"Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer, Detective (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

"Tempers? Uncle Silas? Land, you must be joking! I didn't know he HAD
any temper."
"Works him up into perfect rages, your aunt Sally says; says he acts as
if he would really hit the man, sometimes."
"Aunt Polly, it beats anything I ever heard of. Why, he's just as
gentle as mush."
"Well, she's worried, anyway. Says your uncle Silas is like a changed
man, on account of all this quarreling. And the neighbors talk about it,
and lay all the blame on your uncle, of course, because he's a preacher
and hain't got any business to quarrel. Your aunt Sally says he hates to
go into the pulpit he's so ashamed; and the people have begun to cool
toward him, and he ain't as popular now as he used to was."
"Well, ain't it strange? Why, Aunt Polly, he was always so good and
kind and moony and absent-minded and chuckle-headed and lovable-why, he
was just an angel! What CAN be the matter of him, do you reckon?"


WE had powerful good luck; because we got a chance in a stern-wheeler
from away North which was bound for one of them bayous or one-horse rivers
away down Louisiana way, and so we could go all the way down the Upper
Mississippi and all the way down the Lower Mississippi to that farm in
Arkansaw without having to change steamboats at St. Louis; not so very
much short of a thousand miles at one pull.
A pretty lonesome boat; there warn't but few passengers, and all old
folks, that set around, wide apart, dozing, and was very quiet. We was
four days getting out of the "upper river," because we got aground so
much. But it warn't dull-couldn't be for boys that was traveling, of
From the very start me and Tom allowed that there was somebody sick in
the stateroom next to ourn, because the meals was always toted in there by
the waiters. By and by we asked about it-Tom did and the waiter said it
was a man, but he didn't look sick.
"Well, but AIN'T he sick?"
"I don't know; maybe he is, but 'pears to me he's just letting on."
"What makes you think that?"
"Because if he was sick he would pull his clothes off SOME time or
other-don't you reckon he would? Well, this one don't. At least he don't
ever pull off his boots, anyway."
"The mischief he don't! Not even when he goes to bed?"
It was always nuts for Tom Sawyer-a mystery was. If you'd lay out a
mystery and a pie before me and him, you wouldn't have to say take your
choice; it was a thing that would regulate itself. Because in my nature I
have always run to pie, whilst in his nature he has always run to mystery.
People are made different. And it is the best way. Tom says to the waiter:
"What's the man's name?"