"The Glass Menagerie" - читать интересную книгу автора (Williams Tennessee)SCENE 4 [ [ TOM [ [ LAURA: Tom! Tom, what are you doing? TOM: Looking for a door-key. LAURA: Where have you been all this time? TOM: I have been to the movies. LAURA: All this time at the movies? TOM: There was a very long programme. There was a Garbo picture and a Mickey Mouse and a travelogue and a newsreel and a preview of coming attractions. And there was an organ solo and a collection for the milk-fund – simultaneously – which ended up in a terrible fight between a fat lady and an usher! LAURA [ TOM: Of course! And, oh, I forgot! There was a big stage show! The headliner on this stage show was Malvolio the Magician. He performed wonderful tricks, many of them, such as pouring water back and forth between pitchers. First it turned to wine and then it turned to beer and then it turned to whisky. I knew it was whisky it finally turned into because he needed somebody to come up out of the audience to help him, and I came up – both shows! It was Kentucky Straight Bourbon. A very generous fellow, he gave souvenirs. (He pulls from his back pocket a shimmering rainbow-coloured scarf.) He gave me this. This is his magic scarf. You can have it, Laura. You wave it over a canary cage and you get a bowl of goldfish. You wave it over the gold-fish bowl and they fly away canaries… But the wonderfullest trick of all was the coffin trick. We nailed him into a coffin and he got out of the coffin without removing one nail, [ LAURA: Tom? Shhh’! TOM: What’re you shushing me for? LAURA: You’ll wake up mother. TOM: Goody, goody! Pay ‘er back for all those “Rise an’ Shines”. [ [ [ [ TOM [ [ AMANDA: Laura, tell your brother his coffee is ready. [ LAURA: Tom!- It’s nearly seven. Don’t make mother nervous. [ TOM: She won’t to me. It’s her that started not speaking. LAURA: If you just say you’re sorry she’ll start speaking. TOM: Her not speaking – is that such a tragedy? LAURA: Please – please! AMANDA [ LAURA: Going, going – soon as I get on my coat![ AMANDA [ LAURA: Mother, they make such faces when I do that AMANDA: Sticks and stones can break our bones, but the expression on Mr. Garfinkel’s face won’t harm us! Tell your his coffee is getting cold. LAURA [ [ AMANDA: Laura, go now or just don’t go at all! LAURA [ TOM: Laura? LAURA: I’m all right. I slipped, but I’m all right. AMANDA [ [ TOM [ AMANDA [ TOM: NO, you don’t. AMANDA: I worry so much, don’t sleep, it makes me nervous! TOM [ AMANDA: I’ve had to put up a solitary battle all these years. But you’re my right-hand bower! Don’t fall down, don’t fail! TOM [ AMANDA [ TOM: What, Mother? AMANDA: Promise, Son, you’ll – never be a drunkard! TOM [ AMANDA: That’s what frightened me so, that you’d be drinking! Eat a bowl of Purina! TOM: Just Coffee, Mother. AMANDA: Shredded wheat biscuit? Tom: No. No, Mother, just coffee. AMANDA: You can’t put in a day’s work on an empty stomach. You’ve got ten minutes – don’t gulp! Drinking too hot liquids makes cancer of the stomach. Put cream in. TOM: No, thank you. AMANDA: To cool it. TOM . No! No, thank you, I want it black. AMANDA: I know, but it’s not good for you. We have to do all that we can to build ourselves up. In these trying times we live in, all that we have to cling to is – each other… That’s why it’s so important to – Tom,! – I sent out your sister so I could discuss something with you. If you hadn’t spoken I would have spoken to you. [ TOM [ AMANDA: Laura! [ TOM: – Oh. – Laura … AMANDA [ TOM: What about? AMANDA: YOU. TOM: Me? AMANDA: She has an idea that you’re not happy here TOM: What gave her that idea? AMANDA: What gives her any idea? However, you do act strangely.! – I’m not criticizing, understand that! I know your ambitions do not lie in the warehouse, that like everybody in the whole wide world – you’ve had to make sacrifices, but – Tom – Tom – life’s not easy, it calls for – Spartan endurance! There’s so many things in my heart that I cannot describe to you! I’ve never told you but – I loved your father… TOM [ AMANDA: And you – when I see you taking after his ways! Staying out late – and – well, you had been drinking the night you were in that – terrifying condition! Laura says that you hate the apartment and that you go out nights to get away from it! Is that true, Tom? TOM: No. You say there’s so much in your heart that you can’t describe to me. That’s true of me, too. There’s so much in my heart that I can’t describe to you! So let’s respect each other’s – AMANDA: But, why – why, Tom – am you always so restless? Where do you go to, nights? TOM: I – go to the movies. AMANDA: Why do you go to the movies so much, Tom? TOM: I go to the movies because – I like adventure. Adventure is something I don’t have much of at work, so I go to the movies. AMANDA: But, Tom, you go to the movies entirely too much! TOM: I like a lot of adventure. [ IMAGE ON SCREEN: SAILING VESSEL WITH JOLLY ROGER.] AMANDA: Most young men find adventure in their careers. TOM: Then most young men are not employed in a warehouse. AMANDA: The world is full of young men employed in warehouses and offices and factories. TOM: Do all of them find adventure in their careers? AMANDA: They do or they do without it! Not everybody has a craze for adventure. TOM: Man is by instinct a lover, a hunter, a fighter, and none of those instincts are given much play at the warehouse! AMANDA: Man is by instinct! Don’t quote instinct to me! Instinct is something that people have got away from! It belongs to animals! Christian adults don’t want it! TOM: What do Christian adults want, then, Mother? AMANDA: Superior things! Things of the mind and the spirit! Only animals have to satisfy instincts! Surely your aims are somewhat higher than theirs! Than monkeys – pigs TOM: I reckon they’re not. AMANDA: You’re joking. However, that isn’t what I wanted to discuss. TOM [ AMANDA [ TOM: You want me to punch in red at the warehouse, Mother? AMANDA: You have five minutes. I want to talk about Laura. [ TOM: All right! What about Laura? AMANDA: We have to be making some plans and provisions for her. She’s older than you, two years, and nothing has happened. She just drifts along doing nothing. It frightens me terribly how she just drifts along. TOM: I guess she’s the type that people call home girls. AMANDA: There’s no such type, and if there is, it’s a pity! That is unless the home is hers, with a husband! TOM: What? AMANDA: Oh, I can see the handwriting on the wall as plain as I see the nose in front of my face! It’s terrifying! More and more you remind me of your father! He was out all hours without explanation! – Then left! Good-bye! And me with the bag to hold. I saw that letter you got from the Merchant Marine. I know what you’re dreaming of. I’m not standing here blindfolded. Very well, then. Then, do it! But not till there’s somebody to take your place. TOM: What do you mean? AMANDA: I mean that as soon as Laura has got somebody to take care of her, married, a home of her own, independent?- why, then you’ll be free to go wherever you please, on land, on sea, whichever way the wind blows you! But until that time you’ve got to look out for your sister. I don’t say me because I’m old and don’t matter – I say for your sister because she’s young and dependent. I put her in business college – a dismal failure! Frightened her so it made her sick at the stomach. I took her over to the Young Peoples League at the church. Another fiasco. She spoke to nobody, nobody spoke to her. Now all she does is fool with those pieces of glass and play those worn-out records. What kind of a life is that for a girl to lead? TOM: What can I do about it? AMANDA: Overcome Selfishness! Self, self, self is all that you ever think of! [ TOM: I’m too late to AMANDA [ TOM: No! AMANDA: There must be – some TOM: Mother [ AMANDA: Find out one that’s clean-living – doesn’t drink and – ask him out for sister! TOM: What? AMANDA: For sister! To meet! Get acquainted TOM [ AMANDA: Will you? [ TOM [ [ AMANDA: Ella Cartwright? This is Amanda Wingfield! How are you, honey? How is that kidney condition? [ Horrors! [ You’re a Christian martyr, yes, honey, that’s what you are, a Christian martyr! Well, I just now happened to notice in my little red book that your subscription to the Companion has just run out! I knew that you wouldn’t want to miss out on the wonderful serial starting in this issue. It’s by Bessie Mae Hopper, the first thing she’s written since Honeymoon for Three. Wasn’t that a strange and interesting story? Well, this one is even lovelier, I believe. It has a sophisticated, society background. It’s all about the horsy set on Long Island! 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