"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

rejoin. Aril, are you going to keep the Valiant or come back with us?"
The Sullustan smiled. "I'm coming back to the Alliance, Wedge. I'll still
command the Valiant, but I think we can work out a deal with General Cracken to
pull missions to-gether."
"Good. Asyr?"
The Bothan looked over at Gavin, got a nod from him, then smiled. "We're both
"I'm in."
"Can't be an Executive Officer if I don't stay with the unit, can I? I'm in."
"Rogue Squadron made me janwuine. I would never say no to the honor of remaining
with it."
The Twi'lek warrior nodded solemnly. "I could not let Rogue Squadron be without
a Twi'lek pilot. I am pleased to accept the offer to join the unit."
Wedge smiled at Inyri Forge. "I know serving with Rogue Squadron was your
sister's dream, but you've earned your own place with us. We'd be proud to have
you if you want to stay with us."
A grin slowly spread across the blue-eyed woman's face. "My sister always wanted
the best for everyone else. Joining the squadron meant she got to fight the evil
plaguing others,
making things better for them, Her example is pretty compelling. I'm in."
With her acceptance, cheers erupted, hands were shaken and backs slapped. Wedge
swallowed against the lump rising in his throat. "Two more things, then my
remarks. First we've been invited to Gand for Ooryl's janwuine-jika. This is an
unbelievably huge honor for one of us who has earned many honors. Second, and
equally worthy of celebration, is something I did barely a half an hour ago. As
you will recall, the Lusankya was surrendered to me, making me its de facto
captain. In my capacity as such, with Tycho and Iella present as witnesses, I
had the pleasure of marrying Mirax and Cor-ran."
"What!" Booster's shout accompanied an immediate red-dening of his face.
Wedge held his hands up. "Take it easy, Booster. They plan another, more formal
ceremony we all can attend back on Coruscant, but they figured that if you were
going to be upset with them for getting engaged, they might as well save
themselves that aggravation and just have you mad at them for being married."
"I'm not upset about that, Wedge. I was upset when I thought she was marrying
someone from CorSec." Mirax's father smiled. "Now he's part of Rogue Squadron
again, so I have no complaints."
"Right." Wedge shook his head. "No complaints you want to voice at this time."
Booster hesitated for a moment, then nodded to an ac-companiment of good-natured
Corran frowned at his father-in-law. "Then the red in your face and the anger in
your voice wasn't because of us?"
"You CorSec people always think it's about you." Booster shook his head, then
jerked a thumb at Karrde. "He bet me a million credits that you'd go and do
exactly what you did, and he even conned me into giving him odds."
Wedge laughed. "Corran, Mirax, I think that's going to be a major bone of
contention for the future."