"The Bone Collector" - читать интересную книгу автора (Deaver Jeffery)ELEVEN A CRIMINALIST IS A RENAISSANCE MAN. He’s got to know botany, geology, ballistics, medicine, chemistry, literature, engineering. If he knows facts – that ash with a high strontium content probably came from a highway flare, that One subject all criminalists know is anatomy. And this was certainly a specialty of Lincoln Rhyme’s, for he had spent the past three and a half years enmeshed in the quirky logic of bone and nerve. He now glanced at the evidence bag from the steam room, dangling in Jerry Banks’s hand, and announced, “Leg bone. Not human. So it’s not from the next vic.” It was a ring of bone about two inches around, sawn through evenly. There was blood in the tracks left by the saw blade. “A medium-sized animal,” Rhyme continued. “Large dog, sheep, goat. It’d support, I’d guess, a hundred to a hundred fifty pounds of weight. Let’s make sure the blood’s from an animal though. Still could be the vic’s.” Perps had been known to beat or stab people to death with bones. Rhyme himself had had three such cases; the weapons had been a beef knuckle bone, a deer’s leg bone, and in one disturbing case the victim’s own ulna. Mel Cooper ran a gel-diffusion test for blood origin. “We’ll have to wait a bit for the results,” he explained apologetically. UNSUB 823 Appearance •Caucasian male, slight build •Dark clothing Residence •Prob. has safe house Vehicle •Yellow Cab Other •knows CS proc. •possibly has record •knows FR prints •gun =.32 Colt “Amelia,” Rhyme said, “maybe you could help us here. Use the eye loupe and look the bone over carefully. Tell us what you see.” “Not the microscope?” she asked. He thought she’d protest but she stepped forward to the bone, peered at it with curiosity. “Too much magnification,” Rhyme explained. She put on the goggles and bent over the white enamel tray. Cooper turned on a gooseneck lamp. “The cutting marks,” Rhyme said. “Is it hacked up or are they even?” “They’re pretty even.” “A power saw.” Rhyme wondered if the animal had been alive when he’d done this. “See anything unusual?” She pored over the bone for a moment, muttered, “I don’t know. I don’t think so. It just looks like a hunk of bone.” It was then that Thom walked past and glanced at the tray. “That’s your clue? That’s funny.” “Funny,” Rhyme said. Sellitto asked, “You got a theory?” “No theory.” He bent down and smelled it. “It’s osso bucco.” “What?” “Veal shank. I made it for you once, Lincoln. Osso bucco. Braised veal shank.” He looked at Sachs and grimaced. “He said it needed more salt.” “Goddamn!” Sellitto cried. “He bought it at a grocery store!” “If we’re lucky,” Rhyme said, “he bought it at Cooper confirmed that the precipitin test showed negative for human blood on the samples Sachs had collected. “Probably bovine,” he said. “But what’s he trying to tell us?” Banks asked. Rhyme had no idea. “Let’s keep going. Oh, anything on the chain and padlock?” Cooper glanced at the hardware in a crisp plastic bag. “Nobody name-stamps chain anymore. So we’re out of luck there. The lock’s a Secure-Pro middle-of-the-line model. It isn’t very secure and definitely not professional. How long d’it take to break it?” “Three whole seconds,” Sellitto said. “See. No serial numbers and it’s sold in every hardware and variety store in the country.” “Key or combination?” Rhyme asked. “Combination.” “Call the manufacturer. Ask them if we take it apart and reconstruct the combination from the tumblers, will that tell us which shipment it was in and where it went to?” Banks whistled. “Man, that’s a long shot.” Rhyme’s glare sent a ferocious blush across his face. “And the enthusiasm in your voice, detective, tells me you’re just the one to handle the job.” “Yessir” – the young man held up his cellular phone defensively – “I’m on it.” Rhyme asked, “Is that blood on the chain?” Sellitto said, “One of our boys. Cut himself pretty bad trying to break the lock off.” “So it’s contaminated.” Rhyme scowled. “He was trying to save her,” Sachs said to him. “I understand. That was good of him. It’s still contaminated.” Rhyme glanced back at the table beside Cooper. “Prints?” Cooper said he’d checked it and found only Sellitto’s print on the links. “All right, the splinter of wood Amelia found. Check for prints.” “I did,” Sachs said quickly. “At the scene.” P.D., Rhyme reflected. She didn’t seem to be the nickname sort. Beautiful people rarely were. “Let’s try the heavy guns, just to be sure,” Rhyme said and instructed Cooper, “Use DFO or ninhydrin. Then hit it with the nit-yag.” “The what?” Banks asked. “A neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet laser.” The tech spritzed the splinter with liquid from a plastic spray bottle and trained the laser beam on the wood. He slipped on tinted goggles and examined it carefully. “Nothing.” He shut off the light and examined the splinter closely. It was about six inches long, dark wood. There were black smears on it, like tar, and it was impregnated with dirt. He held it with forceps. “I know Lincoln likes the chopstick approach,” Cooper said, “but I always ask for a fork when I go to Ming Wa ’s.” “You could be crushing the cells,” the criminalist grumbled. “I “What kind of wood?” Rhyme wondered. “Want to run a spodogram?” “No, it’s oak. No question.” “Saw or plane marks?” Rhyme leaned forward. Suddenly his neck spasmed and the cramp that bolted through the muscles was unbearable. He gasped, closed his eyes and twisted his neck, stretching. He felt Thom’s strong hands massaging the muscles. The pain finally faded. “ Lincoln?” Sellitto asked. “You okay?” Rhyme breathed deeply. “Fine. It’s nothing.” “Here.” Cooper brought the piece of wood over to the bed, lowered the magnifying goggles over Rhyme’s eyes. Rhyme examined the specimen. “Cut in the direction of the grain with a frame saw. There’re big variations in the cuts. So I’d guess it was a post or beam milled over a hundred years ago. Steam saw probably. Hold it closer, Mel. I want to smell it.” He held the splinter under Rhyme’s nose. “Creosote – coal-tar distillation. Used for weather-proofing wood before lumber companies started pressure-treating. Piers, docks, railroad ties.” “Maybe we’ve got a train buff here,” Sellitto said. “Remember the tracks this morning.” “Could be.” Rhyme ordered, “Check for cellular compression, Mel.” The tech examined the splinter under the compound microscope. “It’s compressed all right. But A bone… an old wooden post… “I see dirt embedded in the wood. That tell us anything?” Cooper set a large pad of newsprint on the table, tore the cover off. He held the splinter over the pad and brushed some dirt from cracks in the wood. He examined the speckles lying on the white paper – a reverse constellation. “You have enough for a density-gradient test?” Rhyme asked. In a D-G test, dirt is poured into a tube containing liquids of different specific gravities. The soil separates and each particle hangs suspended according to its own gravity. Rhyme had established a very extensive library of density-gradient profiles for dirt from all over the five boroughs. Unfortunately the test only worked with a fair amount of soil; Cooper didn’t think they had enough. “We could try it but we’d have to use the entire sample. And if it didn’t work we wouldn’t have anything left for other tests.” Rhyme instructed him to do a visual then analyze it in the GC-MS – the chromatograph-spectrometer. The technician brushed some dirt onto a slide. He gazed at it for a few minutes under the compound microscope. “This is strange, Lincoln. It’s topsoil. With an unusually high level of vegetation in it. But it’s in a curious form. Very deteriorated, very decomposed.” He looked up and Rhyme noticed the dark lines under his eyes from the eyepieces. He remembered that after hours of lab work the marks were quite pronounced and that occasionally a forensic tech would emerge from the IRD lab only to be greeted by a chorus of “Burn it,” Rhyme ordered. Cooper mounted a sample in the GC-MS unit. The machine rumbled to life and there was a hiss. “A minute or two.” “While we’re waiting,” Rhyme said, “the bone… I keep wondering about the bone. ’Scope it, Mel.” Cooper carefully set the bone onto the examination stage of the compound microscope. He went over it carefully. “Whoa, got something here.” “What?” “Very small. Transparent. Hand me the hemostat,” Cooper said to Sachs, nodding at a pair of gripper tweezers. She handed them to him and he carefully probed in the marrow of the bone. He lifted something out. “A tiny piece of regenerated cellulose,” Cooper announced. “Cellophane,” Rhyme said. “Tell me more.” “Stretch and pinch marks. I’d say he didn’t leave it intentionally; there are no cut edges. It’s not inconsistent with heavy-duty cello,” Cooper said. “ 'Not inconsistent.' ” Rhyme scowled. “I don’t like his hedges.” “We “ 'Associate with.' 'Suggest.' I particularly hate 'not inconsistent.' ” “Very versatile,” Cooper said. “The boldest I’ll be is that it’s probably commercial butcher or grocery store cellophane. Not Saran Wrap. Definitely not generic-brand wrap.” Jerry Banks walked inside from the hallway. “Bad news. The Secure-Pro company doesn’t keep any records on combinations. A machine sets them at random.” “Ah.” “But interesting… they said they get calls from the police all the time about their products and you’re the first one who’s ever thought of tracing a lock through the combination.” “How ‘interesting’ can it be if it’s a dead end?” Rhyme grumbled and turned to Mel Cooper, who was shaking his head as he stared at the GC-MS computer. “What?” “Got that soil sample result. But I’m afraid the machine might be on the fritz. The nitrogen’s off the charts. We should run it again, use more sample this time.” Rhyme instructed him to go ahead. His eyes turned back to the bone. “Mel, how recent was the kill?” He examined some scrapings under the electron microscope. “Minimal bacteria clusters. Bambi here was recently deceased, looks like. Or just out of the fridge about eight hours.” “So our perp just bought it,” Rhyme said. “Or a month ago and froze it,” Sellitto suggested. “No,” Cooper said. “It hasn’t been frozen. There’s no evidence of tissue damage from ice crystals. And it hasn’t been refrigerated that long. It’s not desiccated; modern refrigerators dehydrate food.” “It’s a good lead,” Rhyme said. “Let’s get to work on it.” “ 'Get to work'?” Sachs laughed. “Are you saying we call up all the grocery stores in the city and find out who sold veal bones yesterday?” “No,” Rhyme countered. “In the past “You want the Hardy Boys?” “Let them keep doing what they’re doing. Call Emma, downtown, if she’s still working. And if she isn’t get her back to the office with the other dispatchers and put them on overtime. Get her a list of every grocery chain in town. I’ll bet our boy isn’t buying groceries for a family of four so have Emma limit the list to customers buying five items or less.” “Warrants?” Banks asked. “Anybody balks, we’ll get a warrant,” Sellitto said. “But let’s try without. Who knows? Some citizens might actually cooperate. I’m told it happens.” “But how are the stores going to know who bought veal shanks?” Sachs asked. She was no longer as aloof as she had been. There was an edge in her voice. Rhyme wondered if her frustration might be a symptom of what he himself had often felt – the burdensome weight of the evidence. The essential problem for the criminalist is not that there’s too little evidence but that there’s too much. “Checkout scanners,” Rhyme said. “They record purchases on computer. For inventory and restocking. Go ahead, Banks. I see something just crossed your mind. Speak up. I won’t send you to Siberia this time.” “Well, only the chains have scanners, sir,” the young detective offered. “There’re hundreds of independents and butcher shops that don’t.” “Good point. But I think he wouldn’t go to a small shop. Anonymity’s important to him. He’ll be doing his buying at big stores. Impersonal.” Sellitto called Communications and explained to Emma what they needed. “Let’s get a polarized shot of the cellophane,” Rhyme said to Cooper. The technician put the minuscule fragment in a polarizing ’scope, then fitted the Polaroid camera to the eyepiece and took a shot. It was a colorful picture, a rainbow with gray streaks through it. Rhyme examined it. This pattern told them nothing by itself but it could be compared with other cello samples to see if they came from a common source. Rhyme had a thought. “Lon, get a dozen Emergency Service officers over here. On the double.” “Here?” Sellitto asked. “We’re going to put an operation together.” “You’re sure about that?” the detective asked. “Yes! I want them now.” “All right.” He nodded to Banks, who made the call to Haumann. “Now, what about the other planted clue – those hairs Amelia found?” Cooper poked through them with a probe then mounted several in the phase-contrast microscope. This instrument shot two light sources at a single subject, the second beam delayed slightly – out of phase – so the sample was both illuminated and set off by shadow. “It’s not human,” Cooper said. “I’ll tell you that right now. And they’re guard hairs, not down.” Hairs from the animal’s coat, he meant. “What kind? Dog?” “Veal calf?” Banks suggested, once again youthfully enthusiastic. “Check the scales,” Rhyme ordered. Meaning the microscopic flakes that make up the outer sheath of a strand of hair. Cooper typed on his computer keyboard and a few seconds later thumbnail images of scaly rods popped onto the screen. “This is thanks to you, Lincoln. Remember the database?” At IRD Rhyme had compiled a huge collection of micrographs of different types of hair. “I do, yes, Mel. But they were in three-ring binders when I saw ’ em last. How ’d you get them on the computer?” “ScanMaster of course. JPEG compressed.” Jay-peg? What was that? In a few years technology had soared beyond Rhyme. Amazing… And as Cooper examined the images, Lincoln Rhyme wondered again what he’d been wondering all day – the question that kept floating to the surface: Why the clues? The human creature is so astonishing but count on it before anything else to be just that – a creature. A laughing animal, a dangerous one, a clever one, a scared one, but always acting for a Cooper called, “Got it. Rodent. Probably a rat. And the hairs were shaved off.” “That’s a hell of a clue,” Banks said. “There’re a million rats in the city. That doesn’t pin down anyplace. What’s the point of telling us that?” Sellitto closed his eyes momentarily and muttered something under his breath. Sachs didn’t notice the look. She glanced at Rhyme curiously. He was surprised that she hadn’t figured out what the kidnapper’s message was but he said nothing. He saw no reason to share this horrifying bit of knowledge with anyone else for the time being. The bone collector drove through the streets slowly, careful to remain under the speed limit though he knew perfectly well that the traffic cops in New York wouldn’t stop you for something as minor as speeding. He paused at a light and glanced up at another UN billboard. His eyes took in the bland, smiling faces – like the eerie faces painted on the walls of the mansion – and then looked beyond it, at the city around him. He was, occasionally, surprised to look up and find the buildings so massive, the stone cornices so high aloft, the glass so smooth, the cars so sleek, the people so scrubbed. The city he knew was dark, low, smoky, smelling of sweat and mud. Horses would trample you, roving gangs of hoodlums – some as young as ten or eleven – would knock you on the head with a shillelagh or sap and make off with your pocket watch and billfold… Sometimes, though, he found himself just like this – driving a spiffy silver Taurus XL along a smooth asphalt road, listening to WNYC and irritated, like all New Yorkers, when he missed a green light, wondering why the hell didn’t the city let you make right turns on red. He cocked his head, heard several thumps from the trunk of the car. But there was so much ambient noise that no one would hear Hanna’s protests. The light changed. The bone collector looked around at the shabby streets here. This area – near where he’d buried the first victim – was Hell’s Kitchen, on the West Side of the city, once the bastion of Irish gangs, now populated more and more with young professionals, ad agencies, photo studios and stylish restaurants. He smelled manure and wasn’t the least surprised when suddenly a horse reared in front of him. Then he noticed that the animal wasn’t an apparition from the 1800s but was being hitched to one of the hansom cabs that cruised Central Park charging very twentieth-century fees. Their stables were located here. He laughed to himself. Though it was a hollow sound. This story appeared in a book, which was with the bone collector now, resting in his hip pocket. He’d read the chapter on Schneider a hundred times and virtually had it memorized. Driving slowly. They were almost there. The streets were clear. The bone collector drove into the alley. He opened the warehouse door and drove down a wooden ramp into a long tunnel. After making sure the place was deserted, he walked to the back of the car. He opened the trunk and pulled Hanna out. She was fleshy, fat, like a bag of limp mulch. He grew angry again and he carried her roughly down another wide tunnel. Traffic from the West Side Highway sped over them. He listened to her wheezing and was just reaching out to loosen the gag when he felt her shudder and go completely limp. Gasping for breath with the effort of carrying her, he rested her on the floor of the tunnel and eased the tape off her mouth. Air dribbled in weakly. Had she just fainted? He listened to her heart. It seemed to be beating fine. He cut the clothesline binding her ankles, leaned forward and whispered, “Hanna, He leaned closer, lightly slapped her face. “Hanna, you must come with me.” And she screamed: A burst of yellow light flashed through his head and he leapt sideways two or three feet, trying to keep his balance. Hanna sprang up, raced blindly down a dark corridor. But he was after her fast. He tackled her before she’d gotten ten yards away. She fell hard; he did too, grunting as he lost his breath. He lay on his side for a minute, consumed with pain, struggling to breathe, gripping her T-shirts as she thrashed. Lying on her back, hands still cuffed, the girl used the only weapon she had – one of her feet, which she lifted in the air and brought down hard onto his hand. A spike of pain shot through him and his glove flew off. She lifted her strong leg again and only her bad aim saved him from her heel, which slammed so hard into the ground it would’ve broken bones if she’d connected. When he listened to her heart the beating was very faint. No tricks this time. He snatched up his glove, pulled it on and dragged her back through the tunnel to the post. Bound her feet once more and put a new piece of tape on her mouth. As she came to, his hand was straying over her body. She gasped at first and shrank away as he caressed the flesh behind her ear. Her elbow, her jaw. There weren’t many other places he wanted to touch her. She was so Yet Then he took her arm. They locked eyes for a moment and she shook her head pathetically, begging in silence. His gaze dropped to her pudgy forearm and again the cut was deep. Her whole body went rigid with the pain. Another wild, muted scream. Again he lowered his head like a musician, listening to the sound of the blade scraping the ulna. Back and forth. Finally he pried himself away and returned to the car. He planted the next clues then took the broom from the trunk and carefully swept over their footsteps. He drove up the ramp, parked, left the engine running and climbed out once more, carefully sweeping away the tire tracks. He paused and looked back down the tunnel. Staring at her, just staring. Suddenly a rare smile crossed the bone collector’s lips. He was surprised that the first of the guests had already shown up. A dozen pairs of tiny red eyes, two dozen, then three… It seemed they were gazing at Hanna’s bloody flesh with curiosity… and what might have been hunger. Though that could have been his imagination; Lord knew, it was vivid enough. |