"Total Recall" - читать интересную книгу автора
(Paretsky Sara)
Sara Paretsky Total Recall
Lotty Herschel’s Story: Work Ethic
I Baby-Sitters’ Club
II Cash on the Coffin
III What Is in a Name?
IV Memory Plant
V Sniffing for a Scent
VI Staking a Claim
VII Cold Call
VIII Tales of Hoffman
IX Princess of Austria
X In the Mind Reader’s Lair
XI Ramping Up
XII Pinball Wizard
XIII Secret Agent
XIV Running the Tape
XV Gate Crasher
XVI Contact Problems
XVII Digging Up the Past
XVIII Old Lovers
XIX Case Closed
XX Hunter in the Middle
XXI Stalker in the Park
XXII Grieving Mother
XXIII Fencing in the Dark
XXIV Walrus Duty
XXV Paper Trail
XXVI Hypnotic Suggestion
XXVII New Disciple
XXVIII (Old) Lovers’ Quarrel
XXIX Strange Bedfellows
XXX Party Time?
XXXI Rich Tastes
XXXII Client in the Slammer
XXXIII Turmoil
XXXIV Road Rage, Hospital Rage, Any Old Rage
XXXV Amateur Sleuth
XXXVI Rigmarole: New Word for the Same Old Story
XXXVII My Kingdom for an Address
XXXVIII Heartbreak House
XXXIX Paul Radbuka and the Chamber of Secrets
XL Confession
XLI Family Party
XLII Lotty’s Perfect Storm
XLIII Bedside Manners
XLIV The Lady Vanishes
XLV Heard on the Street
XLVI Ancient History
XLVII Bourbon, with a Twist
XLVIII Bodies Building
XLIX Clerical Work
L Jumped for Joy
LI Wily Coyote
LII The Face in the Picture
About the Author
Sara Paretsky
Total Recall
The tenth book in the V.I. Warshawski series, 2001
For Sara Krupnik and Hannah Paretsky, whose names I bear
May the One who establishes peace in the high places grant us all peace
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