"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

"I know that, sir, and I think it beats death all hollow."
Corran found the shuttle easily enough and brought his X-wing in on its aft
without a problem. He flipped his lasers over to quad fire. "Whistler, see if
you can open a comm channel to the shuttle." Corran fired his lasers across the
Thyfonian's flight path when Whistler announced he'd found the two frequencies
the shuttle was using.
"Just pick one." Corran punched the button on his comm unit. "This is Corran
Horn to shuttle Thyfonian. Stop now and turn back to Thyferra, or I'll be forced
to destroy you."
A moment's delay ended with a voice Corran had never expected to hear again
coming through the comm channel. "I should have known it would be you, Horn. Go
away. You can't stop me with your lasers."
"Maybe this will warm your heart, Ysanne." Corran dropped his aiming reticle on
the shuttle's rear and pulled the trigger. Burst after burst of laser fire
splashed against the spacecraft's shields, but did not penetrate them. What?
Shut-tle's shields aren't that good,
"You can thank Fliry Vorru for me, if he's still alive. He ordered
heavy-capacity shield generators for his shuttle. Cuts down on the passenger
room, but I don't mind. Quite simply, your X-wing lacks the power to burn
through them."
Maybe one will. Corran shifted his comm unit over to the squadron's tactical
frequency. "Nine could use some help here. It's Isard. I can't get through the
shuttle's shields."
"Seven here, Nine. Coming as fast as I can. Keep her from jumping to
"I'll do my best, but I need your lasers to stop her."
"I copy, Nine. I'll hurry."
"Whistler, project how long it will be before she's clear to go to lightspeed."
The droid splashed an image of the solar system up on Corran's secondary
monitor. He used overlapping circles of color to indicate the boundaries for
gravitational effects of the bodies in the system and showed the shuttle as a
pinpoint of light at the edge of Thyferra's hyperspace mass shadow.
Sithspawn, she's almost there. Corran triggered another burst of laser fire, but
it only washed a bloody hue over the aft shield. What if she's bluffing and just
has all power going to the aft shield! That's just the sort of thing she'd do.
He punched power to his throttle and let the X-wing surge forward. He brought it
around in a loop that would give him an oblique shot at the shuttle's port side.
As he sailed in, the shuttle shifted direction and came about to face him.
Corran hit his trigger and pulsed energy into the shut-tle's shields.
The shuttle fired back. Green energy darts blew through the X-wing's forward
shield and hit the port stabilizer. Cor-ran rolled immediately and dove, then
came back up in a weave that took him in behind the shuttle. "Whistler, what
just happened?"
Isard's voice crackled over the comm channel. "Did I mention that Vorru also
upgraded the lasers on this ship?"
I'll give you an upgrade, Iceheart. Corran snarled as he looked at the
diagnostics listing Whistler scrolled op on his main monitor. He winced, then
looked to his port S-foil. Where once there had been a pair of laser cannons he
had melted metal. And about a meter less of S-foil. A glance at the secondary
monitor showed Isard had a kilometer before she could begin the run to