"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

least we'll be doing that as soon as we get some clothes on you, that is."
"As long as I don't have to use Jace's tailor, I'll be happy."
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"
"I hate shorts."
"On you, who'd notice?"
Jace's riposte stunned Corran, then he smiled. "I was thinking I spent a long
time in the bacta tank, but I have a feeling that's going to be like nothing
compared to the trip home. I'm glad you're alive, Jace. Life's been much too
easy since you've been gone."
Wedge exerted the effort to wipe the smile off his face as his X-wing hurtled
through hyperspace. Bror Jace's return from the grave had been a most pleasant
surprise, both because he wasn't dead and because of the insight into Thyferra
he pro-vided. Zaltin had long kept tabs on Xucphra, and Isard had not changed
procedures so much that Jace's intelligence re-ports had been completely
He was very happy to have Jace back in the squadron. Zraii had put an X-wing
together out of parts for Jace. The Thyferran had it painted red with green
trim-the corporate colors of Zaltin-and had been checked out on it within three
hours of his arrival at Yag'Dhul. Jace had been a hot hand in an X-wing when he
was first with the squadron, and his time off had not seemed to dull his skill
very much at all. With as few pilots as we have, they all need to be sharp.
Wedge had been less than pleased with learning that Cor-ran had been injured on
Thyferra. He'd have been angry with Corran except that the smaller man gave him
a full report on what happened, including an analysis of his mistakes. Corran
had been quite frank concerning what he had done, re-minding Wedge of Corran's
attack on stormtroopers on
Talasea. When Corran finds trouble, he never seems to have difficulty just
diving in, especially when the lives of others are at stake. Nice trait to have
in a friend.
Information Jace had brought with him set the basis for the run the squadron had
headed out on. Isard had initiated escort service for the bacta convoys, moving
them to central-ized locations where the client worlds would come to get their
bacta. Wedge saw immediately that if he hit the covered con-voys he'd be in
serious trouble, but Jace's people had initiated an operation to get them some
of the bacta anyway. The Ashern had sliced new code into the navicomps on three
of the freighters that would produce a course deviation in the final leg of the
trip. The freighters would fly out from under their cover and be in a position
for the squadron to make off with them. The navicomps would remain useless until
the squadron sent them the key code or until the crew stripped the computer down
and reloaded all of the software.
Wedge knew the operation was chancy, but to refuse to go after the ships would
mean that the Ashern's effort had gone for naught. The risk of the operation had
to be weighed against the good that could be done with the supplies of bacta the
ships carried. Halanit could still use more, as could sev-eral other small
settlements that found the Thyferran price prohibitively high. More important,
Coruscant needed more bacta to supplement the rylca treatments for the Krytos
He couldn't discount the possibility of a trap entirely, but for the Imps to