"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

son, Pash; Booster Terrik and Talon Karrde; Iella Wessiri, Elscol Loro, Sixtus,
and a handful of Ashern he didn't know; and several Vratix officials from
Thyferra. The only things we need now for a full-fledged victory celebration are
a bonfire and a legion of Ewoks.
Wedge held his hands up to quiet everyone and aside from the whirring of serving
droids passing between the ta-bles, silence reigned. "I want to keep my remarks
as brief as possible because, one, I respect you all too much to want to bore
you and, two, I know you're all quick enough wits that the heckling will be
worse than the fight to take this hulk away from Iceheart.
"I have a couple of pieces of business to transact first, though, with your
indulgence." Wedge smiled and nodded
over at Asyr Sei'lar. "As you call can tell, Asyr is doing well after spending
some time in a bacta tank. The injuries she sustained when her X-wing was hit
were fairly minor, but the
Onebee droids have already certified her as flight capable."
A polite round of applause greeted that news. "Unfortu-nately our other casualty
did not get away so cleanly. Perhaps you want to explain, Nawara."
The Twi'lek nodded. "While I was out of my X-wing I had the misfortune of having
a micrometeorite hit me in the right leg. It severed the limb just above the
knee and did so much tissue damage all the bacta on Thyferra couldn't fix it. My
suit shut down around the wound, which is why I sur-vived. Actually, the real
reason I survived was because of Ooryl vaping all the squints that wanted to
finish me off, but the leg was a loss."
Corran turned in his seat. "They can fit you for a me-chanical, right?"
"Yes, which is what the Onebees will be doing." Nawara rapped his knuckles
against the hollow-sounding lower part of his right leg. "Unfortunately I don't
scan as being able to utilize a prosthetic as well as I need to if I want to
continue flying. I'll have ninety-five percent use of the mechanical, but that's
not enough to keep up with the rest of you-not that I ever could before."
Wedge smiled. "You were a bit rough on our equipment, Nawara. That not
withstanding, Nawara will remain with the unit as our new Executive Officer.
Tal'dira has been in-vited to join us and has accepted, so we'll have a Twi'lek
flying with us still." Wedge led the applause, which started lekku twitching
among the Twi'lek pilots.
"Bror Jace has been appointed by his government to head up the formation of the
Thyferran Aerospace Defense Force, so we'll lose his services, at least
temporarily. The gov-ernment has also asked us to stay on here for the next
couple of months to help train the new unit. This is an assignment I've chosen
to accept so we can make sure no one gets too adventurous and tries to repeat
what Isard did here."
He looked over toward General Cracken. "After that, well, General Cracken has
communicated to me the contents
of a resolution voted by the Provisional Council to congratu-late us on what
we've accomplished here. He also said that, due to a bureaucratic mixup, our
resignations were never for-mally logged to our files. If we want them, our
commissions are available to us and General Cracken has assured me that he's
looking for and elite unit to be able to follow up on inves-tigative leads
concerning the lost Lusankya prisoners. Once our work is done here, I intend to
rejoin the New Republic and I'd like to bring Rogue Squadron back with me."
Wedge smiled, "I've already spoken with Tycho and Cor-ran, and they've agreed to