"Michael Stackpole "The Bacta War"" - читать интересную книгу автора

Cruiser to prevent the X-wings from running and hiding in hyperspace, Iceheart's
navy would be ineffective against them. We're okay unless someone jumps in on
top of a ship the way the Corrupter did. Barring that, we can fly in, shoot off
a bunch of proton torpedoes, take out some freighters, and flee before Iceheart
can stop us. As long as we don't run out of torpedoes, we should be fine.
Wedge's head came up. "Tycho and I are working with Bror Jace on compiling a
list of viable targets for our punitive strike. When we have a selection made
we'll convene another meeting and begin planning of the operation. Until then,
your time is your own, but stay here on the station. We'll go when we have a
plan in place, and I'm hoping that will be sooner than later. Thanks. You're all
Corran sat back for a moment, then let Mirax tug him to
his feet. "Lots to think about."
She nodded in agreement and slipped her left arm over
his shoulders. "I don't know about you, but I want a drink and something to eat.
Do you want to hit a tapcaf?"
"Sure. How about the Hype?"
"Food's better at Flarestar."
"Actually the service is better at Flarestar, but I prefer the decor at
Hyperspace." Flarestar tended to be rather dark and quiet, while Hyperspace was
as brilliantly lit as its namesake. "The mood I'm drifting into isn't one I want
to aid and abet with dim light."
Mirax gave his shoulder a squeeze. "Lead the way."
They walked to the station's core and took the turbolift up to the first of the
docking ring's decks. Hyperspace's well-lit opening beckoned to them from
opposite the lift. The de-cor consisted mostly of pinks, yellows, and white
jumbled together in an odd, asymmetrical manner that Corran found somehow
comforting. He'd decided it was that the color se-lection was repulsive, but the
strange angles and mixing pre-vented any of it from being overwhelming. The
Trandoshan who ran the place seemed to have a quasi-mystical respect for shape
and form, often seating people in the tapcaf in a way that accentuated the
establishment's visual chaos.
They followed the large sauroid to a corner booth big enough for the entire
squadron. Corran considered.it wishful thinking on her part. The booth was far
enough away from the other patrons that he felt he could talk with Mirax
with-out surrendering privacy, so the Trandoshan's choice suited him perfectly.
A motley silver-and-gold 3PO droid came over to take their order, then bounced
off to fill it.
Corran picked at a chipped area of the duraplast table's edge with his
thumbnail. "Wedge made some good points in there. I think he's right that all of
us had really stopped think-ing about the seriousness of what we were doing.
Face it, since Blackmoon, aside from me, the squadron had really lost no one. I
showed back up and that helped reinforce our feel-ing that we were invincible.
Tycho joined us, then Bror reap-pears, and we're suddenly reinforced by some of
the best pilots the Rebellion ever had."
"The unit has felt more relaxed." Mirax shrugged. "I think that's only partly
because of the successes you've had. You are good, but I think you've all
underestimated your opposition. Sure, Isard had to run, and she's trapped
on Thyferra; but she's still tough. Captain Convarion is very aggressive.