"Деннис Уитли. The Devil Rides Out (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автораexercise in front of you, I had done it before ignorant natives, who
had never heard of hypnotism, they would terra it magic, would they not?' 'Sure.' Then to go a step further. If, by a greater exertion of the same power, I levitated, that is to say, lifted myself to a height of several inches from this floor, you might not use the word magic but you would class that feat in the same category as the ignorant native would place the easier one, because it is something which you have always thought impossible.' That's true.' 'Well, I am not sufficient of an adept to perform the feat, but will you accept my assurances that I've seen it done, not once, but a number of times?' 'If you say so, but from all I've heard about such things, the fellows you saw didn't leave the ground at all. It is just mass hypnotism exercised upon the whole audience-like the rope trick.' 'As you wish, but that explanation does not rob me of my point. If you admit that I can tap an unknown power to make Simon obey my will, and that an Eastern mystic can tap that power to the far greater extent of making a hundred people's eyes deceive them into believing that he is standing on thin air, you admit that there is a power and that it can be tapped in greater degrees according to the knowledge and proficiency of the man who uses it.' 'Yes, within limits.' possible, but wouldn't you have considered wireless impossible if you had been living fifty years ago and somebody had endeavoured to convince you of it?' 'Maybe.' Rex sat forward suddenly. 'But I don't get what you're driving at. Hypnotism is only a demonstration of the power of the human will.' 'Ah! There you have it. The will to good and the will to evil. That is the whole matter in a nutshell. The human will is like a wireless set and properly adjusted-trained that is-it can tune in with the invisible influence which is all about us.' 'The Invisible Influence. I've certainly heard that phrase somewhere before.' 'No doubt. A very eminent mental specialist who holds a high position in our asylums wrote a book with that title and I have not yet asked you to believe one tenth of what he vouches for.' 'Then I wonder they haven't locked him up.' 'Rex! Rex!' De Richleau smiled a little sadly. Try and open your mind, my friend. Do you believe in the miracles performed by Jesus Christ?' 'Yes.' 'And of His Disciples and certain of the Saints?' 'Sure, but they had some special power granted to them from on high.' 'Exactly! Some Special Power. But I suppose you would deny that |