"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

my business."
"You can go about your business?" The stormtrooper shook his head, then grabbed
a handful of Corran's jumpsuit front. "Your business is my business,
void-brain." The storm-trooper's comlink clicked from inside the helmet. "This
is Nine One Five, bringing one in."
The stormtrooper looked past him at Mirax. "She with
Fear for her cleared Corran's brain of disbelief over his failure to warp the
stormtrooper's mind. He twisted toward his right to get a look at her, letting
his right hip hit the back of the seat containing his luggage. He let himself
begin to fall back, using his weight to tear his clothing free of the
storm-trooper's grip. His head went down and his feet came up, letting him
somersault backward over the chair. As he did so his right hand grabbed the
hydrospanner and slid it free of the belt. Landing on one knee, he brought his
head up and looked at the stormtrooper.
Corran found himself staring into the barrel of the man's blaster carbine.
"Hydrospanner will work better if you have the heavy end pointed toward me, but
it hardly matters." The storm-trooper's two-handed grip on the carbine kept his
aim steady. "Come along with me or the janitorial staff earns its pay."
"Sithspawn!" Corran swore and hammered the floor with the hydrospanner's head.
As the tool rebounded from the floor, and the head of the hydrospanner went
bouncing off to the right, he thumbed the lightsaber on. The silvery blade
sizzled out and swept up through the muzzle of the blaster carbine. The weapon's
barrel fell one way, the storm-trooper's left hand another as Corran whirled to
his feet and brought the lightsaber around in a slash at the stormtrooper's
eyes. The blade burned through the helmet, filling the air with the pungent
scent of melted armor and burned flesh.
The stormtrooper collapsed like an empty suit of armor. Someone in the spaceport
threshold screamed, then Corran saw two stormtroopers stationed near the Customs
officer come running. Two more appeared from in front of the space-port,
entering the building closest to Sixtus and Elscol. She pulled a hold-out
blaster from her bag and shot at one of them. He went down with a wound to the
leg, and suddenly the whole building erupted with blasterfire as stormtroopers
appeared on the elevated walkways on the narrow ends of the rectangular
Corran dove forward into the row of chairs and pitched them over backward. Mirax
went with them and hunkered down beside him. She brandished the smoking ruin of
the stormtrooper's blaster carbine. "I appreciate the rescue, but did you have
to destroy his blaster?"
"Can't parry the bolts, so I just parry the weapon." Cor-ran ducked his head as
crossfire from the far walkway nib-bled away at the chairs behind which they
hid. Above them, the stormtroopers on the balcony directed their fire toward
Elscol and Sixtus. Corran knew more folks than just Elscol were shooting, since
he saw one stormtrooper across the way go down, but the Imps definitely had them
outgunned and outmanned.
Unless I do something, what I started is going to kill us all. He leaned over,
kissed Mirax full on the mouth, then smiled. "Stay here, I have an idea." "Don't
get yourself killed."
"What, and make your father's day. Not going to hap-pen." / hope.
Lightsaber in hand, Corran ran low and fast toward the refresher station. He hit