"River Out Of Eden" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dawkins Richard)INDEX {167} Adenine, 144. African Eve, 41, 44-57. Ancestors and descendants: cousin-ships, 34-35, 36, 41-42, 52; genetic code in, 12, 42-43, 44; mitochondrial DNA, 47-48, 49-50; most recent common ancestor, 54-56; reproductive success and, 107-8; role of genes in, 2-4, 28, 117-18, 131; single or universal ancestor theory, 12, 38-39, 44-57; Angler fish, 71. Antelopes, 105. Ants. Apes and gorillas. Argument from Design, 98 Argument from Personal Incredulity, 70, 77, 91-92 Asimov, Isaac, 138 Atkins, Peter, 97 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 159 Bacteria: DNA and genes in, 154; genetic code of, 12; Baerends, Gerard, 68 Bees: dance language of, 84-92, 99-101; drones/queens/workers, 4, 113, 114-15; oleic acid and, 165; Beetles, 90-91. Big Bang, 145 Birds: brains and eyesight, 63; natural deception of, 63-65, 72; singing of, 120 Blennies, sabre-toothed, 72. Bodies: influences of genes on, 20-22, 152, 153 Brothers. Butterflies, 66, 125. Cairns-Smith, Graham, 150 Cartland, Barbara, 115 Caterpillars, 125. Cells: chromosomes in, 18; genes in, 21, 24, 154-55, 156; membranes of, 22; {168} multiplication of, 155; as thresholds in the replication bomb, 154-57. Cheetahs, 105. Chemistry, 138 Computers: digital codes, 13; Copying: Crab Nebula, 135 Crick, Francis, 16 Cuckoos, 72. Cultural relativism, 31 Cytosine, 144. Darwin, Charles, 34, 61, 95, 107 arguments against, 92; creationism and, 59; purpose and, 98-99, 101-2, 124. Deception. Deoxyribonucleic acid. Descendants. Digital code: DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid): cells and, 154; characteristics of, 7-8, 144, 150; effects of sex on DNA history, 39-41, 46-47; forerunner of, 151; “junk,” 18; replication of, 144, 150, 154; as a river of information, xii, 4, 39; as self-copying molecules, 144; survival of, 105-6, 120, 131, 150. Earth, 136, 138. Embryology, 153 Embryos: enzymes in, 25; genes in, 24-25, 26-28, 129-30; individual differences and, 26-28; Engineering, reverse, 102-3, 104 Eukaryotic cells, 46, 154. Evolution: African Eve, 33; Argument from Personal Incredulity, 70, 77, 91-92; evolutionary intermediates, 59-60, 61, 70-84, 87-93; evolutionary stable sex ratio, 108-9, 110; genetic processes of, 2-3, 4-11, 83-84; theory of, 44; Explosions, 137 Exponential growth, 137-38, 146-47 Eyes: insect, 65-66, 67-68, 69, 90-91, 98-99; Mattiessen's ratio, 81; natural selection and, 76; Fabre, Jean-Henri, 66 Family trees. Female. Fibrinopeptides, 44 Fireflies, 71-72. Fisher, Ronald, 38-39, 107, 109-10, 111, 117 Fishes: sexual choice of, 113; natural deception of, 62-63, 71; Flower colors, 98-99. Fooling. Ford, Henry, 122 {169} Garden of Eden, 33 Gastrulation. Gazelles, 131. Gender. Generations: DNA copying over, 19; as a gene sieve, 3. Genes: changes and branches in, 2-3, 6-9; as digital information, 12, 17-20; in embryos, 24-25, 26-28, 129-30; independence of, 5; individual differences and, 26-28; lethal and sublethal, 129; longevity and mortality, 127-28, 130-31; pheno-types and, 152; physical location or environment and, 6-7, 9, 25, 27, 28-29, 154-55; river model of, 4, 5-10, 20, 28-29, 36, 39, 57, 154; success and survival of, 2-3, 5, 27-29, 109, 120, 124-25; switching on, 21, 23-25, 128, 129, 130. Genetic code: as digital information, 17-20; enzyme molecule assembly and, 22-23; protein molecules and, 153; species similarities of, 12. Glucose, 139 God. Goodenough, Oliver, 147 Guanine, 144. Guthrie, Woody, 128 Harems, 106, 112-13, 116-17, 118 Hein, Piet, xi Heredity/heritability, 81-82, 139, 141. Hofstadter, Douglas, 67 Horses, 42, 43, 49. Housman, A. E., 133 Humans: deception and, 62; evolution of, 53; as a manifestation of the replication bomb, 136-37; need for purpose, xii, 96-98, 101-2, 104-5, 133; Hume, David, xii Humphrey, Nicholas, 122 Information bomb. Insects: eyes and eyesight, 65-66, 67-68, 90-91, 98-99; natural deception of, 59-60, 65-70, 71-72, 74, 75; similarities with vertebrates, 12; stages in life history of, 124-25; Life, xi, 136. Light, 74 McGavin, George, 74 Male. Mammals: differences in cytochrome division of species, 6-7, 8-11; Margulis, Lynn, 45 {170} Marlowe, Christopher, 160 Mattiessen's ratio, 81 Mayflies, 125. Mimicry. Mitochondrial Eve. Molecular biology, 11, 16-17, 39 Molecular clock hypothesis, 42, 43-44, 52 Molecules: changes in, 44; competition for atoms, 141; in crystals, 140; mutations of, 143; numbers of, 138; protein, 153; reproduction and replication of, 139-44, 146, 149-50; successful, 150; Monensin, 142 Monkeys, 8. Mortality, 110-12, 114, 126-28 Motoo Kimura, 43 Moulay Ishmael the Bloodthirsty, 55-56 Music, 159 Mutations: hallmarks, 149; genetic copying and, 19; rate of, 42, 43-44, 52, 79-83; replicator efficiency and, 147; tissues and, 80. Natural selection: genes and, 27-28, 122, 128-29, 155; intensity of, 82; molecules and, 44; quality of bodies and organs, 73-74, 98-99, 102, 122-24; reproduction and, 126; Nature: natural continuum, 72-77, 92-93, 126; natural deception, 59-70, 71-76; natural indifference in, 95-96, 131-33; Nerve cells. Neurons: analog/digital nature of, 15, 16; development of in the replication bomb, 156-57 Nucleic acids. Orchids, 59-60, 61, 72. Flower colors Organs, 21-22, 156 Oystercatchers, 63. Peacocks, 120, 124. Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 97 Photocells. Pigs, 42, 43, 49. Population, 34 Pulse Code Modulation, 13 Pulse Frequency Modulation, 15-16 Pulses, 16 Religion, 59-61, 95, 104-5, 132-33. Replication bomb: data-handling units in, 157; DNA and, 144; information processing in, 156; molecular heredity and, 139, 142-43, 149-50; radio and, 158; {171} space travel and communications, 159-61; technology in, 158; templates and, 140; time course of, 135-36, 145-46; triggering event, 137, 138, 139, 146; types of, 158. Replicators, xi, 146-50, 151, 152, 153-54, 157 Reproduction. Reproductions. Resources: expenditure of, 109-12, 115-16, 126, 130-31; exponential growth and, 146-47; Reverse engineering. RNA (Ribonucleic acid), 144, 150-51 Royal jelly, 115 Species: differences in cytochrome diversity of, xii; family trees of, 42; genetic differences, 5-11, 41-42; survival of, 8. Sphexish, 67 Squirrels, 6-7. Stars: burning of, 135; radio frequencies and, 145; Sticklebacks, 62-63. Sun. Supernovas, 135, 137. Survival: DNA and, 19. Sagan, Carl, 160 Salmon, 125. Sea gulls, 63-64. Seals, 106-7, 109-10, 116, 118. Sex: in bees, 115; differences in numbers of children, 56, 108-18; “parental” or resource expenditure and, 109-12, 115-16, 126, 130-31; Sex ratios. Sexual reproduction: genetic recombination and, 6; historical DNA record and, 39-41, 44, 46; Sisters. Slide rules, 103 Song of Solomon, 40 Technology development, 158-59 Termites, 4. Thomas, Lewis, 159 Thymine, 144. Tigers, 71. Trees, 121 Turkeys, 64-65. Utility function: longevity and, 127; sex ratios and, 118; survival of DNA as, 119-20, 131 Variation, coefficient of, 82 Vertebrates, 12. von Frisch, Karl, 66, 84, 85, 88, 92, 98-101 {172} Wasps, 4, 59-60, 66-70, 95. Water (H2O), 139 Watson, James, 16 Wedgwood, Emma, 34 Wordsworth, William, 161 Wrasse, blue-headed, 113. Xerox copies, 16 Zoology, 10 |