"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

splayed out fingers closed into a fist. "First, we will cut allotments to worlds
to cover our losses. Second, we will delay shipments to worlds that accepted
bacta from Antilles; and third, we will demand payment from those worlds as if
the delivery had been made by Antilles on our behalf. Delinquent accounts will
receive no more service from us."
Molten fury flowed through Isard's left eye. "You're giv-ing me bookkeeping. I
want blood."
Of course you do. Vorru's features sharpened. While Isard had been on Imperial
Center-even hidden away after the Rebel conquest-her connection to that center
of power had anchored her. She had been patient and prepared to be subtle. Here,
on Thyferra, where the omnipresence of plant life and the languid lifestyle of
the human masters of the planet made it the antithesis of Imperial Center, Isard
seemed prepared to indulge her more primal urges.
"Please, Madam Director, reflect for a moment on how our current position
mirrors "that of the Empire prior to the death of our beloved Emperor. The Rebel
attacks are tiny and really insignificant in every way, except as strikes
against our prestige and image. You yourself have often said that destroy-ing
the Rebellion must come before the rebuilding of the Em-pire, and in this you
have correctly focused on the core of the problem. This problem we face still
because Antilles opposes us and must be destroyed."
Vorru opened his hands and spread them. "Our prob-lems in dealing with him are
significant at this point. We do not know where he is, so mounting a strike
against him is impossible."
Isard folded her arms over her chest. "We will begin op-erations to locate him."
"Of course. I have already begun to spread word through the various smuggling
networks and criminal organizations offering a substantial reward for reports on
his operations. They will bear fruit soon, I am certain." Vorru allowed him-self
a smile. "Until then, by manipulating the price and supply of bacta to punish
those who deal with him, we can vilify him and cut him off from his bases of
support. To wage his little war against us, he needs supplies and allies. If
Antilles were not who he is, we would consider him of no more importance than a
Isard raised a clenched fist. "I would still take steps to crush him. I will
have my ships fly cover missions for our convoys."
Vorru hissed as if he'd been stung. "Be careful, Madam Director."
"You caution me? Don't overstep your bounds, Vorru, or you will be dealt with."
"I recall the fate of Kirtan Loor, Madam Director, and I have no desire to be
trapped in the belly of the Lusankya." Vorru raised his open hands. "I merely
wish to point out that if we accept full responsibility for the protection of
our con-voys, then Antilles will be our problem alone. This means our resources
will be spread too far and will be too diluted to deal with him and his people."
Isard's chin came up. "You have an alternate proposal?"
"Certainly. We require the customers to protect our de-liveries to their worlds,
otherwise we deem their worlds too dangerous for shipments. We bring our convoys
to certain destinations and demand our customers meet us and com-plete their
journeys by themselves. If Antilles and his people hit them after the tankers
leave our protection, they will an-ger a neutral party to their dispute. The
Rogues will fight people other than our pilots, saving us personnel and
equip-ment, both of which we no longer have in an unlimited sup-