"Библиография" - читать интересную книгу автора (Мелвилл Герман, Готье Неимущий)


1819 Born August 1 in New York, New York

1830 Father's business collapses; family moves to Albany

1832 Father, Allan Melvill, dies

1834 Finishes school

1835 Working as a clerk, he attends Albany Classical School; becomes active member of a local debating society

1837 Brother Gansevoort goes bankrupt with family business; family moves to Lansingburgh, New York; HM teaches country school.

1839 (June) Becomes cabin boy on St. Lawrence, a merchant ship sailing from New York City for Liverpool, England

1841 (January) Sails on whaler Acushnet from New Bedford, Massachusetts, on a voyage to the South Seas

1842 (June) Acushnet anchors in Marquesas Islands (present-day French Polynesia); (July) Melville and a companion jump ship; (August) registers on Australian whaler Lucy Ann; (November) Signs as harpooner on his last whaler, Charles amp; Henry, out of Nantucket.

1843 After working for a while as a clerk in Honolulu, he signs as a seaman on United States

1844 (October) Discharged from United States in Boston MA

1846 Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life

1847 Omoo: A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas

(August) marries Elizabeth Shaw, daughter of chief justice of Massachusetts

1849 Mardi

Redburn, His First Voyage

1850 White-Jacket

1851 Moby-Dick

1852 Pierre

1853 Fire at his publishers destroys most of his books; “Bartleby the Scrivener”

1854 “The Encantadas”

1855 Israel Potter: His Fifty Years of Exile;

“Benito Cereno”

1856 Took tour of Europe and the Levant;

The Piazza Tales

1857 The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade

1860 Takes a tour with his brother Thomas, captain of the clipper “Meteor,” around Cape Horn

1866 Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War

HM appointed a district inspector of customs

1867 son Malcolm commits suicide by shooting himself

1886 Second son, Stanwix, who went to sea in 1869, dies in a San Francisco hospital

1891 writes Billy Budd, Sailor, which is not published until 1924; dies of a heart attack on September 28, in New York, New York.