"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

of hyperspace right on top of Virulence during their little standoff. Booster
talked the captain into believing it was all part of the trap, so she
surrendered the ship to him."
So he finally found a ship that was big enough for him. "The Lusankya is all
yours, Captain Cracken."
"Obliged, Wedge. We're going in."
Inverting and rolling out, Wedge reoriented his X-wing toward the Lusankya as
the Virulence fired a full broadside into the Super Star Destroyer. The smaller
ship's turbolasers and ion cannons wrought havoc upon the Lusankya's port
gunnery decks. A ribbon of fire raced along the port gunwale and secondary
explosions kept it alive long after the Viru-lence's weapons stopped firing.
To the Lusankya's aft, the Valiant closed to point-blank range and blasted away
at the big ship's engines. Sparks cas-caded away as turbolasers drilled deep
into the Super Star Destroyer. A brilliant flash eclipsed the Valiant for a
moment. A violent tremor shook the Lusankya, snapping free a black-ened chunk of
the bow.
Fast and nimble, Pash's A-wings slashed in at the Lusankya. They flitted over
the massive ship's surface, shoot-ing concussion missiles at gunnery towers and
sensor domes. Fiery craters stippled the Lusankya in their wake. What few
weapons did remain on the Lusankya fired ineffectively at the A-wings; all of
their destructive power proved impotent against a target they could not hit.
"Rogue Lead, this is Three. We're going in for a strafing run."
"I copy, Gavin." Wedge glanced at his monitors, but the only TIEs he saw were
the ones escorting the shuttle. Can't catch them now. "If you don't mind, Three,
I think I'll join you."
Closing with the squints Corran switched his weapon's-con-trol over to lasers
and linked them for dual-fire. While a quad burst would be certain to burn a
squint down, dual-fire al-lowed the guns to cycle that much faster. One shot
should still be a kill, but if these guys can put the maneuverability of
those squints to good use, I'll need all the shots I can get. His X-wing still
had an advantage because of its shields, but that still didn't make him immune
to damage.
"Nine, let's be careful."
"As ordered, Seven. Ten, on me."
"Ooryl copies."
"Whistler, scan comm frequencies and bring up whatever one they're using.
Squelch scrambled messages. I don't care what they're saying to each other. I
just want to be able to talk to them."
Whistler moaned in a low tone.
"Yes, I do think Erisi is flying with them. I want to let her know who's coming
after her."
The droid hooted derisively.
"She can decide to flame me all she wants, doesn't mat-ter." Corran let himself
smile. "She already knows I can play hard to get. She's the reason I went down
on Coruscant, and I'm bringing her down here."
He picked one of the squints in the middle of the forma-tion as a target, but
kept his flight path pointed as if he were preparing to attack one of the closer
Interceptors. As the close Interceptors broke, Corran rolled on his starboard
stabilizers as if he were going to follow them, but then applied some rudder and
spitted his target on his aiming reticle. He tight-ened up on his trigger.