"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

know her father was the Director of Imperial Intelligence before her, but she
turned over to the Emperor evidence that her father was going to join the
Rebel-lion, causing his downfall and her elevation to replace him."
Nawara Ven raised a hand. "Was her father going to come over to the Rebellion?"
Winter shrugged. "If he was, I have no knowledge of his planned defection. There
is no doubt his daughter was ambi-tious enough to have manufactured evidence
against him, so she is very dangerous. Dislodging her will be difficult and
probably require a ground assault. She is not, as nearly as we know, a pilot, so
the chances of any of you getting to vape her in a dogfight are nil."
Winter pointed to the next figure. "Fliry Vorru, on the other hand, might well
be able to fight you in a ship. He was a former Imperial Moff from Corellia,
which this squadron liberated from Kessel. Vorru fled with Isard to Thyferra and
is now the Minister of Trade. It is unclear when Vorru began to work with Isard,
but the possibility that he struck a deal with her upon planetfall on Coruscant
cannot be ruled out. While we put much of our misfortune concerning the
operations to take Coruscant down to having Zekka Thyne and other Im-perial
spies in our midst, it is entirely possible Vorru was working directly for Isard
at that point. He certainly was in her employ by the time he was appointed a
Colonel in the Coruscant Constabulary."
She waved a hand at the third individual, a tall, slender woman with black hair
worn short. "Erisi Dlarit should be familiar to all of us. She is from a Xucphra
family and was the Imperial mole inside Rogue Squadron. Her actual value to the
Empire was minimal. At best she was responsible for Cor-ran's capture, Bror
Jace's death, and the betrayal of the bacta convoy at Alderaan to Warlord Zsinj.
While she did provide information on our operations on Coruscant to the Empire,
the fact that Wedge allowed no outside contact prior to the final attempt to
destroy the planetary shields meant she could not warn Isard of our plans. Short
of crashing her Z-95 Headhunter into the construction droid we used, she could
do nothing to stop the plan from unfolding. What she did do was transmit the
codes that allowed Isard to take control of Corran's ship and bring him down."
As Winter dispassionately outlined Erisi's involvement with the Empire, Wedge
watched the faces of his people. Erisi
had been one of them, fighting alongside of them in numerous engagements. She'd
been shot out of her X-wing, and Tycho had risked his life to rescue her. Even
though her aid to the Empire was, as Winter had indicated, really insignificant,
it had been enough to kill people who didn't deserve to die.
In himself, Wedge found anger mixed with chagrin and a little admiration. Erisi
Dlarit had successfully played through some very difficult situations without
revealing her role. Until she was fleeing Coruscant, Wedge hadn't known she was
a spy. Some signs were there, but not all of them.
Wedge caught Corran looking in his direction and half-smiled. "She played the
game well."
"True, but she's going to have to play much better when we come to visit."
Corran's only concession to the emotions he was feeling came in the edge to his
voice and the thin-lipped smile he offered. "As a spy she was good, but the next
contest is one of pilots, and in that one she'll lose."
Winter changed the holographic image again. "If she loses it's not going to be
because she's lacking the equipment she needs to win. Defending Thyferra are
four Imperial war-ships: a Super Star Destroyer, two Imperial Star Destroyers,
and one Victory-class Star Destroyer. Lusankya, Avarice, Vir-ulence, and