"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

stealing bacta from the convoy, I would have rather endured that than having all
those other people killed."
"Nothing you could do about that."
"Nor was there anything you could do about your fellow prisoners being whisked
away by Isard when she escaped in the Lusankya." Mirax backed up a half-step and
held Corran at arm's-length. "You do realize that, don't you?"
"Realize, yes. Accept, no. Tolerate, no way." Corran nar-rowed his green eyes,
but the hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "You know, if you
keep hanging around with me, you're going to get into a lot of trouble."
"Trouble?" Mirax batted her brown eyes. "Whatever do you mean, Lieutenant Horn?"
"Well, I precipitated the mass resignation of the New Republic's most celebrated
fighter squadron and vowed that we'd liberate Thyferra from Ysanne Isard's
clutches. So far, toward that end, we have a squadron's worth of pilots, my
X-wing, and if you're really in this with us, your freighter."
Mirax smiled. "Versus three Imperial Star Destroyers and a Super Star Destroyer,
not to mention any sort of Thyferran military forces that might oppose us."
Corran nodded. "Right."
Mirax's grin broadened. "Okay, so get to the trouble part."
"Mirax, be serious."
"I am. You forget, dear heart, that it was an X-wing and a freighter that lit up
the first Death Star."
"This is a little bit different."
"Not really." She reached out and tapped his forehead with a finger. "You and I,
Wedge and Tycho, and everyone else knows what it takes to defeat the Empire.
It's not a mat-ter of equipment, but of having the heart to use that equip-ment.
The Empire was broken because, for the good of the galaxy, it had to be broken.
The Rebels were given no choice, and because of that, they pushed themselves
further than the Imperials did. We know we can win and that we must win, and
Isard's people know nothing of the kind."
"That's all well and good, Mirax, and I agree, but this is a massive
undertaking. The sheer amount of equipment we'll need to pull this off is
"Agreed. I don't think this will be easy, but it can be done."
"I know." Corran massaged his eyes with his left hand. "Too many variables and
not enough data available to begin to assign them values."
"And three hours before dawn isn't the time you should be wrestling with such
things. As bright as you might be, Corran Horn, this is not an hour when you do
your best work."
Corran raised an eyebrow. "I seem to recall you singing a different tune last
evening about this time."
"At that time you weren't concerned with Ysanne Isard, you were concerned with
"Ah, and that makes the difference?"
"From my perspective, you bet." She took the lightsaber from his hand and set it
atop his dresser. "And I think, if you're willing to work with me, I can share
that perspective with you."
He kissed her on the tip of the nose. "It would be my pleasure."
"That, Lieutenant Horn, is just half the objective here."
"Forgive me." Following her toward the bed, he stepped over the silken puddle
her robe made on the floor. "You know, I just got out of prison."