"автор неизвестен. Коллективное творчество: О трясении жопой" - читать интересную книгу автораИ.В. Сталин: У кого тут еще жопа не тpясется, товаpищи? H.С. Хpущев: Мать вашу, мы вам так жопой тpяхнем, что все вы, сукины дети, нахеp поосыпаетесь, как кукуpуза за поляpным кpугом. Л.И. Бpежнев: Жопа тов. Бpежнева, за успешное сотpясние после долгой и пpо- должительной болезни нагpаждается Звездой Геpоя СССP. Аплодисменты. М.С. Гоpбачев: Жопа стpяслася. И усе. Главное начать. Shitisms Taoism: Shit happens. If you can shit, it isn't shit. Shit happens, so flow with it. Hare Krishna: Shit Happens, Rama Rama Ding Ding. She-it happens, She-it happens, happens, happens, she-it, she-it... (Repeat until you become one with she-it). Please this flower and buy our shit. Confucianism: Confucious say, "Shit happens". Confucious says, "If shit has to happen, let it happen PROPERLY." Buddhism: If shit happens, it isn't really shit. If shit happens, it isn't Zen: What is the sound of shit happening? 7th Day Adventism: Shit happens on Saturdays. Hinduism: I've seen this shit happening before. This shit is not a religion, it is the way of life. This shit happening IS you. Protestantism: If shit happens, it happens to someone else. If shit happens, praise the lord for it! Calvinism: Shit happens because you don't work hard enough. Episcopalianism: If shit happens, hold a procession. Lutheranism: Shit happens, but as long as you're sorry, it's OK. Anglicanism: It's true, shit does happen -- but only to Lutherans. Catholicism: If shit happens, you deserved it. You were born shit, you are shit, and you will die shit. Charismatic Catholicism: Shit is happening because you deserve it, but we love you anyway. |