're launching missiles that ap-pear to be using the
starfighter telemetry to target us." Waroen glanced at his monitors. "Sir, I can
reestablish the bow shield, but it will lower our protection elsewhere."
"Do it, Waroen. Guns, forget the Freedom. Kill the freighters." Drysso clasped
his hands at the small of his back. "The freighters are our main threat now.
Kill them, and this battle is over."
Tycho Celchu rolled his X-wing to port, then pulled back on his stick. He
cruised in on the tail of a TIE fighter and pulled the trigger. Two bursts of
dual-fire lasers shot out, stabbing deep into the engine assembly. He rolled