"Ramage's Devil" - читать интересную книгу автора (Pope Dudley)


Admiral Clinton sat at his desk with the alert wariness of a stag lurking in a stand of low trees at the far end of a glen. He was trying to decide whether the five men in front of him were innocent visitors or a quintet likely to board him in a cloud of smoke.

'Well now,' he said finally, his Scots accent broadening, and Ramage remembered Sarah's reference to the family, 'so here ye all are. Let me see ...

'Yes, Dr Travis, the physician of my fleet, I know you well enough, and so I should since I see you every day. Are ye comfortable in that old armchair?'

Travis, tall and gaunt, everyone's idea of a dour man of medicine, had obviously qualified in Edinburgh, and his brief 'Aye' was all he would allow himself for the moment.

'And m'flag captain - are you comfortable, Bennett? I know ye prefer standing but with this headroom and you so tall, it worries me!'

Except for Travis, the others laughed dutifully: Captain Bennett was only an inch or so over five feet; even his hair, wiry and sitting on his head like a bob major wig, did not come within five inches of the beams.

'Then there's Captain Ramage. Lord Ramage, by rights, but he saves us any possible embarrassment by not using his title. You're a jealous man, otherwise you'd have brought that beautiful wife with you.'

Ramage smiled, not at all certain whether or not the admiral was making a polite joke. 'She has only a fishwife's torn smock to wear, sir, so she decided to wait for a more appropriate occasion.'

Clinton gestured at Ramage's trousers and shirt. 'You'd have made a good pair. I've been a sailor too long to judge a ship by the patches in her sails.'

He looked round at the settee. 'Well, Mr Ramage, perhaps you'd introduce these gentlemen ...'

'Sir, Lieutenant Aitken, the Calypso's first lieutenant. He has served with me in the Mediterranean and the West Indies.'

'Aye,' Clinton told Aitken, 'he's been telling me all about you. What he doesn't know - nor do you - is that I knew all about you long ago.'

He gave a laugh at the look of dismay on the young lieutenant's face. 'Man, you look as though the parson's just accused you of deflowering all the young women in the village. Y'father was another Aitken, master, was he not, and he served with me in the Ramillies, Britannia and this ship, the Culloden, before I hoisted my flag. I owed a lot to y'father and I've kept an eye on you from the day y'went to sea, but you've made your own way without needing a dram of help so I've held m'peace.'

Aitken was obviously startled at this news and stammered his thanks, to be cut short by Clinton. 'Ye've served Mr Ramage very well, and it looks to me as if Mr Ramage feels towards the Aitken family as I do. Still, we all have the rest of our lives to live and,' he added, his voice taking on a friendly warning note, 'a great deal of both good and bad can happen before we go to our graves.'

A sombre silence had fallen over the great cabin and in Ramage's imagination the mahogany of the desk, wine cooler and table seemed to grow darker, but Clinton seemed not to realize the effect he had unwittingly made.

'And you must be the Calypso's surgeon - Bowen, isn't it? You and Mr Aitken have had a worrying time, I imagine. Now, who starts? Perhaps we'd be better starting at the end, then Dr Travis can be about his business.'

Which was another way of saying, Ramage reflected, that Travis would not have to listen to things that he could be questioned about later at a court-martial.

'How did you find the patient?'

'Mr Aitken was justified in signalling for the physician of the fleet, sir. This is no reflection on the medical capacity of Mr Bowen, who I truly believe understands a great deal more about this type of illness than I do.'

'Don't stop man, you've only just started!' the admiral exclaimed impatiently.

'Acting on your orders, I boarded the Calypso frigate as soon as she hove-to near the flagship,' Travis said in a monotonous voice, obviously nettled by the admiral's remarks, 'and I asked Captain Ramage why the ship had made the signal requesting the fleet's physician. He said that the captain of the frigate, a certain Captain William Bullivant, was confined to his cot unconscious and not in a fit condition to exercise command of the ship.'

'Oh, go on, man!'

'Captain Ramage commented to me,' Travis said heavily, 'that the nature of Captain Bullivant's illness was such that not only could he not exercise command, but it led him for long periods to act in a manner prejudicial to the King's business.'

Everyone in the cabin realized that Travis had spoken slowly and with great care a sentence which was carefully phrased, intended not just for the ears of the commander-in-chief but the five or more captains and flag officers who might be forming a court-martial or court of inquiry.

'Did you examine the patient?'

'I was introduced to the ship's first lieutenant and her surgeon, but before discussing the case any further I went below and examined the patient. I have my notes here,' he said, pulling a sheaf of papers from a leather case. The admiral watched for a moment as Travis began sorting them out, and then groaned.

'No, no, Travis, don't start pouring Latin words all over me. I'm just a simple Highlander, not one of your brilliant Edinburgh scholars.'

Travis glared at the admiral, sat up straight in the armchair and put the papers back in his case. 'In words of one syllable, sir, Captain Bullivant was in a drunken stupor. He has been having attacks of - if you'll permit me that Latin - delirium tremens, and he was proposing to have the master, a midshipman and a seaman hanged at sunset.'

Clinton's face paled. It took him only a moment to connect the Bullivant family and the Navy Board, the besotted captain of a frigate and the dangers for junior officers, and another moment to realize that the whole problem had landed in his lap like a haggis sliding away from the carver's knife.

'You can testify about the man's medical condition; you don't know about the hangings.'

'I do, sir,' Travis contradicted, and he said with some precision: 'I confirmed the captain's intentions with each of the three men and my witnesses were Captain Ramage and Lieutenant Swan, the first lieutenant of the brig.'

'Very well, doctor, and thank 'ee. I'm sure you have plenty of work waiting for you.'

'I have that,' Travis said. 'You'll be wanting a written report?'

'I'll talk to you about that later.'

As soon as Travis had left the cabin, Clinton looked at Ramage. 'It was as bad as that?'

'Worse, sir. Bullivant was going to shoot me when I came on board: he reckoned I was Satan, too.'

Clinton permitted himself a wintry smile. 'A pardonable error of identification, some might say.'

Ramage gave an equally wintry smile. 'With a loaded pistol at less than five paces, sir.'

'Too close, too close,' Clinton agreed, and turned to Bowen. 'When do you think the drinking started?'

'Years ago, sir. Secret drinking. As the months pass it takes a glass or two more to produce oblivion. Finally the brain is deranged, although at first not all the time. For a long time the patient probably manages to control his drinking so that he stays this side of delirium, but suddenly he is put under a strain - given the command of a ship, for example. He feels himself inadequate so he has an extra glass or two, or three or four. And he passes over the line into delirium. A few hours later he recovers from that particular attack, craves more drink ... and so it goes on. Fifty glasses are not enough; one is too many.'

'How long will it take to cure this man?'

'That is a question better answered by Dr Travis, sir.'

'I am asking you,' persisted the admiral.

'You won't like my answer, sir.'

'When you reach my age and rank you rarely like anyone's answers about anything, so that's not relevant. You were cured of the same thing.'

'Yes, sir, but the cause - what drove me to drink - was not the same.'

Ramage was pleasantly surprised at the way Bowen was carefully making his points: the admiral was leaning forward, like the close relative listening anxiously for the diagnosis.

'What's the difference? A drink is a drink. One man's body is like another. It's the liver isn't it. Gets damaged?'

'It's really the mind, sir,' Bowen corrected gently. 'It's the mind that starts a man drinking, although the liver eventually kills him. The patient we are concerned with started drinking - in my opinion, of course - because it helped him forget his feelings of inadequacy.'

'Inadequacy? Inadequacy?' Clinton turned the word over like a dog with a bone. 'What did he feel inadequate about?'

'Commanding a frigate, sir. He was also unlucky enough to be given the Calypso.'

'Bowen, you are talking rubbish.'

Ramage, too, was startled to hear the surgeon declaring it was Bullivant's bad luck to be given the Calypso, although he thought he understood the rest of the point Bowen was making.

'You asked for my medical opinion, sir, and if you'll allow me, I had one of the best practices in Wimpole Street until I ruined it all with drink. So, drink, drinking, its cause and consequences - that is a subject I know a great deal about. If I was as expert in naval strategy and tactics, I would be the admiral of the red.'

Clinton nodded because for the past few years, as he had begun climbing up the ladder of flag rank, he had been surrounded by sycophants: he found that many captains brave enough in action were too quick with the fawning 'Yes, sir, no sir' in this cabin: he found he still enjoyed seeing an officer's features tauten and hear him say 'If you'll allow me sir' as a preliminary to flatly contradicting a commander-in-chief who could destroy his career with the wave of a hand.

'I appoint you temporarily an admiral of the red wine,' Clinton said dryly. 'So explain his "inadequacy" and why he was "unlucky".'

'As Lieutenant Bullivant on board a ship of the line or a frigate, the patient simply obeyed orders. Sighting land, changes in wind strength or direction, tacking or wearing - every captain's standing orders set down that he is to be called, so the patient never had to decide whether that was a particular headland, whether he had to reef or furl, tack or wear. His whole life at sea was to ask a senior when he was in doubt; to report and obey.'

'Yes, yes, I understand that much,' Clinton said.

'Suddenly - perhaps as a result of patronage, perhaps because he had proved to be a good lieutenant -'

'Perhaps a combination of both,' Clinton interrupted sarcastically.

'Yes,' Bowen agreed, 'perhaps. Anyway, he was suddenly made post and given a frigate in emergency conditions with no previous experience of command: with the war about to start again he was ordered to take over the frigate in Chatham, get her ready for sea immediately - remember, she was in the process of paying off - and join your fleet for blockade duty off Brest, notoriously the worst job the Navy has.'

Clinton nodded encouragingly. 'So far we are only stating in a medical voice what we all know.'

'Agreed, sir; I could have said that in a naval voice. However, I will now proceed, if I may, in my Wimpole Street voice.'

Clinton grinned: he was beginning to like this whimsical sawbones. He had heard enough about young Ramage to know that by now he must be a shrewd judge of men, and had been impressed at Ramage's earlier references to Bowen and his lieutenants and the master. Bowen must have sewn him up a few times too, come to think of it, because Ramage had been wounded often enough.

'You can talk in a Wimpole Street voice, but don't send me a Wimpole Street bill because you're still a ship's surgeon!'

'And I wouldn't exchange any of it.'

'Easy to talk,' Clinton commented.

Ramage said quietly: 'With the late peace, sir, Mr Bowen came with me in the Calypso on a long cruise beyond the Equator.'

Clinton pushed his chair back to the full extent of the chain which secured it to the deck against the ship's roll.

'Hmmp... that only tells me you are loyal if not wise, Bowen, but go on. Your patient' - Ramage noted that Clinton was still keeping the episode at arm's length - 'has just been given a frigate and orders to join my fleet.'

'Well, sir, he's now on his own. When the officer of the deck reports a landfall, a change in wind direction or strength, the decision to reef or furl, tack or wear, the decision what to do is now entirely the patient's: he's alone in his cabin or on the windward side of the quarterdeck. Oh yes, up to a point he can accept the suggestions of the master or the first lieutenant on points of seamanship and navigation, but there are very many decisions which only the captain can make.'

'Yes, yes,' Clinton said impatiently.

'The problem is that our patient,' Bowen said in a flat voice, 'can't bring himself to make those decisions. He suddenly realizes that despite years of training and all the family money and patronage and the fact he has now been given a ship, he's not competent to command it.'

'Who says so?' Clinton demanded.

'I do, sir,' Bowen said promptly. 'I am not competent to judge his seamanship but I can judge him as a leader - or his attempts at leadership.'

'Unlucky,' Clinton interrupted. 'You said he was unlucky to get command of the Calypso. Why? Is she a difficult ship to handle? Crank, tender, slow to windward? Truculent ship's company? Leaking decks? Why unlucky, eh?'

'Had he been given command of a frigate which had been commanded by an average captain, a ship and captain which never featured in the London Gazette, a frigate a man served in and forgot the name a year after, I'm sure everything might have been made to serve. He would have been able to hide his sense of inadequacy. But what happened? Well, I don't wish to embarrass Captain Ramage, who wears his fame lightly, but the Calypso and her captain are perhaps the best known in the King's Service. Our patient knows that in everything he does on board, every decision he makes and every order he gives, he will be compared to Captain Ramage. He thinks it's a comparison made daily by the officers and men and that it's a comparison bound to be made at the Admiralty or by a commander-in-chief. "He's not a patch on young Ramage" ... You may not have said it yet, sir, and you may never have said it at all, but the patient can imagine you saying it.'

'Very well, you've explained "unlucky". Now explain the delirium tremens,'Clinton said grimly.

'You may not know the patient by appearance, sir. No? Well, he is handsome but with a weak face. By that I mean if you judge a man's character to a certain extent by his face, you would not expect this man to have a strong will. As a lieutenant he delighted in strong drink. By inclination, perhaps, because he liked the taste. However, I think it more likely he needed a dram or two to bring him abreast of the rest of the officers in whichever ship he served. So the liking for drink was already there. He may have discovered - in fact from my own experience I am sure he did - that a few drinks made him quite as good in his own estimation as the next man, perhaps even better.

'What happens if you put a weak man prone to drink into a position where he feels inadequate (and thus is inadequate)? Well, sir, I suggest that at first the man does what he did before - looks to the tankard or the glass to make his decisions and blunt his cares. But soon he feels he needs more proof, and the cares increase. So does the drinking in proportion.

'It has to be drunk in secret, of course, so the patient increasingly feels guilty because he thinks he would be finished if anyone (even his personal servant) knew he was drinking to make himself fit to do his job.'

Clinton growled: 'We still haven't got him in a delirium.'

'It doesn't take long. Some months for a newcomer to drink; some weeks for someone who has been an average drinker; but only a few days if the man has been a secret and heavy drinker for a long time.'

'You can't say what the patient was doing before he joined the Calypso,'Clinton objected.

'I can, sir, if you'll pardon me for contradicting you. I recognized him as a heavy drinker the moment he joined the ship.'

'Am I a heavy drinker?' Clinton suddenly asked.

Bowen looked round the cabin. 'A very large wine cooler. A rack of cut-glass decanters which a duke might envy. And racks of wine and spirits glasses. They could belong to a heavy drinker; or let us say a connoisseur of wine and spirits. A bon vivant, in fact. However, you asked if I thought you were a heavy drinker, so I look at you and not the glassware. In fact, sir, I had by chance made up my mind - made a diagnosis, if you would prefer it - when I first came into the cabin, before I looked round.'

'Well?' Clinton demanded. 'A heavy drinker or a light one?'

'I would say,' Bowen said slowly, 'giving it due consideration, and allowing for the responsibility resting on your shoulders, and the fact that you come from Scotland, where more whisky is distilled than rainwater collected ... I would say you probably have a glass of wine with your dinner, and perhaps a glass of port afterwards. No more.'

The admiral's face fell: he reminded Ramage of a Father Christmas recognized by the children as the butler dressed up.

'I've given up the port,' he admitted, 'because I was afraid of the gout. Well, Mr Sawbones, after that display, I admit I'm now more prepared to listen to you. So let us suppose your patients drinks himself into a stupor (from time to time, I'm thinking, when the pressures get heavy) because -'

'No, sir,' Bowen interrupted, 'he's past the "from time to time": he needs liquor to get out of his cot of a morning; he needs liquor to get him past the noon sight. He needs liquor because he's afraid of the devils with glaring eyes and demons with sharp tongues and all the clammy, crawling beasts that are waiting to attack him: all those horrible things that come with delirium tremens. And don't think they're imaginary, sir. They are to the onlooker; to the victim they are terrifyingly real.'

'So what do we do about your patient?'

'Are you asking from the medical point of view or are you concerned with the King's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions and the Articles of War, sir?'

'Damned if I know,' Clinton admitted. 'It's an entirely new situation as far as I am concerned.'

'Medically, a captain, master and Marine guards have nursed a man through delirium tremens in a few days - that I know because the patient was me - but it is hard work. Yet the following days are almost more important - getting the patient interested in life again and giving him the confidence to face it without using a bottle of liquor as a pair of crutches. I like chess, and Mr Southwick, the master, played endless games with me. Captain Ramage even learned to play to help out. I was very lucky.

'Discipline is out of my field, of course, but you may want a medical opinion on the disciplinary aspect, sir. In my opinion, which I will give you in writing, the patient is completely incapable of commanding a ship: indeed, he is both unfit and incapable of leaving his cabin.'

Clinton stood up and sighed. 'My orders are to start and maintain a close blockade of Brest with this fleet. Provisioning and watering the ships and trying to outguess the Atlantic weather, Bonaparte and every ship's propensity for wearing out, is normally agreed to be enough to keep an admiral occupied. Your damned patient, Bowen, is going to cause more problems than the rest put together.'

The phrase 'your patient' was finally too much for Bowen, who stood up, white-faced and almost rigid with anger, and said stiffly: 'Sir, that he is my patient is a very unfortunate coincidence. Had I any say in the matter, he would never have been employed as a lieutenant; whoever then made him post did something akin to treason.'

And that, Ramage thought, is how Bowen was court-martialled under at least two of the Articles of War, but he was wrong: the admiral turned to the surgeon and smiled.

'Some flag officers suffer from spasmodic deafness.' He waved a dismissal to Bowen and Aitken. 'Well, gentlemen, thank you. Mr Ramage, will you stay a few minutes with Captain Bennett?'

Sitting at the end of the highly polished rosewood table with Bennett halfway down one side on his right and Ramage to his left, Admiral Clinton no longer looked like an amiable Santa Claus: the grey-blue eyes which could twinkle were now glinting like the sharp blades of two freshly honed #233;p#233;es.

'This conference never took place, which is why my nincompoop of a secretary is not present taking notes. But I want privately to hear your personal opinions of this fellow Bullivant. Bennett?'

The admiral's flag captain was only five feet tall but had achieved some fame (and the unexpected cheers of his men) when his ship's company mutinied at the Nore some years earlier. Some wretched man had made an insolent remark to Bennett about a matter unconnected with the mutiny, and in front of several hundred mutinous seamen, Bennett had taken him by the ear to the entryport, pushed him over the side, and then coolly told the leader of the mutineers to fish him out because he probably could not swim.

Bennett's first words showed he had not lost his directness. 'That surgeon fellow was right: Bullivant should never have been made post,' he said emphatically.

'Salt beef and salt pork supplied by the father: that's what mattered. Thousands of casks, and plenty of cumshaw scattered among the right people in the Navy Board, and your eldest son doesn't need much ability. It's unfortunate for the seamen, officers and admirals who suffer the consequences ... In my opinion, sir, there's only one thing to do: send him back to Plymouth in the Murex brig with signed reports by Bowen and Dr Travis about his "sickness".'

'It's a serious matter, relieving him of his command.'

Ramage realized that the admiral was wavering, and he thought of the Calypso and her officers and ship's company. 'Sir, the consequences of not doing so will be worse.'

'How so? Relieving a captain of his command is serious enough!'

'You are relieving him only on medical grounds, sir,' Ramage reminded Clinton. 'You are not saying he is incompetent. But the consequences of leaving him in command - well, yesterday, there could have been three murders by him or a mutiny by the ship's company. There's bound to be mutiny if you leave him in command.'

'Bound to be mutiny? You don't have much confidence in the men you've spent so long training,' Clinton said sarcastically.

'On the contrary, sir: I have complete confidence in them: that's why I know they'd mutiny.'

Bennett was watching him shrewdly. He knows, Ramage realized, but the admiral has been too remote from the day-to-day handling of a ship's company for too long.

'Do you really mean you're confident they'd mutiny?' Clinton demanded angrily.

Ramage nodded. 'Yesterday, sir, Captain Bullivant said he would hang three men, Midshipman the Count Orsini, who happens to be the nephew of the ruler of Volterra and one of our allies; the master of the ship, who is certainly the most competent seaman and one of the bravest men I know; and an Italian seaman called Rossi, a man to whom I've entrusted my life on several occasions.

'Bullivant was going to have them hanged at sunset because after inspecting the entire ship's company he identified them as Satans. I trust, sir, that any seaman would mutiny rather than obey such an order to put nooses round their necks and haul them up to the yardarm.'

Ramage knew he was white-faced, and he kept his fists pressed down on the table to hide the trembling: he could feel perspiration soaking through his shirt but mercifully it did not appear on his face, which felt cold and clammy, as though he was about to faint.

'Quite,' Clinton said calmly. 'However, it seems to me the only one now left with his neck in a noose is the commander-in-chief.'

'That's what he's there for, sir,' Bennett said cheerfully. 'I agree with Ramage completely. I know what the Articles of War say and don't say, but I'd sooner the seamen mutinied than obeyed the "lawful" orders of a brandy-besotted madman. That's something the Articles don't allow for, and they should. Loyalty is what matters. Men who'd mutiny because of their loyalty to their officers and shipmates are the men I want round me when I go into battle.'

'We aren't in battle, we're blockading Brest, and judging from the last war the only action we're going to see is dealing with a drunken maniac,' Clinton grumbled.

'At least you're outside "Channel limits", sir,' Bennett said. 'That gives you more freedom.'

'Leaves me short of a post-captain for the Calypso.'

Bennett glanced across the table at Ramage. 'A post-captain commanding a brig is a bit overweight.'

Clinton waved dismissively: 'Ramage has to go to England with the brig: they'll need him at the inquiry into the mutiny and recapture, and for the Bullivant affair. Commanding a prize brig, don't forget.' The idea raised another train of thought for the admiral. 'Hmm, that's an interesting point. There's no question that Ramage captured the damned ship: he didn't "retake" her because he wasn't part of the original ship's company. He, his wife and four Frenchmen. He's the only one entitled to prize money.'

'His wife will help him spend it!' Bennett said jocularly.

'So you'll be back in Plymouth in a couple of days. Lucky fellow,' Clinton said, and then added: 'Why so gloomy? Sailing home after your honeymoon and with a sack full of prize money!' Then a sudden thought struck him. 'What about that young Scots first lieutenant? We ought to do something for him. Make him post into the Calypso?'

Ramage remembered an attempt a year or more ago when Aitken was offered command of a frigate and the post rank that went with it; he had said he preferred to continue sailing with Captain Ramage. But now was not the time to mention that to a Scots admiral. Aitken could make the point later, if necessary.

Bennett rubbed his ample chins and looked down at the table. 'If I was Ramage, sir, I'd be eating my heart out over the Calypso. And weren't you telling me earlier that he was concerned over this French count who is being transported to Cayenne - a friend of the Prince of Wales, didn't you say, sir?'

Ramage decided that Bennett was a man to whom he already owed a debt of gratitude worth more than a brig.

'Bennett,' Clinton said, his voice rasping, 'you have an unhappy knack of mentioning things I'm trying to forget.'

'Sir, I shouldn't forget that the Prince of Wales is unlikely to forget a commander-in-chief who forgot his friend being carried off to a certain death in Cayenne...'

And now, Ramage thought, the repetition of 'forget' and 'forgot' means the ace of trumps has gone down on the table. Or it's the bait dangling in front of the fish. Or the snare carefully placed outside the rabbit hole.

'Blast it, Bennett. I've been tossing up between the Prince of Wales and Lord St Vincent ever since Ramage mentioned the Count of Rennes. And it's probably not only the Count: if there are fifty of them, half are bound to be Royalists who went back to France after exile in England and know Prinny. At least half, probably more.'

'You are caught between the devil (pace Bullivant) of the Admiralty and the deep blue sea of the Prince, seems to me, sir.'

'It's all right for you to joke about it,' the admiral complained. 'I'm the one who has to choose.'

'Oh, I chose when you first told me about it yesterday, sir,' Bennett said blithely.

'You did, eh?' the admiral exclaimed, his voice now truculent, the accent becoming more pronounced. 'Surprising how easy it is to choose when you don't have the responsibility.'

Ramage expected Bennett to react strongly, but instead the little man picked up the quill pen lying on the table and waved it back and forth as though fanning himself.

'I'm like that surgeon fellow, Brown, or whatever his name was. I'll put it in writing if you wish, sir. As your flag captain I'm expected to give you professional advice when you ask for it.'

He paused and then tapped the table with the feather of the quill. 'My views are simple. Question number one, what do we do with the drunken Bullivant? Wrap him up, in a canvas straitjacket if necessary, and send him home in the Murex brig with reports by Bowen and Travis tucked in his pocket.'

He tapped the table twice. 'Question number two, who is to command the Calypso?There's only one possible man, and that's Ramage here. He's not needed for the Murex because her first lieutenant is a capable fellow, saw the mutiny and can write reports and give evidence. Also he deserves his chance of getting command of her from the Admiralty. I'm assuming Ramage here is resigned to his new wife returning to England without him.'

He tapped three times. 'Now, the third question, what to do about the ship of exiles. She's a frigate now armed en fl#251;te. She must look very much like the Calypso. She'll sail like her - except, since she's French carrying exiles, she'll be short of men and will most likely shorten sail at night. And she left the Gullet about thirty-six hours ago.

'What you are to do, sir, brings us back to the devil and the deep blue sea. Well, consider the devil in the shape of the First Lord of the Admiralty and the rest of the Board: they're political appointments. Lord St Vincent was appointed by Addington and will probably be replaced (along with the rest of the Board) by Addington's successor. So that devil can come and go. But now let us look across the deep blue sea ... One day the Prince will be King. He will probably have a long life - they're a long-lived family - and no doubt he inherits the long memory, too.'

He grinned at Admiral Clinton. 'I'll give you my recommendations in writing, sir, but you'll have to take my word for the reasoning behind them.'

'Oh, you're a droll enough fellow,' Clinton said, mellowing slightly. 'Watch out that one day I don't drop you over the side. Ramage, call that nincompoop of a secretary for me: I seem to have a number of orders to write, and I want them all carefully copied into my order book. Especially those intended for you.'