"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

really matter bow I'd died as much as it mattered that both the New Republic and
Xucphra thought I was dead."
Mirax frowned. "Something just occurred to me-you're the reason Qlaern Hirf came
looking specifically for Wedge."
Jace nodded. "Wedge is intelligent, resourceful, and re-spectable, so he was my
obvious choice. Corran would have been my second choice, but by the time we sent
Qlaern Hirf out, news of Corran's death had reached Thyferra."
"You would have sent him to me?" Corran wasn't cer-tain he'd heard correctly.
He'd never had the impression that Jace had seen him as having the same
attributes that he ascribed to Wedge.
"Corran, though we established that I was a better pilot than you, this does not
mean I have no respect for your skills or experience." Jace's tone of voice
lightened ever so slightly. "Your long association with the Empire's criminal
class means you understand a host of methods necessary for elud-ing authority
and surviving, which were things I thought would prove useful in keeping Qlaern
"Thanks. I think."
"I meant that as a compliment."
"I'll remember that."
Mirax glanced over at Iella. "Too bad the bacta can't cure annoying personality
Iella shrugged. "Congenital defect, I'm afraid. Corran's always been competitive
and contrary."
Corran gave Iella a hard stare. "I always got along with you."
"Because you knew you'd lose if we ever went head to head where our skills
He could have protested her observations, but he knew it was more true than
false. "Okay, you made your point." Corran forced a smile on his face. "Where do
we go from here? What's been decided while I've been floating?"
Elscol folded her arms. "Sixtus, Iella, and I will be stay-ing here-taking
Jace's place in the Ashern planning councils because he'll be going back with
you to liaise with the squad-ron. We're bringing in expertise on how to take a
planet away from its government and how to deal with counterintelligence
Corran looked at his former partner. "Are you ready for this?"
Iella thought for a moment, then nodded. "I'll probably get the cleanest shot of
any of us at Isard. Dirk's death still hurts, but if I'm to honor his memory, I
can't do it by sitting around and mourning. You made that point very
"Yeah, but here you won't be among your friends."
Iella smiled gently and caressed Corran's cheek. "True, but that means I've got
fewer things to remind me of Diric and distract me."
"I don't think being away from friends would have made it any easier to get over
my father's death, but I understand what you're saying." Corran winked at her.
"Don't do any-thing stupid-especially in the name of revenge. Promise?"
"Sure, as long as you make the same promise."
"Done." Corran got up and gave her a big hug, then reluctantly let her go.
Looking back at Mirax he asked, "So, what about the rest of us?"
"Our job here's done. We've delivered our charges, and we'll be safeguarding our
liaison officer back to the base, so we're going home." Mirax smiled at him. "At