here to see the number of accesses to this library.
ACM Collected Algorithms
The Collected Algorithms (CALGO) is part of a family of publications
produced by the ACM.
Software associated with papers published in the Transactions on
Mathematical Software, as well as other ACM journals are incorporated
in CALGO. This software is refereed for originality, accuracy,
robustness, completeness, portability, and lasting value. (See the ACM
Algorithms Policy for details.)
Readers may subscribe to CALGO. Subscribers receive quarterly
notification of the appearance of new algorithms, as well as copies of
research papers describing them in loose- leaf binder form. Back issues
may also be ordered.
Use of ACM Algorithms is subject to the ACM Software Copyright and
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For further information about CALGO contact its Editor-in-Chief:
Tim Hopkins
Computing Laboratory
The University of Kent
Kent CT2 7NF
United Kingdom
+44-122-776-4000 ext. 3793 (Voice)
+44-122-776-2811 (FAX)
[email protected]
All algorithms numbered 493 and above, as well as a few earlier ones,
may be downloaded from this server. Many of these files are quite
large. To reduce download time the files have been compressed using
gzip. If you do not have gunzip, or if your Web browser is not
configured to automatically uncompress such files, please see our notes
on file compression.
file 1
for obsolete, numerical integration, quadrature
title QuadI
by R.J. Herbold
ref Comm ACM 3,2 (Feb 1960) 74
size 5 kB
file 2
for obsolete, secant method, function zeros
title Rootfinder
by J. Wegstein
ref Comm ACM 3,2 (Feb 1960) 74
size 12 kB
file 3
for obsolete, Bairstow's method, polynomial zeros
title Solution of Polynomial Equation by {Bairstow}-{Hitchcock} Method
by A. A. Grau
ref Comm ACM 3,2 (Feb 1960) 74
size 13 kB
file 4
for bisection method, function zeros
title Bisection Routine
by S. Gorn
ref Comm ACM 3,3 (Mar 1960) 174
size 3 kB
file 5
for Bessel function, series expansion
title {Bessel} Function ${I}$ Series Expansion
by D. S. Clarke
ref Comm ACM 3,4 (Apr 1960) 240
size 1 kB
file 6
for asymptotic expansion, Bessel function
title {Bessel} Function ${I}$ Asymptotic Expansion
by D. S. Clarke
ref Comm ACM 3,4 (Apr 1960) 240
size 1 kB
file 7
for obsolete, Euclidian algorithm, greatest common divisor
title {Euclidian} Algorithm
by R. Claussen
ref Comm ACM 3,4 (Apr 1960) 240
size 1 kB
file 125
ref Comm ACM 5,10 (Oct 1962) 510
for Gaussian coefficients, Gaussian quadrature, numerical integration,qd-algorithm
title Weightcoeff
by H. Rutishauser
size 3 kB
file 133
ref Comm ACM 5,10 (Oct 1962) 553
for pseudo-random numbers
title Random
by P. G. Behrenz
size 3 kB
file 266
ref Comm ACM 8,10 (Oct 1965) 605
for pseudo-random numbers
title Pseudo-Random Numbers (+ remark)
by M. C. Pike and I. D. Hill
size 5 kB
file 280
ref Comm ACM 9,4 (Apr 1966) 271
for Gregory quadrature, numerical integration, quadrature abscissae
title Abscissas and Weights for {Gregory} Quadrature
by J. H. Welsch
size 3 kB
file 322
for Fisher's F-distribution, Student's t-distribution
title ${F}$-Distribution
by E. Dorrer
ref Comm ACM 11,2 (Feb 1968) 116 and later remarks
size 15 kB
file 326
for biquadratic equation roots,cubic equation roots,polynomial zeros,
title Roots of Low-Order Polynomial Equations
by T. R. F. Nonweiler
ref Comm ACM 11,4 (Apr 1968) 269
size 7kB
file 380
for matrix transpose
title In-situ Transposition of a Rectangular Matrix
by S. Laflin and M. A. Brebner
ref Comm. ACM 13,5 (May 1970) 324
size 3 kB
file 382
for combinations of m out of n objects
title Combinations of ${M}$ Out of ${N}$ Objects
by P. J. Chase
ref Comm. ACM 13,6 (Jun 1970) 368
size 4 kB
file 386
for greatest common divisor (GCD)
title Greatest Common Divisor of $n$ Integers and Multipliers
by G. H. Bradley
ref Comm. ACM 13,7 (July 1970) 447
size 2 kB
file 400
for Havie integration with expanded Rutishauser summation
, numerical integration, quadrature, Romberg integration
title Modified {Havie} Integration
by G. C. Wallick
ref Comm. ACM 13,10 (Oct 1970) 622.
file 403
for generate integer partitions
title CIRPI
ref Comm. ACM 14
file 404
for complex gamma function
title CGAMMA
ref Comm. ACM 14
file 406
for exact solution of linear system by residue arithmetic
title EXACT
ref Comm. ACM 14 180
file 407
for ordinary differential equations
title DIFSUB
ref Comm. ACM 14 185
file 408
for sparse matrix arithmetic
ref Comm. ACM 14 265
file 410
for sort
title PSORT
ref Comm. ACM 15 357
file 413
for taylor series coefficient by contour integration
title ENTCRE
ref Comm. ACM 14 669
file 414
for Chebyshev Approximation by the method of Remez
lang publication Algol
file 419
keywords polynomial zeros
title CPOLY
for zeros of a complex polynomial
alg Jenkins and Traub
ref Comm. ACM 15 (1972) 97-99
file 420
for surface mesh plot
ref Comm. ACM 15 100
file 422
for minimal spanning tree
by V. K. M. Whitney
ref Comm. ACM 15 273
size 12kB
file 432
for matrix Riccati equation AX + XB = C
title AXPXB
ref Comm. ACM 15 820
file 433
for univariate interpolation
title INTRPL
ref Comm. ACM 15 914
file 449
for solution of linear programming problems in 0-1 variables
title MAXL01
ref Comm. ACM 16,7 (July 1973) 445
size 12kB
file 458
for discrete linea l1 approximation
alg suboptimization method of interval linear programming
title APPROX
ref Comm. ACM 16 629
file 473
for Legendre series from Chebyshev series
title LEGSER
ref Comm. ACM 17 25
file 474
for bicubic interpolation
title ITPLBV
ref Comm. ACM
file 475
for surface mesh plot
title INIT3D
by Thomas Wright, NCAR
file 476
for spline under tension
title CURV1
ref Comm. ACM 17 220
file 478
for L1 solution to overdetermined linear system
alg simplex
title L1
ref Comm. ACM 17 319
file 479
for minimal spanning tree, point clustering
title GROW
ref Comm. ACM 17 321 and remark in TOMS 2 110
file 481
for critical path, network, precedence networks
ref Comm. ACM 17 467
file 483
for surface mesh plot
title PLOT3D
ref Comm. ACM 17 520
file 484
for complex modified Bessel function of second kind, K0 and K1
title KZEONE
ref Comm. ACM 17 524
file 485
for interpolating g-spline
title GSF
ref Comm. ACM 17 526
file 487
for probability of discrepancy between empirical and proposed distribution
title PKS2
alg Durbin, Ann. Math. Stat. 389 (1968) 398
ref Comm. ACM 17 703
file 488
for normal random numbers
title GRAND
alg Von Neuman/Forsythe/Ahrens/Dieter/Brent
ref Comm. ACM 17 704
file 490
for real dilogarithm
title DILOG
ref Comm. ACM 18 200
file 493
keywords polynomial zeros
gams F1a1
title RPOLY
for zeros of a real polynomial
alg Jenkins and Traub
by M.A. Jenkins
ref ACM TOMS 1 (1975) 178-189
file 494
keywords partial and ordinary differential equations, method of lines
gams I2a1a
title PDEONE
for systems of nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations
, in one space dimension
alg method of lines
by R.F. Sincovec and N.K. Madsen
ref ACM TOMS 1 (1975) 261-263
file 495
keywords Chebyshev solution, linear system, linear programming, simplex method
gams D9a2
title CHEB
for overdetermined systems of linear equations in the Chebyshev norm
alg a variant of the simplex method
by I. Barrodale and C. Phillips
ref ACM TOMS 1 (1975) 264-270
file 496
keywords eigenvalue, generalized eigenvalue problem
gams D4b4
for generalized eigenvalue problem for complex matrices
alg LZ algorithm
by L.C. Kaufman
ref ACM TOMS 1 (1975) 271-281
file 497
keywords functional differential equations, integration, one step, multistep
gams I1a1a
title DMRODE
for integration of functional differential equations, such as retarded
, ordinary differential equations, Volterra integro-differential equations,
, and difference differential equations
by K.W. Neves
ref ACM TOMS 1 (1975) 369-371
file 498
keywords Airy function, Chebyshev series, asymptotic or Taylor expansion
gams C10d
title AIRY
for Airy functions Ai(z), Bi(z) and derivatives for real values of z
alg Chebyshev series approximations
by P.J. Prince
ref ACM TOMS 1 (1975) 372-379
file 499
keywords pattern recognition, PDE, finite difference, Laplace equation
gams I2b4,P
title CONOPT
for contour scanning path for a two-dimensional region
, The path is designed to help accelerate the propagation of edge
, effects when solving two-dimensional partial
, differential equations using iterative methods
by W. Kinsner and E.D. Torre
ref ACM TOMS 2 (1976) 82-86
file 500
keywords minimization, optimization
gams G1b1b
title MINI
for unconstrained minimum of multivariate function
alg quasi-Newton
by D.F. Shanno and K.H. Phua
ref ACM TOMS 1 (1975) 87-94
file 501
keywords polynomial approximation, exchange algorithm, Chebyshev approximation
gams K2
for best polynomial approximation to a discrete one-dimensional data set
, in the Chebyshev (minimax) sense
by J.C. Simpson
ref ACM TOMS 2 (1976) 95-97
file 502
keywords nonlinear equation, differentiation parameter, 1 parameter embedding
gams F2
title DERPAR
for continuation
alg modified method of Davidenko, Newton's method, Adam's integration
by M. Kubicek
ref ACM TOMS 2 (1976) 98-107
file 503
keywords linear integral equations, nystrom method
gams I3
for one-dimensional linear Fredholm integral equations of the second kind
alg Nystrom method using Simpson's and Gauss quadrature
by K. Atkinson
ref ACM TOMS 2 (1976) 196-199
file 504
keywords ODE, IVP, global error estimation, Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg
gams I1a1a
title GERK
for nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations with global
, error estimate
, Integration is performed on different meshes and global extrapolation
, is used to estimate the global error in the more accurate solution.
, The integration is done using Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg methods of 4th and
, 5th order
by L.F. Shampine and H.A. Watts
ref ACM TOMS 2 (1976) 200-203
file 505
keywords sorting, searching, linked lists, data structure, list operation
gams N6a2a
title SPN
for insertion sort for linked lists, insensitive to the key distribution
ref ACM TOMS 2 (1976) 204-206
file 506
keywords eigenvalues, QR algorithm
gams D4c2b
title HQR3
for reduces an upper Hessenberg matrix to quasi-triangular form
alg unitary similarity transformations
by G.W. Stewart
ref ACM TOMS 2 (1976) 275-280
file 507
keywords approximation, interpolation, spline approximation, quintic spline
gams E1a
title QUINAT
for interpolating quintic natural spline
by J.G. Herriot and C.H. Reinsch
ref ACM TOMS 2 (1976) 281-289
lang Algol
file 508
keywords bandwidth reduction, profile reduction, sparse matrix
gams D2e
title REDUCE
for reducing the bandwidth and profile of sparse symmetric matrices
, using row and column permutations
by H.L. Crane et al.
ref ACM TOMS 2 (1976) 375-377
file 509
keywords bandwidth reduction, king algorithm, profile reduction, sparse matrix
gams D2e
for reducing the bandwidth and profile of sparse symmetric matrices.
by N.E. Gibbs
ref ACM TOMS 2 (1976) 378-387
# modification of algorithm 508
file 510
keywords piecewise linear function
gams K4
title STL2
for piecewise linear approximation of given data points
, The approximant need not be continuous, and distinct tolerances
, may be specified for each data point
by D.G. Wilson
ref ACM TOMS 2 (1976) 388-391
file 511
keywords Bessel function first kind, Airy function, asymptotic expansion
gams C10a3,C10b3
title IBESS and JBESS
for CDC 6600 Fortran subroutines for Bessel functions Iv(x) and Jv(x),
, for real, and real
by D.E. Amos, S.L. Daniel, and M.K. Weston
ref ACM TOMS 3 (1977) 93-95
file 512
keywords linear function, normalized solution, periodic quindiagonal, psd
gams D2b2,I2b4b
title FACTOR, RHS, and SOLVE
for symmetric positive definite periodic quindiagonal systems of
, linear equations.
by A. Benson, and D.J. Evans
ref ACM TOMS 3 (1977) 96-103
file 513
keywords transposition in place, matrix transposition, permutation
gams D1b3
title TRANS
for in-situ matrix transposition
alg makes use of the cyclic structure of the transposition mapping
by E.G. Cate and D.W. Twigg
ref ACM TOMS 3 (1977) 104-110
# revision of algorithm 380
file 514
keywords interpolation, cubic splines, spline approximation
gams E1a
lang Algol
for piecewise cubic interpolation using local data
by M.R. Ellis and D.H. McLain
ref ACM TOMS 3 (1977) 175-179
file 515
keywords combinations
gams B,C1
title COMB
for generates a vector from a lexicographical index
, That is, let C1, C2, ... Cm be the set of
, combinations of n items taken p at a time arranged in lexographical
, order. Given an integer i, this routine finds Ci
by B.P. Buckles and M. Lybanon
ref ACM TOMS 3 (1977) 180-182
file 516
keywords confidence interval, illinois method, regula falsi, rank test
gams L4b1b
title RANKCI
for confidence intervals and point estimates based on ranks in the
, two-sample location problem.
by J.W. McKean and T.A. Ryan, Jr.
ref ACM TOMS 3 (1977) 183-185
file 517
key eigenvalues, condition number
gams D4c2b
title CONDIT and QR2NOZ
for condition numbers of matrix eigenvalues without computing eigenvectors
by S.P. Chan, R. Feldman, and B.N. Parlett
ref ACM TOMS 3 (1977) 186-203
file 518
keywords incomplete Bessel function, von mises distribution
gams C10b1,L5a1v
title VMISES
for computes the left tail area of the Von Mises distribution,
, which is equal to the incomplete modified Bessel function of the
, first kind and zero-th order (I0)
by G.W. Hill
ref ACM TOMS 3 (1977) 279-284
file 519
keywords Kolmogorov-Smirnov probabilities
gams L5a1u
title RAKK, DURB, and EPST
for Kolmogorov-Smirnov probabilities with arbitrary boundaries
alg RAKK is a generalization of Massey's method. DURB is Durbin's method.
, EPST is the Epanechnikov, Steck method
by R. Kallman
ref ACM TOMS 3 (1977) 285-294
file 520
keywords resource allocation, linear programming
gams G2c5
title ARSME
for resource constrained network scheduling, activities arbitrarily
, interrupted and restarted later with no increase in activity duration
alg automatic revised simplex method
by J. Weglarzet et al.
ref ACM TOMS 3 (1977) 295-300
file 521
keywords integral of the coerror function, Miller recurrence algorithm
gams C8a
title INERFC
for repeated integrals of the coerror function
by W. Gautschi
ref ACM TOMS 3 (1977) 301-302
file 522
keywords symbolic and algebraic manipulation, linear, congruence technique
gams D2a1
title ESOLVE
for exact solution of systems of linear equations
alg multiple-precision integer coefficients, congruence techniques
by S. Cabay and T.P.L. Lam
ref ACM TOMS 3 (1977) 404-410
file 523
keywords partitioning, sorting
gams P
title CONVEX
for planar convex hull
by W. F. Eddy
ref ACM TOMS 3 (1977) 411-412
file 524
keywords multiple precision, extended precision, floating point arithmetic
gams A3c
title MP
for multiple precision floating point arithmetic and evaluating
, elementary and special functions
by R.P. Brent
ref ACM TOMS 4 (1978) 71-81
# not available by email; use ftp
# However, you almost surely want the newer version in netlib/bmp.
file 525
keywords spline approximation, adaptive curve fitting, Hermite interpolation
gams K1a1a1,K2,K3,K4
title ADAPT
for approximating a user-defined function by a piecewise polynomial of
, specified smoothness and degree and norm
by J.R. Rice
ref ACM TOMS 4 (1978) 82-94
file 526
keywords bivariate interpolation, piecewise polynomial interpolation
gams E2b
for bivariate interpolation and smooth surface fitting for irregularly
, distributed data points
by H. Akima
ref ACM TOMS 4 (1978) 160-164
file 527
keywords marching algorithm, block tridiagonal matrix, elliptic PDE
gams I2b1a2,I2b4b
title GMA, GMAS, and KPICK
for linear systems arising from 5-point discretizations of separable or
, constant coefficient elliptic boundary-value problems on rectangular
, domains; Dirichlet,Neumann, mixed, or periodic boundary conditions
alg generalized marching algorithm
by R.E. Bank
ref ACM TOMS 4 (1978) 165-176
file 528
keywords libraries, error handling, storage management, machine dependencies
gams R1,R3,N4
title PORT
for framework for a portable Fortran subroutine library: machine-dependent
, constants, automatic error handling, and dynamic storage allocation
, using a stack
by P.A. Fox, A.D. Hall, and N.L. Schryer
ref ACM TOMS 4 (1978) 176-188
file 529
keywords symmetric permutations, block triangular, depth first search, sparse
gams D2e
title MC13D
for finding symmetric permutations to block triangular form
, That is, given the column numbers of the nonzeros in each row of a
, sparse matrix, this subroutine finds a
, symmetric permutation that makes the matrix block lower triangular.
by I.S. Duff and J.K. Reid
ref ACM TOMS 4 (1978) 189-192
file 530
keywords eigenvalue, eigenvector, skew-symmetric matrix, symmetric matrix
gams D4a1,D4a2,D4a5
for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real skew-symmetric matrices or
, real tridiagonal symmetric matrices with constant diagonals
alg orthogonal similarity transformations
by R.C. Ward and L.J. Gray
ref ACM TOMS 4 (1978) 286-289
file 531
keywords contour plotting
gams Q
title GCONTR
for contours through equal values of a surface
by W.V. Snyder
ref ACM TOMS 4 (1978) 290-294
file 532
keywords roundoff analysis, numerical stability, numerical linear algebra
gams A3a,S1
for roundoff analysis of noniterative numerical methods
by W. Miller and D. Spooner
ref ACM TOMS 4 (1978) 388-390
size 285 kB
file 533
keywords sparse matrix, simultaneous linear equations, partial pivoting
gams D2a4
title NSPIV
for sparse systems of linear equations by sparse Gaussian elimination
, with partial pivoting
by A.H. Sherman
ref ACM TOMS 4 (1978) 391-398
file 534
keywords stiff ODE, composite multistep, cyclic, initial value problem
gams I1a2
title STINT
for integrating a set of first order ordinary differential equations
alg stiffly stable, cyclic composite linear multistep methods
by J.M. Tendler, T.A. Bickart, and Z. Picel
ref ACM TOMS 4 (1978) 399-403
file 535
keywords eigenvalue, generalized eigenvalue problem
gams D4b4
for generalized eigenvalue problem for complex matrices
alg QZ
by B.S. Garbow
ref ACM TOMS 4 (1978) 404-410
file 536
keywords security transformation, encipher, decipher, multiprecision integer
gams B,Z
title PURDY
for Purdy's irreversible enciphering function
, It serves as a machine independent model for
, studying the evaluation of polynomials mod P and for the
, implementation of more efficient machine dependent system utility
, programs for enciphering passwords
by H.D. Knoble
ref ACM TOMS 5 (1979) 108-111
file 537
keywords Mathieu differential equation, wave equation, eigenvalue,
, cylinder function
gams C17,I1b3
title CHARMA
for characteristic values of Mathieu's differential equation for odd
, or even solutions
by W.R. Leeb
ref ACM TOMS 5 (1979) 112-117
file 538
keywords eigenvalue, eigenvector, sparse, diagonable, simultaneous iteration
gams D4b1
title SIMITZ
for eigenvalues largest in magnitude and corresponding eigenvectors
, of a real matrix symmetric relative to a user-defined inner product
alg simultaneous iteration algorithm
by P.J. Nikolai
ref ACM TOMS 5 (1979) 118-125
file 539
keywords linear algebra, utilities
gams D1a
title BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)
for basic operations of numerical linear algebra, including dot product,
, Givens transformations, vector copy, swap, norm, and scaling, and
, determination of the component of largest magnitude
by C.L. Lawson et al.
ref ACM TOMS 5 (1979) 324-325
# not available by email; use ftp
# However, you almost surely want the newer version in netlib/blas.
file 540
keywords collocation, PDE, method of lines
gams I2a1a,I2a2
title PDECOL
for coupled systems of nonlinear partial differential equations in one
, space and one time dimension.
, The solution method uses finite element collocation based upon
, piecewise polynomials for spatial discretization. The time
, discretization is done by general-purpose software for ordinary
, initial value problems
by N.K. Madsen and R.F. Sincovec
ref ACM TOMS 5 (1979) 326-351
file 541
keywords elliptic PDE, linear system
gams I2b1a1a,I2b4b
for separable elliptic partial differential equations. Handles the
, Helmholtz equation in Cartesian, polar, surface spherical coordinates,
, cylindrical and interior spherical coordinates. Includes software for
, systems of linear equations from finite difference approximations to
, general separable problems
by P.N. Swarztrauber and R.A. Sweet
ref ACM TOMS 5 (1979) 352-364
file 542
keywords incomplete gamma function, taylors series, continued fractions
gams C7e
title GAM
for Taylor's series and continued fractions for evaluating Tricomi's
, incomplete gamma function and the complementary incomplete gamma
, function
by W. Gautschi
ref ACM TOMS 5 (1979) 482-489
file 543
keywords fft, fast helmholtz solver, fast poisson solver
gams I2b1a1a
title FFT9
for Dirichlet problem for the Helmholtz equation on a rectangle
alg 4th and 6th order accurate 9-point finite difference approximations
, and fast Fourier solution techniques
by E.N. Houstis and T.S. Papatheodorou
ref ACM TOMS 5 (1979) 490-493
file 544
keywords covariant, iterative refinement, least square, over or under determined
gams D9b1
title L2A and L2B
for weighted least squares problems, overdetermined and underdetermined
, systems of linear equations, and problems where the solution is subject,
, to linear equality constraints. covariance matrix of the solution vector
alg modified Gram-Schmidt with iterative refinement
by R.H. Wampler
ref ACM TOMS 5 (1979) 494-499
file 545
keywords multidimensional fft, mass storage fft, optimal sorting
gams J1a1,J1a2,J1b
title CMFFT and RMFFT
for computing real and complex fast Fourier transforms, minimizing I/O
by D. Fraser
ref ACM TOMS 5 (1979) 500-517
file 546
keywords almost block diagonal, gaussian elimination, spline approximation, ODE
gams D2a2,E3d,I1c
for almost block diagonal linear systems
, Such matrices arise naturally in piecewise polynomial
, interpolation or approximation and in finite element methods for
, two-point boundary value problems
by C. de Boor and R. Weiss
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 88-91
file 547
keywords discrete cubic splines, discrete natural splines, interpolation
gams E1a
for discrete cubic spline interpolation and smoothing
by C.S. Duris
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 92-103
file 548
keywords assignment problem, Hungarian algorithm
gams G2b
title ASSCT
for the square assignment problem.
by G. Carpaneto and P. Toth
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 104-111
file 549
keywords Weierstrass elliptic function
gams C15
for Weierstrass's P-functions in the equiharmonic and lemniscatic cases
by U. Eckhardt
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 112-120
file 550
keywords polyhedron, graphics, numerical integration
gams P
title PROPS and SRFINT
for computing surface area, centroid, volume, weight, moments, and products
, of inertia of solid polyhedra
by A.M. Messner and G.Q. Taylor
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 121-130
file 551
keywords overdetermined system, linear programming, dual simplex algorithm
gams D9a3
title L1
for overdetermined system of linear equations in the L1 norm
alg a dual simplex algorithm to the linear programming formulation
, of the given problem
by N.N. Abdelmalek
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 228-230
file 552
keywords constrained L-sub-1 approximation, linear programming, simplex method
gams D9a3,D9b3
title CL1
for L1 solution to linear equations subject to linear equality and
, inequality constraints
alg modified simplex method
by I. Barrodale and F.D.K. Roberts
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 231-235
file 553
keywords parabolic PDE, semidiscretization, explicit time integrator
gams I1a1a,I2a1
title M3RK
for initial value problems for nonlinear first-order systems of ordinary
, differential equations which originate from semi-discretization of
, parabolic partial differential equations
alg stabilized, explicit three-step Runge-Kutta formulas of order one
, and two, and degree 2 through 12.
by J.G. Verwer
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 236-239
file 554
keywords nonlinear equation, Brent method
gams F2
title BRENTM
for nonlinear equations
alg modification of Brent's method.
by J.J. More and M.Y. Cosnard
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 240-251
file 555
keywords fixed point, nonlinear system, homotopy, continuation, zeros
gams F2
title FIXPT
for fixed points or zeros of a vector function
by L.T. Watson and D. Fenner
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 252-259
file 556
keywords exponential integral, miller algorithm, confluent hypergeometric
gams C5
title EXPINT
for sequences of exponential integrals E(n+k, x), k=0, 1, ..., m-1
, for, and
by D.E. Amos
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 420-428
file 557
keywords goal, multiple objective optimization, constraint partitioning, simplex
gams G2a1
title PAGP
for a partitioning algorithm for linear goal programming problems.
by J.L. Arthur and A. Ravindran
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 429
file 558
keywords multifacility, optimal location, rectilinear distance, minimum cut
gams G2c5
title LOCATE
for one-dimensional multifacility location problem with rectilinear distance
alg minimum-cut approach.
by T. Cheung
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 430-431
file 559
keywords quadratic programming, orthogonal decomposition
gams G2e1,G2e2
title HSQP
for stationary point of a quadratic function of n variables subject to
, linear constraints
by J.T. Betts
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 432-436
file 560
keywords Jordan normal, canonical, eigenvalue, eigenvector, block diagonal
gams D4c5
title JNF
for Jordan normal form of a complex square matrix
by B. Kagstrom and A. Ruhe
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 437-443
file 561
keywords heap, table maintenance
gams N4
for efficient table maintenance using heaps
by D.K. Kahaner
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 444-449
file 562
keywords shortest path, shortest route problem
gams G2d1
for shortest path from a specific node to all other nodes in a network
by U. Pape
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 450-455
file 563
keywords overdetermined system, linear constraint, discrete approximation
gams D9b3
title CL1
for overdetermined systems of linear equations in the L1 sense,
, with or without linear constraints
by R.H. Bartels and A.R. Conn
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 609-614
file 564
keywords L-sub-1 approximation, least absolute deviation, problem generator
gams K3,K6d,L6b12,L8a2,L8c3
title L1GNR
for generating test problems for discrete linear L-sub-1 approximation
, problems
by K.L. Hoffman and D.R. Shier
ref ACM TOMS 6 (1980) 615-617
file 565
keywords PDE, method of lines, finite differences, ODE
gams I2a1b,I2a2
for time-dependent coupled systems of nonlinear partial differential
, equations over a two-dimensional rectangular region
by D.K. Melgaard and R.F. Sincovec
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 126-135
file 566
keywords nonlinear equations, least square, unconstrained minimization,
, optimization
gams F3,G4f
for testing unconstrained optimization software
by J.J. More, B.S. Garbow, and K.E. Hillstrom; Averbukh, Figueroa, Schlick
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 136-140; remark TOMS 20(1994)282
size 268 kB
file 567
keywords momenta, extended range, Legendre polynomial, overflow, underflow
gams A3d,C9,C3a2
title NORMP
for normalized Legendre polynomials, varying order, fixed argument and
, degree; extended-range arithmetic
by D.W. Lozier and J.M. Smith
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 141-146
file 568
keywords file directory system, Unix, ratfor
gams Z
title PDS
for a portable file directory system implemented in Fortran
by D.R. Hanson
ref ACM TOPLAS vol. 3, pp. 162-167
file 569
keywords ODE, BVP, collocation, mesh selection, error estimates, damped newton
gams I1b2
title COLSYS
for nonlinear multi-point boundary value problems for mixed order systems
, of ordinary differential equations
alg spline collocation at Gaussian points using a B-spline basis.
by U. Ascher, J. Christiansen, and R.D. Russell
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 223-229
file 570
keywords eigenvalue, eigenvector, iteration, real sparse nonsymmetric matrix
gams D4a7
title LOPSI
for approximations to right or left eigenvectors corresponding to the
, dominant set of eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix
alg simultaneous iteration
by W.J. Stewart and A. Jennings
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 230-232
file 571
keywords direction statistic, Mises or Fisher distribution, continued fraction
gams C10b,L5a1v
for statistics for von Mises's and Fisher's distributions of directions
, (the ratio of modified Bessel functions of the first kind)
by G.W. Hill
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 233-238
file 572
keywords Helmholtz equation, capacitance matrix, poisson solver,
, conjugate gradient
gams I2b1a1b
title HELM3D
for the Dirichlet problem for the Helmholtz equation on general bounded
, three-dimensional regions
alg second-order accurate finite differences, capacitance matrix,
, conjugate gradient
by D.P. O'Leary and O. Widlund
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 239-246
file 573
keywords optimization, nonlinear least square, regression, quasi-newton, secant
gams K1b1a1
title NL2SOL
for adaptive nonlinear least-squares algorithm
by J.E. Dennis, D.M. Gay, and R.E. Welsch
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 367-383
file 574
keywords interpolation, osculation, shape, convexity, monotonicity, Bernstein
gams E1a
for shape-preserving osculatory quadratic spline
, The spline is a piecewise quadratic
, Bernstein polynomial with a continuous first derivative which
, interpolates given function and first derivative values, and preserves
, monotonicity and convexity in the data
by D.F. Mcallister and J.A. Roulier
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 384-386
file 575
keywords nonsymmetric permutations, maximum transversal, maximum assignment
gams D2e
title MC21A
for row permutation for a zero-free diagonal
, That is, given the pattern of nonzeros of a sparse matrix,
, this routine attempts to find a permutation of its rows that makes the
, matrix have no zeros on its diagonal
by I.S. Duff
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 387-390
file 576
keywords simultaneous linear equation, gauss elimination, pivoting strategy
gams D2a1,D9a1,D9a4
title MODGE and REFINE
for (possibly singular) linear algebraic equations
alg Gaussian elimination combined with a new pivoting strategy
, particularly well suited to problems where residuals can be made small
, by solving for fewer than n of the unknowns
by I. Barrodale and G.F. Stuart
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 391-397
file 577
keywords elliptic integral, inverse circular or hyperbolic function, r-function
gams C14
title RC, RF, RD, RJ
for symmetric incomplete elliptic integrals of the first, second, and third
, kinds
by B.C. Carlson and E.M. Notis
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 398-403
file 578
keywords Gaussian elimination, paged virtual store
gams D2a1
for real linear equations in a paged virtual store
alg blocks of consecutive columns
by J.J. Du Croz et al.
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 537-189
file 579
keywords differentiation, taylor series coefficients, analytic function
gams K4
title CPSC
for leading coefficients in a power series expansion of an analytic function
by B. Fornberg
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 542-547
file 580
keywords matrix factorization, orthogonalization
gams D7c
title QRUP
for QR factorization with row and column and rank-1 updates
alg Gramm-Schmidt orthogonalization
by A. Buckley
ref ACM TOMS 7 (1981) 548-549
file 581
keywords singular value decomposition, SVD
gams D6
for singular value decomposition of a general rectangular matrix
alg QR and Golub-Reinsch
by T. F. Chan
ref ACM TOMS 8 (1982) pp. 84-88
file 582
keywords bandwidth, profile, wavefront, matrix, Gibbs-Poole-Stockmeyer,
, Gibbs-King
gams D2e
title GPSKCA
for bandwidth or profile reduction of structurally symmetric sparse matrices
by J.G. Lewis
ref ACM TOMS 8 (1982) 190-194
file 583
keywords variance, conjugate gradient, least square, simultaneous equation,
, regression
gams D9a1
title LSQR
for overdetermined or underdetermined sparse systems of linear equations,
, sparse least squares problems, and damped sparse least squares problems
by C.C. Paige and M.A. Saunders
ref ACM TOMS 8 (1982) 195-209
file 584
keywords quadrature rule
gams H2b2a1
title CUBTRI
for adaptive cubature over a triangle.
by D.P. Laurie
ref ACM TOMS 8 (1982) 210-218
file 585
keywords convergence, extrapolation, interpolation, least squares,
, Neville-Aitken
gams A7,E1c
title EXTRAP
for sequence extrapolation and generalized interpolation by a linear
, combination of functions forming a Chebyshev system
alg E-algorithm, Muhlbach-Neville-Aitken, Epsilon Algorithm of Wynn
by C. Brezinski
ref ACM TOMS 8 (1982) 290-301
file 586
keywords iterative methods, sparse matrix
gams D2b4
for large sparse linear systems by adaptive accelerated iterative methods
by D.R. Kincaid et al.
ref ACM TOMS 8 (1982) 302-322
file 587
keywords linear least squares, constraints, covariance matrix
gams D9b1
title LSEI and WNNLS
for least squares problems with linear equality and/or inequality
, constraints
by R.J. Hanson and K.H. Haskell
ref ACM TOMS 8 (1982) 323-333
size 213 kB
file 588
keywords Hankel transforms, Bessel function first kind, convolution integral
gams C10f,J,J2
title HANKEL
for fast evaluation of complex Hankel transforms of orders 0 and 1 using
, related and lagged convolutions.
by W.L. Anderson
ref ACM TOMS 8 (1982) 369-370
file 589
keywords matrix eigensystem, iterative method, eigensystem improvement
gams D2a4,D4c,D4c1b3,D4c2c
title SICEDR
for improving the accuracy of computed real matrix eigenvalues and improving
, or computing the associated eigenvector
by J.J. Dongarra
ref ACM TOMS 8 (1982) 371-375
file 590
keywords generalized eigenvalue, QZ algorithm
gams D4c1b3
for deflating subspaces with specified spectrum
by P. Van Dooren
ref ACM TOMS 8 (1982) 376-382
file 591
keywords linear model, variance, unbalanced data, missing cells, hypothesis test
gams L7d
for storage-efficient analysis of variance of balanced data, unbalanced
, data, and unbalanced data with missing cells
by W.J. Hemmerle
ref ACM TOMS 8 (1982) 383-401
file 592
keywords optimal estimation, optimal interpolation, perfect splines
gams E1a
title RANGE
for Given values and a bound on the kth derivative, determines the range of
, possible values of a function
by P.W. Gaffney
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 98-116
file 593
keywords Helmholtz, capacitance matrix, fast poisson solver, conjugate gradient
gams I2b1a1b
for the Helmholtz equation on bounded nonrectangular planar regions with
, Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions
alg Fourier method extended to nonrectangular regions using the capacitance
, matrix method
by W. Proskurowski
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 117-124
file 594
keywords roundoff analysis, relative errors, numerical stability
gams A3a
for automatic roundoff error analysis of numerical algorithms
by J.L. Larson, M.E. Pasternak, and J.A. Wisniewski
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 125-130
file 595
keywords hamiltonian circuit, depth-first search
gams P
title HC
for finding one or more Hamiltonian circuits in a directed graph
by S. Martello
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 131-138
file 596
keywords underdetermined system, parameterized equation, continuation,
, limit point
gams F2
title PITCON
for continuation, target points, limit points
alg local parameterization, curvature estimates to control stepsize
by W.C. Rheinboldt and J.V. Burkardt
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 236-241
file 597
keywords Bessel function
gams C10b3
title RIBESL
for sequences of modified Bessel functions of the first kind (real argument
, and real order
by W.J. Cody
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 242-245
file 598
keywords matrix equations, solvent, newtons method, qz algorithm
gams D8
title SQUINT
for solvents of the matrix equation A*X**2 + B*X + C = 0
by G.W. Davis
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 246-254
file 599
keywords gamma, poisson distribution, random numbers, accept-reject method
gams L6a7,L6a16,L6a21,L6a5,L6a14
for exponential, gamma, normal, Poisson, and uniform distributions
by J.H. Ahrens, K.D. Kohrt, and U. Dieter
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 255-257
file 600
keywords approximation, interpolation, spline approximation, quintic spline
gams E1a
for quintic natural spline interpolation. translation of algorithm 507
by J.G. Herriot and C.H. Reinsch
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 258-259
file 601
keywords sparse matrix
gams D1b5,D1b6
for transposing, multiplying and adding pairs of sparse matriceses
by J.M. McNamee
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 344-345
file 602
keywords acceleration of convergence, divergent series, Levin's u transform
gams A7
title HURRY
for accelerating the convergence of alternating and monotone sequences and
, series
alg Levin's u transform
, The routine estimates truncation and roundoff errors to
, make a near-optimal stopping decision and provide a good estimate of
, the accuracy
by T. Fessler, W.F. Ford, and D.A. Smith
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 355-357
file 603
keywords almost block and diagonal systems, gaussian elimination, 2 point BVP
gams D2a2,E3d,I1c
for almost block diagonal linear systems
alg modified alternate row and column elimination.
by J.C. Diaz, G. Fairweather, and P. Keast
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 376-380
file 604
keywords Remes algorithm, extremal polynomial, Richardson iteration
gams K2,D2e,C3b
title EXTREM
for extremal polynomials.
by F.W. Sauer
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 381-383
file 605
keywords verifiers, standard conformance, Basic programming language
gams S2
title PBASIC
for BASIC program for adherence to the American National Standard Minimal
, Standard for BASIC
by T.R. Hopkins
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 391-394
file 606
keywords expert systems, menu-driven applications, computer-aided instruction
gams R4,N4
for decision trees
by P.W. Gaffney et al.
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) pp. 418-426
file 607
keywords text exchange, management, organization, distribution and maintenance
gams N4,Z
title TES (Text Exchange System)
for transportable Fortran programs for management and exchange of programs
, and other text
by W.V. Snyder and R.J. Hanson
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 427-440
file 608
keywords quadratic assignment, heuristic algorithm, operations research
gams G2b
title HGW
for extended Koopmans-Beckmann quadratic assignment problem
by D.H. West
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 461-466
file 609
keywords exponential and Bessel function integral, Bickley functions
gams C10f
title BSKIN
for Bickley functions Ki(n,x), repeated integrals of the K0 Bessel function,
, for non-negative integers n and reals x.
by D.E. Amos
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 480-493
file 610
keywords psi functions, gamma function, derivative of gamma function
gams C7c
title PSIFN
for derivatives of the psi function
by D.E. Amos
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 494-502
file 611
keywords trust regions, quasi-newton, secant update, reverse communication
gams G1b1b,G1b1c
for general unconstrained minimization problems
alg model/trust-region approach
by D.M. Gay
ref ACM TOMS 9 (1983) 503-524
file 612
keywords quadrature, 2-d integration, singular integrand, epsilon algorithm
gams H2b2a1
title TRIEX
for integration over a triangle
alg adaptive subdivisional strategy with global acceptance criteria and
, incorporates the epsilon algorithm to speed convergence
by E. de Doncker and I. Robinson
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) pp. 17-22
file 613
keywords minimum spanning tree, shortest connection network
gams G2d2
title MSTPAC
for minimum spanning tree for moderate integer weights in a connected
, undirected graph represented in a forward star data structure
by R.E. Haymond, J.P. Jarvis, and D.R. Shier
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 108-111
file 614
keywords quadrature rule, optimal quadrature rule, singular integrand
gams H2a1a1,H2a3a1,H2a4a1
title INTHP
for automatic numerical integration in Hp.
, The functions may have singularities at one or both endpoints of an
, interval. Each of finite, semi-infinite, and infinite intervals are
, admitted
by K. Sikorski, F. Stenger, and J. Schwing
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 152-160
file 615
keywords regression, least absolute value
gams L8c3
title KBEST
for linear regression under a least absolute value criterion
alg simplex method, branch-and-bound
by R.D. Armstrong, P.O. Beck, and M.T. Kung
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 202-206
file 616
keywords Hodges-Lehman location estimator, statistics
gams L4a1b1
title HLQEST
for hodges-lehman location estimator
by J.F. Monahan
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 265-270
file 617
keywords solve nonlinear equations, differential equation method
gams F2
title DAFNE
for nonlinear systems based on the numerical solution of a Cauchy problem
, for a system of ordinary differential equations inspired by classical
, mechanics
by F. Aluffi-Pentini, V. Parisi, and F. Zirilli
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 317-324).
file 618
keywords estimating sparse jacobian matrices
gams F3
title DSM and FDJS
for estimating sparse Jacobian matrices
by T.J. Coleman, B.S. Garbow, and J.J. More
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 346-347
file 619
keywords Laplace transform, automatic numerical inversion
gams J3
title DLAINV
for automatic numerical inversion of the Laplace transform
alg Durbin formula in combination with the epsilon algorithm
by R. Piessens and R. Huysmans
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 348-353
file 620
keywords references and keywords for collected algorithms from ACM
gams Z
title Data files containing references and keywords for the Collected
, Algorithms from ACM
by J.R. Rice and R.J. Hanson
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 359-360
size 277 kB
file 620.bib
keywords bibtex
gams Z
title Bibliographic database of collected algorithms from ACM
by T.R. Hopkins
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 359-360
size 210 kB
file 621
keywords 2d, nonlinear parabolic PDE's, multigrid, low storage requirements
gams I2a1b
title BDMG
for two-dimensional nonlinear parabolic differential equations on
, rectangular spatial domains with mixed linear boundary conditions.
by B.P. Sommeijer and P.J. van der Houven
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 378-396
file 622
keywords simple macro processor, Fortran
gams Z,S1
title A simple macroprocessor for use in manipulating Fortran code as well as
, for general text processing
by J.R. Rice, C. Ribbens, and W.A. Ward
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 410-416
file 623
keywords data fitting, interpolation on the surface of a sphere
gams E2b
for interpolant with one continuous derivative from data values associated
, with arbitrarily distributed nodes on the surface of a sphere
by R.J. Renka
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 417-436 and 437-439
size 204 kB
file 624
keywords triangulation and interpolation of arbitrary points in a plane
gams E2b,P
for triangulation and interpolation at arbitrarily distributed points in
, the plane
by R.J. Renka
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 440-442
file 625
keywords 2d domain processor, grid generation
gams I2b4,P
for relates a general two-dimensional domain to a rectangular grid laid
, over it
by J.R. Rice
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 443-452 and 453-462
file 626
keywords contour plotting, triangular mesh, FEM
gams Q
title TRICP
for computing contours of a function defined by a set of irregularly
, distributed data points in the plane.
by A. Preusser
ref ACM TOMS 10 (1984) 178-189
file 627
keywords Volterra integral equations, second kind
gams I3
title VE1
for Volterra integral equations.
by J.M. Bownds and L. Applebaum
ref ACM TOMS 11 (1985) 58-65
file 628
keywords groebner basis, polynomial ideals, rational integers
gams C3b
title GROEB
for canonical (or Groebner) bases of polynomial ideals
by F. Winkler et al.
ref ACM TOMS 11 (1985) 66-78
file 629
keywords 3d Laplace equation, double potential, spherical harmonics
gams I2b1a1b
title LAPLAC
for interior Dirichlet problem for Laplace's equation on a general three
, dimensional domain
alg integral equation techniques
by K.E. Atkinson
ref ACM TOMS 11 (1985) 85-96
size 210 kB
file 630
keywords local minimia, nonlinear function, conjugate gradient, quasi-newton
gams G1b1a,G1b1b
title BBVSCG
for a variable storage Fortran subprogram for function minimization
by A. Buckley and A. Lenir
ref ACM TOMS 11 (1985) 103-119
size 932 kB
file 631
keywords find bracketed zero, Larkin's method, rational interpolation
gams F1b
title ZERO1 and ZERO2
for finding a bracketed zero
alg Larkin's method of rational interpolation
by V. Nortin
ref ACM TOMS 11 (1985) 120-134
file 632
keywords 0-1 multiple knapsack problem
gams G2c3
title MKP
for 0-1 multiple knapsack problem
by S. Martello and P. Toth
ref ACM TOMS 11 (1985) 135-140
file 633
keywords linear dependency analysis, multivariate data
gams L8f
title LDA
for linear dependency analysis of multivariate data
by R.C. Ward, G.J. Davis, and V.E. Kane
ref ACM TOMS 11 (1985) 170-182
file 634
keywords multinomial fitting, least squares
gams K1a1b
title CONST and EVAL
for fitting multinomials in a least-squares sense
by R.H. Bartels and J.J. Jezioranski
ref ACM TOMS 11 (1985) 218-228
file 635
keywords complex linear systems, L-infinity norm, constraints on unknowns
gams D9b2
for Chebyshev solution of systems of complex linear equations with linear
, inequality constraints and simple bound constraints
by R.L. Streit
ref ACM TOMS 11 (1985) 242-249
file 636
keywords estimating sparse hessian matrices, difference of gradients
gams G4f
title DSSM and FDHS
for estimating sparse Hessian matrices
by T.F. Coleman, B.S. Garbow, and J.J. More
ref ACM TOMS 11 (1985) 363-377 and 378
file 637
keywords 2nd order elliptic PDEs, bicubic hermite polynomials, general domain
gams I2b1a3
title GENCOL
for linear second-order elliptic problems with general linear boundary
, conditions on non-rectangular two-dimensional domains
alg collocation with bicubic Hermite polynomials
by E.N. Houstis, W.F. Mitchell, and J.R. Rice
ref ACM TOMS 11 (1985) 379-412 and 413-415
size 337 kB
file 638
keywords 2nd order elliptic PDEs, bicubic hermite, rectangular domain
gams I2b1a3
for linear second-order elliptic problems on rectangular two-dimensional
, domains with general linear boundary conditions or uncoupled boundary
, conditions
alg collocation with bicubic Hermite polynomials
by E.N. Houstis, W.F. Mitchell, and J.R. Rice
ref ACM TOMS 11 (1985) 379-412 and 416-418
file 639
keywords integration, oscillatory integrands, periodic
gams H2a3a1
title OSCINT
for integration of some infinitely oscillating tails
by J. Lyness and G. Hines
ref ACM TOMS 12 (1986) 24-25
size 408 kB
file 640
keywords complex frequency response matrix, continuous-time state space models
gams G3,L10c
title SFRMG
for complex frequency response matrix C*E*B, where E is the inverse of
, (FREQ*I - A) and FREQ is a complex scalar taking values along the ,
, imaginary axis for continuous-time systems and on the unit circle for
, discrete-time systems
by A.J. Laub
ref ACM TOMS 12 (1986) 26-33
file 641
keywords solution of general integer systems of linear equations
gams D2a1,D9a1
title EXSOLG
for exact least squares solution of linear equations with integer
, coefficients
by J. Springer
ref ACM TOMS 12 (1986) p. 149
file 642
keywords smoothing, minimum cross-validation, splines
gams K5,L8g
title CUBGCV
for O(n) computation of a cubic smoothing spline fitted to n noisy data
, points.
, Degree of smoothing is chosen to
, minimize the expected mean square error at the data points for known
, variance, or the generalized cross validation otherwise. Data may be
, unequally spaced and nonuniformly weighted. Computes Bayesian point
, error estimates
by M.F. Hutchinson
ref ACM TOMS 12 (1986) 150-153
file 643
keywords unordered rxc contingency tables, Fisher's exact test
gams L9b
title FEXACT
for Fisher's exact test on unordered r-by-c contingency tables
by C.R. Mehta and N.R. Patel
ref ACM TOMS 12 (1986) 154-161
file 644
keywords Bessel function, complex argument, nonnegative order
gams C10a4,C10b4,C10d
for Bessel functions of a complex argument and nonnegative order
, H1, H2, I, J, K, and Y, as well as the Airy functions Ai, Bi, and their
, derivatives are provided in both single and double precision.
, Exponential scaling and sequence generation are optional
by D.E. Amos
ref ACM TOMS 21 (1995) 388-393
size 724 kB
# Original version available as 644.old.gz
# ref -- ACM TOMS 12 (1986) 265-273
file 645
keywords compute generalized inverse of matrix, test programs
gams D9c
for testing programs that compute the generalized inverse of a matrix
by J.C. Nash and R.L.C. Wang
ref ACM TOMS 12 (1986) 274-277
file 646
keywords find positive definite linear combination, 2 real symmetric matrices
gams D4b1,D4c1c
title PDFIND
for positive definite linear combination of two real symmetric matrices
, may be used to solve the generalized eigenproblem Ax = (lambda)Bx in
, case A and B are large and sparse, but neither is positive definite
by C.R. Crawford
ref ACM TOMS 12 (1986) 278-282
file 647
keywords quasirandom sequence generators
gams H2c,L6b21
title generation of sequences of quasirandom vectors with low discrepancy
, Such sequences may be used to reduce
, error bounds for multidimensional integration and global optimization.
by B.L. Fox
ref ACM TOMS 12 (1986) 362-376
file 648
gams I1c
for assessing the performance of initial value solvers for stiff or
, nonstiff systems
by W. H. Enright and J. D. Pryce
ref ACM TOMS 13 (1987) 28-34
file 649
gams J1a3
title FOURCO
for trigonometric Fourier coefficients of a smooth function
alg Lyness's algorithm
by G. Giunta and A. Murli
ref ACM TOMS 13 (1987) 97-107
size 218 kB
file 650
gams C2
lang Motorola 68000 assembler
for efficient square root implementation
by K. C. Johnson
ref ACM TOMS 13 (1987) 138-151
file 651
gams I2b1a1a
title HFFT
for Helmholtz equation on bounded two- or three-dimensional rectangular
, domains
by R. F. Boisvert
ref ACM TOMS 13 (1987) 235-249
file 652
gams F2
for globally convergent homotopy algorithms, for finding zeros or fixed
, points of nonlinear systems of equations.
by L. T. Watson, S. C. Billups, and A. P. Morgan
ref ACM TOMS 13 (1987) 281-310
file 653
gams D1a
title PC-BLAS
lang 8087 assembler
for Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
by R. J. Hanson and F. T. Krogh
ref ACM TOMS 13 (1987) 311-317
file 654
gams C7e
for incomplete gamma function ratios and their inverse
by A. R. DiDonato and A. H. Morris, Jr.
ref ACM TOMS 13 (1987) 318-319
file 655
gams H2c
title IQPACK
for stable evaluation of the weights and nodes of interpolatory and Gaussian
, quadratures with prescribed simple or multiple knots
by S. Elhay and J. Kautsky
ref ACM TOMS 13 (1987) 399-415
file 656
gams D1
for model implementation and test programs for Level 2 BLAS
by J. J. Dongarra, J. du Croz, S. Hammarling, and R. J. Hanson
ref ACM TOMS 14 (1988) 18-32
# not available by email; use ftp
# However, you almost surely want the newer version in netlib/blas.
file 657
gams Q
title CON3D
for plotting contour surfaces of a function of three variables
by G. Sewell
ref ACM TOMS 14 (1988) 42-44
file 658
gams I1a1b,I1a2
title ODESSA
for ordinary differential equation solver (a modification of LSODE) with
, explicit simultaneous sensitivity analysis
by J. R. Leis and M. A. Kramer
ref ACM TOMS 14 (1988) 61-67
file 659
gams G2i,H2c
for Sobol's quasirandom sequence generator for multivariate quadrature
, and optimization
by P. Bratley and B. L. Fox
ref ACM TOMS 14 (1988) 88-100
file 660
gams E2b
title QSHEP2D
for quadratic Shepard method for bivariate interpolation of scattered data
by R. J. Renka
ref ACM TOMS 14 (1988) 149-150
file 661
gams E2b
title QSHEP3D
for quadratic Shepard method for trivariate interpolation of scattered data
by R. J. Renka
ref ACM TOMS 14 (1988) 151-152
file 662
gams J3
title MODUL1 and MODUL2
for numerical inversion of the Laplace transform
alg Weeks' method
by B. S. Garbow, G. Giunta, and J. N. Lyness
ref ACM TOMS 14 (1988) 171-176
file 663
gams D1a
title CWI BLAS
for Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms in Fortran 200 for the Cyber 205
by M. Louter-Nool
ref ACM TOMS 14 (1988) 177-195
file 664
gams D2a2
title GBSOL
for Gauss algorithm to solve systems with large banded matrices using
, random-access disk storage
by G. Schrauf
ref ACM TOMS 14 (1988) 257-260
file 665
gams R1
title MACHAR
for dynamically determine machine parameters
by W.J. Cody
ref ACM TOMS 14 (1988) 303-311
file 666
gams F2
title CHABIS
for locating and evaluating roots of systems of nonlinear equations
alg characteristic bisection.
by M.N. Vrahatis
ref ACM TOMS 15 (1988) 330-336
file 667
gams G1b1a
title SIGMA
for global minimization using a stochastic integration algorithm
by F. Aluffi-Pentini, V. Parisi, and F. Zirilli
ref ACM TOMS 14 (1988) 366-380
size 215 kB
file 668
gams L6a8
title H2PEC
for generating observations from the hypergeometric distribution
by V. Kachitvichyanukul and B.W. Schmeiser
ref ACM TOMS 14 (1988) 397-3986
file 669
gams I1a1a
title BRKF45
for first-order systems of nonstiff initial value problems for ordinary
, differential equations.
alg two-step block Runge-Kutta formula of order 6.
by J.R. Cash
ref ACM TOMS 15 (1989) 29-30
file 670
gams I1a1a
for Runge-Kutta-Nystrom. Two embedded formula pairs are provided,
, the lower order pair allowing interpolation
by R.W. Brankin, I. Gladwell, J.R. Dormand, P.J. Prince, and W.L. Seward
ref ACM TOMS 15 (1989) 31-40
file 671
gams Q,E2a
title FARB-E-2D
for contour lines for values given at rectangular mesh
, Areas between contour lines may be filled with colors or patterns
alg nonlinear bicubic Hermite polynomial interpolation
by A. Preusser
ref ACM TOMS 15 (1989) 79-89
file 672
gams H2c
title EXTEND
for generating interpolatory quadrature rules of the highest degree of
, precision with preassigned nodes for general weight functions
by T.N.L. Patterson
ref ACM TOMS 15 (1989) 137-143
file 673
gams N
lang Pascal
alg one-pass
for dynamic Huffman codes (compression)
by J.S. Vitter
ref ACM TOMS 15 (1989) 158-167
file 674
gams D1b2
for one-norm of a real or complex matrix, condition estimation.
, Explicit matrix is not required; instead matrix-vector products are
, computed by the calling program via a reverse communications
, interface.
by N.J. Higham
ref ACM TOMS 14 (1988) 381-396
file 675
gams L10a2e
for square root covariance filter and information filter in dense or
, Hessenberg forms
by M. Vanbegin, P. Van Doore and M. Verhaegen
ref ACM TOMS 15 (1989) 243-256
size 234 kB
file 676
gams K1b1a2,L8a4,L8e5
for weighted orthogonal distance regression
by P.T. Boggs, J.R. Donaldson, R.H. Byrd, and R.B. Snabel
ref ACM TOMS 15 (1989) 348-364
size 201 kB
# not available by email; use ftp
# However, you almost surely want the newer version in netlib/odrpack.
file 677
gams E2b
for interpolation of rapidly varying function values given at points
, irregularly distributed in the plane
alg C1 triangular elements, with needed partial derivatives are estimated
, using a minimization criterion making use of a tension parameter
by L.B. Montefusco and G. Casciola
ref ACM TOMS 15 (1989) 365-374
file 678
gams L6a2
title BTPEC
for sampling from the binomial distribution
by V. Kachitvichyanukul and B.W. Schmeiser
ref ACM TOMS 15 (1989) 394-397
file 679
gams D1b
title Level 3 BLAS
for basic linear algebra
by J.J. Dongarra, J. Du Croz, S. Hammarling, and I. Duff
ref ACM TOMS 16 (1990) 18-28
# not available by email; use ftp
# However, you almost surely want the newer version in netlib/blas.
file 680
gams C8a
for complex error function
by G.P.M. Poppe and C.M.J. Wijers
ref ACM TOMS 16 (1990) 47
file 681
gams F2
title INTBIS
for real roots of a system of nonlinear equations within a region defined
, by bounds on the variables
alg interval Newton/bisection methods
by R.B. Kearfott and M. Novoa III
ref ACM TOMS 16 (1990) 152-157
file 682
gams F2
for inversion of the Laplace transform
alg Talbot's method
by A. Murli and M. Rizzardi
ref ACM TOMS 16 (1990) 158-168
file 683
gams C5
for exponential integrals of a complex argument
by D.E. Amos
ref ACM TOMS 16 (1990) 178-182
file 684
gams E2b
for C1 and C2 interpolation on triangles with quintic and nonic bivariate
, polynomials
by A. Preusser
ref ACM TOMS 16 (1990) 253-257
file 685
gams I2b1a1a,I2b1a2
title SERRG2
for separable elliptic equations on a rectangle
alg Rayleigh-Ritz-Galerkin with tensor-product B-splines
by L. Kaufmann and D. Warner
ref ACM TOMS 16 (1990) 325-351
size 259 kB
file 686
gams D7c
for updating the QR decomposition of a matrix.
by L. Reichel and W.B. Gragg
ref ACM TOMS 16 (1990) 369-377
file 687
ref TOMS 17,1
for decision tree for initial value ode
gams i1c
file 688
ref TOMS 17,2
for epdcol: a more efficient pdecol code
gams i2a1a
size 335 kB
file 689
ref TOMS 17,2
for nonlinear volterra integral equations of the second kind
gams i3
size 450 kB
file 690
ref TOMS 17,2
for chebyshev polynomial software for elliptic-parabolic systems of pdes
gams i2a1a, i2b
size 331 kB
file 691
ref TOMS 17,2
for improving quadpack automatic integration routines
gams h2a1a1, h2a2a1
file 692
ref TOMS 17,2
for model implementation and test package for the sparse blas
gams d1a, d1b1
size 353 kB
file 693
ref TOMS 17,2
for floating point multiple precision arithmetic
size 295 kB
file 694
ref TOMS 17,3
for test matrices
gams d1b1
file 695
ref TOMS 17,3
for modified cholesky factorization
gams d2b1a, d2b1b
file 696
ref TOMS 17,3
for inverse rayleigh iteration for complex band matrices
gams d4a4, d4a6
file 697
ref TOMS 17,3
for univariate interpolation
gams e1a
file 698
ref TOMS 17,4
for dcuhre - adaptive multidimensional integration for a vector of integrals
by Berntsen, Espelid, Genz
gams h2b1a1
size 201 kB
file 699
ref TOMS 17,4
for new representation of Patterson's quadrature formulae
by Krogh, Van Snyder
gams h2a1a1
file 700
ref TOMS 17,4
for sleign - Fortran package for Sturm-Liouville problems
by Bailey, Garbow, Kaper, Zetti
gams i1b3
file 701
ref TOMS 17,4
for goliath - exact analysis of rectangular rank-deficient sparse rational
, linear systems
by Alefeld, Eyre
gams d9a
file 702
ref TOMS 18,1
title TNPACK
for large-scale minimization
alg truncated Newton
by Schlick, Fogelson
gams g1b1c
file 703
ref TOMS 18,2
title MEBDF
for stiff ode
by Cash, Considine
gams i1a2
file 704
ref TOMS 18,2
for almost block diagonal linear systems in spline collocation
by Majaess, Keast, Fairweather, Bennett
gams d2a2, d2a4
file 705
ref TOMS 18,2
for Sylvester equation AXB + CXD = E
by Gardiner, Laub, Amato, Moler
gams d8
size 326 kB
file 706
ref TOMS 18,3
title DCUTRI
for two-dimensional integral over triangulated region
by Berntsen, Espelid
gams h2b2a1
file 707
ref TOMS 18,3
title CONHYP
for confluent hypergeometric function
by Nardin, Perger, Bhalla
gams c11
file 708
ref TOMS 18,3
title BRATIO
for incomplete Beta function IX(a,b)
by Morris
gams c7f
file 709a
ref TOMS 18,4
for testing algorithm implementations
by Buckley
size 1.3 MB
gams g4f, s3
# (most of the file is blanks; ftp the compressed version!)
file 709b
ref TOMS 18,4
for testing algorithm implementations
by Buckley
size 1.2 MB
gams g4f, s3
# (most of the file is blanks; ftp the compressed version!)
file 710
ref TOMS 18,4
for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a general matrix
by Dongarra, Geist, Romine
gams d4a2
file 711
ref TOMS 18,4
title BTN
for parallel unconstrained optimization
by Nash, Sofer
gams g1b1b
size 233 kB
file 712
ref TOMS 18,4
for normal random number generator
by Leva
gams l6a14
file 713
ref TOMS 18,4
for vectorized Bessel function evaluation
gams c10a1, c10b1
size 535 kB
file 714
title celefunt
ref TOMS 19,1
for testing elementary functions of complex argument
by Cody
gams c2, c4b
file 715
title specfun
ref TOMS 19,1
for special function routines and test drivers
by Cody
gams c5, c7, c8, c10
size 525 kB
file 716
title tspack
ref TOMS 19,1
for tension spline curve-fitting package
by Renka
gams e1a, e1c, k1a1a1, k1a1a3
size 252 kB
file 717
ref TOMS 19,1
for max- and quasi-likelihood estimation in nonlinear regression
by Bunch, Gay, Welsch
gams l8e1b2, l8e1b4
size 1.2 MB
file 718
ref TOMS 19,2
for eigenvalue allocation problem for single-input systems
by Miminis, Reid
gams d4, g3
size 162 kB
file 719
ref TOMS 19,3
for multiprecision translation and execution of Fortran programs
by Bailey
gams a3c, a3d, a4c, a4d
size 488 kB
file 720
ref TOMS 19,3
for adaptive cubature over a collection of 3-dimensional simplices
by Berntsen, Cools, Espelid
gams h2b2a1
size 185 kB
file 721
ref TOMS 19,3
for eigenvalues of Mathieu differential equation for noninteger and
, integer order
by Shirts
gams c17
size 154 kB
file 722
ref TOMS 19,4
for support IEEE binary floating point arithmetic
by Cody, Coonen
gams a3a, a6c, r3c
size 53 kB
file 723
ref TOMS 19,4
for Fresnel integrals
by Van Snyder
gams c8b
size 85 kB
file 724
ref TOMS 19,4
for F-percentiles
by Abernathy, Smith
gams l5a2f
size 38 kB
file 725
ref TOMS 19,4
for multivariate normal integral
by Drezner
gams l5b1n
size 20 kB
file 726
ref TOMS 20,1 (MAR 1994) 21-62
for Generating Orthogonal Polynomials and Gauss-type Quadrature Rules
by Walter Gautschi
size 406 kB
file 727
ref TOMS 20,1 (MAR 1994) 100-102
by Sherif Hashem and Bruce Schmeiser
lang C
for q-th quantile and standard deviation of that estimate
size 57 kB
file 728
ref TOMS 20,1 (MAR 1994) 120-123
for quadratic bilevel programming problem
by Paul H. Calamai and Luis N. Vicente
size 73 kB
file 729
ref TOMS 20,1 (MAR 1994) 160
alg extended Levinson algorithms
for solving symmetric and general Toeplitz systems
by Per Christian Hansen
size 139 kB
file 730
ref TOMS 20,1 (MAR 1994) 161
alg divide and conquer
for unitary eigenproblem
by G. S. Ammar, L. Reichel, and D. C. Sorensen
size 144 kB
file 731
ref TOMS 20,2 (JUN 1994) 194
alg adaptive moving grid
for univariate partial differential equation
by J. G. Blom and P. A. Zegeling
size 568 kB
file 732
ref TOMS 20,3 (Sep 1994) 247
alg capacitance matrix, Laplacian preconditioner, FACR
for nonseparable self-adjoint elliptic PDE on 2D polygonal domain
by P. F. Cummins and G. K. Vallis
size 228 kB
file 733
name TOMP
ref TOMS 20,3 (Sep 1994) 262
alg nonlinear programming
for optimal control problem
by D. Kraft
size 219 kB
file 734
ref TOMS 20,3 (Sep 1994) 354
alg toms/630
lang Fortran90
by A. G. Buckley
size 414 kB
file 735
ref TOMS 20,3 (Sep 1994) 398
alg pyramid
for wavelet transform and inverse
by C. Taswell and K. C. McGill
size 27 kB
file 736
ref TOMS 20,4 (Dec 1994) 427
for hyperelliptic integrals and the surface measure of ellipsoids
by C. F. Dunkl and D. E. Ramirez
size 44 kB
file 737
ref TOMS 20,4 (Dec 1994) 447
for portable fortran 77 interval standard function library
alg intlib
by R. B. Kearfott, M. Dawande, K. Du and C. Hu
size 704 kB
file 738
ref TOMS 20,4 (Dec 1994) 494
for generate niederreiters low discrepancy sequences
by P. Bratley, B. L. Fox and H. Niederreiter
size 127 kB
file 739
ref TOMS 20,4 (Dec 1994) 518
for unconstrained optimization using tensor methods
by T. Chow, E. Eskow and R. Schnabel
size 124 kB
file 740
ref TOMS 21,1 (Mar 1995) 18
for compute improved incomplete cholesky factorizations
by M. T. Jones and P. E. Plassmann
size 61 kB
file 741
ref TOMS 21,1 (Mar 1995) 20
for least-squares solution of linear, bordered, block diagonal systems of equations
by R. D. Ray
size 300 kB
file 742
ref TOMS 21,1 (Mar 1995) 98
for least squares data fitting with nonnegative second divided differences
alg l2cxft
by I. C. Demetriou
size 263 kB
file 743
ref TOMS 21,2 (June 1995) 172
alg wapr
for calculating real values of the w-function
by D. A. Barry, S. J. Barry and P. J. Culligan-Hensley
size 73 kB
file 744
ref TOMS 21,2 (June 1995) 194
for stochastic algorithm for global minimization with constraints
by F. M. Rabinowitz
size 33 kB
file 745
ref TOMS 21,3 (Sep 1995) 221
for computation of the complete and incomplete fermi-dirac integral
by M. Goano
size 106 kB
file 746
ref TOMS 21,3 (Sep 1995) 233
alg pcomp
for fortran code for automatic differentiation
by M. Dobmann, M. Liepelt and K. Schittkowski
size 284 kB
file 747
ref TOMS 21,3 (Sep 1995) 299
for fortran subroutine to solve the eigenvalue assignment problem
, for multiinput systems using state feedback
by G. Miminis and H. Roth
size 663 kB
file 748
ref TOMS 21,3 (Sep 1995) 327
for enclosing zeros of continuous functions
by G. E. Alefeld, F. A. Porta and Y. Shi
size 37 kB
file 749
ref TOMS 21,4 (Dec 1995) 372
for fast discrete cosine transform
by B. G. Sherlock and D. M. Monro
size 38 kB
file 750
ref TOMS 21,4 (Dec 1995) 410
for exact solution of large scale asymmetric travelling salesman problems
by M. Dell'Amico, G. Carpaneto and P. Toth
size 71 kB
file 751
ref TOMS 22,1 (Mar 1996) 1
alg tripack
for constrained two-dimensional delauney triangulation package
by R. J. Renka
size 189 kB
file 752
ref TOMS 22,1 (Mar 1996) 9
alg srfpack
for software for scattered data fitting with a constrained surface
, under tension
by R. J. Renka
size 210 kB
file 753
ref TOMS 22,1 (Mar 1996) 24
alg tenpack
for a linpack/blas2-based library for the computer manipulation of tensor products
by P. E. Buis and W. R. Dyksen
size 79 kB
file 754
ref TOMS 22,1 (Mar 1996) 104
for fortran subroutines for approximate solution of dense quadratic assignment problems using grasp
by M. G. C. Resende, P. M. Pardalos and Y. Li
size 48 kB
file 755
ref TOMS 22,2 (Jun 1996) 131
for {ADOL-C}: A Package for the Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms
, Written in {C/C++}
by Griewank, A., Juedes, D. and Utke, J.
size 484 kB
file 756
ref TOMS 22,2 (Jun 1996) 168
for A {Matlab} Toolbox for {Schwarz-Christoffel} Mapping
by Driscoll, T. A.
size 660 kB
file 757
ref TOMS 22,3 (Sep 1996) 288
for {MISCFUN}, a software package to compute uncommon special functions
, Abramowitz, Airy, Bessel integrals, Debye, Struve, synchrotron
, radiation, transport integral, inverse-tangent integral, Clausen
, integral, Lobachevski integral, Stromgren integral
by Macleod, A. J.
size 1273 kB
file 758
ref TOMS 22,3 (Sep 1996) 302
for {VLUGR2}: a vectorizable adaptive-grid solver for {PDEs} in {2D}
by Blom, J. G., Trompert, R. A. and Verwer, J. G.
size 1865 kB
file 759
ref TOMS 22,3 (Sep 1996) 329
for {VLUGR3}: a vectorizable adaptive-grid solver for {PDEs} in {3D}
, --- Part {II}. code description
by Blom, J. G. and Verwer, J. G.
size 1741 kB
file 760
ref TOMS 22,3 (Sep 1996) 357
for Rectangular-grid-data surface fitting that has the accuracy
, of a bicubic polynomial
by Akima, H.
size 76 kB
file 761
ref TOMS 22,3 (Sep 1996) 362
for Scattered-data surface fitting that has the accuracy of a cubic polynomial
by Akima, H.
size 285 kB
file 762
ref TOMS 22,3 (Sep 1996) 372
for {LLDRLF}, log-likelihood and some derivatives for {log-F} models
by Brown, B. W., Levy, L. B., Lovato, J., Russell, K. and Spears, F. M.
size 410 kB
file 763
ref TOMS 22,4 (Dec 1996) 385
for INTERVAL_ARITHMETIC: A Fortran 90 Module for an Interval Data Type
by R. B. Kearfott
size 347 kB
file 764
ref TOMS 23,1 (Mar 1997) 1
for Cubpack++: A {C++} Package for Automatic Two-Dimensional Cubature
by R. Cools, D. Laurie and L. Pluym
size 938 kB
file 765
ref TOMS 23,1 (Mar 1997) 81
for {STENMIN:} A Software Package for Large, Sparse Unconstrained
, Optimization Using Tensor Methods
by A. Bouaricha
size 1106 kB
file 766
ref TOMS 23,1 (Mar 1997) 91
for Experiments with a Weakly Stable Algorithm for Computing
, {Pad\'{e}}-{Hermite} and Simultaneous {Pad\'{e}} Approximants
by S. Cabay, A. R. Jones and G. Labahn
size 140 kB
file 767
ref TOMS 23,1 (Mar 1997) 111
for A {Fortran} 77 Package for Column Reduction of Polynomial Matrices
by A. J. Geurts and C. Praagman
size 180 kB
file 768
ref TOMS 23,2 (Jun 1997) 174
for {TENSOLVE}: A Software Package for Solving Systems of Nonlinear
, Equations and Nonlinear Least-squares Problems Using Tensor Methods
by Bouaricha, A. and Schnabel, R. B.
size 287 kB
file 769
ref TOMS 23,2 (Jun 1997) 196
for {Fortran} Subroutines for Approximate Solution of Sparse
, Quadratic Assignment Problems Using {GRASP}
by Pardalos, P. M., Pitsolulis, L. S. and Resende, M. G. C.
size 272 kB
file 770
ref TOMS 23,2 (Jun 1997) 252
for {BVSPIS}---A Package for Computing Boundary-Valued
, Shape-Preserving Interpolating Splines
by Costantini, P.
size 285 kB
file 771
ref TOMS 23,3 (Sep 1997) 402
for rksuite_90: {Fortran} 90 Software for Ordinary Differential
, Equation Initial-Value Problems
by R. W. Brankin and I. Gladwell
size 1474 kB
file 772
ref TOMS 23,3 (Sep 1997) 416
for {STRIPACK}: {Delaunay} Triangulation and {Voronoi} Diagram
, on the Surface of a Sphere
by R. J. Renka
size 207 kB
file 773
ref TOMS 23,3 (Sep 1997) 435
for {SSRFPACK}: Interpolation of Scattered Data on the Surface of a Sphere with a Surface under Tension
by R. J. Renka
size 200 kB
file 774
ref TOMS 23,3 (Sep 1997) 448
for {Fortran} Subroutines for Generating Box-Constrained
, Optimization Problems
by F. Facchinei, J. Judice and J. Soares
size 139 kB
file 775
ref TOMS 23,4 (Dec 1997) 453
for The Code {SLEUTH} for Solving Fourth-Order {Sturm} {Liouville} Problems
by L. Greenberg and M. Marletta
size 206 kB
file 776
ref TOMS 23,4 (Dec 1997) 494
for {SRRIT}: A {Fortran} Subroutine to Calculate the Dominant Invariant Subspace of a Nonsymmetric Matrix
by Z. Bai and G. W. Stewart
size 730 kB
file 777
ref TOMS 23,4 (Dec 1997) 514
for {HOMPACK90}: A Suite of {Fortran} 90 Codes for Globally
, Convergent Homotopy Algorithms
by L. T. Watson, M. Sosonkina, R. C. Melville, A. P. Morgan
, and H. F. Walker
size 671 kB
file 778
ref TOMS 23,4 (Dec 1997) 550
for {L-BFGS-B}: {Fortran} Subroutines for Large-Scale
, Bound-Constrained Optimization
by C. Zhu, R. H. Byrd, P. Lu and J. Nocedal
size 715 kB
file 779
ref TOMS 24,1 (Mar 1998) 1
for {Fermi-Dirac} Functions of Order -1/2, 1/2, 3/2, 5/2
by Macleod, A. J.
size 123 kB
file 780
ref TOMS 24,1 (Mar 1998) 102
for Exponential Pseudorandom Distribution
by Hamilton, K. G.
size 5 kB
file 781
ref TOMS 24,2 (Jun 1998) 184
for Generating {Hilbert's} Space-Filling Curves by Recursion
by Breinholt, G., Schierz, C. and Krueger, H.
size 4 kB
file 782
ref TOMS 24,2 (Jun 1998) 254
for Computing Rank-Revealing {QR} Factorizations of Dense Matrices
by Bischof, C. H. and Quintana-Ort\'{\i}, G.
size 2433 kB
file 783
ref TOMS 24,3 (Sep 1998) 261
for {Pcp2Nurb} -- Smooth Free-Form Surfacing with Linearly Trimmed
, Bicubic {B}-Splines
by Peters, J.
size 177 kB
file 784
ref TOMS 24,3 (Sep 1998) 303
for {GEMM}-Based Level 3 {BLAS}: Portability and Optimization Issues
by K\aagstr\"{o}m, B., Ling, P. and {Van Loan}, C.
size 2977 kB
file 785
ref TOMS 24,3 (Sep 1998) 317
for A Software Package for Computing {Schwarz}-{Christoffel}
, Conformal Transformations for Doubly Connected Polygonal
, Regions
by Hu, C.
size 141 kB
file 786
ref TOMS 24,4 (Dec 1998) 359
for Multiple Precision Complex Arithmetic and Functions
by Smith, D. M.
size 1849 kB
file 787
ref TOMS 24,4 (Dec 1998) 386
for {Fortran} Subroutines for Approximate Solution of Maximum
, Independent Set Problems using {GRASP}
by Resende, M. C. G., Feo, T. A. and Smith, S. H.
size 119 kB
file 788
ref TOMS 24,4 (Dec 1998) 395
for Boundary Integral Equation Programs for the Planar
, {Laplace} Equation
by Atkinson, K. and Jeon, Y.
size 299 kB
file 789
ref TOMS 25,1 (Mar 1999) 58
for {SLTSTPAK}: A Test Package for {Sturm}-{Liouville} Solvers
by J. D. Pryce
size 1796 kB
file 790
ref TOMS 25,1 (Mar 1999) 70
for {CSHEP2D}: Cubic {Shepard Method for Bivariate Interpolation of Scattered Data
by R. J. Renka
size 103 kB
file 791
ref TOMS 25,1 (Mar 1999) 74
for {TSHEP2D}: Cosine Series {Shepard} Method for Bivariate Interpolation of Scattered Data
by R. J. Renka and R. Brown
size 106 kB
file 792
ref TOMS 25,1 (Mar 1999) 78
for Accuracy Tests of {ACM} Algorithms for Interpolation of Scattered Data in the Plane
by R. J. Renka and R. Brown
size 96 kB
file 793
ref TOMS 25,2 (Jun 1999) 213
for {GQRAT} --- {Gauss} Quadrature for Rational Functions
by W. Gautschi
size 140 kB
file 794
ref TOMS 25,2 (Jun 1999) 240
for Numerical {Hankel} transform by the {Fortran} program {HANKEL}
by T. Weider
size 261 kB
file 795
ref TOMS 25,2 (Jun 1999) 251
for PHCPACK: A general-purpose solver for polynomial systems by homotopy continuation
by J. Verschelde
size 24525 kB
file 796
ref TOMS 25,3 (Sep 1999) 306
for A {Fortran} Software Package for the Numerical Inversion of the {Laplace} Transform Based on a {Fourier} Series Method
by L. D'Amore, G. Laccetti and A. Murli
size 254 kB
file 797
ref TOMS 25,3 (Sep 1999) 341
for {Fortran} Subroutines for Approximate Solution of Graph Planarization Problems Using {GRASP}
by C. C. Ribeiro and M. G. C. Resende
size 126 kB
file 798
ref TOMS 25,3 (Sep 1999) 353
for High-Dimensional Interpolation Using the Modified {Shepard} Method
by M. W. Berry and K. S. Minser
size 1456 kB
file 799
ref TOMS 26,1 (Mar 2000) 19
for Revolve: An Implementation of Checkpointing for the Reverse or Adjoint Mode of Computational Differentiation
by A. Griewank and A. Walther
size 51 kB
file 800
ref TOMS 26,1 (Mar 2000) 49
for {Fortran 77} Subroutines for Computing the Eigenvalues of Hamiltonian Matrices {I}: The Square-Reduced Method
by P. Benner, R. Byers and E. Barth
size 160 kB
file 801
ref TOMS 26,1 (Mar 2000) 176
for {POLSYS_PLP}: A Partitioned Linear Product Homotopy Code for Solving Polynomial Systems of Equations
by S. M. Wise, A. J. Sommese and L. T. Watson
size 470 kB
file 802
ref TOMS 26,1 (Mar 2000) 201
for An Automatic Generator for Bivariate Log-Concave Distributions
by W. H\"{o}rmann
size 111 kB
file 803
ref TOMS 26,2 (Jun 2000) 310
for A Simpler Macro Processor
by W. A. {Ward, Jr.}
size 148 kB
file 804
ref TOMS 26,3 (Sep 2000) 408
for Subroutines for the computation of Mathieu functions of integer orders
by Alhargan, F. A.
size 124 kB
file 805
ref TOMS 26,3 (Sep 2000) 415
for Computation and Uses of the Semidiscrete Matrix Decomposition
by Kolda, T. G. and O'Leary, D. P.
size 585 kB
file 806
ref TOMS 26,3 (Sep 2000) 436
for SPRNG: A Scalable Library for Pseudorandom Number Generation
by Mascagni, M. and Srinivasan, A.
size 2867 kB
file 807
ref TOMS 26,4 (Dec 2000) 602
for The {SBR} Toolbox -- Software for Successive Band Reduction
by C. H. Bischof, B. Lang and X. Sun
size 1173 kB
file 808
ref TOMS 27,1 (Mar 2001) 58
for {ARFIT} --- A {Matlab} Package for the Estimation of Parameters and Eigenmodes of Multivariate Autoregressive Models
by T. Schneider and A. Neumaier
size 56 kB
file 809
ref TOMS 27,1 (Mar 2001) 83
for {PREQN}: Fortran 77 Subroutines for Preconditioning the Conjugate Gradient Method
by J. L. Morales and J. Nocedal
size 2913 kB
file 810
ref TOMS 27,2 (Jun 2001) 143
for The {SLEIGN2} {Sturm}-{Liouville} Code
by P. B. Bailey, W. N. Everitt and A. Zettl
size 773 kB
file 811
ref TOMS 27,2 (Jun 2001) 193
for {NDA}: Algorithms for Nondifferentiable Optimization
by L. Luksan and J. Vlcek
size 719 kB
file 812
ref TOMS 27,2 (Jun 2001) 267
for {BPOLY}: An Object-Oriented Library of Numerical Algorithms for Polynomials in {Bernstein} Form
by Y-F. Tsai and R. T. Farouki
size 82 kB
file 813
ref TOMS 27,3 (Sep 2001) 340
for {SPG}--Software for Convex-Constrained Optimization
by E. G. Birgin, J. M. Martinez and M. Raydan
size 66 kB
file 814
ref TOMS 27,4 (Dec 2001) 377
for {Fortran} 90 Software for Floating-Point Multiple Arithmetic, {Gamma} and Related Functions
by D. M. Smith
size 171 kB
file 815
ref TOMS 27,4 (Dec 2001) 456
for {Fortran} Subroutines for Computing Approximate Solutions of Feedback Set Problems Using {GRASP}
by P. Festa, P. M. Pardalos and M. G. C. Resende
size 474 kB
file 816
ref TOMS 28,1 (Mar 2002) 75
for r2d2lri: an algorithm for automatic two-dimensional cubature
by I. Robinson and M. Hill
size 219 kB
file 817
ref TOMS 28,1 (Mar 2002) 101
for {P2MESH}: generic object-oriented interface between {2-D} unstructured meshes and {FEM/FVM-based PDE} solvers
by E. Bertolazzi and G. Manzini
size 6114 kB
file 818
ref TOMS 28,2 (Jun 2002) 268
for A Reference Model Implementation of the Sparse {BLAS} in {Fortran} 95
by Duff, I. S. and V\"{o}mel, C
size 2432 kB
file 819
ref TOMS 28,3 (Sep 2002) 325
for {AIZ, BIZ}: Two {Fortran} 77 Routines for the Computation of Complex {Airy} Functions
by A. Gil, J. Segura and N. M. Temme
size 1163 kB
file 820
ref TOMS 28,3 (Sep 2002) 337
for A Flexible Implementation of Matching Pursuit for {Gabor} Functions on the Interval
by S. E. Ferrando, L. A. Kolasa and N. Kova\v{c}evi\'{c}
size 239 kB
file 821
ref TOMS 28,3 (Sep 2002) 354
for A {Fortran} Interface to {POSIX} Threads
by R. J. Hanson, C. P. Breshears and H. A. Gabb
size 251 kB
file 822
ref TOMS 28,4 (Dec 2002) 436
for GIZ, HIZ: Two {Fortran} 77 routines for the computation of complex {Scorer} functions
by A. Gil, J. Segura and N. M. Temme
size 3177 kB
file 823
ref TOMS 29,2 (Jun 2003) 95
for Implementing Scrambled Digital Sequences
by H. S. Hong and F. J. Hickernell
size 181 kB