"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

about engaging the station. As their plans evolved, Booster agreed to stay
behind and make the Lusankya think it had been trapped while the Rogues left the
system, rendezvoused with Sair Yonka's Freedom, and rode the rest of the way in
relative comfort to Thyferra. The freighters moved on in to set up the ambush
while the Free-dom waited at the fringes of the system for the arrival of the
Tycho's missiles exploded against the ship's shields, but they buckled quickly
enough as the rest of the missiles locked into his telemetry hit the ship.
Nawara's shots likewise raced in, sowing explosions over the ship's surface.
Other Rogues continued the assault on the ship's starboard gun decks,
de-stroying turbolasers, ion cannons, and concussion missile launchers. If we
can kill Lusankya's ability to strike from one side, our ships can operate with
Toward the other end of the Super Star Destroyer, Tycho saw the Alderaanian War
Cruiser Valiant pour fire into the
ship. The Lusankya's tail guns exchanged shots with the Val-iant, but Aril
Nunb's droid crew managed to maneuver the smaller ship so shots impacted against
shields that were still strong. The Super Star Destroyer's aft shields appeared
to be holding, but the Valiant's constant battery had to be draining energy that
could have been used elsewhere to great effect.
Rolling to port and diving, Tycho sailed his fighter be-neath some return fire
and noticed the Lusankya had begun to strike out at the freighters. They
presented a diverse choice of targets and began to scatter as the big ship
turned its guns on them. Evasive maneuvers, as per orders, but that's going to
make missile launching tougher. He glanced at his moni-tor. Only two missiles
left anyway, enough for one more run.
He checked the location of the Interceptor squadron, but saw it had not closed
as quickly as anticipated. "Lead, Seven is set for one more run."
"Negative, Seven. The squints have picked up a lamb and are running it clear of
here. You and Nine, with your wings, are to pursue."
Tycho's astromech flashed a quick scan of the shuttle onto his monitor. "Shuttle
is positive for one lifeform. You think that's Isard?"
"Like as not. She's not getting away. Go, Tycho, go."
"I copy, Jesfa." Iella crouched and quickly ducked her head around the corner.
She jerked her head back and rolled away as three blaster bolts gouged a divot
out of the ferrocrete wall. That was closer than I have any interest in getting
in the future.
Iella keyed her comlink. "Your report was dead on, Jesfa. .Keep telling me what
holocams he's killing and we'll get to him."
Elscol came running up and dropped to one knee at lella's side. "What have you
Iella jerked a thumb at the corridor. "Trapped rat, it ap-pears. Your people
secured the stairwells?"
"Yeah. He's trapped here on the fifth level." Elscol gave
Iella a half-smile. "You want us to evacuate innocents, or do we just track this
guy down?"
"Let's get him."
Elscol waved a team of two men and two Vratix forward. "We have a live one. Be
Two of Elscol's people took up positions at the mouth of the corridor. Their