"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

bore only six color tabs, but the fact that he also wore two rank cylinders told
Vorru he was a Commander, not a mere Captain. Even so, because of his position
of command on the ship and Imperial tradi-tion, addressing him as Captain would
be proper. And the way he genuflects before kissing Iceheart's proffered hand
shows this Convarion is nothing if not proper.
Convarion met Vorru's offered hand with a strong grip. The man's sharp features,
thick black hair, and blue eyes all combined to grant Convarion an intensity
that surprised
Vorru. / had thought all such fire-eaters had been killed at Endor. This man is
ambitious and, therefore, dangerous. If he were my subordinate, I would have him
"Pleased to meet you, Captain Convarion."
"And you, Minister Vorru." Convarion's mouth smiled, but any pleasure failed to
register beyond the boundaries of his lips. "I am honored that you would deign
to notice my ship and our exploits."
Isard, wearing her scarlet Admiral's uniform, glanced back at him with faint
amusement in her eyes. "You have shown initiative, Commander, and I always
notice initiative. I should like to inspect your ship, if that is possible, but
first I would speak with you in private."
"Of course, Madam Director." Convarion bowed, then pointed to an aisle through
the middle of the bone white ranks of stormtroopers. "My wardroom is this way."
Vorru trailed behind Convarion and Isard. He noticed that Convarion matched his
pace to that of Isard and that she, in reaction to this, varied her gait and
caused Convarion to do the same. Convarion's face gave no sign he noticed what
was going on or if he was annoyed by it or not. He merely looked up at Isard
with rapt attention on his face, not sycophantically hanging on her every word,
but receiving what she said as if it were advice worthy of his most sincere
Vorru suppressed a smile as he watched Convarion oper-ate, because he knew the
man had to be trying to balance two conflicting scenarios in his head. By
sending the Corrupter after the errant ships, Convarion had succeeded in
ambushing an Antilles operation and scattering his forces. By Conva-rion's
estimate Antilles lost a half-dozen ships, including sev-eral of the Uglies,
known as Deathseeds by the Twi'leks who created them. Just knowing that some
Twi'leks had thrown in with Antilles was valuable information itself, and
Convarion would have been due some reward for just bringing that tid-bit back
from his mission.
On the other hand, he had left the majority of his convoy
uncovered and open to attack. Antilles had still gotten away
with two ships and Convarion had destroyed another bacta
freighter on his own initiative. His report had stated that the freighter was
moving in conjunction with the pirates and did not acknowledge his initial hail,
so he considered it hostile and destroyed it. Such decisiveness was the sort of
thing Isard appreciated, but the loss of a bacta freighter was a high price to
pay for it.
The hatch to the small wardroom closed behind Vorru, trapping him in there with
Isard and Convarion. Vorru moved to the end of the room far from the door and
seated himself at the corner of the rectangular black duraplast table that
dominated the room. Convarion hovered closest to the far narrow end of the
table, ready to take his place at the head of it if Isard did not wish that