"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

"It'll be fine if they do, but I'm still on for finding them myself." Corran
smiled. "Zraii's already got my X-wing back to normal-well, as normal as it gets
after a Verpine messes with it-so I'm ready to hunt. You with me?"
Tycho nodded thoughtfully. "I am, though I think we're going to have some stiff
competition. One of the first 'repair'
crews in this area was a forensic team from Alliance Intelli-gence. They are
supposed to have swept this place, pulling fingerprints, hair and tissue
samples-even samples of some of the solid waste floating around. You know better
than I what that sort of evidence can tell them, but I gather they were able to
confirm the identities of some of the prisoners from what they got."
Corran smiled slowly. "Which is why General Airen Cracken showed up two days
ago. The New Republic is go-ing to hunt for the prisoners, then?"
"That would be my guess. They couldn't do it before because they only had your
word to go on-my identifica-tions were spotty and old. Since you chose to resign
from Rogue Squadron and started all this, they had to disassociate themselves
with our effort. Now they have solid evidence, which changes everything."
"Great, they can race us in finding them."
"Ah, there you are, Corran." Ooryl filled the entryway. "I thought I could find
you here."
What? Corran stared at the Gand. "Ooryl?"
"Did Ooryl say that right?" The Gand's mouthparts snapped open and shut
excitedly. "Ooryl wanted you to be the first to hear."
Corran looked over at Tycho, but the Alderaanian just shrugged. "Yes, Ooryl, you
said that correctly, but I thought Gands didn't use personal pronouns unless . .
The Gand's fist clicked off his chest. "I am janwuine. The ruetsavii, they have
declared me janwuine. They have re-turned to Gand to tell Ooryl's, ah, my story.
What we did here, Ooryl's part in the taking of Coruscant, and the battles
against Iceheart, these will become known to all the Gand. If Ooryl says 'I,'
they will know to whom I refer."
"That's great, Ooryl." Tycho extended his hand to the Gand. "The Gands have
every right to be proud of you."
Ooryl shook Tycho's hand, then Corran's as well. "There is more. Each of you
have been declared hinwuine. This means that when you come to Gand for Ooryl's
janwuine-jika, you may speak of yourselves with personal pronouns and will not
be thought vulgar or rude."
Corran's eyes narrowed. "You mean to tell me that the whole time you've been
here in the squadron you felt the way we talked made us vulgar or rude?"
The Gand shook his head. "Ooryl never assumes vulgar-ity when ignorance suffices
as an explanation."
"Thanks, I think."
Tycho shot him a sly smile. "That should be 'Corran thinks.' "
"But not often," Ooryl added.
"Corran thinks Ooryl should practice using personal pronouns more regularly
before he tries comedy." Corran opened his arms wide. "Not much better than the
shack we shared on Talasea, is it, Ooryl?"
"The mineral deposits do add some color, but Ooryl, er, / would not like to live
here." The Gand held a hand up. "I would explore this place with you more,
later, for the story of your time here will be vital to my janwuine-jika, but