I floated above my body, I was a bubble fit to burst, I squeezed and struggled with my form, my clothes gripping and distorting my figure with their relative solidity, were the same ghost like material as the rest of me.
Down below my face stared back at me; distorted and grotesque as the spirit shapes on the bark of trees, I felt my ghost face and it was etched there too, deforming me, chiselled by a million molecules of heroin, I had my wings, hung as from a pin, spread and feathered, and spanning the whole nicotine ceiling.
I stared at the blue marbled arm; growing out like the gnarled branch of a tree, the fingers gesturing me towards it, and hanging from it, the syringe full of bubbles, blood and a quicksand of powdered death whirling like a vortex. A spoon lay on the floor and a small bit of cigarette filter in it, all having served a purely symbolic process. It seemed years of injecting powders and stuff flicked down to a dirty lemonade had paid off, perhaps a bubble could kill you after all.
I could still hear the drunken idiots through the wall, it had long been my aim to introduce them to quieter drugs, but contact disgusted me, I did not want to touch their plain of existence and its stupification and child like waste of energy, if you were going to be a waste of life, you should go quietly about it, not cause too much trouble, you are not essential to the running of anything and your arrogance will get you noticed and endanger others. That was the view of urban life that daily went through my head, where I had once loved my kind for my having conquered their ferocity, and their commitment to self entertainment over the values of work and money, I had lately only considered them a nuisance, an irritant of files of grudges boxed in my head, stuffing my mouth with paper protests that muffled my voice. Their constant need to make violent action, rape and robbery, with the tiniest excuse, always at each other, and never with anything in mind like honour, was now a source of great mystery to me, I could not understand them, they got in the way, and the police got in the way too, “We don’t want any police around here, we have enough unsavoury elements already.” I thought, then I remembered none of this concerned me and I was dead.
The noise got louder, but lower, rather than higher, so it travelled further and vibrated the walls. cracks appeared in the walls in the form of a hundred distorted faces of people I had known, adventured and suffered with. A fragment of glass from a picture of ‘Judith with the head of Hollofernes’ hit me in my eye, almost bursting my substance, which it settled in like a bloody monocle, magnifying the African tribal Fang mask in the centre of the wall, with its pale long wooden nose and owl like brow, its jutting chin; appeared to grow eyes that searched with the deepest hideous depth around my room and the dead body of me whose ‘nakedness’ I wanted to cover from the gaze. The mask bowed and came out of the wall, after it a huge body wearing the blue pinstripes of my wall paper and looking every bit the business man, come to settle my accounts, I was not about to make it easy. The scrambled voices became one, the word “Jonathan!” boomed.
This was God, this was the confrontation I had been waiting for my whole life.
God spoke “I am the unity, I am the morals and the law, think like me and my triumphs will be your triumphs because there will be no difference, surrender all self generated thought of conflict, all difference is imaginary, it is not held and is alien to mind.”
I replied simply, my head turned to him from my place on the ceiling, “I am my desire.”
A rope nearly as thick as my waist lassoed its self around my middle cast from below. I turned my head around to see my own dead body hauling the rope in towards him, the face had a child like simplicity but was alive, the head cocked and smiled to look at me. I did not know if I was to live again or if my soul body was to rot in my own dead corpse, but I resisted the pull, the knot around my middle pulled in to nothing and my soul body was cut in half, my substance splashed the room, my corpse and Gods face, whose tongue appeared and licked his lips. My body rejoined.
With haste I flew forward and stabbed God in the eyes with my fingers, which flattened against the harder substance of Gods eyes, I cried out “This is for poverty, this is for the atomisation of life, this is for your prisons and the police, for all my friends who are lost yet alive, and all those you sent to hell which is a place on Earth. This is for everything.”
God pulled me off and threw me back with one hand and such force my body burst and I was a flat stain against the wall, a painting of myself, only the wings remained, I noticed below me my corpse was lifeless again, the rope around his own neck, pulled up by his own motionless hand in the gesture of a lynching. I filled myself up with plaster from the wall and, more solid, made my return.
I floated to God again and knocked him down with my wing in a flurry of feathers, God got back up on his hands and knees and spoke “I am going now, consolidate your powers, gather your friends, but remember you are not the first to try it. I am a petty God and my vengeance is the stuff of legends.” With that he dived through the wall in explosion of brick and mortar, into the nothingness beyond my room.
Well, God was gone; for the time being at the least. My corpse had also rejoined its proper realm. What remained first of all was to make myself presentable in my spirit form and swallow some magic. I moved into the bathroom and looked at my face in the mirror, I looked through the glass monocle in my eye, which magnified my faults and made me look grotesque, I took it out and threw it aside, without the glass I still looked grotesque, I wanted to cry as I felt my face, wishing it better. A crimson tear fell down my cheek from where the monocle had burst my ghost skin, it crawled there like an insect, then it fell to the floor and walked away on six legs, I crushed it under my foot, crunching it and smudging it with my shoe, and as I stamped it out I was stamping out all my unhappiness and weakness, replacing it with the strength of the kill.
Feeling better I went to my living room and got a mask off the wall, that I had bought for its spiritual resemblance to me, although the features were negroid. I took it back to the bath room and pushed it against my disfiguring death mask of astonished pain. It set my features like a jelly mould and when I took it away my features were set presentably enough, as they had been before, but with a more fearsome aspect derived from the mask, which I discarded by throwing it in the bath tub.
I looked closely again at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I tore off my t-shirt, tore it to shreds to get it off my wings because the battle had made me hot. My skin had a translucent quality, a slight stretched look to the skin. This is what I was looking at; a body of slightly below average height but broad, very broad, with a fairly flat muscular developed stomach, could do to loose just a few pounds. Up from the stomach a quite developed chest with the tattoo in blue of a German imperial eagle, I shrugged my shoulders and the wings appeared to flap. The arms are developed; there are tiny creases in the sixteen inch biceps from this strange skin, blue dragon tattoos down the arms. The face is oval, the eyes are tough and fierce and the face stern and fiery. The hair is shortly cropped, almost non-existent. This is your narrator then, and this is what I will look like for the rest of this story. I am an angry, deicidal, megalomaniac. I look the part, this is me.
I came back into the living room and looked with desire at my couch against the wall and near the door leading to the living room and bathroom, the couch was an inviting tanned velvet, big and with over flowing cushions, it was my opinion that a couch was something you had to be able to fall asleep on when you were stoned, or a refuge should you come home drunk. Moving along the red chord carpet I now scuffed my feet along was an arm chair of the same material, I sat in it and picked up the remote for the small telly in the corner by the window, I looked up at the prison shirt stripes of my wall paper and the incredulous crumbling plaster shape of a large man cut out in it. The shape was half way amongst a picture of ‘Judith with the head of Hollerfernes’ and two remaining tribal masks. I pressed the remote button.
I looked at the old tube telly as it breathed fuzz and rattled its silver buttons with vibrations, asthmatic and empty. My imagination filled in the static with voices and the voices started to become real, but they just filled in my thoughts, “going to switch this off” and “does everything become real, real, here”. I switched the damn thing off, squashing my finger on the button with a stab of dull pain. Better to get things done than mess around.
It was now necessary to eat some magic, not having time to become adept. I went to the kitchen and put on the frying pan and put some lard in the pan, then some eggs and a sausage arranged in a face. The pan hissed and spat, and when you are a ghost it hurts even more to be spat at, the little globules passed right in to me as surely as bullets. There was no mistaking the frying pans contempt or the holes in my hand and arm. I now got a book off a shelf in my bed room, it was the books of thelema by Aleister Crowley, I tore some pages out and put them in the frying pan and they went brown and soggy. Having cooked my meal I placed it all on a plate and ate it in a chair in the living room. It was hard to consume because I was forcing myself to eat, which is always painful and gives a physical aspect to ones misery which the term ‘not being able to stomach’ suggests, also being a ghost of limited solidity it was very hard on the insides and almost passed through my stomach all together. But immediately having ate the pages I felt more powerful.
I went to the front door and opened it to look out on the twilight world I had entered. Immediately billows of choking smoke came through the door, fumes of carbon monoxide mixed with lead. The Sun was smothered in the sky and glowing red. It cast giant shadows of fearsome aspects fighting with various weapons from swords to Uzis, figures were slayed and fell to the ground, one lay its shadow head on my doorstep, turned and died. A procession of cars travelled down the street, the cars were hobbling along on wings in disjointed jumps rather than rolling on their wheels, they honked like geese. The procession was going through Avenham where I used to live, and it was being lead by God. God turned around and looked at me, drawing himself to his full height, just a few feet away, his wallpaper clothes were turning into a suit, a collar of torn paper hung out of the suit and flapped in the breeze, the mask had become fleshy. The figure smiled. I looked back with contempt and shut the door. It would not be possible to travel to the Prison that way, although it was just down the road.
I got a piece of pool chalk and went to my bedroom door and chalked a voodoo pentacle, which is more like an umbrella, I put various Thelema symbols on the door. Then I chalked the date 1997 and wrote ‘prison’. Then I opened the door.
Inside I was in a cell in HMP Preston. I was in front of my living solid self whom I will refer to throughout by my old slang name of Monster, and so try to avoid the mirrored complexities of what faced me in your mind, as I watched myself confusedly juxtaposed. I searched Monster’s familiar features ready to intervene. He was sitting at a table eating pie and vege with mash and gravy. Monster was aware he was right next the toilet as he ate; only a Formica partition separated him from the new unwelcome pad mates earlier turd. Monster felt as intimidated by the smell as he would be if the new pad mate had leaned over the table and screwed up his Goya face and breathed his hot halitosis in his face.
The new pad mate was an inferior specimen, he was finding prison hard but hiding it by trying to assert his authority through prison bullshit, he had already accused Monster of stealing his powdered milk, which Monster may have taken by mistake, but he was really a coward and Monster was dominating him whilst hardly saying a word. He was slightly shorter than Monster and chunky in his sweater and blue-stripped prison shirt, but the chunk was flab not muscle, it gave Monster the impression that he had fattened himself up for prison rather than worked out. Monster couldn’t eat the food in front of him because he was antagonised, he played with it with his fork in a meditational way rather like the food represented the interplay of ideas, pushing a thought of a carrot up hill, he was too wired to eat. The pad mate made a show of wolfing the food down from the tray in front of him, he even licked it. Monster looked at him then spat on his food to ensure the bag of yeast would not ask for his food, which traditionally he would to ensure his dominance. I think that rather sealed it for him, I did not fail to notice the look that flicked across his face.
Having finished the meal as far as he was concerned, Monster put the tray next to the door and got on to the top bunk and continued his studying of a book on the rise to power of the Nazis, making notes on blue prison letter paper. He was sitting upright with his hand out on the knitted green blanket with its many holes and long history of desperate spunk stains. The pad mate got up and rang the prison bell with his tray in his hands. Monster had known what was coming and prepared for it, this really was a very cowardly act. My Monster self got ready to block a tray with his arm, I touched the ghost scar on the side of my head.
I watched as a ghost. I had to wince at the next bit I knew was coming, this discomfort showed itself as a cramp in my wings, which I could however not stretch in the confines of a cell, as much as I existed in that dimension. I decided I would not intervene in this particular experience, as it was very positive for my future good opinion, however it was rather unfortunate that Monster was interestedly reading about the rise of German fascism, this would be bound to exert its influence in a negative way.
The door opened and two large prison officers were there looking smart and officious in their uniforms, our own uniforms didn’t fit and were worn. “What do you want?” asked one rather nicely.
The pad mate’s face reddened and there were tears in his eyes. Monster tensed. To me as a ghost, I imagined a short man with a large red beetroot hovering instead of a head, I would of liked to bite a chunk out of it, besides being only slightly partial to beetroot.
“ I want to move from this cell”, he said. “My pad mates a thief!” He cried launching the tray at Monster’s solid head.
An arm went up almost casually to absorb the blow, but, unexpectedly he grabbed the arm and went flying with the tray again. Fountains of blood leapt from Monster’s bald skinhead. In a wonderful display of adaptability, I knew my solid self was enjoying the flow and the pain, almost in a reciprocal relationship with metal. Monster dropped from the bunk and the retard dropped the tray, the thud of Monster’s feet and the clang of the tray answering each other. Monster thumped him continuously and he answered back with weak, but wide swings that Monster easily blocked, Monster enjoyed it with the blood increasing his power, as the beetroot took a beating in the heady flow of blood, getting marked and thumped with gratuitous feeling of hitting a piece of vege. Two fingers went to the eyes ‘so that’s were that move came from’. Then the prison officers grabbed the beetroot and wrestled him to the ground outside the cell. As Monster was grabbed, he kicked the prone body in the balls several times feeling every inch the powerful fascist. The prison officers who had arrived on the scene dragged Monster away with respectful looks.
I followed Monster down the wing with two officers; one had his arm on Monster’s back. We went through a gate at the end of the wing and down to the medical office. Monster sat down in a twizzy chair “I’ll kill him next time I see him” Monster said twirling in the chair, then he was playing with some blood with his finger, that had fallen on the side desk where lied a medical kit.
He saw his face in it and retreated from the pool, worried by his own fierceness. He tried to scratch it out absently but only succeeded in spreading the blood making his face bigger, and then the reflection grinned at him. Aware that he hadn’t grinned he turned surprised and saw me looking over his shoulder; I put my finger to my lips to shush him.
A medical officer came in. Monster knew the medical staff that attended. An officer in white with glasses and a kind face, who when I got transferred gave me his baccy, said with humour pointing to my eye brow, “your hair will cover that”, and to the side of my head, “And that won’t show”. Monster swore revenge, and at this point I intervened, stopping time for the others and becoming more visible to myself.
“Relax you get him back!” I said, then added “A good solid kick in the head on the hospital wing, and you get commended rather than charged for it, he was a bully.”
Monster looked at me too angry to be disturbed or surprised “Do I die?”
“Not for more than ten years, besides, its not so bad”.
“When do I get out of here?” He asked.
“You don’t want to know?”
“But originally I got bail, its not serious”
“No, but you get stuffed, very badly stuffed”
I continued. “I need you to get an army together, to invade heaven, a rather satanic army then, and here would be a good place to start, many of these people will be dead in a few years, and believe me they’re going to be pissed.”
“Those wings suit me.” Monster said.
I replied “Yeh. How are you doing with inventing new economic and political systems?”
“It passes the time” Monster said.
“The problem is that a lot of these ideas you’re discovering, have their real life historical counterpart, but its like you’re inventing them yourself, so they’re bound to hold some attraction when you discover them later.” I said.
“What, a communist society based on sharing to lower production and increase free time and liberation from property?”
“That’s called usufruct” I said “There’s nothing wrong with that. No I was thinking more of the ‘fusion’ theory you developed. Cancelling out bad feelings through love of the leader, love cancelling out feelings of disempowerment with feelings of empowerment despite giving itself over. The problem is although its rather a clever take on Nietzsche, its very close to the totalitarian fascism of Mussolini, a brilliant if rather psychotic mind, he saw the state as the source of national culture and morality, shaping people in its image, the people thus identifying with their own culture and morality are then expressed through the state, which means whilst they agree they’re empowered by it, by their own super ego if you like.”
“That’s brilliant” Monster said “fucking horrible but brilliant”
I replied “Of course it is because in a way you invented it. God likes it too. Don’t think that sympathy with Hitler’s developing the Aryan race state is going to pan out either, Jane is Roman, not Aryan, blonde hair aside; white supremacists tend to notice things like that. In short you should stick to anti state, communist ideas and steer away from ideas that reconcile class antagonisms. You will go a long way with that.”
“Okay.” Monster said, “What’s this idea about taking on God. What do we have to do to overthrow the bastard?”
“I’m not sure yet, just prepare the ground for me in the future, I might come back in your past and future from time to time, to put a few things right and prepare the way. Now I have to go. Prison is rather depressing.”
With that I turned around and got the chalk out of my pocket, I quickly marked the door with a pentangle and stepped back into my spirit apartment.
My spirit apartment had seemed to grow and I was suspended somewhere in the middle of the room in height. I was wedged and stretched achingly between a row of pillars of ivory something wet and foaming pushed under my feet, giving me temporary relief by lifting them, then they fell back and I ached more, dangling. A wooden spear stabbed me in my side and I was lifted out, I pulled a piece of rotten cabbage away, that had caught over my eyes; and I realised I was suspended by my wound on a toothpick before the face of God, seated in my armchair, having been picked out of his foul grinning teeth.
I flapped my wings and I raced at him, putting in running motion my feet and arms but I did not move off the toothpick, instead my internal organs wrapped around it with the movement and I was roped there on my intestines, as by a row of sausages. God picked them off and dangled them on the giant tongue that had massaged my feet. The pain of the act was intense, burning; he swallowed my innards and grinned between closed teeth “sausages! Cumberland! You needed a shit!”
Still speared, too painful to move, he put me down pressing the toothpick into a cigarette butt in the ashtray, furiously and agonisingly I kicked out, falling over and billowing a cloud of ash that choked me and painted my face, showing him in a grimace my deadly little war mask.
God looked down at me, the veins in his eyes criss-crossed over and over until they stared back at me bright red and welling up with blood. Red tears dripped down his mask face twirling and forming symbols I had seen in the book of Thelema, before changing again into tattooed dollar signs on his cheeks deeply engraining themselves.
God took up a packet of cigarette papers from the table and tore them out one after the other, his snake like pupils looking around the room, occasionally glancing at me and grinning his too sharp teeth. He tore the papers so only thin strands with the gum on were left, then, having done this about ten times, carefully licking some of the papers with his tongue, he bound two cigarettes together in a crucifix, I meanwhile had been in too much pain to move or resist, he wrapped my small hands around the crucifix with more thin strips of gummed paper, then bound my legs to it, and propped me up and secured me in the dog ends in the ashtray.
God took a leafy, loose rolled, cigar out of the breast pocket of his wallpaper/ pinstriped business suit, he pursed his lips attentively at me as if he was going to blow a kiss, then he blew on the cigar lighting it. My nostril’s stung with the sickly burning. “You are important to me; this is what I have to offer you.” He said stretching his arm out and flicking ash on the carpet, then gesturing all around in the cigar smoke with the hand holding the cigar, at shapes of fornicating bodies that disappeared as soon as the eyes focused on them, “All this can be yours.” Forgetting myself I saw an image of me in an athletic sexual position, grinning devilishly at me and I gave the grin back, then I remembered what I was about “Not interested.” I stated “I’ve done all that, you know what I want, if there’s any hope at all I will spare Gods life.”
God stabbed me repeatedly with the end of the cigar between words, burning my body, “You-Just-Don’t-Get-It.” He stabbed at me. The holes in my body smouldered painfully, I spat a glob of spit at him that sailed through the air and lost altitude uselessly; landing on the arm of the chair he was sat in before ever reaching him.
God continued speaking but the stabbing stopped; he got up close to me so I could smell the corpses on his breath, adulterated with the perfumes of all the dead girls I knew. “Its not all one big unity you know. It’s not an atomisation of every one neither like the world I created down there. I have a use for you in the safety of my unbreachable hierarchy, surrounded by the harmony of fools, I am going now, but I will leave you with a taste of the real gifts I have to offer; to refuse or conspire is to invite on yourself the second death.”
I was back to normal standing in the living room, the cough medicine smell of heroin wafted in from the kitchen and I followed my nose into the kitchen. Some one I knew was stirring a whole pot of the dirty water of heroin with a big wooden spoon, cigarette filters floating in the mix so they could be sucked up cleanly by a syringe. Pink butterfly wings of the girl fluttered in segments of my mind which was flicking on and off, overpowered by heroin. Her silently laughing face filled the broken movie.
Jane’s proud loving face came close up to mine, then she stood back and danced in her bra and pink silk knickers, with a syringe in her hand, danced from padded foot to padded foot, then up on her toes, then grinding her hips at me, she smiled at the light bulb she danced under, reaching for the light, she squeezed the syringe off, a rainbow forming over her head in refractions of light, she did a sign of the cross with it and captured the bits of falling rainbow on her grinning face so they looked like tears of joy. I came up to her so happy, I had not seen her for fifteen years, I kissed the heroin tears then licked them off, fading in and out of heroin reverie with each kiss and lick with their powerful magical effect.
She stuck out her hands and pushed me over laughing, “Here smell this!” She shouted, straddling my face with her arse she farted and I temporarily lost consciousness in the smell of heroin. I came around and she laughed again, her face now in mine.
We got up and faced each other smiling. She smiled a mum smile and said “Hold me. ” holding out her hands. I hugged her; she said “Hold me tighter; don’t be afraid of hurting me.” I held her tighter; she told me to “Relax!”. We hugged and rocked then uncoupled and she went back to the stove, stirring intently in a stylised way that I thought served no other purpose, occasionally looking back at me and smiling.
I asked her “I didn’t know you were dead?”
She replied with a tight smile “I might as well have been dead to you.”
“So not true!” I said with conviction.
I asked her “Is cooking heroin the sort of thing you do for recreation now?”
She looked up from the low flame on the cooker and said with a smile “No it’s the sort of thing you do for recreation. It killed you didn’t it?”
We went into the living room and she hastily slipped off her bra and panties, hopping backwards on one leg as she did it, apparently oblivious that we had never done the thing we were about to do before. I got undressed just as hastily. My clothes were rubbery but they parted from my body with a bit of peeling.
For the next two hours we made it in every position we could think of, mostly floating to the ceiling. Missionary, doggy, her on top, sixty nine; and a lot in-between and made up on the spot, a lot of architectural humping was done for the most major satisfaction. At one stage my cock hit the light bulb and burst with the heat, she captured droplets on her tongue, then she sculpted my stomach and made me a bigger, better one, smiling with complicity in my eyes as she yanked and moulded it “There that’s all better.” She said rubbing it longer between two flat hands. Then we had straight forward sex all the way one last time and as she came her face changed just a little in personality, although it was still some model of her own variables, and as she came, she shouted in Italian something I did not understand “Tu una sesso dio in piggamo”.
We floated down and she came to land on the settee and I landed in a kneeling position besides her.
“What did you say?” I asked.
“I said you’re a sex god in pyjamas! You make me come!” She replied; fired up like I had never seen her before. “Grande sessualita scimmia”
I was suspicious “Who are you?” I asked.
“Guardare!” She shouted pointing at Allori’s Judith on the wall.
The picture of the unknown Judith who was not Mazzafirri was missing from the wall, Allori’s severed head was hanging in mid air.
“You tricked me!” I said “You’re her historical duplicate, a mere resemblance! God has tricked me!”
She slapped me “So I’m not good enough! You couldn’t tell the difference!”
She started to wrestle with me blushing bright red her body getting hot. She seemed to push when I pulled and pull when I pushed. Like she was guiding me to stretch her out of shape. Her arms wound around her body in the struggle. As she got on top of me and had hold of my hands, she was using my magic to mould her with my hands which just felt like they were struggling. She shrank into her carapace. Her body was now burning me and my fingers fried and sizzled. I broke away and stepped back. One. Two. Three. Four long strides.
I was face to face with a giant four legged crab, her neck less face welded on her shell. She jumped off the couch and took two steps towards me, melting my carpet into tar where ever her feet landed, which surrounded her in black toxic smoke. She spoke to me. “Magic here is will. Your will is strong so he fears you and has not risked trying to destroy you. You will need to solicit my help. I am the scarlet whore won to your side.”
Judith, whore of Babylon, turned one hundred and eighty degrees; burning a circle in the carpet; then drew a five pointed star and disappeared in an explosion of red plasma, in which one imagined or saw shapes as looking into a fire. That is magic and here to imagine is to see the real.
Some one was sitting in the corner of my room rolling a spliff. It was Jay, “Hello Monster” he said, that being my nick name from old.
I was taken aback “What are you doing here, are you dead?”
He had grown back his mop of curly hair, and had the features some one would paint him into a ‘David’ one day. He let out a breath that winded down “Hahhh” He said, “To tell you the truth I don’t know, I met a rather fetching woman of a shade of red, at the pub, and she said you might need some advice that only I could give, but she didn’t say what, if your in any kind of trouble I can still get some of the lads together”
I looked sternly “Hold that thought.” I said.
He continued rolling out a length of cigarette paper from a packet, he reminded me of a tailor sizing up a suit, but I knew he was sizing up the situation and the paper was meditational
I continued “Well the thing is; I have to kill God, but he’s much too strong.”
Jay smiled, it was home territory, the spliff was coming together and so were his thoughts, “Well you see Monster, strength is all mental, take those weight lifters, or when I fought those cops, its up here” he pointed to his head, displacing his curly hair, “when Biggles put his hands right through both sides of the door at the squat”
I butted in, “when I cracked the police handcuffs on LSD because I was scarred”
Jay looked anxious “So you said. Look Monst that had nothing to do with me. But what you did that night, that’s the sort of thing you should, change, you’re a strong bloke, but I bet if you went back to that time, and reinvented what happened, you would be a stronger bloke.”
Warmth flowed off Jay, even though I knew he was a complete psychopath, I warmed off the fire in his eyes but remained cold, so I said coldly rather than warmly, not succumbing to the heat “Yeh what did happen Jay.”
Jay had finished burning some draw into the spliff, putting thought into the careful crumbling, that was really thought about what he was going to say “We will never know, we were all on drugs, and that’s a different world, in your own line, things happened that only made sense in your line, tell me again what happened that night, up until when you left.” Having wrapped things up he wrapped the joint up, licking and sticking it down, no loose ends.
Preparing for what I had to say I asked “Do you still see APE?”
Jay looked sad “Ahh, ‘Anarchy, Peace and Ecstasy’ dead in a toilet, heroin overdose, most people we knew are dead, I hope I’m not, sounds like and adventure though, better than travelling.”
He looked straight at me “What really happened Monster, then we can change it.” He lit the spliff, and then passed it straight to me. Almost touching my hand he said “We went round to the Irish, soon after you had broke their window. Was it the Irish?”
“No. You know who it was.” I replied sternly.
Jay continued “Was it the Carters. You got some of your gear there.”
“No. It wasn’t” I looked straight at Jay, “You were going to get me a gun Jay.”
I passed the spliff to Jay, he smiled “Why did you want the gun?”
“Don’t you know?” I asked, calm, quiet, friendly and with complicity.
“You never said.” The conversation passed back and forth.
Me “That’s not what I meant, didn’t you know?”
Jay “I can’t remember.”
Me “It was because of what happened to Jane, I let it go after that, because she came to see me. Jane was raped and I was going to kill them, I was fucked anyway, thought I was fucked for good.”
Jay “So you think it was them?”
Me “This is just a little thing Jay, much worse things happened than this, before all this.”
Jay “And you never want to discuss it again.”
Me “Not here and now, maybe not ever.”
Jay “So you hocked you’re records with Alex, you got acid from mad Willy, the crazy black guy who thought he had a pig in his belly, you went up to the top flat and you got whiz from Lynn, no doubt passing some big muscular guy in the process and going over the open landing like a draw bridge, that legend has it many people have dropped to their deaths from. After having already had a bad day and a conversation with a police woman you should never, never of had, paranoid because your getting a gun and hunting some very bad people down, and then we deliberately send you on a bad trip, but as you say, worse things have happened.”
A determined anger was gripping me “You know all that, it’s as good as said, I think I should go back there at the point it went wrong, and change the outcome, after leaving. We can blame the state, capitalism or God, they are all one and the same to me, read, they are all one and the same, I don’t discern any difference. I blame the general not the particular. The particular is only a special breed of the general.”
Jay’s body started to fade; he looked down at himself and held his still solid hands up, “Looks like I have to go!” He smiled. His hands so white were the last thing to disappear.
A vortex like a tornado of light came into existence after Jay disappeared; I stepped into it and directed my self where I wanted to go. I travelled down my time line and I saw the past fly threw me. Each time I was in my own body. I felt the effects of chasing the dragon, as I came round at a friends flat, my hands stuffed down my pants I became hazily aware I was watching morning television, then on the television came Bruce Lee, then it was me on the television fighting a gang of Asians their car stopped in the middle of the road where I had drunkenly swore at them, the words “I’m not racist but…” spoke in my head, then I was fighting a gang of kids after I had beaten their leader, blocking and punching untouchably, I was down on the floor my jumper over my head being kicked as I drummed ones head into the pavement. I saw a drunk man with a Stanley knife trying to steel food at my flat, I hit him, then I was at his house meeting his wife and many children. A policeman tried to arrest me for theft of a traffic cone that was propping shut my door, and I put it on my head and laughed “Ne, na, ne, na” I went, and the sound followed me as I ran down the street with Alex, running from Pizza Hut without paying, I could feel pizza and bottles of cider rumbling in my belly, hear Alex shout “Monster!” as she was caught, I remembered to go back to the police station to pick her up, remembering to pick up the gift cannabis plant I had hidden in the bin on the way, at the station, the police officer so dead pan “Is that a cannabis plant?”, this all happened in the time it takes to tell it, I stopped off at the right point, though I could of drifted all day.
I will refer to my self as ‘Monster’ during the whole of the next episode to delineate the difference between ‘I’ the ghost and ‘I’ the historical entity.
I was back at the Avenham flat, plastic litre bottles on the floor are washed up messages from the twilight zone, washed up on a beach of ash as no one uses the ashtrays, or they just use empty beer cans that again end up on the floor. There are actual foot prints in the ash. The bottles have tried to make the evolutionary step and walk, they have lungs, and they are called lungs. The bottoms are cut off and plastic bags cello taped to them to push in and fill up with cannabis smoke. The room is long for a council high rise, there is room for an old sofa at the back, that is probably a death trap from the seventies, striped white and orange and so long there is plenty of room for the bearded hippy lying there to stretch out with an orange cushion on his head, the cushion matches the curtains. So does the hippy’s beard. There are several other chairs where you would strategically place them near a glass coffee table in a large room. The coffee table has a bong, pipes made out of cardboard tubes, one of which Jay was lighting, several cans and ash trays.
Monster was tripping, four grams of speed and four tabs of LSD running through his system. Monster studied his hands in the air seeing burning. I closed my eyes momentarily and cried dryly, covering my face with my wings, I again opened my eyes, a white feathery gauze beautifying reality, not wanting to see things the way they were.
Monster looked from his hands to Alex standing near the door; she was so young then in her snaky dreadlocks and army jacket. “I keep thinking I’m burned Alex.” He said begging. Deliberate scares from all concerned were sending him over the edge.
Jesus the hippy was lying on the sofa covering his face with a cushion, Jay; and Biggles; who is dark skinned, in an unavoidable Nosferatu stance because of his great height, his long boots going right up his legs; walked up to him making prints in the ash with their boots, “Wake up Jesus!” shouted Jay, playfully, but with an unmistakable edge in his voice. Jesus got up and took the cushion away, tears dripping from his beard, his face red, “He’s my friend!” shouted Jesus.
How fast can a thought be thought; how long does it take to create a reality. In a split second Monster new that he had been set up, that he had been burnt and he looked at Alex in the door way and saw her as Jane crying, he grabbed her to protect her his voice cried “Ohh”, then Alex was Alex again but a look of astonishment on her face, and then looked away angrily, with the stare of hate she had been giving him all night.
Monster went for the second door way in the hall and Alex followed him there. My wings were restless, I had to keep rustling them, they wanted to intervene or take flight, they kept moving, wanting to push themselves in the scene, working automatically from own deep desire. Monster was still not sure Alex was Alex, or if she was he wanted her out of there. “Come with me Alex.” My self ‘Monster’ said to Alex in the outer doorway. Alex hesitated, she took two steps forward and one back, Monster turned and left.
He made his way down the steps of the flats, five floors, and ten landings. I chased after him my wings dragging on the steps, I had a metallic taste in my mouth from running, I shouted but it was like my mouth was clogged with blood, blood and my own feathers, I couldn’t breathe. My diaphragm heaved, he was getting ahead of me disappearing from sight, but I heard the steps fading in the distance.
Next we were both out in the street going towards town, I took to the air with spastic flaps, sailing from side to side my legs dragging, I shouted after him, but he was deaf to me, his ears full of my feathers or the flap of wings mistaken for his heart beat. He could only hear the beat of my wings, the blood in his ears, so I tempered out my flapping, trying to slow them down and the beat of his heart in the process.
I stayed there all night above his head as he wandered; a protective silhouette against the full moon, I flying backwards was like a pastry shaper cutting a hole in it. Then I beat my wings in his ears again, he was oblivious. “Monster” I cried as he entered the streets of town. People who had been drinking looked at his form in a grey t-shirt, grey arms and face, naked or camouflaged, in his gait he walked to be invisible, which made him all the more visible, even as I covered him with my wings. Drunk and unfit themselves, they looked at the man who was having a bad trip contemptuous, cleverly, like they knew better and they didn’t, I wished them all weak livers, a curse that fitted, weak livered they were.
I hovered above him as he made the four mile journey to my Mothers terrace house four times, each time near the door, where his mother and sister lived, Monster balked and walked back, I would shout “Monster, its me, its you.” But he never once heard.
Eventually, in the last hour of night, he knocked on our mother’s door. She let us in. Monster went through the hard unforgiving wood of the hall floor to the living room. I was astounded to be back in this house as it had been. Only the suite was new, with its varnished arms and dizzying floral pattern that danced before my distressed eyes, merging with the like floral pattern of the carpet, Ikea lamps cast sinister shadows to complete the picture. The whole scene was completely reflected in the blank screen of the thirty inch telly. From which my winged form was eerily absent, making me feel even more like I didn’t exist.
“I think I’m burned but I can’t see it” Monster cried out. My sister came down and stood by my mother. Both in gowns, my sister combing her hands through her early morning tangled strawberry blonde hair, nervously; but made serene by her sleepiness. My mother looked strangely tall; the glasses did not hide her fear for Monster, the eyes and their intentions magnified, starring hypnotic, her body made long in the stark lights shadows, my sister hugging her close. Then they were both hugging themselves.
“Why are you hugging yourselves?” asked Monster.
“Its cold!” said my sister.
Then my mum said “Its cold.”
“Am I burnt?” Monster asked.
“No you’re not burnt” said my mother, rubbing Monsters hands, “see”.
She looked intently in his face. The rattle of a milk float could be heard out side. Monster ran to the door and opened it; the milkman was there with a bottle in his hand.
“Tell him he’s not burnt” My mother said
“Your not burnt” said the milkman in surprise, looking wary. To me it seemed the bottle crashed from his hand in astonishment, the shards of glass cutting into the pea soup atmosphere of fear, the milk that so nurtured us, running away as fast as it could, but it was still there in his hand, he proffered it.
Monster ran off down the street, I knew the terror, the LSD exaggerating his emotions, already intently afraid by illusion. That was where I learnt intense fear has a green hue. He screamed “Arghh!” all the way down the street.
From somewhere a police van turned up, he thought they would kill him, he shouted “Help!” The police van stopped and six policemen got out. Monster ran up a drive way and rammed his fist through a window to get attention from the sleeping inhabitants, his arm was wide open and I could see the tendons, as the warm blood flowed down his arm, I knew the idea came to him for a second that he was a robot, but it was fleeting. The police grabbed him to the ground and put a wet cloth that smelt of petrol over his face.
Monster screamed “Its vitriol!”
A police man cursed “Oh shit!”
They cuffed Monster with stiff, plastic joined cuffs, he pulled the cuffs hard apart and there was an audible cracking sound. The police noticed all the blood pouring, one looked down “Oh shit!” He said again. Monster was now in the back of the police van. I got in too “Monster! Monster!” I tried again “Jon; its me, its you” He could notice nothing, I whipped a policeman with my wing, he flinched, ‘good’.
Now Monster was on a hospital bed, two policemen watched as four held him down, he was so full of adrenalin he rose up, again and again, the police kept pushing him down “I want to see Jane before I die!” He cried out, “Get Jane.”
“We can’t!” the police shouted.
“Please get me a cup of tea” Shouted Monster, pleading.
“We can’t” They said.
“You’re not real policemen” Monster shouted again.
The police looked grateful, I nearly cringed. The nurses were there, they pulled Monsters trousers down, making his anxiety worse, then they injected him, he realised the injection was not fatal and started to calm down, a drip was put in his arm that he kept pulling out, and they started to take the glass out of his arm. There was no more to see, I went back.
I was weary and depressed. The exploit had failed tragically, if anything I was weakened by what I had seen. I needed a familiar face, if that’s all it was, a face, the most familiar. She could help me and tell me where it had all gone wrong, what I needed now more than ever was a strong ally.
I felt self destructive, and the magic I chose reflected that. I sat down in my armchair and rolled a cigarette and lit it, then; putting it in the ashtray I pulled off my left hand with my right. Picking up the cigarette I burned two eyes on it. They wriggled at me shifting from side to side. The ligaments of the join to my arm moved, feeling to rejoin. I turned the hand palm upwards and opened it up, reattaching all the ligaments to different parts of the hand, a clumsy process with only one hand, even harder was turning it over and moulding it into a crab. Now with a mind of its own I threw it on the floor and it scurried around and hid under the sofa, the only available ‘rock’.
I went to the kitchen and got a can of beer from the fridge, pulling the ring pull off with my teeth. I whistled for the crab and it scurried obediently into the circle that the Judith or the Scarlet Whore had left. I scattered the contents of the beer on top of it. The Scarlet Whore grew out of the crab form, in the crab shape she had left in, then she transformed back into her real ‘Judith’ image, but she was now the bright red of oxygenated blood, and naked she stood before me with nipples of gold and a head dress of skulls of vanquished lover kings, and two golden rams horns. Her cheeks bulged and she spat the beer back in my face, then she laughed heartily and came over and wiped my face clean with her fingers, as though I was a small child, She spoke to me in a tone of voice that matched the action as she shook me fondly.
“Hey soldier! Legionnaire! God slayer! You called me back!” Judith said jovially.
She held my stump in her hands and then she was holding my new hand in her hands in a slight of magic. I lay back in the chair and sighed deeply, my words came out with my breath. “You are right. I need help desperately, I can’t do it, I can’t”
“Yes you can” She smiled rubbing my hand “Only you can do it.” She nodded her head reassuringly. “Let me show you how it’s done and put you on the right track.”
She continued “Here do you remember this?” I was suddenly back at my old flat in Avenham, I recognised the scene. Judith was still hold of my hand and we stood unseen in the background.
Monster was sitting in a chair smoking a cannabis pipe, Monster looked very ill; I had not been well at the time. Across from me on the sofa was the girl Alex and her boy friend Karl the busker, he was playing his guitar and Alex was smiling. Monster’s face looked suddenly drawn, he was shaking almost uncontrollably as though green with fear, his face trembled trying to maintain a smile, the pipe held in his arm in a complicit gesture fell to the floor, and he looked even more terrified as though going paler with the embers spilled from the pipe on it’s side on the floor. A magical connection. Even the chair trembled and Karl stopped playing, a smile froze on his face. Alex face was also trembling concerned with me. Monster said “Excuse me! I have to do something a second.” With a controlled effort he smiled and left the room. I followed him into the bedroom with sympathy. He put his hand on the wall and shaking and agonised with fear put his face against the wall opening his mouth, gasping, the eyes wide, he knocked his head against the wall. He looked down and saw his guitar on the bed, and, still shaking picked it up and took it into the other room, smiled and sat down.
Monster looked across at Alex and started playing like he had never played before, so fast on the acoustic guitar, almost superhuman, the fingers moved and the eye watched them fascinated, he forgot his fear and played and played what ever came into his head. To me it was like Dylan strummed and slapped his guitar then standing up and with a shunt of it on a bent leg, I was Hendrix in glorious psychedelic apparel, playing with his teeth and filling the room with bright musical colours over the mushy pea atmosphere of fear. To every one else I was playing fast and improvising basic guitar sounds.
I said to Judith “that’s the only time I ever played well.”
“Shush! Watch.” Judith said.
The playing continued for ten minutes, and then Monster stopped and smiled at Alex having forgotten his fear in his amazement and curiosity. Judith pointed at Alex with her finger, concentration on her face.
Alex’s face changed, transformed, the eyes were fixed and looked like an owl bird mask, except written on human flesh, the bottom jaw shook in a quizzical excitement. Then she shook her head in amazement, her mouth in a wide “O”. She looked beautiful.
“It was you who did that!” I exclaimed at Judith.
Judith smiled widely, looking me in the eyes, “Yes I’ve been here in the time line from time to time. I always kept my eye on you after you met Jane. I kept my eye on my biological duplicate, my genetic reincarnation.”
Looking majestic but playful and down to earth at the same time, very Jane, she informally scratched an itch on her bum, bending her legs; and said “Now you’ve seen you’re self in a stronger light, are you ready to go back and play a trick on God? Are you? Eh?” She tickled my chin with her finger.
The tickle carried on back into the spirit world, at my spirit flat. I asked a question of Judith. “If Jane is the same as you, except for her experiences, how is it she has a physical existence separate from her reincarnation?”
“The after life is a world of imagination, to imagine something successfully is to make it true, whilst in the concrete world, we imagine everything we see but it is tied in physically, we can not alter anything. Except for one magical thing, magic has its counterparts, what humans need and have imagined to be true, their deepest magical dreams, have their physical equivalent. A man wanting power through magic, to make his will real, can achieve nothing on Earth through conventional magic, but if he keeps imposing his will, the essence of magic, tied in to real methods and aims perfected, then he can achieve power or almost anything he wants, the great dictators of human history achieved power this way. Likewise on Earth it would be impossible to predict the future by means of a crystal ball or any other sort of supernatural clairvoyance, but events are the predictable outcome of material forces, so with the correct scientific method, an understanding of mass psychology, he could predict the future. Finally, reincarnation is a human dream, but accidental repetition or race memory makes it a reality, with Jane history accidentally repeated me, so I have an interest in her, but of that I will tell you nothing.”
“Perhaps I don’t want to know.” I lied.
“That’s a lie” Judith stated, “Now drink this” She said, producing a bottle of wine from behind her back and presenting it with a smile of triumph and knowing. She always made me feel like I wasn’t quite grown up, with out having any deep maturity herself. We were vital, which is; well vital. To be grown up is to lack vitality. May be since it comes from the id, and this world was all ids. To lack imagination and impulsiveness here, I already knew; could mean the certainty of the second death. The super ego destroys the person; a society controlled by the super ego with no persons will be stale and unproductive. Here it just all happened that bit faster.
I took a swig from the bottle, the wine was good, but dryer than I had ever tasted.
“Drink it all! Be a man eh?” She said with authority and a smile that appealed to the child in me.
“Why do you want me to drink it to myself? It’s very dry.” I asked this with a kind of macho inquisitiveness that was complicit, if I was to self analyse, which seems appropriate after discussing Freud.
“Why I want you to drink it all is a secret, there is an ingredient not very magical that will soon have an effect and not the alcohol, though that will give you a bullish strength. As for being dry I baked you some biscuits that I want you to eat that will make it even dryer.”
She produced some biscuits in a paper bag from behind her back again. “Here!”
I ate a biscuit, I felt like I was in some kind communion, a giving of love, that I was eating something she had baked herself. “That’s nice, what’s in it?” I asked energetically.
“Meal, honey, leavings of red wine, Abremaline and olive oil and the rich freshest blood from my moon cycle.”
On the last bit I spat crumbs in her face carelessly, she was not amused.
Sternly she said, “I put a lot of effort into those, it was Aleister Crowley’s recipe and no one gave God more shit than him. Except Lucifer. At least drink the wine, it is essential in a most remarkable way, the satisfaction of which will become clear later.”
I drank the whole bottle of wine straight down, to please her again and to impress her, to be her man. It burned my throat and reddened my lips. It hit me and I fell back on my toes, almost taking to the air on my back.
“We are going to set God a little trap” she smiled producing a piece of chalk in her hand. She marked my armchair with it. I felt a silly injury to my house proud ness, like she was hurting me but it felt good. Then I thought how silly that was with the crumbling walls and the burnt carpet. The markings she drew were obviously of the craft but I did not recognise them. She smiled and produced an old fashioned alarm clock with hammer and bells from behind her back again. “This will go off at a certain time and summon him we will not be here, I think he will come, he is expecting you to lay out your terms and make a deal, to save his skin, which he probably sheds in the Sun anyway. I want you to synchronise your watch and set the alarm to the same time.”
I did, “Where are we going?” I demanded to know.
“Back to an unpleasant but brave moment for you; the Irish.” She stated a little sullenly for my benefit.
“Oh God not the Irish” I said.
Then we were back at my old flat in Avenham, it was empty. I heard a crash far off “That’s the brick with the note on it going through their window” I said, amusedly stating a regrettable fact. There was the sound of trainers going up the flat stairs, “That’s me and ginger Kieran returning” I continued.
The door to the flat opened and Kieran and Monster stepped in. The door was a new one from the council and Monster locked it putting the inbuilt deadlocks in place. “The deadlocks will give him an extra three seconds” I dialogued to Judith. Then I added “It won’t do any good you know, to change history.”
Judith replied with aggressive vigour “I don’t intend to, think more laterally, I learnt this from Crowley he was a right cunning bastard you know, adept at magic; how he managed to turn a cowardly succession of victories into a glorious defeat, is a puzzle that keeps God awake at night; and I should know I’ve slept with him.”
With that revelation my heart appeared to sink and crash with the bang on the door. Which for a second I took to be its own journey. My old nick name was called out, “Monster, open the door” Came an angry voice between large vibrating slams.
Judith laughed “Ha! ‘Monster’ how apt, why not the Beast?”
I replied creasing my face in a wince at the pattern of events “That name was purely for the size of my drugs habit.”
Monster had got up and was kicking the door angrily “Give me the fucking money back”, the door took the strain but on the other side was the splintering of wood as the dead locks were pulled out. The door flew open and Monster made a dignified retreat into the living room with the pale and silent Kieren, as four burly and very angry Irish stormed in with chisels, hammers, screw drivers and iron bars, all with blazing red hair, one tall, one sad looking with a moustache, one fat and stocky looking like his flesh would explode if his blood pressure were to increase by a single degree, and of course, one with no legs I had only seen before in a wheel chair.
Judith analysed “That man has plastic legs, that’s as surreal as anything I’ve seen in the after world.” The slow and incredulous look dawning on Monster’s face showed a similar line of thought. Monster was now staring rudely.
The fat one called out “Sit down” and Monster did, somewhat defiantly though “Give me my fucking money back” he said. Possibly fearing repercussions from my six foot seven and huge supplier I noticed for the first time that the tall one slipped the purse with the cannabis deal money into a table draw when Monster wasn’t looking “You see I knew it, I always knew I didn’t misplace that money” But Judith had moved and she looked at me holding up a piece of chalk and proceeded to draw an ‘X’ several feet away from Monster’s chair.
The four, gathered round Monster with their weapons to Monster’s face, I looked defiant as counter accusations were made, but there was a diverted look on my face to the side and I knew Judith had stepped over and made her self visible.
Judith said with her friendliest and most reassuring look to a stunned me “Trust me. Move your chair three feet towards the window as though you are shrinking away, then insult them as bad as you can when I say now.”
Monster shrank away in his chair, and at that moment my alarm went off, I looked at my watch with it’s soft Dalliesque face. Then when I looked up Monster must have been given the cue.
“You shouldn’t even be hear, you’ve stolen your legs off your sisters action man, and as for you, you’re gonna a have coronary if you get any more angry or lift that bar in anger, why don’t you go back to your IRA momma…”
The tools came raining down but we were back in the spirit flat. God was taking the paggering of his life from the unseeing Irish, his body too soft in this dimension, the mask face cracked and mouth opened in a surprised “O”. His arm came up to protect himself from the blows and made a u-bend when a bar hit it. He crumpled to the floor and the Irish disappeared.
Judith laughed clapping and gave me a push “I bet you need a piss from that wine don’t you?”
My bladder was painfully full.
“Go on, do it; take a piss on God.” She carried on; pushing me again.
I unzipped my flies hastily and with difficulty, the zip was bendy. Then it poured yellow down on God, little steamy pools congregating on the rumples of his suit, his head covered by the busted alarm clock with it’s cracked face, still ringing, telegraphing his head ache, and the little bell hammer still beating him. An arm went in the air with a gesture and he disappeared.
Judith looked at me with an estimating smile, her eyes moving up and down my body. Well I had better be off, I’m going into hiding and I suggest you do the same, I left a little present for you first in the kitchen, it’s the wrap with the love heart on it. She disappeared.
I went into the kitchen and got the small paper wrap, heroin is usually in a tiny cellophane bag, it is usually speed in a wrap, I wondered what was in the wrap, possibly MDMA, I hoped so. I went back into the living room; I undid the wrap and put the contents on a spoon and cooked it up over my Zippo, a little piece of cigarette filter bobbed and floated in the spoon, for a moment I saw my self floating there, warm and relaxed, I pulled the substance into the needle and I gripped a tourniquet around my arm and I hit my arm to get some veins up, then I put the needle in my arm and pulled up the syringe to make sure there was blood in it. I injected the substance into my vein. I immediately felt a warm giddy melting feeling, like a large dose of LSD, I laughed uncontrollably and felt in love with Judith, that it had always been Judith and she had left me her love in a package. I looked at the wrapper to see if there was any left and there was a message in tiny letters with bigger letters signing it ‘God’. It read, “sorry I got there first and adulterated it, you’ve just took a hot shot, and boy is it going to get hot.” I groaned resignation mixed with pleasure and fell unconscious.
I awoke up in searing heat. Naked. So hot was it choking black smoke was burning off my body cramped and knelt in a small padlocked bird cage. I could not move my wings. The horizon was curved and everything was red lava with sulphurous clouds in the distance. A small bird toy mirror hurt me with its intense light dazzle in the cage, and I could see my stern face reflected. I gathered this was the famous Hell; another name for it might be the planet Venus.
I smiled in the mirror as a yellow cloud raced over and covered me; it burnt me in unbelievable pain. I watched in the mirror as its acidity dissolved my flesh and then the muscles tensing underneath until nothing was left but my still grinning skull. It was absolutely horrifying. Then the cloud went away and my flesh had a chance to reform. But the cloud came again, and again my flesh was stripped, and so on.
I pulled my little finger off my right hand and waited in horror for the cloud to come again. The cloud came and I reformed, this time with a bone finger loose to pick the massive lock. I knew how to pick locks from my squatting days and I went to work wriggling it in the lock. I sprang open the cage door and took big burning breath as I stretched my body upwards to get rid of the cramps and in triumph.
I set off for a walk, wandering for help; my wings were still hopelessly cramped and no good for flying. With every step I took my feet sank into the lava, the flesh on them unravelled and burnt away to the bone (I had bones here!) and then reformed as I lifted them out for another step. Some times the yellow clouds would come and I collapsed in a pile of bones, aware and waiting for them to pass. The Sun burnt down and followed, whipping me with tendrils of light that seared my flesh, it seemed to be alive in much the same way as an animal, moving in an attack formation backwards and forwards, in my dazed state I could not tell if this was true or an optical illusion, however, as I have stated, it is enough to imagine something is true here to make it so.
As I made my way on, thinking how I could get away from here, whether any of my magic could possibly be strong enough, the clouds came again, just as the Sun lashed me on my arse so I fell to the floor, as I started knitting together again, a vulture of metal, suited to this climate, tried to make off with my severed arm as I gained flesh, I wrestled for the arm with my good one, and it spanned its wings in the air, shading me in a fan of metal blades and cogs against the bright light behind it, having pulled the bird in I tried to dash it against the ground, hoping to kill it and use it for shade and armour against the Sun, but it sped off, releasing my arm which I attached back. For some time later it made dives at me, tearing out clumps of flesh from my side and eating the liver.
As I detected a movement and a splash of sand on the ground, I was too late to still my travelling foot, and it came down on an emerald crusted lizard. The lizard bit me and as I lifted my foot high in the air it hung on to my smouldering big toe. I shook it off.
Immediately I realised the lizard had a defence poison of a paralysing and hallucinogenic nature as I fell to the ground. Not being able to help my imagination the lizard grew in size, stood on hind legs and took on some of the appearances of a man, the human face jutted its green chin in the air vainly and nonchalantly and its tail flicked me with burning dirt. Then the lizard multiplied and surrounded me. The lizard men did some kind of snake dance then flicking me with their tails they started to bury me with flesh dissolving mud. There was the ‘thud, thud’ of my own burial into the ground.
With some effort I managed to come around and imagined the lizard’s away and sweated its swelling and blackening poison out of my body. I stood up on my blackened and earth eaten shanks and carried on walking, because there were clouds gathering in the sky.
Much later on, I felt breathing on my neck, exited breathing which seemed sexual but could just as easily of been the breathing of some hungry beast anticipating an easy and sizable meal. I turned around fast and lighted on nothing, but then I noticed, as far as I could see, two sets of foot prints. I grabbed behind me and held on to something very sticky. The thing squealed and I turned to face it as it tugged away. I was face to face with a bikini clad woman, but elongated and black, a late evening shadow, her skin was covered in a tar like substance, perhaps a natural protection from the heat, the face was pretty with delicate bird like bones, but the eyes seemed way too white against the skin and her lips looked strange, being very pink against the black flesh, her tongue also very pink moved over her lips very eagerly, as though she was either unconsciously kissing me or about to eat a good meal. In the hand I had hold of something glinted and I wrestled it off her thinking it was a weapon. I was wrong, it was a picture of me inside a simple gold frame, I looked at it carefully and wondered. The woman got on her knees and begged for it silently, I gave her it back.
The clouds started swirling towards us and we both looked at them worried and anticipating pain. But there was a rumble in the distance and a small speck racing in front of the clouds and moving faster, the girl grinned, getting off her knees. The speck turned into a car, a fifties style car with fins on the back and the paint stripped off by the heat so it gleamed metallic, the wheels were on fire, blending in to the horizon. Three women as thin and shadowy as the one before me were in the car, also in bikinis.
The car pulled up to us and on seeing me up close the women put their heads forward opening their pink mouths wide and starred, then put their left hands to their heart and gave a Nazi style salute, which I took to be their form of greeting and returned. The woman who was with me beckoned to me to get in the car fast, I had gathered they were all mute or had no form of language; I also took in that this was Hell, and they were probably a bad lot. As the clouds approached we sped off, racing them, the flames from the tyres flowing curvaceously behind us and at our sides.
Eventually we were travelling on sand with the clouds some way behind us, the car stopped with a screech. We all got out and one of the women took a bucket and spade from the boot, the kind of bucket sand castles are made from, it had four simple turrets. The woman filled the bucket with sand, the sand was solid because it was partly molten, then she turned the bucket over on the ground, looking nervously at the approaching clouds as she did. With the castle made she mimed to me to jump on the castle. I did not know why she wanted me to destroy it, but she made the gesture of a leap on to the castle again and looked behind her and I did as she asked.
As I came down on the castle I did not destroy it, instead I had the impression of passing fast through a wall of sand, grainy against my body, my mouth was open and filled up with it, I landed in a cool room on my feet, the walls textured with the same sand that I now spat out of my mouth, I was inside the sand castle. Four other bodies fell in at all angles, landing awkwardly. I looked around, the room was not quite empty, there were pictures of a great battle carved in the wall, that appeared to be from Revelations, yet, I knew they had chosen to decorate with a Bible myth, a real fight against God, would not take that form, it was done as a glorious fairy tale by some probably very resentful women.
The women immediately gathered in a circle and started to gesticulate a kind of sign language, one began to hold her bosom and swoon; this was the one who had followed me. Another stood up and with authority made signs that I must depart; at once; fly away, and all nodded their heads, but there were tears in their eyes, I thought perhaps this was because they had not seen a man in a long time. I wondered why, if it was possible to escape, they had not done so themselves, and how exactly I could leave, when the great pressure and resistance of the planet made me feel my magic was dampened and all but useless, they, however, as I had seen, appeared to of retained at least some magic.
They left the safety of the castle with some haste; and I followed them out. Behind me the castle was just a small sand castle again. They quickly began dismantling the car, the wings, the doors and the windscreen came off. They were piled up and curved around, until they looked like some old B-movie rocket ship, complete with window, door and the cars fins as wings. Finally I was given the speed dial to hold in my hand, and the woman who had stood up ushered me inside. They looked through the windscreen at me and chanted in my face whilst holding it with their hands, leaving sticky black palm prints.
The needle of the dial in my hands moved straight to one hundred and forty, the highest it went, and flickered there. Outside went bright, the G-forces were incredible, pushing my now bubble body into distorted shapes. Then I was splattered against the screen in a liquid, and everything went black.
Next I heard a crash and I was falling out of the windscreen into my own living room, I tumbled upside down and saw the rocket wedged through my window, crumbling some of my wall. For better or worse I had returned to my familiar haunt.
As soon as I was back at the flat I slipped on a pair of rubbery jeans that distorted my never regions with their relative rigidity, pushing my balls up into my body, to my astonishment my trainers reformed over my feet. I was very dry throated, and what I had wanted more than anything during my recent exploit was a cup of tea. So looking around my now rather avant-garde looking home for a cup, I picked one off the living room floor and went into the kitchen. I put the kettle on the stove; it was an old fashioned kettle with a whistle on it, which you heated up on the stove, a memento from my grandmother. As I looked through the window I saw a hulking postman climbing up the steps, he was wearing a gas mask because of the atmosphere here; a letter went through my letter box. I went and picked it up and steamed it open over the kettle.
The contents of the envelope fell out; and inside was a shrivelled and darkening piece of flesh that looked like the nipple of a living woman and three grainy postcards, which I now looked at. As the kettle built up steam so did I, as the kettle screamed and screamed higher and higher, so did I inside my head, even opening my mouth. The window glazed with steam, the kettle ran dry. I laughed a very unhealthy laugh. God had upped the ante.
One of the postcards was not very remarkable; it showed the back of a living woman being branded on the arse with magic symbols by a red hot brand. The second picture was somewhat even worse and the woman could now be identified, under the three headed dog of Cerberus was a face appealing to the camera and the face was Jane’s, the dog was obviously in the middle of a sex act, having mounted her. The third picture was a living and moving picture obviously depicting what was happening somewhere now, Jane was naked in a corner crying, her beauty somewhat disfigured. She was wearing only her underwear.
I took a lighter to the two still postcards, it flared up lovely and warm in my hand, but such is the human fascination with cruelty we can blame our God for, I did not burn them straight away. After maybe thirty seconds hesitation I did. The third post card I put in my pocket, since it was useful, and would tell me what was happening. There was a note with the postcard; the scrawl was spastic; showed signs of derangement and simply said, “Do you want this to stop Surrender yourself to me. Give up your powers.” I burned the note.
Now nowhere in this story did I claim to be a good person; I did not feel an overwhelming need to sacrifice my self to end her further suffering. Such an act would be one of weakness, that could never right the wrong, he should of threatened rather than carried out the act to have any chance of success, she looked all used up to me, it was already too late to salvage anything of her, so I didn’t for a second consider giving my self up, I did however, give consideration to finding and rescuing her any way.
The old unease of the crusader crept back into me though. How much does the crusader need the crusade? Does it feed him, give him a reason to live, does he identify so much with the crusade he needs it, and the worse the situation the better? It felt like that, and that is why I had laughed so ironically, now I would win and now it would be the worse for him.
I sat down in my living room. I hugged my self with my wings, snuggled the cold feather fingers like some dead stringency. I merely called for her because from now on she would never be far away. Judith appeared in front of me, she looked down on me enclosed in my feathers like a dieing dove.
Her lips opened and she demanded “What? What is it?”
I took the picture out of my pocket, something shadowy was descending on Jane’s crouched form, and a silent scream filled her mouth, I passed the picture to Judith, wanting to get the responsibility out of my possession, it was something I wanted to rip up, like some childhood artistic effort that had gone maddeningly wrong, beyond redemption, rip it up and start all over again.
Judith looked at it and remarked “This is no good, there is a stronger magic in the veneer than the picture, we can not enter; we will have to find out where it is.”
I replied with icy anger, mingled in it was the beginnings of sadness and hatred “It’s no good, she’s finished.”
Judith gave a cry like a mother exasperated with her child “Argh!. What the hell do you mean, look at it, look at it; it’s you’re love.” She pushed the picture in my face “And she needs your help now.”
I looked at the picture, its growing urgency, and then averted my gaze sadly.
Judith said calmly “That’s better. The picture may give us some clues, what ever he blackmailed you with, and I’m sure he did, to finish him is the only way to save her and yourself, when you kill God there will be nothing you can’t undo, nothing.” She emphasised the last word. Then she added, “Put it back in your pocket, snuggled next to your cock” She gave the picture back and I pocketed it.
Judith said “Now, when you’re feeling better, look for clues with me in the picture and that way we will find her, and; when we find her, you can bet, we will have him.”
Judith handed me a gun, it was a ‘Dessert Eagle’ and it glowed a dull red, like a block of metal that was just being heated up, it was very cold though to touch, it stuck to my fingers like ice from the fridge. As she held out her arm and I took it she said “A detective needs a good gun, this will vanquish minor souls.”
I put the gun in my waist; if I shot off my dick I could always grow another one. I got the picture out of my pocket and braced my self to look at it again. I could make nothing of it, although I had the feeling that the information contained was everything I needed. Jane was in an almost bare white room, a digital clock, late eighties, was on the wall, the time said 2 am, the time it was now, it was there to show that this was live, a phone in the shape of a large red lobster, close up in the picture was on a desk, a large figure in a suit, possibly God, possibly not as he had his back to me, was standing before Jane. She defiantly gave a little dance in front of him and he slapped her and tore at her knickers, she spat at him and fell, catching herself with her arm. I knew instinctively I had just been given all the information I needed to find her but could make nothing of it. With the picture on my lap I banged my fists against my head trying to make sense of it as the man or God raped her.
I cried out “aghh! I know its all there but I can’t think, I’m blocked by my own agitation, I want to kill and kill, I want to disfigure, I want to torture.”
Judith talked to me gently, mothering my tormented soul “It’s alright, it will come”
She gave a condescending smile and pinched my cheek; I felt the flesh slowly take back its shape. “I know it’s not what you want to hear but it’s too early to do anything now any way. He will have an army and you need one too. You need to gather your troops, very, very fast.”
I replied defensively “I have set such a thing in motion”
Judith looked down at me searchingly, then she shook her head “No, no; if your reaping from your own past; you want to look in Hell, if they’re dead now that’s where they will be, and there are better soldiers out there…” She bent and looked me in the eyes and I sensed a light of nostalgia or admiration, flickering in the movement of her eyes “in Hell your followers are like grains of sand on the beach, you can release a few now and when you have the power release them all.”
I asked flatly “Is that wise?”
Judith laughed heartily “Wise! To follow you’re mind is that wise! Is it wise to be wise, Ha-ha; you will find out just whose side you’re on. ‘All power to the imagination’; who said that?”
“Guy Debord” I replied.
Judith pinched my cheek again, this time more tugging, a few tugs, and I put my hand to the flap of stretched skin on my face “Did he say that first, did he?”
Judith continued “When you’re down in Hell, not that it’s really up or down; tell them that, that you want to give all power to their imagination. What do you think that means here? Identity, exploration of the self and to be the star in ones own story, free expression of desire, those are the things you should talk about to them.”
“But that’s what I believe” I replied, expressing it with an upper turn of the sentence like a question, but one I had answered.
Judith bent over me. The cruellest look I had ever seen came on Judith’s face, similar to her portrait but in higher definition from the underneath tension of the muscles, it should of moved or flinched under that tension, but remarkably there was an immense stillness. She stayed that way for maybe ten seconds, I thought perhaps she would never move or speak again.
Then she spoke “Of course; well what else would you think.”
I scrutinised Judith and analysed her. Judith was sometimes a transformation of Jane in 17th century Italian, fiery and forcefully sexual. At other times she seemed too manly to be Jane, the opposite of her internal feminine vitality that had erupted when she became a crab. It revealed complexity, but with the outer simplicity of all effective authority. This was a Jane who had always had power.
Where as Jane now, seemed a symbol of female helplessness, her compassion and vulnerability stretched thin like the skin of a hymen stretched over the soul looking out in her face, God using it to suffocate her with strong hands, and she needed to poke a hole in it to survive.
Jane was an articulation of 21st century capitalism, Judith had missed capitalism altogether. She was from an unfragmented time when people found it easier to be self reliable precisely because they were not atomised and forced to be self reliable, standing on their own, all against all.
Judith was less Jane like than all the Jane’s I had imagined and fantasised with the help of my marvellous pillar that held up the temple of my thoughts to her in my wild imaginings, that fleshy pillar I caressed and adored when my head hit the pillow.
Getting back to the conversation, I pointed out “When I was in Hell; they sent me back, as you can see from the fifties art décor” I pointed at the rocket.
“They thought you were trapped, they were trying to help.” Judith stated with a circular movement of her head.
I sighed “So. What do you suggest?”
“A fishing trip. A fishing trip in the ‘ Lake of Fire ’.”
Judith continued in a voice calculated to charm “There’s the boat man and well you have the right coinage stuck in your waste band, I’d take a net and even a rod, the lake is molten lead, so don’t fall in, I won’t be there to catch you.”
I used to fish now and then, so I went into the kitchen cupboard, and took out a rod and net for holding fish. When I came back in the living room, Judith held out a much bigger net.
I took the net and asked “are you going to get me there?”
Judith looked annoyed “You’ve got to use your own magic more, it’s really, really strong. This is the last time.”
Judith put her hand behind her back, bent her back to get leverage, and slapped me hard in the face with a fish. The living room disappeared and everything went blinding light.
I found myself on a jetty made of wood, which some how was not corroded, it spanned out into a sea of red molten metal, the sea glowed and was emblazoned by the Sun and ached the eyes, making me nurse them with my hands; at the end of the jetty was the boatman with a yellow water/lead proof Mac and matching triangular hat, his face was a skull with green shaggy beard, as I approached it became clear the beard was overgrown moss, obviously old bony couldn’t grow a proper beard. He held out his hand for the right coin and I put a bullet in it, he looked down at it and then looked at me, I put my gun to his skull before he could protest and squeezed the trigger. The skull fragmented; pieces dancing in the air on a red background; if he had any blood; you wouldn’t see it against the sky. The hat fell on top of his shoulders and the body collapsed.
“That was easy!” I remarked.
There was cruel wind of terrible heat blowing off smoke from my body. I undressed the corpse of his Mac and hat, putting them on; immediately there was some relief, the garments made my body pour sweat though, something I thought I couldn’t do, since before all sweat had evaporated before it could form; now I was literally drinking it as it flowed into my mouth.
There was a wooden rowing boat at the end of the jetty. It swayed like a small boat on water would sway, but in the pulse of this evil sea it was endowed with a fast rhythmic purpose that seemed to take it closer to me rather than my approaching it. The boat looked weather worn but I did not know how this could be except that it had been designed that way as some strange aesthetic; for; if it had been made out of some perishable wood, it would indeed of perished by the intolerable heat, that no earthly body or substance could endure.
I sat carefully into the boat, causing it to rock, but not so much that the molten substance flowed in and dissolved me, I untied the boat and it floated of at a bob, before I had even set to the oars. I grabbed the oars and started rowing out in earnest, feeling that if I was damned I might as well get on with it. But the current took me out fast anyway, and glowing waves started to pitch my boat up and down, I was sliding down them then riding up, and they got mighty deep so it was like being swallowed, and the wind hit me, flapping the boat mans Mac and unsteadying the hat on my head, which I pulled down firm. I adjusted the collar of the Mac also, to give my face and neck more protection.
I slid down a steep incline of a wave, may be fifteen feet of drop. A wave came over the side of the boat, so I foolishly stood, for a moment I surfed there, looking up at the clouds of yellow as formless demented beasts that tore apart and cannibalised themselves. Then with a shock the lead axed my feet dissolving them, so at the bottom of the incline I had fallen on my knees before the Sun, which was mighty strange, I shaded my eyes with my hand, salutary. The clouds had passed over the Sun, breathing life into it, giving it the shaded and animated dimensions of a billowing angry face, from which tentacles of light, like snaky living dreads, lashed the sea. Its powerful face seemed to swear expletives, then as my boat appeared to touch it, my boat settled and straightened and took on the appearance of a crack pipe over its ‘o’ shaped mouth, the wind billowed like the entire world was nothing but a drug ember being sucked up.
I left my imagination there, for it was cementing a reality, I was in danger of giving the Sun life and obliterating this planet, my own magic strength staggered me, it was true after all, about my magic.
Skulls and hands pushed out of the water, their screams were terrible, carried off by the howls of the wind, the hands grabbed at my boat and grew flesh, I got ready to cast my net, but the boat sped off again along another wave. When it stopped again the bodies were gone and the sea relatively still, only roughly rocking the boat.
I dropped my line in the molten lead from my rod. Immediately the rod bent almost double, despite its thickness. It pulled so hard I estimated that what ever was on the end must have been over two hundred pounds. I reeled in my rod and a giant fish splashed on the end of it, it looked like some kind of gigantic roach, its tail splashing molten lead at me as its body curved in the waves trying to get away. I landed the fish in the boat and it suffocated there its mouth open and body heaving, I marvelled at the square scales on its silver body, bigger than my hands.
As I stood fascinated, the body of the fish, distorted as if something inside was trying to push its way out, a fist punched its way through, then two hands, pulled the fish apart, then before me was the crouched naked body of Jay, covered in a stinky fish slime, he held his nose and spoke nasally.
“Hello Monster!” he said smoothly.
Jay stood up tall, rocking only slightly; and threw chunks of fish in the water, now without the protection of its tough outer layers, the bits of fish flamed up as they entered the sea, with puffs of flame and billows of smoke. He held the rest of the carcass above his head, his arms at full length, and chucked that in after it; there was a huge flaming that threatened to engulf the boat, but it went out fast.
I was pleased to see Jay, I had him picked out as my right hand man, there was something about him that persuaded you to trust him at the same time as acknowledging he wasn’t entirely trust worthy, a slightly sly warmth, a look in the eyes that said he was tough and dependable, but somehow self centred. But, however he was useful, very handy; a good person to know.
I asked a searching question. “How are you here? As far as I know you’re still alive.”
Jay looked at me long and hard “Doesn’t bloody look like it does it Monster. In Hell as well. What did I do to deserve that? A few fights, drug dealing, a couple of rich burglaries, fucking a tree on LSD, underage sex and a sexual assault in McDonalds that was nothing but feeling some ones leg, and I’m in Hell.”
I gave a big sorry sigh winding it out “Argh” then I said “Eating at McDonalds then init.”
Jay said “Hmm; well I was hungry, I went to the skips round the back to get my fill of cheese burgers and chicken burgers, expecting a fine munch, and there was nothing there but rats”
Jay rummaged in his pocket and took out a crumpled spliff which he held in the air to show, between his fingers. “I’ve still got this, would you believe it! It’s a bit dry, I’m afraid my lighter exploded in my pocket, have you got a light?”
“No.” I said.
Jay put the spliff near the sea and it lit up. “ Yeh. And there was a dead woman from a heroin overdose in the toilets; I nearly got blamed for that.”
I looked at Jay amused “Died for the great God McDonalds! As the Clash said, ‘he who fucks nuns will later join the church.’ Goes for both of you.”
Good thing about Jay, he took everything in his stride, he had a moment ago, been inside a large stinking fish. Even I myself sometimes showed a little emotion, all be it the wrong ones at the wrong times. Angry when I should be afraid, finding the tragic hysterically funny, that kind of thing, Jay; he just liked to relax, I thought again what a perfect choice he was.
The Sea rocked us dementedly still, I felt like we were babies in a crib being nursed by a mad person, so relaxing was the experience at the same time. I put the net in the water and tied it off.
Jay asked “Fishing for followers?”
“Yeh” I said. How did you know?” I showed him the picture. Jane was being abused again, she got up again and danced, the clock said one thirty am. I was filled again with a sense of urgency. “I’ve got to save the girl and kill God.” I said.
“Oh dear” Said Jay looking at the picture “Is that Jane or the Scarlet Whore? I guess they’re one and the same anyway.” He looked me in the eyes searching, “Fishing for men, what else would Satan be doing here. You do know you’re Lucifer now don’t you?”
My bowls felt as unsteady as the Sea “No, I didn’t know that.”
“Monster! You should of realised that, why do you think you came here to find followers, they’re all your mates, they’re here because of you, you’re a biological reincarnation of Lucifer. And she didn’t tell you?”
“No.” I said darkly “She didn’t.”
Jay looked at me earnestly “I’d be pretty keen to follow you but it’s written you’re gonna loose mate”
My new dark destiny made me feel a sense of power, inside I was asking ‘Am I evil?’ “Don’t be stupid Jay, would you write that you were going to loose, if you wanted to keep you’re followers and not have someone more successful keep theirs. He’s ready for the fall Jay, and I’m the man to take him out.”
Jay handed the picture back and shook his head “I don’t know Monster, I really don’t know, plenty will follow you down here, they’re already in Hell, me, take it easy, live inside a few big fish, I could be out in a couple of years.” As he spoke he was splashed by some lead, eating half his face but immediately growing back “Ouch!”
“You want that for a couple of years? Or a couple of thousand?” I asked.
Jay nodded his head “Okay, I’m with you; provisionally.”
Jay looked at the Sea, and searched, “Cast your net in the other side.”
“How do you know?” I asked.
“I was down there wasn’t I.” Jay replied.
I cast the net in the other side and tied it off, immediately the net filled up with skulls and bones that grew flesh as they left the sea but then descended again and dissolved, their cries mixed with the wind and seemed to swirl in my head, like a tornado, like a record caught in that maelstrom, on the sharp stylus of my too keen mind, it grew dull into a screech and I fell off kilter. I staggered at the sound.
“We should get straight back” I cried to Jay, “I can hear them suffer.”
Jay started rowing before I could finish the sentence, Jay was strong and quite well built, though not impressively so. He fought well against the current, his muscles like cords and knots, his face distorted with effort. His face looked to me and appealed to me of the effort he was making, transmitted in a turn of the head, raised eyes and a look of consternation.
We got back to the Jetty and tied off, carefully stepping on to its jutting wood, Jay let out his breathe, almost in a whistle. I dragged the net along the jetty to the shore, all the time the howls of pain followed me, I dragged the net onto the red sands that passed as a beach.
The bones in the net started knitting, but they did not knit into single bodies. Finger joints formed with other finger joints into long claws made of all the hand bones, there were four such and they gathered flesh in a tangled red weave, wing bones knitted into giant wings that beat even before the body had been formed, threatening to shake off and unravel the new flesh, the body was thick, boiled red and course. The body had seven long necks made of human legs, so they held them naturally stiff and high, looking proud, on top of the legs were arms, on top of the arms hands, each holding it’s self a human head, the fingers worming, the middle neck and longest, had no head; the hand clenched and unclenched, weighed itself, looking for its prize.
The heads of the dragon shouted out in unison “Lucifer!” their mouths smoked but the breath looked cool in this heat, it gently circled and reminded me of moistness on a frosty morning, misting their icy eyes, and that was why, the faces were young and the souls in the faces were old and cold, unaffected by torture, there was nothing of fire in them.
I asked the burning question that I knew the answer to “Why are you missing a head?”
The reply came “The missing head is yours.”
I asked disturbed, my brow furrowing the question “Do you expect me to join with you?”
They all replied “Do what thou wilt.”
I ordered Jay “Stay here and fish for more bodies, I need to get back, I have the task of finding Jane, and although I don’t think it is necessary here, I would like to sleep on it.”
Jay flashed anger “Surely you don’t expect me to stay in this place; I need to be back with you.”
I thought about it “Okay, you could be useful, I’ll get you back.”
To the dragon I said “Spread the word and fish for our legions, your time in Hell is nearly over.”
The heads nodded, their eyes looked eager and the creases on their faces looked resolute.
“How do we get back?” asked Jay
“It’s easy” I said, now realising my powers out on the lead waves, I thought it and we were gone.
We were back at my flat and I immediately, looked for some clothes for Jay in the bedroom. The only ones big enough that would suit him was an old pair of jeans and a hoody made out of a striped Indian material, of course the material was now a sort of living second flesh, as I had found out when the dissolved trainers on my feet had reformed, I also got him a pair of shiny black shoes, he would look like an undercover cop.
Jay got dressed quickly ripping a hole in the back of the hoody for his wings. Jay asked with a broad warm smile, with something devious behind it, that was however totally offset by the strength of his grin “Shall I make us both a brew Monster”
“Yeh great” I said “But you don’t have to call me Monster, I haven’t used that name I years.”
Jay’s smile got even broader “But it’s kind of appropriate don’t you think? I think I will carry on using it, I’m not going to call you fucking Satan.”
“No, don’t do that” I said, feeling slightly queasy.
Jay went into the Kitchen, whistled, then the kettle whistled and he was back in with two cups of coffee. He handed me a cup insinuating strength in his hand and I put it to my lips. I immediately felt a bit drowsy.
Jay noticed “Here lie down Monster, I’ll watch over the fort.”
I put my feet up on the couch, almost unable to move, and my eyes rolled and my eyelids would not stay open so I let them stay shut.
I slept lightly however, drugged as I was, I heard Jays voice, then Gods, paralysed and unable to move or open my eyes, yet I dreamed perfectly what was happening around me.
Jay took a step back from God, his attempt at a smile, ending in open mouthed apprehension. “He’ll sleep for hours, why don’t you take him out now, get it all over with.”
God replied leaning and booming “I want him to suffer after what he did to me, to go through the effort of finding her only to be tricked and powerless; to see him watch the girl suffer in person.”
Jay shook his head uncomfortable with the thought. God handed him a slip of paper with symbols on it of a magical nature.
God boomed, insinuating my sleep “This slip with the seals on it, will take away his powers when you put it in his pocket, do it when we meet, give him clues to find the girl if he still doesn’t work it out.”
Jay replied “Well, okay then.”
Having been scarred and vulnerable I now had to nearly laugh, God would help me find Jane and all I had to do was keep my enemy close and out of my pockets, my mind at ease I allowed myself to fall back asleep, the worst that would happen is I would awake with my eyebrows shaved off. But; even before I was asleep I was taken by a sinking disappointment that took me under faster, so I slipped down into a welcome feeling of death overtaking me; it was so disappointing, I had wanted so much to believe in Jay, give him a chance to do the right thing, I had thought that I had known something inherently reliable in him, beneath his faults and mistakes, instead I was experiencing the betrayal that had lurked there inside him, it seemed to be his defining feature after all.
I awoke some hours later to Jay staring at me protectively from his seat across the room. I immediately sat up and examined the postcard in my pocket, ‘so Jay will help me find her.’ The picture made me swell with tortured anger, a big man in a suit with his trousers around his ankles was abusing her. The fascination I felt for her kept drawing me back to the picture, my anger had a trinity, it made me angry with myself for being fascinated; and for caring; giving the response God wanted, finally at the petty mindedness of God, though the bible should of informed me of that, and a far from happy life, when I was alive.
“Any clues?” asked Jay.
“She always dances in the early hours of the morning”, I said edgily
“Let me see” Jay demanded in a friendly manner.
I handed the picture to Jay “Looks like the guys some kind of bouncer” Said Jay.
I surged upright and banged my head with my fist “Of course she’s in a night club! May be if I could watch her dance I could tell the songs from the rhythms of the music, the tunes in her eyes, maybe tell that the song meant something to her, a memory I can isolate, narrow down the kind of place and the era. I don’t know what to do, he’s hurting her because of me, who I am, I made it happen; we’re fishing again.”
“No” said Jay, “it’s simpler than that, he may want you to find her, is there an appropriate night club, somewhere with memories or somewhere apt to him? Does it ring any bells Monster? I want to help you really I do.”
I believed him, and with a sense of triumph because I knew where he was leading me and his guess was not a guess and there for reliable, there was only one place ‘apt’, but I would still have to hunt for it.
I searched Jays face for evidence of his sincerity, he really wanted to make this as easy as possible, I said “She was raped in a night club some years ago, I don’t know where, could have been Liverpool. I’m guessing he took her back there, to that time and place. Do you know where?”
Jay looked bemused, possibly hurt; “I can’t tell you that Monster, there’s no way for me to know. A police report might have been filed by the other girl.”
“The other girl?” I said. Jay had slipped up; he would expect me to quiz him on it.
Jay looked cool, “You said there was another girl involved.” Jay flexed his fingers and made a cage out of them, smiling, I was sure he didn’t realise he was unconsciously signifying a trap
“I must of” I replied, disconcerted by Jays charming exposure of what was on his mind.
Jay looked disconcerted too; I wondered if he had seen through me. “Jon, you know I’ve never let you down, remember when I wouldn’t serve scouse some draw and he insulted you and you fought him, I joined in when he had you in that head lock, we took care of him and threw him out. I’ve never let you down, we’re solid. I wouldn’t let you down ever if I had a choice.”
A little touched I replied “Just do what you have to do Jay, as I said to Kieran and Frazer when they were ripping off my grass; if you feel you have to take then take, just don’t take the piss.” I started to roll a fag.
Jay’s eyes went far away “I would never let you down, not in my heart, we go way back. Some times when we help each other, we can’t even say.”
I always wanted to trust Jay, never quite sure I could, or any one else for that matter. Caught in the past I had a thought, as I spoke I got carried away, I lit my fag and spun circles of smoke, dotted the red tip in the air like I was drawing a map, a plan of action. “We should bring the streets to God. What do we know, skip diving, begging, rolling dog ends, drugs, fighting, improvised weapons, shoplifting, burglary; we have a knowledge he isn’t as conversant with, he should fight on our ground not the other way. Drugs of all sorts, known or invented, can give us an edge in speed of thought or imagination, increase strength. I have lock picks for the advantage of surprise, I have a survival manual with every kind of home made weapon and explosive, we can leave here and lie low, we can squat, we can survive anywhere, in all three worlds.” With that I flicked ash on the floor, watched it sail, land and disintegrate with the thought of destruction. My little bombshell.
I looked at Jay “I’m going to make a Gollum to find Jane; we are going to be busy with other things. I will make him small and he can go unnoticed.”
Jay looked intent and put his hands in the air “Okay; what ever a Gollum is.”
I looked him in the eyes and replied “A Gollum is voodoo, it is a miniature version of me brought to life to do my bidding, he will search unnoticed and find her, he will be telepathically connected to me, I will be able to find him in my mind and know what he is doing all the time. He can find the place and recon it. Meanwhile we can make weapons and powerful drugs, since we’re going to be taking him on in the physical world and our magic won’t be so strong. We need a zip gun for you since I have shotgun cartridges; I have my Dessert Eagle” I patted the gun at my waist “We also need powerful drugs both positive and negative, If we can imagine a different world down there, our magic will still be as effective, we need a contact poison, my lock picks, and some more improvised weapons.”
Jay started walking to the kitchen whistling “Well I will take care of the weapons and the pharmacy; you can get on with your Gollum thing” He said between whistles.
As Jay got to work in the kitchen, I made a cardboard cut out of a little man. I cut out little internal organs for him and glued them on, heart, intestines and penis. Then I cut out an old passport photo of my face and glued that on. I pulled a nail off my finger and glued that on to him, I stitched him little clothes out of the fabric of a t-shirt; Pants and jumper; all in black for camouflage in the night. I wrote my message of what I wanted him to do along with the name I had chosen for him, and rolled it and stuck it in his clothes. Finally; as an after thought; I dug two fingers inside my head searched around the spongy goo giving myself a headache, pulled out a piece of brain so he would be intelligent; I stuck that to him. Then I breathed a piece of my soul into him, holding him in my hands. I put him down.
The figure immediately inflated and stood up, the flat photo face moved and talked; the personality was mine, the voice was deep and familiar; it said “Okay, I will find our love so we can get her back, make me a weapon, a tooth brush and razor weapon will do to deter anyone who bothers me, like people made in prison.”
I went into the bathroom and got a toothbrush, then took apart a disposable razor and got the two blades, I put the rest of the razor in the sink; I heated the head of the tooth brush up with the lighter in my pocket, and stuck the two blades in so any wound could not be sown together. The whole device made me wince. I could hear Jay clinking and swearing in the kitchen as I left the bathroom and went back into the living room. I said to my Gollum “Redd,” Because that was what I had named him “Also take this small betting pen and this paper” I handed them to him “Because when you find the place I need a detailed map” I tapped his shoulder with my finger, “and no matter what you feel, don’t fight and give us away.” My Gollum looked sad, saluted me just as Jay walked in, and disappeared.
“What the fuck was that!” said Jay turning his head to me. In his hand he held up a zip gun. Two pieces of steel tubing one inside the other with a steel grip, he slammed them together and the screw at the back set off an explosion in the cartridge inside, half my ceiling came down and Jay grinned madly as plaster fell on his head. The recoil had stuck the gun in his body but he hadn’t moved. He tore the gun out of his chest with globs of his substance shaking off it.
“Not in here Jay my house is already wreaked.” I complained aggressively; but then smiled.
“What else have you done?” I asked lifting up my t-shirt and scratching an itch on my belly, going a little too deep inside myself.
Jay grinned “Come and see” I followed Jay into the kitchen, he gestured at some soggy crisp bread on the table and a bottle “I’ve found D.M.S.O. and I’m making a hallucinogenic contact poison that it would be best to use on living people just in case, but how do you grow ergot mould on rye bread in five minutes, assuming you can grow it here? I’d also like to make some L.S.D or something stronger that doesn’t upset the logic of the mind but I don’t know how.”
He lifted up some weighted socks in the sink and smiled broadly “We’ve got some PP9’s in socks and I’ve made another zip gun with two barrels instead of one, but there are only twenty cartridges left.”
I looked at the rye bread and concentrated, immediately it grew large pieces of a purple mould and I picked up a knife and scraped the mould off into the tinted brown bottle labelled D.M.S.O. Then I shook the bottle. I got some squeezy containers out of the cupboard under the sink and filled them up from the bottle, undoing their caps. I also got out a small paint brush and put the remainder in a small empty paint pot.
I turned to Jay and shrugged “I really don’t know of any natural hallucinogenic that’s not mind bending, but I could try and magic something up.”
Jay nodded “You do that Monster.” He put his hand to his face and gave me a little salute.
I went into the living room and sat down on the sofa. I leant over and took hold of an ashtray, picking out the butts and throwing them on the floor so all that was left was ash, which I stirred with my finger. This was the ash from Gods cigar and numerous roll ups and straights I had smoked since coming to the after life. I closed my eyes shut hard and envisioned lucidly every monster from hell; dragons and cenobites; and even roamed the body of a giant Cyclops from his hand up to his saucer flickering eye, I concentrated all these juices of the imagination into the front of my eyes, then I poked them till they bled into the cup and mixed its contents again with my finger into a red paste. This was my hallucinogenic drug to sharpen our imagination and therefore our magic on Earth.
This all took nearly an hour, so some time having passed I psychically connected myself with my Gollum ‘Redd’, to see if he had got anywhere. I saw him looking at a computer screen and pushing keys with his hands with police men passing around him, so I knew he was already looking up files in a police station.
I looked at the screen, it said “Statement by Paula Weaver. ‘After closing time at the Peppermint Square Night Club. Jane and me stayed for drinks with the bouncers and club owner Kenneth Chalk, and his two other gangster brothers Michael and Karl Chalk, they mainly deal in drugs. We were laughing hysterically and happy because we were high on E’s. Me and Jane danced together and the four men eyed us, especially the club owner, I think they gave us the E’s on purpose so we wouldn’t mind, Jane whipped her top off and slung it around because she was hot, she still had her bra on…”
“That’s the one Redd” I said. Redd saw a police man reflected on the computer screen, he turned around to see an astonished police man with wide eyes bending over him and staring level with him. Redd slashed the police mans cheek with his toothbrush, globs of blood spitting out. The police man touched his face and shouted “Arghh!” as blood seeped between his fingers and dripped to the floor other policemen started looking but Redd had jumped down and was off at a sprint, he leapt in the air and disappeared, I followed him in my mind to a chasm of nowhere, then I came around, assured he was safe to continue his mission.
Jay shook me to bring me round as I was a little torpid “Hey Monster”. I grabbed Jay back and we wrestled to the floor in a friendly manner, I got on top of him and he shook me off and ran away, I laughed “Ha-ha”.
Just then there was a crash in the kitchen. We ran into the kitchen, I nearly fell skidding on broken glass on soapy water on the chess board linoleum floor. I could hear whining through billows of choking smoke coming in from out side through the jagged edges of glass where the window had fitted. There was the sound of scrambling and breaking pots and the smoke cleared enough to see a massive three headed pit bull dog. Its middle head lapped up stale sausages and egg from a plate as the head closest to us looked at Jay and licked its chops. The dog appeared to smile at him. The mouth opening to reveal large teeth and drooling jaws. Some of the drool hit the floor making a splash, and red smoke rose up and the floor dissolved where the drool had splattered.
Jay smiled back and marvelled shaking his head “I want that dog. Do you know how much gear that dog would fetch in Avenham?”
The dog’s lumpy muscles tensed and fought for dominance, it reared to pounce.
I hated the dog, I knew what it had been used for, I shouted at Jay “That’s bloody Cerberus mate, not Jed’s mongrel bullterrier.”
The love affair between the two did not last long. As the dog scrambled in the sink pots broke and flew. The dog’s weight and strength caused a plate to spin out from under it as it tried to get a footing. The plate stuck in the side of Jays head, half way in, and in a daze gripping his head and swaying, he continued, “I want that fucking dog!”
Jay pulled the plate out of his head, looked at it and threw it away, it cluttered on the cooker, knocking a pan of old curry on the floor. The dog jumped down and licked it up with all three heads.
As Jay’s head knitted together he grabbed hold of a squeezy bottle from the kitchen side cabinet “This stuff will chill it out.” He said.
I looked at Jay still damaged in his mind “No. Jay. No. You have no idea what acid does to those sorts of dogs I was at a party once…”
Jay squirted the dog. I took hold of him and at a run, held back and tugging him, my feet straining to move him wildly, got him into the living room and closed the door.
A head burst through the door. Bits of plywood separated by cardboard packing fell to the floor. The dog looked friendlier. Its head blinked and focused on Jay’s hand. Suddenly a bone appeared in Jay’s hand.
Jay said startled looking at his hand “How the fuck…”
I butted in “Its imagining things and making them real. By Christ I hadn’t considered that.”
Jay looked behind him sensing something. I saw what was behind him as he moved. A giant rabbit stood on its hind quarters, long incisors nearly a foot long and eyes that reflected so much light they were bright beams that cut holes, burning holes in the back of Jay’s Indian hoody as he moved away. He got out of the range of its vision.
The dog broke more of the hole away by shaking its head. The bits just fell away. I looked back at Jay, he was a fucking liability, he had somehow, magic or some other means, got a rope and he was approaching the dogs head with a lasso as a home made choke chain.
Jay moved his head to the side and the dog did the same “nice dog” he pleaded coolly.
I shouted at him, maddened “don’t do it Jay; you’re pedigree chum for that dog, without the inconvenience of a tin.”
Jay lassoed the dog’s visible head, and then the whole dog came crashing through the door. The dog’s muscles had the appearance of bunched up cables, every sinew stood out of its black coat. It turned one of its head’s at me with contempt, nodding an open mouthed, cunning and haughty contempt. Its limbs appeared to defy gravity with steps of a thunderous canter and bounce, not because like us it was weightless but because of shear compacted strength.
Now, jay weighed absolutely nothing, he was minus weight, a spirit. The dog looked like it weighed three hundred pounds. The out come was obvious to any one who wasn’t recovering from major brain damage and had no common sense any way. The effect reminded me strongly of a party I had been to many years ago where some one fed their bullterrier an acid tab; minus twenty screaming girls with tooth injuries and plus one giant rabbit, which some people would have been seeing anyway. But Jay was playing his part as the owner.
That’s what happens when you’re at a party in a large crowded flat, listening to raga and watching some chav as they became known. In a white ‘ England ’ base ball cap and an ageing boyish face with a knowing and fond expression on his face crouched with his arm around his bullterrier, feeding his dog looking up trustingly, a handful of dog biscuits and LSD tabs. Doing nothing about it but wondering along with others in the know, looking at each other and the dog owner as we sat on the floor ‘what will happen next, what absurd demonstration could possibly result from this wicked act’.
As the dog chased the rabbit with thunderous, destructive strides, in circles around the room, leaping over the settee every time they came around, with me now stood on it leaning back against the wall, the rabbit turning around to try and bite its attacker as it ran. Jay was crashed into a wall and immediately disintegrated, droplets of Jay with his translucent face etched on them, the eyes searching around in every drop, fell towards the floor and the dog stopped chasing the rabbit, mesmerised it caught drops on its smoky tongues, making a sizzling noise. Feathers filled the room and started to attach themselves to the droplets in little fluttering wings. The rabbit paused, catching its breath and happy to be out of the action. The remaining arm of Jay attached to the rope, tried to pull the dog back, muscles taught.
I tried to distract the dog by taking over the rabbit, I spread my fingers and imagined invisible strings to the rabbit, as I waved my fingers in the air and swooped my arms, the rabbit leapt to the dog and tapped it on the back. One of the heads moved around, the others carried on lapping up Jay with a stink of sulphur from the reaction of contact and red smoke. The dog’s eyes happily hypnotised. The rabbit pulled up the fur on its arms revealing pink muscular flesh. The rabbit struck a Mr Universe pose to show its edible body off to the full, an arm tensed, a front leg squatted. Finally the dog relented and turned around fully, snapping at it with all three snaking heads. I made the rabbit hop away fast and the dog took chase. In my hand appeared a magicians hat and rabbit and dog leapt into it one after the other. I placed the hat on my head and it thudded and bulged, then with a final yelp went silent. I took it off and looked in it, there was nothing to see, I decided the hat did not suit me and cast it aside.
I opened the door and went into the kitchen, what was left of the door buckled and scraped, dragging its frame. Once in the kitchen I opened the council house orange cupboard where the boiler was and took out a rusty metal bucket and mop. I went back into the living room to where a pool of Jay lay on the floor, the reflection of his face looked at me sad and agonised, making attempts to knit into a three dimensional being. I mopped him into the steel bucket, feathers and all. I poured Jay out onto the sofa and he slowly reformed, his molten face gave out a groan, slowly he reformed, I placed the arm that had been attached to the dog next to him.
I put his head under a cushion. He let out a “Ahh” then said “I need to rest for a bit Jon” his eye lids flickering in shock and pain, he held up a fleshing out hand. Jay sat up momentarily and folded his feathery wings over his eyes, I left him there. I opened the shattered door that ground against the red chord carpet, and entered the kitchen. The wind was thankfully blowing the outside smoke away from the broken window, and I set about putting back together the large pieces of glass. It was calming and intellectually stimulating, exactly like doing a giant jigsaw puzzle, I told myself my head would come back together just like the window as I completed it, and it did.
Jay came in looking much better and shaking his head he looked in my cupboards and he demanded nicely “I need some food Monster! You’ve nothing in and moneys useless here. Well nearly.”
“Let’s go a walk and find some then.” I said “Not sure what other people do for food here, there’s always magic but personally I’d like a look around this place.”
Jay shook his head, “magic’s banned or heavily regulated here Jon; they don’t do that for food. Well; Okay it’s polluted out though, this place isn’t living in the same sense as the Earth, and it isn’t a self regulating organism. It’s more alive in the sense of a provider from the imagination; consequently God has let it get rather polluted.” Jay shook his head and scratched it. “First thing you’ve got to do here when you take over is make the place sustainable.”
“Where do you go to eat?” I asked
“Well, from the little I know about the place, there’s a McDonalds around the corner, people exchange organs there for burgers, and of course the organs grow back. The McDonalds just got dumped here when as I was saying some one died in their toilets of heroin overdose, a sacrifice to the great god McDonald no doubt at all.”
I got my bandana out of the draw of my bedroom, and a spare one for Jay, we soaked them with water in the kitchen and put them over our faces. We opened the front door and ran out. A mini had crashed into a traffic light outside since it could not see where it was going and the traffic was held up, all the cars were wrecked, not because they had crashed but because, I guessed, cars appeared here wrecked with their occupants from crashes down below; that’s how they got here. One Porsche was nearly totalled, the back and front wheels nearly touching, how ever the driver was able to drive it form his new elevated driving position, his wings cramped and with his head out of the missing windscreen, the car was on flames and plumes of smoke from it followed us down the street, the cars were honking.
Along the street we walked; crumbling houses from down below were just dumped here when occupants died, in a very messy not very straight line. We tripped on crumbling bricks and loose gutters as we danced along, almost in the foggy air, Jay whistling the theme from the snow man.
We got to McDonalds and went to queue in the line, there were four manned cash registers that were handing out receipts, money could be exchanged, but payment was demanded in a quarter pounder of flesh. Next to the registers, guillotines similar to what you find for cutting paper, however here they were used for cutting limbs off, usually hands, and people were yelping all over the place having their hands cut off for the sake of a burger, calmly putting there arms in the machines whilst young people in catering caps and small red spots that dribbled pus; drudgingly smiled and chopped them off; I looked at one person served a burger “have a nice day” came the motto as the guy picked up the burger he was offered with his remaining hand, “cheers” came his friendly reply, staggering out clutching his burger and arm stump at the same time as some one else came sweeping past with a mop, cleaning any spilt blood and ectoplasm. I suspected these limbs were then recycled as food. Then I in fact noticed an arm being fed into a meat grinder in the processing area, and some one patting the mince that came out into burgers.
There were dismembered hands crawling all over the place, scuttling with blurred speed on their five legs. One hand cut off some one who had the looks of a young thief, made straight for the cash register as the thief nodded it punched the till open and held up a handful of cash to the thief as he nodded eagerly. The queen’s head appeared to smile from a held fiver as though attached to a five legged body. A staff member slammed the till shut, cutting off two of the hands fingers and trapping the cash. The hand was immediately swept up by another worker with a butterfly net, whose job it was to catch the hands.
The man with the butterfly net went on with his work until he suddenly threw up his head and turned away in disgust. The sight that had greeted him was a female hand with red varnished nails, being took from behind by a large hairy male hand beaded with sweat.
I looked away myself and in my new range of vision saw another hand metamorphose into a transparent bristling spider, every hair on the back of the hand stood up on its translucent body. The spider jumped off the counter onto Jay’s face. Jay stood still as its transparent body magnified and distorted his features, pulling at his lips and eye lids with its legs. It ventured a leg into Jay’s mouth, which he bit off and swallowed with a gulp. The injured spider fell off and dragged its body along the floor amongst shuffling shoes.
“You wanna eat here Monster?” said Jay turning to me and giving a cough under his bandanna mask which ruffled it.
I couldn’t take my eyes off the machine as I replied “I hate to think what the cheese is made from.”
I turned and looked him in the eyes passing a knowing signal “No; lets see if they still have a skip out the back like they used to.”
We went to the back of the building into a court yard and the metal dumpsters were still in place. Jay opened one and withdrew a black plastic bin bag. He held it up and made a tare and peered in. then he looked up and smiled at me, withdrawing a cheese burger which he held up. A beetle as big as the burger inside dropped out onto the ground, it was sapphire and emerald coloured. Jay picked it up as it wriggled its legs and put it back in the burger, then; pulling down his bandanna he took a bite that had an audible crunch “They taste better than the burgers” He said, smiling with bulging cheeks.
I rooted in the bag and drew out my own burger, a ‘chicken’ burger. The bread was limp and stale, but it had a dank smell of cooked meat that was enticing. I pulled two like sized bugs out of it and took a bite. “Mmm” I said “Yummy”. Then added “We really should have took them home and grilled them like the old days”. We sat down on the bag and ate our meals. Jay got out a chicken burger from the bag under him and took a bite “I think this is testicles” he said unconcerned.
The burger did not agree with me, it seemed to be ripping its way through my digestive track and my stomach was not as solid as it used to be. Loud rumblings could be heard and Jay looked around with his arms out tensed, ready to dive for cover, then looked at me “Jon! I thought he’d sent a fucking tank for us.” Food here seemed to be a risky and unnecessary exercise like taking drugs.
“I’m going to take a look how my Gollum’s doing” I said. I located the back of my mind where his image was located and looked into myself. Redd was sketching a map with his to him large pen on a scrap of paper, his scroll was uneven but the map was detailed, it showed three levels and marked off toilets and a cloak room, there was a room on the top level marked with an ‘x’. A fire escape ran around the back of the building to different levels of the complex, and Redd had marked each one with a sketch of a padlock. Redd was aware I was looking in on him and looked up and surveyed the room so I could see it properly.
The first thing Redd did was look at the ceiling on the lower level, and I could see hundreds of happily bobbing red balloons on the ceiling in a rope net, but Redd was focusing closer so I could see that each one had a timing device and was an incendiary device meant to trap us. Men with sharp gelled hair in smart casual clothes, shirts or lama wool jumpers knitted up their necks in multifarious colours, and women in party dresses, spotted, striped, laced or black, or see through plastic, their breasts pushed out, were sat on the floor looking at each other in a bored malicious way. Eyes made large and cruel by mascara sized up the men’s worth with compass point movements as the women were tapping high heeled shoes that came to sharp points, or stabbed bodkins half hidden in garters into the backs of their shoes to lever in their feet. The men looked on with savage wild eyes and played with garrotting wires attached to expensive looking wristwatches, they pulled the wires and watched them reel themselves in.
“Come back now Redd,” I said telepathically.
“No way, I’m staying” came Redd’s answer “You know the lay out.”
“What are you going to do?” I asked.
Redd replied “I don’t know yet, I’m going to try and get him” his eyes touched on the room with the ‘x’ and the pen stabbed it.
“Okay” I said “I’ll keep in touch. But don’t set off the balloons, set their timers for one am tonight, if you set them off now and fail he will change the venue and that place will be a burnt out wreak, the police will close it down.”
I came around and unfolded the picture from my pocket, Jane was in a corner of the white walled room huddled on the floor and crying, every few seconds she would look up and mouth the words help. It reminded me of a heroine in some old black and white silent movie, I saw myself coming towards her on some old steam train shunting round a corner as a white sun set, the tracks leading straight to her, I would peel up the tracks towards heaven and send them straight up Gods arse. The caption “we got him” ends the story as I hugged her.
I put the picture back in my pocket and turned and looked at Jay “We had better get back, squeeze my hand tight.”
“Jon, this is not the place.” Jay said looking at me with a stylised fakery of romantic love, the eye lids fluttering, he looked at his limp burger and shrugged “It happens sometimes.”
I grabbed Jays hand and we were back at mine.
No sooner had we appeared and sat down on the couch with a joint sigh, than Judith appeared, still naked, still red with the head dress of skulls and gold horns, but something different about her.
“Will you put some clothes on” I said jealously “You’re going to get Jay all excited”.
Jay looked at me then back at Judith “Don’t mind me Monster” then Jay looked at me again “Besides isn’t she getting a little fat for me, now that girl I got you…”
Judith rubbed her bulging stomach as he spoke.
I shouted out “You’re pregnant!”
Judith replied indignantly “Yes. You didn’t use protection.”
I must have looked taken aback, I moved back in my seat “Isn’t being dead protection enough?”
“Not from the likes of you apparently” Judith said defensively.
I was made happy and amused by the news, since I had no children and Judith was the perfect biological mate. “Do I have to marry you now? An inexperienced young lad like me? You’re reputation precedes you, and I might even say you have an ill repute, ‘whore of Babylon ’!”
Jay laughed “Ha-ha, it’s an ill wind blows no good.”
I laughed myself “Ha!” I turned my arse and farted in Jays direction.
“Phew!” Jay said waving his hand.
“You might want to examine that and report me the good in it.” I laughed, we had high spirits, or; you might say; we were ‘high spirits’.
All this time Judith, whore of Babylon; broadly smiled. “You might want to see what that Gollum of yours is doing; oh I know about him, God doesn’t yet.” She gave a grin “You should expect some good news.”
I went to the place in the back of my mind where Redd’s consciousness existed, and I saw the picture of a heaving posterior, fat, white and spotted with a gapping dirty anus. I could hear familiar cries. Then I saw the hands of Redd; lobster phone in one hand and toothbrush razor in the other. He shoved the toothbrush up the bouncer’s arsehole, in and out and in and twisted it. There was an inhuman howl of pain, then the phone came down on his head with the clanging ring of the bell inside “clang”, then Jane had grabbed the phone and brought it down on his head with another “clang”, then again with a “clang”, only pain was keeping the man conscious as Jane got out from under him and ran out of the room quickly, grabbing her soiled knickers.
My Gollum jumped on her back, she tried to brush him off, then realising Redd was her saviour, let him hang on. Her eyes looking back at him, raised with an expression of complicity. Through the next room, the hand of God could not even grab her and three bouncers looked on surprised. Jane’s eyes now looked starry, as she entered the dance floors; like her mind was full of the silent flashing lights, her face and mind, green, red, blue. Down three flights of stairs, hugging the chrome railings, almost sliding down it, bent forward but looking back and out of the building before any one could react, as Redd looked backwards off his position on her shoulder, her escape was hardly registering on their faces which had only dawned full realisation as she left the building; one woman’s hand at the entrance reaching out and only snatching the night. The name of the club in bold neon fly killing violet, smiled its good will at their escape as Redd looked back.
“Redds bloody done it!” I shouted. Excitedly I said to the other two “We have to find her before they do.”
There was a solemn look on Judith’s face “Yes but Redd’s moved too soon.”
I stood up and stared at Judith “Well; we can talk about it later, now we have to find her before they do.”
Still standing I looked into my mind and asked Redd “Where are you taking her?”
Redd answered “To the McDonalds skip, I’m going to hide her in the bin quick, you have to get to her before God searches her out, it’s a matter of time.”
Judith and Jay snatched up zip guns and loaded them and we joined hands and tumbled through the ether and then we were back at McDonalds skips, this time on earth.
No sooner were we there and Jane ran into us around the corner, pushing out her hands as if to stop herself. She was my runaway train coming to a halt at the end of the tracks. My Gollum got up and rested on her shoulder facing us as Jane panted for breath, holding her side and doubling up, hand on her knee and moving up and down. She put one foot and then the other in the knickers in her hand and dragged them up. She must have streaked down the street naked; it could not have gone unnoticed.
Redd said “Now what will we do, this will never be over, he will snatch her back and kill us unless we kill him.”
The truth of the situation and what Judith had said to me before we left was dawning on me. “We have to get her back, the plan is for tonight, if we don’t get him tonight this will never end and he will get his turn to do it his way.”
Jane cried and hit me with her fists on my chest “This is all your fault for loving me, I haven’t even met you yet, you can’t send me back there this is your business.”
I replied stonily “My fault or not you have to go back or this will never end for you; but I won’t send you back unless I know you can escape at any time, I’m not sending you back for that. It’s unlikely they will start again tonight but if they do… Judith!”
“Give me the smallest ladies pistol you can summon up, a Derringer; and a ring with a suicide capsule in it.” I demanded.
The two things appeared instantly in Judith’s hand and I passed them to Jane. “We will get you captured without suspicion, if they try anything shoot them, if that doesn’t work take the suicide pill and you will be away from them in the afterlife.”
Jane put the gun down her pants and looked like she had a cock, then she put the ring on.
I told her with some urgency in my voice “Maybe you had better put that in you’re bra.”
“I know what I’m doing” she said looking at me sternly.
I nearly fell over, hit by a wave of love emanating from her tears, she wiped them away, I felt splashed, it was like being hit by the spray from the ocean, then it was all dry and I was all washed up, beached on her face as my head fell against her and I kissed her. The lips remained hard. My face lost its constituency in the act and splashed her in turn.
She said nastily “Do you want me to take the pill now?” then her face softened with remorse.
I emptied a black bin bag from the skip, and burgers cascaded on to the floor, Jay saw what I was doing and helped me measure Jane up with the bin bag over her body so we knew where to tare the holes and how big, Jane still catching her breath, slipped into it.
I pointed out “Now you don’t look all that different from a lot of the girls in the street late at night.”
We four became invisible, Redd now on my shoulder; and we walked up the street with Jane, I watched her pausing jaunty walk, the little distracted slips and the unsure skips, as I whispered in her ear, she looked over her back for the source of the sound. Redd talked in my ear, we were then shoulder over shoulder as we walked, but to Jane, she was alone with a voice, however; watching her face it was giving her a thin breeze of comfort in the ear I was keeping warm out of the cold night with my frequent comments.
Passers by took her for a drunk schizophrenic or were too pissed to observe accurately, the bin liner could have been the latest fashion accessory; or; at least hen night dress of some one searching for their mates.
I asked as we passed a woman doubled and spewing up “Who do you see? Do you see every one I see, any one could be one of them. If they see you walking with Lucifer and two angels or demons were done for. Do you see the man walking deliberately, the tall one bending like in the breeze, he might be drunk, and he might just be sober and too tall for the weather and from heaven or hell.”
Jane talked over her shoulder, blowing my hair with breath soured by imprisonment but sweet to me. “No. They are all just drunk; you could do with a drink yourself, I’m the one who should be worried. Are you the optimist drunk, social; or are you a wreck; because if you’re drunk you’re a wreck; you see a worm in the bottom of the tequila bottle, I see a genie. You know every time I drink a girl like me gets her wishes, you; I bet you just know you’ve swallowed a maggot.”
I laughed, deliberately blowing in her ear “You’ve swallowed so much spunk in your life you’re spitting it out with your words, your spunky my girl.” Jane stuck her tongue out at me and a woman passer-by looked nervously away, since there was nothing between Jane and her but the night. The woman opened the door of a black cab with a concerted drunken look that made me think she thought the friendly chug of the Taxi was the car laughing at her.
We got to the bins at the back of the night club with its dark old bricks and tubular silver bins. I spoke one last time “Climb in the bin and take that bin liner off, give us two minutes to get out and clank the lid, if it doesn’t get their attention clank it again.”
Jane got into the bin; the sign above her buzzed like insects and she swatted the air with her hands for several seconds before realising what it was. Although I only had eyes for her beautiful tear filled face and felt in my heart that those tears must be for me, so filled were they with an all encompassing mercy any one would want to grab for themselves; her face spoke the actions I didn’t see; starring at me with a look that insinuated it’s self so completely and instructively on the expressions of her face that it can best be described as the look of some one who thinks they are above climbing into bins and is climbing into a bin.
We left and I looked back till we were out of sight, and then I heard a clank followed by a fake surprised scream; “ahh, ohh”; a little too obviously surprised; and a tone of theatrical hysteria. I winced so tightly pressure built in my face and I was all squeezed out of shape.
I decided my Gollum was not coming back with us, he was to infiltrate the building again and keep an eye on what was going on “Go back then; keep out of sight; give me a shout if there’s anything going down. They might be looking for you if your victim survived long enough to grass you before burping his last degenerate, brothel odour breath.”
He jumped off my shoulder and left, and we three materialised back in mine.
“We have to be ready a good time before 1 am.” I shouted running into the kitchen looking at my watch; its molten face suggested 10 pm.
“Why can’t we just go back earlier in time?” asked Jay biting his nails anxiously whilst his voice remained smooth. “After all it’s in the past.”
From the kitchen through the open door I looked back and watched Judith examine her belly in the bathroom mirror “Because we are tied to that time, the picture in Jon’s pocket ties us to that time” Judith answered rubbing her hump and lifting it with her hands and prodding it. It was growing fast.
I went into the bathroom with a squeezy bottle in my hand “That’s coming on” I said to Judith’s bump kissing it.
“Go to Hell.” said Judith; then nodding her head enthusiastically and grinning, “Go to Hell and get some troops.”
I watched Judith for a while longer, the bump kicked a big bulge in her stomach and she looked down at it open mouthed. She pushed the leg back in and ripples appeared. Then a face stretched and opened its mouth over the translucent red skin of her belly, I heard a barely audible cry. Judith picked up a fly squat and patted her belly back in jauntily and enthusiastically, she looked at me smiling. “We’ve got a little acrobat in here” laughed Judith “whether he’s a little monkey or a trapeze artist he’s going in the circus!”
I went into the lounge Jay was still biting his finger nails on his right hand, pulling them with his teeth, they had elongated in the manner of cheesy string and he tried harder to bite them off; then he simply pulled them out, giving me a look and a smile that signified his inner frustration.
Jay’s eyes looked at me and went hypnotically deep, drowning deep, his face fell under the pressure of those depths, sank around his eyes, then his face really fell, a molten blank of loose ectoplasm and the mask said to me “Jon; aren’t you afraid at all”
“No.” I replied, I had no idea what that meant, “You saw me the last time I was afraid. It will never happen again.”
Suspicious I asked “Are you?”
Jay replied “No. of course not” pushing his face back up between his hands “I hope you can get us better bodies when this is over.”
I looked away from Jay, clearly Jay had a decision to make, one that should have been easy, but not for Jay; no matter; in some ways to have to struggle to make the right decision makes you the better man, struggle is heroic, habitually doing the right thing is a comfortable ease; I might say that I have for a long time, struggled to do the right thing.
I spoke to Judith; “I have to know before I die, what did the real Lucifer do, that frightens God so much?”
“What did you do? Nothing at first. An angel ordered to rebel, set up and cursed on the whim of a self confessed vain and jealous God. God got bored and wanted to play, he threw away chess pieces to play with real lives; and you; tumbled off the board with the kings and queens; you; carved out of wood; fell to Earth to be a wooden toy, with your wooden looks; the look of a condemned man. ‘I want you to fight me, I want you to cause some chaos, do your best because when you loose you’ll be a faggot in Hell’ is what he said. Thing is, you always won at chess, you had the battle strategies, you took the job seriously, having nothing to loose. It irked him, because people liked your ideas and always have done since. Read the Bible, it’s the propaganda distortion of the winning side, you stood for the liberation of desire, for the imagination, creativity, wholeness. God has always stood for a totalitarian corruption of the human soul, having made man like himself in vanity; he then had to deal with men, so everywhere he chained them.”
Judith looked sad, there was just one tear in her eye, all she would allow, she winked and peered at me through it like a broken monocle, magnifying what she desired and intimating hers, she continued, “I liked you, I liked you a lot. But you liked me more; you chased after me like your chasing after her now. Any way you paid for trying too hard. He didn’t send you to Hell, he took away your ability to regenerate and staked you in a town square for all to see, it was crows that time around, not pigeons; and they were like shadows that cut holes in all the good light, everything they covered lost its content and goodness, if they passed over a kind faced girl with mercy it would fill her with black hate as it passed, and they swirled and swirled, the people jeered as they pecked you to death, soon emptied of your eyes you did not have to see them anymore, and when they ate your ears no more did you have to hear them, that was the only mercy shown, it was accidental as well.”
Not exactly cheered up I put on the bravest mask in my collected thoughts and said looking at jay “I’m off to Hell Jay. We will meet at the back of the club at 12.15 am; me, you, and Judith. We will climb the fire escape and pick the lock and invade the head quarters. The minions of Hell will invade from the front and attack the night club people; who should all be on fire by then; a nice little pincer movement. Both of you take some of the hallucinogenic powder I made, snort it or inject it; or bomb it in some wrapped up rizla; it doesn’t matter.” My mind paused as I was about to set off “Here!” I gave them the ashtray, took a bit out and just bunged it up my nose, “achoo”; I sneezed on Judith’s face; Judith wiped her face with her hand unconcerned and turned away. I felt like we were all high on adrenalin, about to take on the most audacious act in human history.
Judith dislodged a bit of snot from her lip and said “Do you know how you’re going to kill him? Only you can you know.”
I nodded my head my eyes intent “Yes I know and I know. I’m relying on the dual nature of some other person; their autonomous action which I anticipate will decide the outcome one way or the other.”
My concentration was low with my mind filled with thoughts, I needed a boost to get to Hell, I said excuse me and went to the bathroom. I pissed on the floor, pissed it all away and the puddle ate its way to Hell, I pissed a big hole, “Ha-ha” the pleasurable pressure pushed me up by my dick, two feet, as it bent upwards, I held on tighter as it squirmed, warm yellow piss splashing upwards in a fountain, so used to keeping my light body from floating was I, it surprised me, I let myself fall down the hole, my arms waving, I heard Jay say “what’s the commotion?” as I drifted off.
I landed hard on the wooden jetty, sprawled with my hands on the deck and the cool breath of the other place knocked out of me so I gasped the poisonous fire of this one. Coming towards me on the lead sea was the boat, shadowed against the bright light; it was crammed full of figures, low on the sea and threatening to capsize or let in the hot liquid. A cloud of yellow overtook it and when it was removed the boat looked empty, then slowly figures began to appear again.
The hand that played with the play doe of real men rebuilt its toys automatically, according to the rules of unconsciousness, the rules of dreams, and unconcerned as the sleepy head of some cannibalising giant snoring on feathers and fantasising murderously over the indelible.
As the boat rowed closer I realised it was the rule of these creatures, my brave men which is what they were, to reject the human form given by God for those of their own imagination, and to conjoin like the ultimate pack of animals, or; what I had seen in human riots when a crowd does indeed become a single and very different animal than the sum of its parts. I saw men who had formed their joints together to form the bodies of double Kneed twelve foot men with two heads. Two had done that. The dragon with seven necks and six heads was also there, waiting in futility for my strange communion, for I was still attached to the human form, it still represented for me a thing of beauty and free autonomy.
One other figure was there who stood on legs that were arms consequently giving him the strongest upper torso possible, thick muscular legs that ended in sinewy hands. I saw all this because they were close now, also close in my mind. In my mind I knew them and could put names to them, so close to Lucifer was I that some kind of race memory was replicating its self, I called out to them in joy “Deus Ecstatic and the Angel of Death, the tall double headed twins! Colossus the torso and my own incomplete Satan! Welcome to land, we have quality here rather than quantity I see.”
My calling them by their chosen names had an immediate effect. The four got off in the sea and waded in for all their strangeness with the gait of sailors, they disregarded their burning flesh, the stench of which the air was always full of from your own blackening and smouldering body, we smelt like your mums cooked roast, and I wanted to tell your mum, I would lie down and die in the heat if she would only remove me from this oven, tray me and baste me only get me out of the heat. Slice me and serve me, eat me on the end of your fork. Chew carefully, seven times, lean back and like me reflect.
My men looked me in the eye to show their imperviousness to pain, they walked stylistically wading with their legs wide, burning up to the groin, the look in their eyes of sad endurance in the tall twins, and gallant nonchalance in Satan and Colossus; informed me that my pain that had been talked about and ran deep but I was barely aware of till this moment; was a pain they wanted to endure in their bodies because the physical pain was an insignificant token.
Until I saw close up my friends the memory of whom was so buried I would have had to scrape it off my brain with a spatula, and prod and poke till it fizzed and spoke to me, to understand and picture my deep sentiment; something I would do later. None of this had been real to me.
Tears sizzled on my face and I choked on the hot air, they had raped my love, I had been given a cursed life, and by showing no weakness for no sentiment of any one else; would do anything but make me feel weak and grateful for self pity, for my façade of keeping in my breast I beat so proud, an untainted human heart, when I knew that all I was capable was an affectionate autonomous evil, I had in my callous Sun baked interior justified every act against me, if you can’t suffer, if you can only play the game, if you can not forget that you live for the fight you have been invited to play and gamble for a life that every instant has been meaningless, hard and so empty, a denial you just pushed and pushed like a roulette wheel you gambled on till your arm grew fixed and solid, your long arm of your law, because all you wanted was the love that ran so deep in your strongest friend who had burned for thousands of years for you, who had fought as the ultimate blasphemer and the denial of his human nature as Gods nature, had shook off the human image in disgust; because Deus Ecstatic who had held the gaze of God and spat phlegm on him could not look you in the eye but rolled them all up to the Sun so it would burn out his eyes as his reddened face’s steamed with tears.
I didn’t see a monster or a menagerie anymore, I saw the early middle aged two family men Peter and Paul, who had charmed me with the stories of their young children, and saddened me when having to confess their early deaths at the hands of a hostile army. I saw the hate in the creases of their faces that had been taken on, and the kindness that calmed all these wrinkles as looking on a disturbed pond. I saw Peters thinning blonde hair, and I saw Paul’s thick beard and I knew him well enough to know he had grown his fearsome visage to hide a too feminine face and to spoil his own good looks. Here they stood, separated from God’s image out of choice. Peter’s lips moved silently, articulating for the story told on his face.
I clasped every hand, and with every hand I cast my gaze to the merciless Sun to burn out my eyes afresh in searing white pain so they would not have to endure my love after such a long time away. I knew I really was Beelzebub, Satan, Lucifer, the Beast and I knew if I wasn’t good I was better than God.
I was better than God and now I knew the enormity of the plan and I was afraid, a vibrant chill deep down, a breeze almost pleasant in the cold release it promised, the promises of lucidity whispered, it whispered I should tremble, that I would balk, but I knew I would not, I was not a psychopath, not a complete psychopath, I was only human, just as God; was; only; human. Struck by vanity, heady with power and destructible!
Now I realised what I had not seen all along because of my mania. I had not seen the trembling of Judith’s face, the strength of the defiance when she had decided she would no longer serve God, why she had obeyed him originally; it was not on a whimsical breeze she played but a torrent of pure terror she hid behind her stalwart humour. Jay; Jay was terrified; His biting of his nails, the jumpiness at McDonalds. I thought he had become more playful, his acts were becoming childish under extreme pressure, his personality was being squeezed and he wanted out, he wanted Hell rather than that. Try-to-kill-God. My hardened perceptions had kept it all together; my lack of deep concern had created an alternative reality to dwell in.
But that was just it, the fear didn’t stay or the love retain its meaningfulness, in a depth beyond sadistic play, I started to come round, did the heat there evaporate it, I don’t know, I think it was just impossible. I wanted to say “I want to be a human being just like you”, but I wanted to say it now as an ironic joke, a taunt of my own invincibility, I stayed the impulse.
I looked at Satan diving up and down his six heads and shaking them and laughing, “Ha-ha!” the atmosphere changed amongst us, even on this arid planet full of pain I felt suddenly like the torturous heat the Sun inflicted was an over enthusiastic attempt at radiating happiness for us.
The head of Lucius spoke from the Satan collective “You remember your mates then! It’s more than I expected, much more, and your face so hardened, you’re magic must be mighty, it’s going to be a breeze this time around.” All the heads smiled together. All the heads smiled, not just those attached in the Satan collective.
There was a chorus of ayes from all and Colossus clapped me on the back with his muscular arm, I fell to the ground, it was a fall of a man falling into affection, beaten by affection.
I spoke “We have to move my friends” I tried to regain my breath from the clap and filled my lungs with hot, dry poisonous air, my choking became a laugh. “ohh-ha-ohh-ha. Jane; the Whore of Babylon’s alternate self is being held in a night club, a place of dancing, I need you to enter the front of the building and do not be distracted by the strange things you see, an army will be waiting in there. I will have to contact my spy before I appraise the situation much further, God thinks he has the ace in his dick pocket with Jane, and he has plans to weaken me, but that article may blow and flap back in our favour. There are about one hundred foot soldiers, they are poorly armed and are human, they have no magic and we might be able to take them out in fire before lifting a finger.”
I looked back for my Gollum. He was in trouble, big trouble, he was finished. His limbs were dismembered and strewn over the night club office floor. “Jon!” he called, “I couldn’t contact you, I’m finished, they know about the balloons, they’ve dismantled them, I’m dieing, I’m scared.”
“I’m so sorry Redd, you did a good job, well done, do they know about Jane?” as I spoke two bouncers in the room paced around, kicking his limp body distractedly when they came into contact, figuring he was already dead. Their backs were hunched and their arms out, taught muscles filled out the creases in their shirts, they were caged brutes, animals; with an animal smell sensed in Redd’s flat photo nostrils.
“No!” said Redd, but they are getting frisky, this walking around, it’s like they are building up sexual tension and they’ve been talking dirty about her, I’m fading, I’m sorry I won’t see how this ends, good bye.”
Redd was dead. I felt him die like an absence in my brain.
I told my comrades. “We should get back; time is short, Jane is in trouble and…” I looked at my watch with its round floppy steel face and urgent crooked hands ticking away our short minutes towards the reckoning; it was ten past twelve “We have a dead line”.
“Can you get us back?” asked my friends in the Satan amalgamation.
I nodded my head with certainty “It is going to be very easy. We have only a few minutes, we should go.”
With that I took us back to the rear of the night club, near the fire escape, we materialised into shocking cold air after Hell, I shook and shivered before I could take anything else in. Judith and Jay were already there, armed with zip guns and squeezy bottles of the hallucinogenic contact poison, I felt mine in my pocket. Judith was at the top of the fire escape I went up to talk to her as whispered introductions took place at the bottom. Judith waved her hand at me and then at my old comrades; she knew them all I figured. As I climbed I watched Jay shaking and nodding his head. Jay was chatting and listening, bending his ear cupped in his hand; his gesticulations loud and heavy to make up for the necessary quiet of his voice. He talked mostly to Paul whose face was warm, suggesting to me they liked each other.
At the top of the fire escape Judith beamed and smiled, she whispered, taking me in to her confidence “Look!” and pointed madly at her belly. The translucent red of her belly had stretched so large and tight I could see the growing baby curled inside. It was perfectly formed and developed, there was already a covering of hair on its head and a net work of veins enveloped and fed it. The face was the young face of an angel that looked painted on as though by Michelangelo. Judith whispered grabbing my hand quickly and tightly and smiling into my face “It’s a boy!”
I stroked Judith’s belly with fondness for her and the baby, a hybrid of two unique people was growing there. I said “You should go, you can’t be here.”
Judith replied with sternness written on her face “You need me and I will hear no more about it.”
At the bottom of the steps, Jay pointed around the front of the building and handed a watch of several on his wrist to Deus Ecstatic. The watch had been altered as part of his body, it gleamed silver and wriggled, from where I was I got the impression he was handing Deus a fish. Jay made his way up the steps and my comrades moved against the side wall for as much cover as their strange and frightening appearance would allow. They cast strange shadows on the bricks of the wall under a security light, the shadow of one giant predator, reaching up to the top of the three floor building and seemingly poised to pounce around the corner.
Jay climbed the steps cautiously and with a great ironic reluctance in his body and face, each step a forced and tentative stride covering three steps. He reached me and Judith and smiled warmly but with a look like he was saying ‘this is terrible, but isn’t it funny, we’re all in this and going to die together’.
Jay said shaking his head in wonderment “I’ve told them to give us five. Hopefully that will give us long enough to get in and have the element of surprise.” He paused and his face froze with his mouth open like asking a question “that should draw the entire mob from attacking us.”
I put my hand on Jays shoulder and then Judith’s. Then without a word I bent down on my knees and got down to the task of picking the padlock that held the bolt in place. I was using a skill I had learnt squatting and doing commercial burglaries. I examined the lock and then selected a flat hooked piece of metal and let it dangle from the lock, and then I selected a serrated pick and wriggled it in the lock, undoing its teeth. The padlock moved about a bit making the task difficult and I was tense and worried we would not open it in time. I worked even faster.
The padlock sprang and I shoved the bolt back and kicked the door with all my strength, which with astonishment I realised was considerable. I needn’t have bothered with the lock.
The door opened magically. The point of my foot hitting it was an explosion of orange, yellow and white light, spreading outwards from the point of impact. The door splintered into millions of fragments all floating inwards. They swarmed towards the three bouncers I could see filling the doorway shadowed black, blocking out all light from behind but just enough to see their figures outlined in a yellow line. The jagged splinters entered their faces, dawning with surprise and their arms positioned to shunt their bodies as fragments hit their hands.
In the changing positions I saw the outline of a revolver turning inwards to fire. The bouncers getting in line one behind the other. Jay had got to the front. He fired the zip gun from his hips like holding a phallus. He blew a hole clean in the man, a jagged hole where his stomach used to be. I slowed down time for our opponents. The faces of the bouncers behind the dead man could be seen crouching in diminishing perspectives created in conjoined mirrors of my tear glazed eyes, their blankness reflecting only my opponents. I fired the Dessert Eagle gun nearly ripping my arm off. The two heads exploded in bloody fragments of skull and brain matter.
My lips were splattered in blood and my tongue licked them clean, the coppery taste exquisite. My concentration lapsed everything fell back to normal speed. The body in front of me doubled up and collapsed. Behind; the two headless bodies crouched to the left and to the right; collapsed in different directions. This revealed the scene behind the doorway.
Taking everything in at a glance I turned back to Judith and smiled. But Judith was not at the height of my gaze. I looked down and saw her in terrible contractions. I noticed some strange liquid dripping in mucous goo down the iron grill of the fire escape, splashing upwards as it landed down below.
I did not have time for this I turned back to my opponents. Jay shouldered past me and aimed his gun at God, who was there on his own. The gun shook, he didn’t fire. Jane burst out of the adjoining room firing rounds into God with her little Dillinger. They bounced off his head and body, nothing but a small chip flying off the mask like face. God laughed, “ha’-ha” the laugh turned into a belly laugh, “hah-hah-hah!” then a doubled up boom laugh, “Oh hah-hah-hah!” he got down on his knees and hit the floor theatrically, cracking its wooden floor boards “Oh dear, oh dear.”
Jay turned around as if to run, stopped when he got to me, paused; hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. Something fell into my pocket and I felt drained and weak, all my power gone. I pointed my gun at God any way, without hope, and I fired it repeatedly, two, three, four times. The bullets fell from the muzzle onto the floor in a clutter as I lowered it in dismay. God just looked on, a faint smile on what passed as his lips.
I reached into my jean pocket for the paper curse. It was stuck, immovable; as I tugged it neither did the paper tare.
Jane threw her gun down on the ground, tears adorned her eyes and she cried into her hands and shook “ahh!”
Judith continued to wreath on the ground in the throws of labour, she looked on at the scene and cried harder “ahh!”
Jay looked around at the scene his face in anguish, the way he was looking around he was considering leaving before things got nasty and his conscience heavier.
God got up off the ground his wooden face creaked under the strain of a huge grin, showing sharpened teeth, picking up lengths of rope from the desk I had not noticed. He picked me up and I struggled futilely as he wrapped it around me defeating my efforts with simple movements of a hand and trussing me up hand and feet. He did the same with Judith, tying her legs together too preventing her from giving birth. Then he tested the knots, made sure they were good and tight. Then he got a jar off the table and sort of poured Judith in it. He looked around at Jane and Jay shivering like the room had become a big fridge, considered them too inconsequential to bother with and shrugged his huge pin striped shoulders.
There was a loud commotion from down below, but nobody appeared here, they were being kept busy, if I was closer to the door, I thought, I could see what was happening.
I looked back at God feeling helpless, now it would all begin; his relentless revenge.
God picked up the jar with Judith in it; there were holes in the top so she could breathe. She fluttered about on her wings inside struggling with her tied body, looking just like a butterfly. She was still in contractions, screaming loudly, screams echoing quietly around the room and vibrating the Jar as she was prevented from giving birth “ahhhhhhhh” one long scream. God rattled the jar till her wings crumbled and her molecules rose up to escape the jar, he put it to his long nose and sniffed.
God spoke in reverence, and a buttered slice of humour “ahh the scent of the scarlet whore, to know her completely, shatter her and taste her and watch her reform, no harm done-yet.” He sniffed harder then put his nose in the air. Then he put the jar on his desk where it shook and moved as Judith flew into its sides.
Jane bolted for the door but God grabbed and held on to her by her knickers as she scrambled away. “Not so fast. I have some joyous plans for you.”
God picked Jane up in the air effortlessly, exhibiting tremendous strength. He held her against the wall, knocking her head, and picked off her bra with two fingers, destroying the cusp. Then he lifted her higher as she struggled and screamed plucked her pink knickers off down over her wriggling, kicking feet. God stretched his broad back to make the journey of the entire length of her body. Jane bit his hand and chewed a mouth full of spirit flesh that came off shredded in her mouth; she spat it in his face and smiled. Then she stuck her tongue out. God laughed and the flesh grew back.
God roared with laugher, “the Scarlet Whore and Satan’s precious selected concubine in one. This I will enjoy, are you watching Lucifer?”
I spat out sarcastically, pretending to be unmoved “I’ve seen the movie now the play. And you do like to ‘play’, don’t you God?”
“Oh it’s all in the play, the plays the thing” God commented in a drone, paying more interest to what he had in his huge hands.
God threw Jane to the floor, unbuttoned his trousers and with sizable cock held delicately in his hand, pushed it up the dizzy, half conscious Jane. “You remind me of Marry, you hardly move.” God joked.
Jane came around with that and looked at me, her mouth opened wide in disgust and humiliation. Then she looked at Jay who was free.
Jay looked agonised and then he said “Hey now God, come on. I never read this part in the fucking bible.”
God ignored Jay and smiled tauntingly at me as he shunted in powerful jerks, up on one hand “are you watching Lucifer? That’s the fun part for me.”
I said nothing and seethed in helpless hatred. I was thinking about doing the same to him.
God went “Oh-oh.” and finished off with one powerful shove; no staying power. He smiles drunkenly and wickedly at me.
I hissed under my breath “You are so going to die next time around.”
Jane was left on the floor she looked at me and cried silently.
As God pulled up his pants he said to Jay “Now it’s you’re turn to prove your loyalty, give her one.”
“Oh, okay” said Jay in a friendly manner smiling, he turned and hugged me “sorry Jon”.
Jay went over to God and patted his back and then shook his hand eagerly, an intent smile was on his face “Thanks for the opportunity”.
God withdrew his hand and looked at it, there was a piece of paper stuck to it with symbols on, he looked frantic and tried desperately to pull it off, he tore at it frantically. Jay moved well back, his face now showing righteous anger, flickering over to fear and back again.
Jay quizzed God turning his head and examining him, “You’re powerless? Good!” Jay moved his left arm back and stepped into it, taking a good swing at God that rocked his head. Satisfied Jay moved well back “I’ve been wanting to do that for fucking ages” he said smoothly nursing his fist and jumping for joy up and down on his toes.
I felt a surge of power in my body and gave a nasty laugh, “Your all mine!” I laughed at God, splitting off the hoops of rope on my body by tensing and flexing it. Ends of rope danced in the air happily.
Filled with power and joy I grabbed gods helpless right arm and twisted it behind is back, the paper curse crushing in his big fist, I slammed him against the wall near the door to the flaws below. The plaster cracked. I undid my fly and Gods trousers with my other hand, I struggled with the fastener and then they dropped, I laughed nastily because the big man looked silly as he snarled with his trousers round his ankles. “Hah-hah, how does it feel, how does it fucking feel” I shouted, getting close to his ear, reddening his ear with my hot breath.
I pushed my cock between his firm and cleft butt cheeks and entered, feeling the warmth of his ravaged entrails and slamming him repeatedly into the wall as I did. He roared as I pushed into him and literally flattened his body against the wall which cracked and split jagged like continual lightening strikes against him.
As I worked on I looked through the door next to my head and looked at the commotion down below. Colossus was working his way through the crowd; he threw a large man in a fashionable wool cardigan over his shoulder. Then a woman with long varnished nails I could see from here ran and came at him. The reluctant crowd parted and held back as one big nervous entity. A right sock to the jaw took her down and she fell into the crowd that pushed her away. Colossus continued his Moses act of parting the sea of scared viscous hordes, reading them the riot act like scriptures, mouthing words I couldn’t hear and looking for (some woman’s) burning bush.
The crowd knew they were out matched by my men and held back. God had not chosen them well and they lacked both courage and conviction. Satan punched a man in a shirt, who came at him with a bottle, using the fist on the end of the long neck where I belonged, the man went down. Then with the swirling action of one long finger on the same hand, a woman in a low cut black number; had her ample bosom blow up with air and break out till scrambling she floated towards the ceiling, huge nipples twirling; under her skirt her Môn’s showed where her knickers should have been and between her moving legs, Colossus pointed and set a fire, he had his burning bush, he looked up at me and smiled, then smiled more when he saw what I was doing. Colossus and I had shared the same joke, not through telepathy but intimate knowledge of each other.
Face to face with God again I smiled into his roaring face. “Ahh, I’ve still had her, I’ve still had her and you can’t take it away from me” he snarled. His body crushed and fragmented against the wall, he managed to hold his head back and shook it powerfully. That is with the memory of lost power guiding his movements. He coughed painfully with his crushed lungs through broken ribs.
Jane got up and pleaded holding my arm “what are you doing, don’t do that just kill him.”
Jay had different ideas “Go on Monster fucking empty you’re sac!” He laughed a “ha-ha” and clapped his hands.
I did just that, throbbing into God with a powerful shudder and release into the soft enveloping flesh of his rectum.
At that moment a bouncer who had been at the doors downstairs no doubt, came into the room. Jay squeezed the squeezy bottle in his face from his pocket. The contact poison turned the man into rotting purple flesh that fell off his skeleton, as the man wild with an hallucination looked up at the ceiling and raised his arms romantically “Oh my Lucy!” The man sang; before falling in a heap of dissolved human garbage. As I tore at Gods head, trying to separate it from his shoulders, I wondered what the man had seen.
“I’m going down stairs with this stuff, its good!” smiled Jay.
Jane looked away from us and covered her eyes. In the midst of separating God’s head I heard a low scream under the din and I remembered. “Judith! Empty Judith from the bottle and untie her.”
Jay looked calm but panicked in his movements and a flicker on his face as he grabbed the Jar off the desk and opened its contents onto the floor. He picked her up and touched her small buckling form fascinated, he stroked her tiny legs and wings “Untie me you fool!” she screamed, breaking Jay’s reverie and he went about untying her.
Gods head came off in my hands, leaving some spinal chord; his face roared at me “Don’t leave anything, don’t leave a trace, I’ll crunch you into a little ball…” I took the opportunity to zip up my fly, though my cock dangled with a lazy God killing magnificence.
I replied to him, letting spittle land in his face, “You are now separate from your dick.”
I looked out of the door for it had gone silent down below. My men clapped their backs and rubbed their hands, they walked towards us to the stairs amongst twisted human wreckage, distorted, dead or mutated I only took a glance. I gave a quick wave and they waved back.
I sat on the floor and cracked the head against the floor boards trying to break it open as his mouth swore silently, beyond words. I tried to split the skull digging my fingers in it.
Jane looked on interested, and then she said “You look like a monkey trying to crack a coconut.”
There was a lot of work to do there, with that relationship. I got a good grip and tore his head apart; the flesh split jaggedly right down the middle. I knew what I had to do if I was to absorb his powers of creation and stop him coming back. I scooped a handful of brains and shoved them in my mouth; the taste was salty and repugnant. I scooped the rest and ate them too.
I heard the crying of a small child as I threw away the dead head without looking. Then I saw a dark haired boy. Looking about three and with a lithe athletic young frame, pale and perfect, the face angelic, he looked up. He was playing with the head. He took an eye out surprised at its roundness as he held it to his face; he rolled it on the floor and then put it in his mouth.
“Daddy!” the boy called happily.
I looked at Judith, back to her full sized formidable self. She smiled looking all mumsy. “That’s our future right there” she smiled, pointing a wavering finger at the boy. “All power to the imagination, what does that mean with the likes of us!” Judith laughed. “Everyone creating reality and living their desires with out restraint!” She laughed again. “Oh Satanism! It’s the future and I fucking love it!” She twirled around and lifted up our son “You’re daddy’s created a wonderful world for us, yes he has!” Then she laughed again and I wasn’t sure what she meant, it was something above Christian ideas about good and evil, it emphasised pleasure and fulfilment not pain and sufferance, a world this child of ours had been the first to step into.