Many people support my writing efforts both directly and indirectly. My thanks go out to all of them. I particularly would like to thank my immediate family, Jack, Karen, Malakai, Annie, Alex, Amelia, David, Tanya, Ken, Nikki and Kellen. Thanks also to my sister Donna, who helped develop my creativity by drawing an endless herd of paper-doll horses on our many cross-country jaunts in the back of our parent's station wagon.
I would also like to thank my in-laws, Beth and Hank, not only for their support but also for their medical input as I try to figure out how to slay my characters. Nor can I forget Scott Ryon and Ed May, retired police people and active Ducks Unlimited members who are always willing to talk about the how-to of crime.
Supportive friends and relatives are also an indispensable part of writing my book. Brenda and Bob are unflagging supporters and promoters of my writing. Brett, Nathan, Jason and Chad provide support and let me use their names, so thanks, guys.
I'd also like to thank my knitting students for their patience and flexibility, especially when I leave them for promotional activities.
My critique group Katy and Luanne are always available to read pages and provide sympathy when rewrites are necessary-a thankless task, but thank you, ladies.
I'd like to express my appreciation to the many quilt store owners who allow me to do book signings at their stores and events. Their support is invaluable. Special thanks to Betty and Vern at started me on the path to quilt mystery novels with their Seams Like Murder Block of the Month series. They also generously share a corner of their booth at Quilt Market as well as a wealth of information about the quilt business.
Thanks, as always, to Liz and Tina at Zumaya for making all this work.
Last but not least, I'd like to thank my two Susans-friends, gym partners and willing listeners (no matter how many times I tell them slight variations of the same story).