"Creation In Death" - читать интересную книгу автора (Robb J. D.)15“UNOBTRUSIVE,” EVE SAID, PUSHING HER WAY through traffic as a thick, heavy snow began to fall. “Limits contact with anyone other than the target.” “None of the waitstaff could make him, none of the valets. Could live or work within walking distance of the club,” Peabody ventured. “Yeah, or he parks elsewhere on his own. Or he’s using public transportation for this part of his game. What cabbie’s going to remember picking up or dropping off a fare days later, or in this case weeks? We’re spitting into the wind there. Loni only remembered him because he’d spanked her vanity. Otherwise he’d have just been another forgotten face. He’d have been smarter to dance with her. She wouldn’t have remembered him for five minutes after.” Eve glanced in the sideview, changed lanes. “He comes in, slides into the crowd, stays out of the main play, keeps to the back. Probably tips the waiter smack on the going percentage. Later, they don’t think, ‘Oh yeah, this guy stiffed me,’ or ‘This guy seriously flashed me.’ Just ordinary and average. Steady as she goes.” “The confirmation’s good to have. Loni verifying he’d been in the club, made contact there with York. But it doesn’t tell us much.” “It tells us he likes to alter his appearance. Slight alterations, nothing flashy. Dark hair, little mustache, gray wig. It tells us it’s unlikely he frequents or revisits the point of contact after he’s got the target. We know that he doesn’t lose control, that he can and does maintain whatever role he’s chosen to play during the stalking phase.” She turned, headed west for a block, then veered south. “He danced with York, had his hands on her. They’re eye to eye, talking. It would be part of her job to talk to her partner. Everything we know about her says she was smart, self-aware, and knew how to deal with people. But she doesn’t get any signals, nothing that puts a hitch in her step, that this guy is trouble. “Check the side view,” Eve told Peabody. “See that black sedan, six cars back?” Peabody shifted, trained her gaze on the mirror. “Yeah. Barely. This snow is pretty thick. Why?” “He’s been tailing us. Five, six, seven back, since we left the club. Not close enough for me to make out the plate. Since, as was recently pointed out, you’re younger than me, maybe your eyes are sharper.” Peabody hunched her shoulders. “No. Can’t make it. He’s too close to the car in front of him. Maybe if he drops back a little, or comes around.” “Let’s see what we can do about that.” Eve gauged an opening, started to switch lanes. The blast of a horn, the wet squeal of brakes on sloppy pavement had her tapping her own. One lane over a limo fishtailed wildly in an attempt to miss hitting some idiot who dashed into the street. She heard the thud, saw the boy fall and roll. There was a nasty crunch as the limo laid into the massive all-terrain in front of her. “Son of a bitch.” Even as she flipped on her On Duty light, she looked in the rearview again. The sedan was gone. She slammed out of her vehicle in time to see the boy scramble up, start a limping run. And to hear the scream of: “Stop him! He’s got my bag!” over the urban symphony of horns and curses. “Son of a bitch,” she said again. “Handle it, Peabody.” And set off in pursuit of the street thief. He got his rhythm back quickly, proving-she supposed-someone else was younger than she. He dashed, darted, skidded, all but flew across the street, down the sidewalk. He may have been younger, but her legs were longer, and she began to close the distance. He glanced back over his shoulder, his eyes showing both alarm and annoyance. As he ran he yanked the big brown bag out from under his bulky coat and began to swing it like a stylish pendulum. He knocked over pedestrians like bowling pins so that Eve had to leap, dodge, swerve. When he spun, swung the bag at her head, she ducked, snagged the strap, and simply yanked it to send him tumbling to the sidewalk. Annoyed, she crouched. “You’re just stupid,” she muttered, and shoved him over on his back. “Hey! Hey!” Some good Samaritan stopped. “What are you doing to that boy? What’s the matter with you?” Eve planted her boot on the boy’s chest to keep him down, flipped out her badge. “You want to keep moving, pal?” “Bitch,” the boy said as the Samaritan frowned at Eve’s badge. Then, like an angry terrier, bit her. H uman bites are more dangerous than animal bites.” Peabody had the wheel now as Eve sat in the passenger seat dragging up her pants leg to see the damage. “And he broke the skin,” Peabody noted with a sympathetic wince. “Gee, he really clamped down on you.” “Little bastard son of a bitch. Let’s see how he likes the assaulting-an-officer strike on top of the robberies. Biting Boy had a dozen wallets in his coat pockets.” “You need to disinfect that.” “Made me lose the sedan. Could’ve kicked him bloody for that.” Setting her teeth, Eve used the clean rag Peabody had unearthed from somewhere to staunch the wound. “Turned on the cross street as soon as there was a commotion. That’s what he did, that’s what he does. Avoids crowds and confrontations. Fucking fucker.” “Bet that really hurts. You’re sure it was the guy?” “I know a tail when I see one.” “No question. I’m just wondering why he’d tail us. Trying to find out what we know, I guess. But what’s the point? All he can get is where we go-and where we’ve gone is pretty standard for an investigation.” “He’s trying to get my rhythm, my pace, my moves. Trying to find a routine.” “Why would…” It hit, and had Peabody jerking in her seat. “Holy shit. He’s stalking you.” “Thinks I won’t make a tail?” She jerked her pants leg back down because looking at the teeth marks only made it hurt more. “Thinks he can figure me. Fat chance. He doesn’t know his target this time, he-ha-bit off more than he’s going to be able to chew.” “How long have you known he was looking at you?” “Know? Since about a half hour ago. Toyed with the possibility for a while, but having him tail us pretty much nailed it down.” “You could have mentioned the idea to your partner.” “Don’t start. It was one of God knows how many possibles. Now I’m giving it a high probable, and you’re the first to know. Black sedan, nothing flashy-which fits right in-round headlights, no hood ornamentation. It looked like a five-bar grill. We should be able to get a model from that.” She all but sighed with relief when Peabody turned into the garage at Central. She wanted to ice down the damn leg. “New York plate was all I could make. Just a quick glimpse on the plate color. Too much distance, too much snow to get any number.” “You need to take standard precautions with that injury.” “Yeah, yeah.” “One of them should be an hour in the crib. You’re wiped out.” “I hate the crib.” Eve climbed, somewhat achily, out of the car. “If I need to shut down for an hour, I’ll use the floor in my office. It works for me. Do me a favor,” she added as she hobbled to the elevator. “Set up a meet with Whitney and Mira, asap. I’m going to go steal some disinfectant and a bandage from the infirmary.” “You don’t have to steal it. They’ll fix you up.” “I don’t want them to fix me up,” Eve grumbled. “I hate them. I’ll just palm what I need and take care of it myself.” E ve swung through the infirmary, committed-if you wanted to be absolutely technical-some basic shoplifting by pocketing what she needed without logging it in. But if she logged it, they’d insist on seeing the wound. If she showed them the wound, they’d start badgering her to have it treated there. She just needed to clean it up, slap a bandage on it. And, okay, maybe take a blocker. When she stepped into her office, Roarke was already there. “Let’s see it.” “See what?” He merely lifted his eyebrows. “Damn Peabody. She’s got a mouth on her.” Eve pulled the lifted items out of her coat pocket, tossed them on her desk. She hung her coat on the rack, then sat and propped her injured leg on the desk. Roarke studied the wound when she tugged up her pants leg, and hissed a little. “Bit nasty, that.” “I’ve had worse than a nip from some half-assed sissy street thief.” “True enough.” Still, he cleaned, treated, and bandaged the bite himself. Then leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to the neat white square. “There, that’s better.” “He tailed me.” Roarke straightened now, and the quiet amusement in his eyes faded. “We’re not talking about the half-assed sissy street thief.” “I made him-black sedan, couldn’t get the plate, but I think we can pop on the model, maybe the year. I might’ve been able to get more, maybe even have managed to box him in if that asshole hadn’t run out in the street. I had to control the vehicle or else crash into the limo that bumped the asshole and crashed into an ATV in front of me. A few seconds, and he was gone.” “He wouldn’t know you made him.” “Don’t see how, no. He’s just cautious. There’s trouble up ahead, so he slithers off and avoids it. If he’s been out and about shadowing me, he might not have seen the media reports with his face on them. But he will.” She shifted to try to ease the throbbing in her calf. “Be a pal, would you? Get me coffee.” He went to her AutoChef. “And your next step?” “Meet with Whitney and Mira to discuss the possibilities of baiting a trap. Check in with the team members, input any new data. At some point I need an hour or two just to think. I need to work it through in my head, play with it.” He brought the coffee back to her. “As a party with vested interest in the bait, I’d like to attend this meeting.” “Just can’t get enough of meetings, can you? You’ll have to leave your buttons outside the room.” “Sorry?” “If your buttons aren’t there, they can’t be pushed.” She let her head lean back for just a minute, let the coffee work its magic on her system. “And to remember I’m not just bait, I’m an experienced and kick-ass cop.” “With a sissy bite on her tightly muscled calf.” “Well…yeah.” “Dallas.” Peabody stepped to the door. “How’s the leg?” “Fine, and as of now, removed from all discussion.” “The commander and Dr. Mira will take us in the commander’s office in twenty.” “Good enough.” “Meanwhile, Officer Gil Newkirk’s come in. He’s in the war room.” “On my way.” Gil Newkirk wore his uniform well. He had a rock-solid look about him, indicating to Eve he knew how to handle himself on the street. His face bore the same sort of toughness, what she supposed Feeney might call “seasoning.” She’d met him a handful of times over the years, and considered him to be sensible and straightforward. “Officer Newkirk.” “Lieutenant.” He took the hand she offered with a firm, brisk shake. “Looks like you’ve got an efficient setup here.” “It’s a good team. We’re narrowing the field.” “I’m glad to hear it, and wish I’d brought you something substantial. If you’ve got some time…” “Have a seat.” She gestured, joined him at the conference table. “You’ve got his face.” Newkirk nodded to the sketch pinned to one of the four case boards. “I’ve been studying that face, trying to put it in front of me nine years back during one of the knock-on-doors. There were so many of them, Lieutenant. That face isn’t coming up for me.” “It was a long shot.” “I went through my notes again, and I went over to Ken Colby’s place, he was on this. He went down five years ago.” “I’m sorry.” “He was a good man. His widow, she let me dig out his files and notes on the old investigation. I brought them in.” He tapped the box he’d carried in with him. “Thought they might add something.” “I appreciate that.” “There were a couple of guys that popped for me when I was going through it again this morning-going off what you gave me last night. But the face, it doesn’t match.” “What popped about them?” “The body type and coloring. And my boy and I, we’ve talked this through some.” He cocked a brow. “I’ve got no problem with that.” “I know you’re working the Urban Wars angle, and I remembered one of these guys told us he used to ride along in a dead wagon in the Urbans, with his old man. Pick up bodies. Worked as an MT, then kicked that when he went to some convention in Vegas and hit a jackpot. I remember him because it was a hell of a story. The other was this rich guy, third-generation money. He did taxidermy for a hobby. Place was full of dead animals. “I pulled them out.” He passed her a disc. “In case you wanted to check them out again.” “We’ll do that. Are you on duty, Officer Newkirk?” “Day off,” he said. “If you got the time and the interest, maybe you could run these through with Feeney, for current data. I’d be grateful.” “No problem. I’m happy to assist in any way.” Eve got to her feet, offered her hand again. “Thanks. I’ve got a meeting. I’ll check back as soon as I can. Peabody, Roarke, with me.” She had to concentrate not to limp, and giving into her throbbing leg, headed for the small and often odorous confines of the elevator. “Remember,” she said to Roarke, “you’re a civilian, and this is a NYPSD op.” “That’s expert civilian to you, copper.” She didn’t smirk-very much-then squeezed herself onto an elevator. “And don’t call the commander Jack. It negates the serious and official tone, and…it’s just wrong.” “Yo, Dallas!” She turned her head to see one of the detectives from Anti-Crime grinning at her. “Renicki.” “Heard some mope took a chunk out of you, and now he’s got himself a case of rabies.” “Yeah? I heard some LC got a taste of you, and now she’s got herself a case of the clap.” “And that,” Roarke murmured as a number of cops hooted, “is serious and official.” In his office, Whitney stood behind his desk, and Mira beside a visitor’s chair. “Lieutenant,” he said. “Detective. Roarke.” “Sir, as I believe the expert consultant may be able to assist with the content of this meeting, I’ve asked him to be included.” “Your call. Please, sit.” While Roarke, Peabody, and Mira took seats, Eve remained standing. “With permission, Commander, to first update you and Dr. Mira.” She ran it through, quick and spare. “You were shadowed?” Whitney didn’t question her statement. “Any thoughts on why?” “Yes, sir. Dr. Mira broached the possibility that I may be a target. That rather than the springboard for these particular women being Roarke, the springboard for any connection with Roarke may be me.” “You didn’t mention this theory to me, Doctor.” “I asked Dr. Mira to give me time to evaluate,” Eve said before Mira could speak. “To consider, and to run probabilities before we shifted the focus on this area of the investigation. Having done so, I believe it’s a viable theory. I was a detective on the first investigation, partner to the primary. I fall within the parameters of his choice of victim. I may have crossed paths with him nine years ago, or walked a parallel line. “I think he came back to New York for specific reasons. And I think one of them is his intention to bag me.” “He’ll be disappointed,” Whitney commented. “Yes, sir, he will.” “How strongly do you support this theory, Mira?” “I’ve run my own probabilities, and I believe, given his pathology, he would consider capturing the lieutenant, a woman with considerable training and authority, a woman married to a man with considerable power, to be his finest achievement. However, it leads me to another question. How will he top it?” “He can’t,” Roarke stated. “And knows that he won’t. She’s the last, isn’t she? The best, the most challenging, his ultimate.” “Yes.” Mira nodded. “I agree. He’s willing to alter, even slightly, his victim profile. This is not a woman who can be pinned to a specific routine, to a pattern of habits and haunts. Nor one he could approach, face-to-face, as we believe he has with many if not all in the past, and lure her. It must be worth it to him to take this great risk, to devise a way to pull her in. He’s circled back,” Mira continued. “Come back to what we could call his roots. Because this will finish his work.” “He’s stopped before,” Peabody put in. “A year or two. But how can he just decide he’s finished? This kind of killer doesn’t stop unless he’s captured or killed.” “No, he doesn’t.” “You think he’s dying,” Eve said to Mira. “Or that he’s decided to self-terminate after he finishes me.” “I do. Yes, I believe exactly that. I also believe he doesn’t fear it. Death is an accomplishment to him, and a timed cycle, which he has, for nearly a decade we know of, controlled. He doesn’t fear his own death, and that only makes him more dangerous.” “We need to give him an opening.” Eve narrowed her eyes. “And soon.” “If it’s too easy, he won’t bite.” Roarke met Eve’s gaze when she turned. “I know something about challenges. If it comes too easy, it’s not worth the trouble. He’ll want to work for it. At the very least he’ll want to believe that he outwitted you. And he’s had much longer to plan, to devise and study the problem than you have.” “I agree.” Mira leaned forward. “If what we believe is true, you’re the finish to his work. You complete it. The fact that you’re pursuing him even as he pursues you not only ups the stakes but adds a particular shine. You would be, quite literally, his masterpiece. With his need for control, he must feel he’s manipulated the outcome. Lured you, despite your training and advantages, as he’s lured the others.” “So we let him believe it,” Eve said, “right up to the moment we take him down. He has to be aware by now that we know his face. My take, from the profile, from what we know, is that it will only add to his excitement, his enjoyment. No one’s ever gotten this close before. And while he’s never overtly sought attention from the killing, his method indicates pride in it. In the end, if that’s what this is, won’t he want to be known?” “And remembered,” Mira confirmed. “We don’t know where or when, but we know who the target is, and we know why. Big advantages. We have his face, body type, age range. We know more about him than we did nine years ago.” She wanted to pace, to move while she talked it through, but Eve considered that inappropriate in Whitney’s office. “He probably has a connection with the Urban Wars, he likes opera, rather than physical means, he uses manipulation and deceit to obtain his victims, and often makes personal contact with them before the abduction. Unlike nine years ago, his victims lived or worked from midtown down. That’s purposeful.” “He wanted us to get closer this time.” Whitney nodded. “And by using Roarke’s people, he made it personal.” “But he doesn’t know how much we know,” Peabody put in. “He doesn’t know we’ve concluded Dallas is his end game. That’s another advantage. As long as he thinks she’s looking ahead-I mean that she’s focused on the pursuit, he’ll think he can ease around behind her, bag the prize.” “Back to an opening. One he can believe he helped make,” Eve said to Roarke. “You’re going to need to go back to work.” “Back to?” “To the buying-controlling-interest-of-the-known-universe-one-sector-at-a-time work. He’s not going to move on me if I’m in lockstep with you, or you,” she said to Peabody, “or anyone else. We have to give him a little room. If he knows my routines, then he knows I generally travel to and from Central solo, that I might do a follow-up after shift on my own. We need to crack the window for him.” “Giving the appearance I’ve gone back to business, so to speak, is easy enough,” Roarke replied. His tone was even, almost casual. But Eve heard the steel under it. “But as long as that window’s cracked I’ll be an active member of this team. This is not,” he continued, and addressed himself to the commander now, “simply a matter of me insisting on having some part in protecting the lieutenant. This man has taken three of my people, and one is already dead. It won’t be back to business for me until he’s apprehended-or as dead as Sarifina York.” “Understood. Lieutenant, it was your choice to bring the civilian on board. Unless you feel his particular talents and expertise are no longer useful, I believe he should remain active.” “You can’t stick too close,” Eve began. “If he senses you’re concerned for my safety, he could pull back. So make the appearance a good one.” “Not a problem.” “We keep working it, no dramatic shifts in the routine. But we split some of the legwork and interviews.” “And you go, wherever you go,” Whitney ordered, “wired.” “Yes, sir. I’m going to set that up with Feeney. I’ll need a homer for my vehicle, and-” “Already done,” Roarke said, then smiled serenely when she turned on him. “You agreed to that action earlier.” True, she thought, but she hadn’t expected him to take it on himself before she’d officially cleared it. Which, she had to admit, was stupid. That’s exactly what she should’ve expected. “Yeah, I did.” “You’ll wear a vest,” Mira told her. “A woman after my own heart,” Roarke murmured, and his smile spread at the annoyance on Eve’s face. “A vest’s overkill. His pattern-” “He’s breaking pattern with you,” Mira reminded her. “A vest ensures your safety and success, should he try to stun or injure you in order to incapacitate you. He’s intelligent enough to know he needs a physical advantage with you.” “Wear the vest.” Whitney’s voice was clipped. “Set up the electronics with Feeney. I want to know where you are, from this point on, at all times. When you’re in the field, in your vehicle, on the street for any reason, so is a shadow team. It’s not just a matter of keeping one of my people safe, Lieutenant,” he told her, “it’s a matter of slamming that window shut, the minute he comes through it. Work it out, relay the details.” “Yes, sir.” “Dismissed.” Roarke ran his fingers down her arm as they headed for the glide down. “A vest isn’t a punishment, darling.” “You wear one for a couple hours, then say that. And no ‘darling’ on shift.” “You can call me darling anytime,” Peabody told him, and made him grin. “I’ve a few arrangements to make. I’ll see you back in the war room.” He started to split off from them. “Later, darling. I was talking to Peabody,” he said when Eve bared her teeth. |