I’d rather be pillaging
Malim praedari
I’m dumb and I vote
Hebes sum et suffragia fero
My child can beat the crap out of your wimpy honor student
Filius meus puerum tuum studiosum laureatum mollem deverberare potest
Thank you for not thanking me for not smoking
Tibi gratias ago quod mihi gratias non agis quod fumum non comedo
Visualize world conquest
Habe ante oculos devictionem mundi
Keep honking-I’m reloading
Perge cornu canere-sclopetum repleo
Horn broken-watch for finger
Buccina fracta-exspecta signum digiti impudici
Barbarian on board
Barbarus in curru
Proud of our brutal police
Vigilitus nostris crudelibus gloriantes
Stop the aqueduct, save the unicorns
Sistite constructionem aquaeductus ut conservetis unicornes
I brake for lunch
Frenos inhibere soleo pransurus
Don’t blame me-I voted for Miss Piggy
Nolite me culpare-Suffragatus sum Erae Porcellae
Jesus loves you-everyone else thinks you’re an asshole
Te amat Iesus-ceteri te putant irrumatorem
If you can read this, I lost my trailer
Si hoc potes legere, traheam meam amisi