"Пишем программу для создания книг FB2." - читать интересную книгу автора (Карпов Юрий)Код файла Unit1.pas соответствующего Form1// начало кода unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Menus, CheckLst, ComCtrls, genres, UmFB2, dm, authors; type TForm1 = class(TForm) MainMenu1: TMainMenu; File1: TMenuItem; Open1: TMenuItem; SaveasFB21: TMenuItem; PageControl1: TPageControl; TabSheet1: TTabSheet; Annotation: TMemo; TabSheet3: TTabSheet; Lurl: TLabel; LID: TLabel; Lversion: TLabel; url: TEdit; id: TEdit; version: TEdit; TabSheet6: TTabSheet; LISBN: TLabel; LBook_name: TLabel; Lpublisher: TLabel; Lcity: TLabel; Lyear: TLabel; isbn: TEdit; Book_name: TEdit; publisher: TEdit; year: TEdit; city: TEdit; TabSheet2: TTabSheet; Panel1: TPanel; Panel2: TPanel; Button12: TButton; OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog; SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog; ListBox1: TListBox; TabSheet4: TTabSheet; Panel4: TPanel; Button3: TButton; EndNotesList: TListBox; RG: TRadioGroup; Panel3: TPanel; Lbook_title: TLabel; LProject: TLabel; LAnnotation: TLabel; Lsequence: TLabel; LLang: TLabel; Lsrc_lang: TLabel; LTome: TLabel; book_title: TEdit; FB2_file: TEdit; Au: TGroupBox; ListBox3: TListBox; Button10: TButton; GroupBox1: TGroupBox; GenresBox: TListBox; Button4: TButton; GroupBox3: TGroupBox; ListBox2: TListBox; Button7: TButton; sequence: TEdit; tome: TEdit; Lang: TComboBox; SLang: TComboBox; Button9: TButton; GroupBox2: TGroupBox; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; Button5: TButton; procedure Open1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SaveasFB21Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button12Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button10Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button7Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button9Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ListBox1DblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ListBox1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button5Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; Path: ANSIstring; implementation uses EditStr; {$R *.dfm} procedure LoadTXT(FName: string); var L: TStringList; i, j: integer; s, ss: string; begin L:= TStringList.Create; L.LoadFromFile(fname); for i:= 0 to L.Count - 1 do begin s:= ''; ss:= L[i]; for j:= 1 to length(Ss) do begin // просматриваем строку case ss[j] of 'lt;': S:= S + 'amp;#60;'; // знак lt; вызывает сбой в читалке 'gt;': S:= S + 'amp;#62;'; // заменяем, на всякий случай '^': S:= S + 'amp;#94;'; // '~': S:= S + 'amp;#126;'; 'amp;': S:= S + 'amp;#38;'; else S:= S + ss[j]; end; // case end; L[i]:= ' N| ' + S; end; Form1.ListBox1.Items.Assign(L); L.Free; end; procedure NameFB2_File(S: string); begin // S:= ExtractFileName(S); Form1.Caption:= S; Form1.FB2_file.Text:= ChangeFileExt(S,'.fb2'); end; procedure TForm1.Open1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with OpenDialog1 do if Execute then begin NameFB2_File(FileName); ListBox1.Clear; LoadTXT(FileName); // txt end; end; function GetGaner(S: string):string; var i: integer; begin for i:= 0 to maxg do if gg[i][2] = S then begin result:= gg[i][1]; exit; end; result:= s; end; procedure SaveAnnotation; var i: integer; begin OutList.Add('lt;annotationgt;'); with form1.Annotation do for i:= 0 to Lines.Count - 1 do OutList.Add('lt;pgt;'+Lines[i]+'lt;/pgt;'); OutList.Add('lt;/annotationgt;'); end; procedure SavePersons(title: string; LB: TListBox); var i: integer; Person: TPerson; begin with LB do if Count gt; 0 then for i:= 0 to Count - 1 do begin Person:= TPerson(Items.Objects[i]); OutList.Add(' lt;'+title+'gt;'); with Person do begin PrintString('first-name',fname); PrintString('last-name',lname); PrintString('middle-name',mname); PrintString('nick',nick); PrintString('email',email); end; OutList.Add(' lt;/'+title+'gt;'); end; end; procedure SaveSequence; var s: string; begin with Form1 do begin if sequence.Text = '' then exit; S:= 'lt;sequence name="' +sequence.Text+'"'; if tome.Text = '' then S:= S + '/gt;' else S:= S + ' number="'+tome.Text+'"/gt;'; end; OutList.Add(S); end; procedure SaveDescription; const max = 5; mas: array[1..max] of string = ( 'lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1251"?gt;', 'lt;FictionBook xmlns="http://www.gribuser.ru/xml/fictionbook/2.0"', ' xmlns: l="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"gt;', ' lt;descriptiongt;', ' lt;title-infogt;' ); var i: byte; S: string; begin // head for i:= 1 to max do OutList.Add(Mas[i]); with form1.GenresBox do if Items.Count gt; 0 then for i:= 0 to Items.Count - 1 do OutList.Add('lt;genregt;'+GetGaner(Items[i])+'lt;/genregt;'); SavePersons('author',Form1.ListBox3); SavePersons('translator',Form1.ListBox2); with Form1 do begin PrintString('book-title',book_title.text); if Annotation.Lines.Count gt; 0 then SaveAnnotation; //if _date.text lt;gt; '' then //OutList.Add('lt;date value="'+_date.text+'-01-01"gt;'+_date.text+'lt;/dategt;'); SaveSequence; OutList.Add(' lt;langgt;'+Lang.Text+'lt;/langgt;'); if SLang.ItemIndex gt; -1 then begin S:= Lg[SLang.ItemIndex][1]; if S lt;gt; '' then OutList.Add(' lt;src-langgt;'+S+'lt;/src-langgt;'); end; OutList.Add(' lt;/title-infogt;'); // **** document-info **** OutList.Add(' lt;document-infogt;'); OutList.Add(' lt;program-usedgt;my_Make_FB2lt;/program-usedgt;'); PrintString('src-url', url.Text); //?? OutList.Add(' lt;date value="'+FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd', Now)+'"gt;'+ DateToStr(now) +'lt;/dategt;'); PrintString('id', id.Text); //?? OutList.Add(' lt;versiongt;1.0lt;/versiongt;'); OutList.Add(' lt;/document-infogt;'); // **** publish-info **** OutList.Add(' lt;publish-infogt;'); if Book_name.Text = '' then PrintString('book-name', book_title.Text) else PrintString('book-name', Book_name.Text); PrintString('publisher', publisher.Text); // PrintString('city', city.Text); // PrintString('year', year.Text); // PrintString('isbn', isbn.Text); // //OutList.Add(' lt;versiongt;1.0lt;/versiongt;'); OutList.Add(' lt;/publish-infogt;'); end; OutList.Add(' lt;/descriptiongt;'); OutList.Add('lt;bodygt;'); end; function SubStyle(m,w: TmyStyle):integer; begin result:= integer(m) - integer(w); end; procedure SaveBodyFB2; var i, j: integer; S, ss: string; oldStyle, LastStyle, CurStyle: TmyStyle; // style procedure StyleStucture; begin if CurStyle lt;gt; oldStyle then begin if SytleStack.Count = 0 then begin SytleStack.Add(TObject(CurStyle)) end else begin LastStyle:= TmyStyle(SytleStack.Last); case SubStyle(CurStyle,LastStyle) of 0: OutList.Add('lt;/sectiongt;'); 1: SytleStack.Add(TObject(CurStyle)); else begin OutList.Add('lt;/sectiongt;'); while CurStyle lt;gt; LastStyle do begin SytleStack.Delete(SytleStack.Count-1); OutList.Add('lt;/sectiongt;'); LastStyle:= TmyStyle(SytleStack.Last); end; end; end;// case end; OutList.Add('lt;sectiongt;'); OutList.Add('lt;titlegt;'); end; OutList.Add('lt;pgt;'+s+'lt;/pgt;'); end; // StyleStucture; begin oldStyle:= ZZ; EndNotes_count:= 1; // if OutList.Add('lt;sectiongt;'); with Form1.ListBox1 do for i:= 0 to Count - 1 do // просматриваем текст begin S:= Items[i]; Ss:= GetStyle(S, CurStyle); // получаем чистую строку и стиль s:= ''; if ss lt;gt; '' then for j:= 1 to length(Ss) do begin // просматриваем строку case ss[j] of '~': begin // если это концевая сноска S:= S + 'lt;a l: href="#n_'+IntToStr(EndNotes_count)+'" type="note"gt;' +IntToStr(EndNotes_count)+'lt;/agt;'; inc(EndNotes_count); // увеличиваем счетчик сносок end; '^': S:= S + 'amp;#769;'; // ставим ударение else S:= S + ss[j]; end; // case end; if (S = '') and (CurStyle lt;gt; Poem) then begin OutList.Add('lt;empty-line/gt;'); continue; end; if (CurStyle lt;gt; oldStyle) and (CurStyle lt;gt; Auth) then begin case oldStyle of // завершение предыдущего блока Poem: OutList.Add('lt;/stanzagt;lt;/poemgt;'); Epig: OutList.Add('lt;/epigraphgt;'); Citat: OutList.Add('lt;/citegt;'); H1..H5: OutList.Add('lt;/titlegt;'); end; // case завершение предыдущего блока case CurStyle of // начало блока Poem: OutList.Add('lt;poemgt;lt;stanzagt;'); Epig: OutList.Add('lt;epigraphgt;'); Citat: OutList.Add('lt;citegt;'); end; // case начало блока end; // анализ стилей case CurStyle of // в зависимости от стиля абзаца Norm,Epig,Citat: OutList.Add('lt;pgt;'+S+'lt;/pgt;'); H1..H5: StyleStucture; // Heading Sub: OutList.Add('lt;subtitlegt;'+s+'lt;/subtitlegt;'); // Subtitle Poem: begin if S = '' then OutList.Add('lt;/stanzagt;lt;stanzagt;') else OutList.Add('lt;vgt;'+S+'lt;/vgt;'); end; Auth: begin OutList.Add('lt;text-authorgt;'+S+'lt;/text-authorgt;'); if oldStyle in [Poem, Epig, Citat] then CurStyle:= oldStyle; end; None: continue; //None end; // case oldStyle:= CurStyle; end; // for просмотр текста if SytleStack.Count gt; 0 then begin // закрываем все открытые секции while SytleStack.Count gt; 0 do begin SytleStack.Delete(SytleStack.Count-1); OutList.Add('lt;/sectiongt;'); end; end; OutList.Add('lt;/sectiongt;'); OutList.Add('lt;/bodygt;'); end; procedure SaveEndnotes; var S: string; i: integer; begin if Form1.EndNotesList.Items.Count = 0 then exit; //lt;a type="note" l: href="#n_1"gt;[1]lt;/agt; OutList.Add('lt;body name="notes"gt;lt;titlegt;lt;pgt;Примечанияlt;/pgt;lt;/titlegt;'); for i:= 0 to Form1.EndNotesList.Items.Count - 1 do begin S:= Form1.EndNotesList.Items[i]; OutList.Add('lt;section id="n_'+IntToStr(i+1)+'"gt;lt;titlegt;lt;pgt;'+IntToStr(i+1)+'lt;/pgt;'); OutList.Add('lt;/titlegt;lt;pgt;'+S+'lt;/pgt;'); OutList.Add('lt;/sectiongt;'); end; OutList.Add('lt;/bodygt;'); end; Procedure Make_fb2(S: string); begin // if Form1.ListBox1.Items.Count = 0 then exit; SytleStack.Clear; OutList.Clear; SaveDescription; SaveBodyFB2; SaveEndnotes; OutList.Add('lt;/FictionBookgt;'); OutList.SaveToFile(S); //++ + showMessage('Done.'); end; function BookHaveName: boolean; begin with Form1 do result:= (book_title.Text lt;gt; '') and (FB2_file.Text lt;gt; '') and (GenresBox.Count gt; 0); end; procedure TForm1.SaveasFB21Click(Sender: TObject); begin if not BookHaveName then begin PageControl1.ActivePageIndex:= 0; ShowMessage('Fill the form.'); exit; end; SaveDialog1.FileName:= form1.FB2_file.Text; if SaveDialog1.Execute then Make_fb2(SaveDialog1.FileName); end; function SetStyle(n: TmyStyle):string; begin case n of Norm: result:= ' N'; Epig: result:= ' E'; Auth: result:= ' A'; H1: result:= 'H1'; H2: result:= 'H2'; H3: result:= 'H3'; H4: result:= 'H4'; H5: result:= 'H5'; Sub: result:= ' S'; Poem: result:= ' P'; Citat: result:= ' C'; None: result:= '-'; end; // case end; function SetStyle1(n: TmyStyle):string; begin result:= ' '+ SetStyle(n)+'| '; end; procedure ChangeStyle(LStyle: TmyStyle); var n, curIndex: integer; S: string; begin with Form1.ListBox1 do begin curIndex:= ItemIndex; if curIndex = -1 then exit; S:= Items[curIndex]; n:= pos('|', s); delete(S, 1, n+1); Items[curIndex]:= SetStyle1(LStyle)+ S; if ItemIndex lt; Items.Count - 1 then ItemIndex:= ItemIndex+1; SetFocus; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button12Click(Sender: TObject); begin ChangeStyle(TmyStyle(RG.itemindex)); end; procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin Form3.ListBox1.Items.Assign(GenresBox.Items); Form3.ShowModal; if Form3.ModalResult = mrOK then begin GenresBox.Items.Assign(Form3.ListBox1.Items); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button10Click(Sender: TObject); begin Form2.ListBox1.Items.Assign(ListBox3.Items); Form2.Button1Click(nil); Form2.ShowModal; if Form2.ModalResult = mrOK then begin ListBox3.Items.Assign(Form2.ListBox1.Items); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button7Click(Sender: TObject); begin Form2.ListBox1.Items.Assign(ListBox2.Items); Form2.Button1Click(nil); Form2.ShowModal; if Form2.ModalResult = mrOK then begin ListBox2.Items.Assign(Form2.ListBox1.Items); end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin Path:= ExtractFileDir(ParamStr(0)) + '\'; OpenDialog1.InitialDir:= Path; for i:= 0 to maxL do SLang.Items.Add(Lg[i][2]); SLang.ItemIndex:= 0; end; procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin if FileExists(Path + 'EndNotes.txt') then EndNotesList.Items.LoadFromFile(Path + 'EndNotes.txt'); end; procedure TForm1.Button9Click(Sender: TObject); begin if FileExists(Path + 'Annotation.txt') then Annotation.Lines.LoadFromFile(Path + 'Annotation.txt'); end; function ScanUpStyle(n: integer):TmyStyle; var i: integer; LStyle: TmyStyle; begin with Form1.ListBox1 do for i:= n downto 0 do begin GetStyle(Items[i], LStyle); if LStyle in [H1..H5] then begin result:= LStyle; exit; end; end; result:= H1; end; procedure ShowHeadStyle(n: integer); var LStyle: TmyStyle; begin LStyle:= ScanUpStyle(n); Form1.Button2.Caption:= SetStyle(LStyle); Form1.Button2.Tag:= integer(LStyle); end; procedure TForm1.ListBox1DblClick(Sender: TObject); var S: string; CurStyle: TmyStyle; i, st: integer; begin st:= ListBox1.itemIndex; S:= GetStyle(ListBox1.Items[st], CurStyle); with EditSt do begin Memo1.WordWrap:= true; Memo1.Clear; Memo1.Lines.Add(S); ShowModal; if ModalResult = mrOK then begin ListBox1.Items.Delete(st); Memo1.WordWrap:= false; for i:= Memo1.Lines.Count - 1 downto 0 do ListBox1.Items.Insert(st, SetStyle1(CurStyle)+Memo1.Lines[i]); end; end; end; procedure TForm1.ListBox1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ShowHeadStyle(ListBox1.itemIndex); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin ChangeStyle(TmyStyle(Button2.Tag)); end; procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject); var LStyle: TmyStyle; begin LStyle:= TmyStyle(Button2.Tag); if LStyle lt; H5 then ChangeStyle(Succ(LStyle)); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var LStyle: TmyStyle; begin LStyle:= TmyStyle(Button2.Tag); if LStyle gt; H1 then ChangeStyle(Pred(LStyle)); end; end. // конец кода |