"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

The hexagonal wing went one way while the TIE spun out of control toward
Wedge didn't watch to see if it exploded. He brought his fighter around and
found himself staring at the broad ex-panse of the Lusankya's, belly. Nearly an
eighth of the ship had been nibbled off at the front, but the guns still fired
re-lentlessly. It's hurt, but not enough. "Lead here. Starting my third run."
The fact that no one acknowledged his call sent a chill through him, but he
shrugged it off. Now's not the time to
mourn the dead. That waits until the mission is done. He tossed his fighter into
a weave and pointed it at the giant egress hatch in the bottom of the Super Star
Destroyer. We've broken your nose, now it's a shot to the guts.
Switching over to proton torpedoes, he immediately got a red box and a solid
tone from Gate. He waited until his tran-sponder button went red, then pulled
the trigger. Two jets of blue fire shot away from his ship and another half
dozen joined them. It took four of them to blast a hole in the ventral shields,
but that left a quartet of missiles to plow into the Lusankya's hangar deck. The
explosions spat decking and debris back out into space, then secondary
explosions told Wedge that at least a couple of the TIE fuel storage tanks had
Out of torpedoes, Wedge shifted over to lasers and started searching for more
TIEs. And if there aren't any more of them, I guess I'll just have to get in
close with the Lusankya and light it up as much as I can.
"Yes, Madam Director, I understand." Erisi shivered as the echoes of Isard's
voice died in her ears. When she'd spotted the shuttle coming up she had
harbored a hope that it was Vorru, but Isard's mocking voice dashed that dream
to pieces. Erisi switched her comm unit over to her squadron's tactical
frequency. "Elite Leader to squadron. We have a new mis-sion: protect the
Lambda-class shuttle Thyfonian. We are to cover it until it gets clear and can
go to lightspeed."
"Six here, Lead. That means we'll be left behind."
"Negative, Six. The Lusankya is going to be following Thyfonian out and will
pick us up."
"I copy, Lead."
"Twelve here, Lead. We have four X-wings coming up fast."
"I copy, Twelve." Erisi shook her head. Only four? That's a mistake you'll rue,
Wedge Antilles. "Keep your for-mations tight and help each other out. These
pilots will be good, but we can be better. Don't lose your heads and you won't
lose your lives."
Captain Drysso laughed victoriously. As nearly as he could determine his
Lusankya had been hit by over a hundred and fifty proton torpedoes and
concussion missiles, but it had lost scarcely thirty-five percent of its combat
ability. Maneuvering was hampered and shield power was falling sharply, but the
Lusankya still outgunned its opposition. And the freighters have the survival
rate of tauntauns on Tatooine.
Lieutenant Waroen called out to him. "Captain, the Free-dom is coming back into
the fight."
"Guns, let him have everything!"
"As ordered, Captain."
The Lusankya fired its starboard weapons at the Imperial Star Destroyer, mauling
it mercilessly. Turbolasers crushed the shields while ion cannon beams skittered